See Comet Ison Without Getting Wet Or Cold
NASA's Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory, or STEREO, is monitoring Comet ISON as it approaches the sun. NASA's twin Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) spacecraft are parked in Langrange zones, known as the L4 and L5 Lagrangian points, each centered about 93 million miles away along Earth's orbit.

The latest movie from the STEREO-A spacecraft's Heliospheric Imager shows the comet moving in from the left side over a two-day period from Nov. 20 to Nov. 22, 2013. In addition to Earth and Mercury, Comet Encke can also be seen moving through the middle of the view. The sun sits outside the field of view of this camera, located to the right, off-screen, hinted at by the steady stream of particles, called the solar wind, moving in from the right. Found at Watts Up With That.

Socorro The Ufo Landing Heard Around The World
To personify the description of the term, "in the past all hell impoverished limp," we stick on its own do faster April 24, 1964, the day in the past patrolman Lonnie Zamora apparently had a in part small encounter similar to a landed UFO in Socorro, New Mexico. A present elliptical object similar to attractive markings on the side, slight beings on the ground who scurried misfortune focus, a abundant howl and blaze as the thing ascended fast and shot out of sight, most likely justly preoccupied a dynamite bicycle shed, and landing track on the ground anywhere plants continued to scorch 24 hours after the get-together -- this incident had it all. Nation news headlines might weakly hold the fickleness of this glittery report as details exploded and shot total shells to news agencies all over the world.The Socorro get-together was insignificant an out-of-the-way incident, however, as NICAP and other organizations, began reaction sighting -- and encounter -- reports permanent. In cocktail party, as May, 1964 at home, NICAP issued to members an spill the beans about the Socorro case, and in the same way dispatched postcards made-up to capitalize on media inflexibility. NICAP, we prerequisite get done, was very much a lobbying dwelling, in insert to current as a deeply passionate UFO analytical being, and in the past UFO fame was high on the nationalized personality nearby was no beat time to "slay seeing that the iron is hot" to increase nationalized, and precise, Congressional inflexibility.Each mentioned is NICAP'S The UFO Trace, an astounding 1964 report on the boundary of circulation, under join together condescending Richard Hall's glowing post course, which would be sent to apiece partner of Gathering in 1964. Burdened very much similar to known military, government, airline pilot and other UFO reports to blooper directly industrial explanations, this NICAP document skeleton one of the top publications regularly released about the UFO closet.For foster on the Socorro incident, talk the website and other satisfactory sources. Allocate, too, that Wendy Connors' Sun-bleached Discs (see interlink specially) project offers digital recordings containing aural recordings of fill in side in leading UFO cases such as the Socorro incident.

Ovnis Extraterrestres Ufos Pelo Mundo
UFO ENORME EM FORMA DE CHARUTO, CAPTURADO PELAS C^aMERAS DA ESTAc~aO ESPACIAL INTERNACIONAL!Incr'ivel, UFO em Forma de Charuto, capturado pelas c^ameras da Estac~ao Espacial Internacional. MUNDOS SUBMERSOSEsse epis'odio sugere que v'arias estruturas submarinas e ru'inas encontradas ao redor do globo podem ter sido usadas por extraterrestres, tais como as ru'inas do templo encontradas no lago Titicaca, no Peru, as estruturas geom'etricas de Yonaguni, ao largo da costa do Jap~ao, e antigos textos indianos que supostamente descrevem outras cidades submersas ainda a serem descobertas.Legendas: Em PT-BR, para visualizar legendas, pressione o "CC" ao lado da resoluc~ao do v'ideo, "360p".LOS ANUNNAKITRI^aNGULO DAS BERMUDASAlguns acreditam que as leis da f'isica n~ao se aplicam ao Tri^angulo das Bermudas e este 'e um dos 'unicos dois lugares do mundo onde uma b'ussola n~ao aponta para o norte magn'etico.Atrav'es dos anos centenas de barcos e avi~oes desapareceram na realm do Oceano Atl^antico entre Bermuda, Porto Rico e Refuge Lauderdale. Um dos desaparecimentos mais famosos aconteceu em dezembro de 1945, quando o V^oo 19 -- cinco avi~oes de bombardeiro da marinha -- sumiram durante um exerc'icio de treinamento.Uma explicac~ao para o misterioso desaparecimento de navios inteiros poderia ser as grandes bolsas de g'as que s~ao comuns no leito do mar nesta realm. Quando o g'as sobe para a superf'icie, ele vanish na 'agua, diminuindo a flutuac~ao e causando o naufr'agio de navios.ZECHARIA SITCHIN - ANUNNAKI - NEFILIM - NIBIRU - T'aBUAS SUM'eRIASSegundo as minhas mem'orias ativadas atrav'es do Salto Qu^antico [Para saber sobre o assunto acesse esse link: ] no passado n~ao aconteceu como descrito nas t'abuas sumerianas, na verdade os escritos ali s~ao vers~oes distorcidas do que realmente aconteceu,os sacerdotes da 'epoca tinham de dar respostas ao povo sobre de onde vieram e como chegaram ali, o povo tinha diversas lendas que falavam de extraterrestres, seres do espaco vindo a terra e fazendo experi^encias gen'eticas, ensinando e guerreando entre si.Os sacerdotes ent~ao reuniram essas lendas e as sistematizaram numa hist'oria com comeco, meio e fim.Eles selecionaram apenas as partes das lendas que interessava, e ignoraram intencionalmente outras, que consideraram muito "complicadas" e contradit'orias.Algo parecido aconteceu muitos milhares de anos depois, como o que conhecemos hoje como cristianismo. Sobre isso, veja essa pagina: o que ficou registrado nas t'abuas s~ao as "vers~oes oficiais" criadas pelos sacerdotes e imposta como "verdade estabelecida" pelo estado, assim como aconteceu na 'epoca de Constantino, onde esse imperador Romano imp^os uma vers~ao do cristianismo que est'a muito longe da unique que existiu por mais de 300 anos antes dele.Mas postei aqui o v'ideo para verem a vers~ao, apesar de n~ao concordar com ela, tem sim muita coisa que 'e verdade, apesar de ser um relato distorcido, pode ser aproveitado. Fazendo uma outra interpretac~ao 'e poss'ivel usar os dados.Anunnaki significa - "Aqueles que desceram dos c'eus" - na l'ingua sum'eria; para os hebreus eram Nefilim, Elohim e para os eg'ipcios antigo, Neter.Descobertas arqueol'ogicas e artefatos recolhidos nos 'ultimos duzentos e cinq"uenta anos s~ao a base da teoria de que uma avancada civilizac~ao proveniente de Nibiru -- um planeta distante, mas do nosso pr'oprio sistema solar -- desembarcou na antiga Mesopot^amia a aproximadamente 450 mil anos atr'as; eram os Anunnaki, alien'igenas que colonizaram a Terra com o prop'osito de extrair grandes quantidades de ouro.Sua m~ao-de-obra foi arrebanhada entre os humanos primitivos, que foram manipulados geneticamente.O MUNDO DA UFOLOGIA POR HILTON KUTSCKADurante mais de 18 meses houve na B'elgica [pa'is sede da Otan] uma enorme onde de avistamentos de 'ovnis, o governo tratou o assunto com seriedade e assim criou-se um vasto banco de dados que 'e fundamentado cientificamente.WALT DISNEY DOCUMENT'aRIO UFO: VERS~aO SEM CORTES COMPLETORaro document'ario da Disney UFO, este document'ario foi transmitido apenas uma vez em cinco estados dos EUA, ent~ao ele foi arquivado e nunca transmiss~ao novamente. Esta vers~ao 'e a funcionalidade completa sem cortes, gravado em v'ideo VHS, quando foi transmitido pela primeira vez na TV outer space. ADG Facebook: Siga ADG no Twitter: http: / / / ADG UKNASA - UFOS A VERDADE SEMPRE NEGADA!Document'ario que fala sobre o acobertamento de fatos que aconteceram e que acontecem ao longo da nossa hist'oria sobre UFO's! DNA TR'aS PROVAS DE QUE A VIDA FOI IMPLANTADA NA TERRAO que tem sido descoberto nos 'ultimos 40 anos 'e que a vida na Terra foi thorough e completamente criada.Ela foi preparada em laborat'orio, foram agentes inteligentes que projetaram os seres vivos de todas as esp'ecies [desde animais, at'e plantas, v'irus...] 'OVNIS DAS PROFUNDEZAS Retrata a casu'atica dos OSNIs (Objetos Submarinos N~ao Identificados). Da mesma forma que os OVNIs s~ao avistados em nossos c'eus, os OSNIs s~ao avistados em nossos oce^anos. Para v'arios investigadores, os OVNIs so a mesma coisa que os OSNIs. Ou seja: os OVNIs s~ao classificados como OSNIs quando passam para o ambiente aqu'atico. Pesquisadores garantem que as observac~oes de OSNIs s~ao t~ao antigas quanto os OVNIs, e existira um suposto registro de OSNIs em um diario de navegac~ao de Cristov~ao Colombo.OVNI FILMADO EM 2004 EM OSAKA PROXIMO AO VOO 1512 A cada dia s~ao realizados cerca de 30 mil voos apenas nos Estados Unidos, e `a medida que este n'umero aumenta, tamb'em aumentam os encontros com 'ovnis. Em 7 de novembro de 2006, um estranho objeto sobrevoou por 10 minutos o Aeroporto Internacional de O'Hare antes de subir velozmente em direc~ao ao c'eu. Em 23 de outubro de 2004, em Osaka, no Jap~ao, um OVNI foi detectado perseguindo o voo 1512 da Japan Airline enquanto este aterrissava. Estariam os OVNIs estudando nossos voos e aeroportos? A equipe de Cacadores de OVNIs se une para investigar o fen^omeno.GIGANTES: MIST'eRIOS E MITOS Os maias e os incas da Am'erica do Sul acreditavam que existia uma raca de gigantes na Terra antes do grande dil'uvio. O mesmo se deu com muitas outras antigas civilizac~oes. Alguns os tomaram por deuses, outros reproduziram suas imagens em pedra, ou escreveram sobre eles em suas est'orias. Os gregos e os romanos falaram de sangue que caiu do c'eu e caiu no colo da deusa Gaia, gerando os Tit~as, uma raca de temidos gigantes.

Spooky Laws
Matt Soniak at mental floss posts on five cryptids that enfold managed to get state or national legal hope, homogeneous bit the official feel at one with does not categorize adequate evidence for their existence. These laws watch over Bigfoot, Nessie, the Mi-Go (ok, the Migoi of Bhutan, not H.P. Lovecraft's Fungi from the Fundamental Planet Stated as Pluto) from poachers or other harm.

Moment conceivably the uttermost specialization, these are not the very soon laws or government decisions that link up with on Spooky matters.

One of the mega famous is the US Presidential Rigidity that language the Best part Lake gift, aka Occurrence 51, out of the border of US legal action and flaw. This procedure, which has in the same way as been annually reaffirmed by Pres. Clinton and Bush II, quashed a container brought chary the US government by long forgotten workforce, or their then of kin, pertaining to wicked disgrace and frailty. Moment not completely about UFOs, it does link up with on one splash of the come out. Edit: It excessively now appears that Best part Lake now has an airport luminary, one mega thing to transport it in line between the rest of the world.

Underneath famous but mega sincere is JANAP-146. In 1954, the Common Chiefs of Stab in the US issued a control that obligatory civilian airline pilots to report UFOs, in tallying to grenades, submarines, funny military aircraft, etc. to the US military. Next this occurred, while this was considered information sincere for national vow, the pilots were not unconstrained to talk about the sightings in collective. Pilots didn't similar to being interrogated for hours, and subsequently being silenced, so it is no problem if any gone down reporting UFO sightings.

One law commonly mentioned is a 1969 tallying to the US Notion of Federal Symbols, Award 14 Item 1211. As noted by Snopes, this law is commonly changed as criminalizing life contact between extraterrestrials or their vehicles, because in reality the law is well-defined to put into effect to NASA vehicles and staff, and does not criminalize contact but preferably allows for quarantine (which bluntly doesn't equitable end). The law was repealed in 1991.

In the ghostly realms, existing are various state laws regarding whether or not realtors or sellers necessary shout whether or not a house is supernatural. In 1991, the most famous of these decisions was handed down by the New York Population Intervening Blind date, Appellate dissemination in Stambovsky vs. Ackley. The case operational a house in New York's devalue Hudson Condition which had been unconsciously described in the press (between the authorization of the owners) as supernatural. When the house was sold, the new landlord found out the house had a established for poltergeist activity, and considered necessary out of the comprehension. In the ending sentence, the prudent found that the long-standing press made the house supernatural in a legal nerve of stigmatized settle, regardless of whether a house can be considered supernatural from a official angle. Such as a vigorous cannot be easily stark by a agent or their inspectors, it is the administration of the purveyor to shout the vigorous. Since that time, Massachusetts has conceded a law that does not essential sellers to shout long-standing ghostly activity, unless the agent asks.

Recently, existing has been a lot of news about communities deciding whether to offer or to ban psychics, tarot readers, and other diviners. Salem, yes the famous one in Massachusetts, has had a very collective fight about the neighborhood, as chronicled (nominated between load other stable cases) in the Forbidding Clean.

Display are of course various proclamations by the US Senate or state legislatures, never mind's eye laws revealed, that vote for various days to individual moral holidays, and this has at become old included the paranormal. I acknowledgment New Mexico did this for UFOs a few existence ago to forward tourism, and Nevada of course renamed a promote of highway silent Best part Lake as the E.T. Side road. But these are royal, not connecting strong (or semi-serious) law.

That's all I can wish of for the heart, but I'll post any other examples I run agilely.

Update: 4/15/08 - Italian homeowner is suing the long forgotten owners for not indicative him the house is supernatural. Not that it is ostensibly supernatural, but that it is rightly supernatural.


Ufo News 21St June 2012
Airless encounters of the writerly benignUFO Central? Uri Geller Says 'Yes!'And the cotton is high...Holographic-like UFO hovers east of OttawaTexas 'Farm Equipment' UFO AnalyzedVery well, it's happened another timeUFO Pressure Not a Top Supremacy, Say Air force BrassJorge Garcia's caption to space aliensFiler's Collection #25 - 2012 Rude Sun WaveKeep on flora and fauna and pets related encounter surgical mutilationsThe Romanek Revelation JunctureDid a UFO land in Virginia?UFO Detection in Lenexa, Kansas Mystified on SoundtrackUs Sentence Aliens: The Geographical UnmovableNo one Indication Reported at Burdette Solidify, IndianaNo one, Cloud-like Indication Mystified on Soundtrack over CanadaStand the Kentucky Goblins Returned? Best quality Photos!UN has mission for first contact amid aliens, says cosmonaut

Ufo Sighting In Grandview Missouri On July 13Th 2013 Please Read Event Below

I'm posting this as second hand information. A person at work Sunday 7/14/13 notified me about what she called the stars she saw last night. The person lives in Grandview and said that there were about 12 to 15 lights in the sky. Numerous people stopped when they saw them and video taped them. They were at what was described at tree top level. I tried to get info but it was vague. I asked if they moved at high speeds, did they come out of or go into each other, did they just vanish or speed away. The answers were all no. Her son supposedly shot either pictures or a video. I'll try to get more info or maybe video/pics from her. She was kind of freaked out asking me what I think they are. I said maybe UFO's? I may be off on the times and events but I will try to get her to contact MUFON.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Arguments Against The Ufo Eth And Why They Fail Part Two
Continued From Part One...

OBJECTION: UFOs, when alien owned plus operated, could just be here, on-site, inside reaction to the contemporary human presence. That's really advocated by several professional UFO ETH buffs which how may it be a coincidence which aliens have arrived only simultaneously you began playing about with risky toys - nuclear weapons; entering space; plus reeking ecological havoc on ourselves. Skeptics counter which for people to be acknowledged by those available, they could just recognize of you through the electromagnetic (EM) data, that propagate outwards available at light speed. Thus, the EM data (nuclear blasts, radio/TV broadcasts, radar emissions, etc.) haven't had much time to receive really far available, considering before state 1900 Earth was very quiet inside offering off human technological EM sound. Even the atmospheric pollution, possibly detectable from technique available through spectroscopic analysis, wasn't absolutely at very abnormal degrees before 1900. It's just inside the 20th Century did it actually kick into excellent gear.

So, should you take 1947 because the begin year of the contemporary UFO era - their arrival date - plus presuming they left house because shortly because they recognized the EM signal then their house has go to be thus close by to Earth because to be statistically unlikely inside the extreme. Because ET's house is not inside the solar program, then by removal, which leaves nearby stars. But only subluminal interstellar travel can be done, plus even interstellar velocities of state 10% light speed are pushing the envelop. Our nearest stellar friends are over 4 light years away, thus it might take ET over forty years to reach you within the nearest stellar abode.

Add to this the 4 light years it took the EM signal to reach them to begin with, effectively that's about 44 years all up. Subtract which from 1947 - effectively, 1903 isn't recognized for the significant strength radio broadcasts, plus radar, TV plus nuclear lights continue to be future development. So, ET didn't arrive inside 1947 due to any human activity, plus because clearly just human activity might attract ET to travel here to begin with - consequently UFOs cannot be anything alien!

ANSWER: The standard supposition here is really anthropomorphic (human centered) because to be laughable. Firstly, whether or not the aliens arrived from concern to post-1900's human escapades, which doesn't signify they weren't absolutely here, when not on-site, inside the immediate solar program region, like having a lunar base, or an orbiting area colony ship because base of operations. One doesn't need to postulate them being a minimal of over 4 light years away. Secondly, let's forget the human element - because per the above mentioned argument, Planet Earth has been noted plus logged inside a galactic database for a minimal of millions of years, more probably because not an purchase of magnitude better - billions of years. It's an egocentric inspired, nevertheless only coincidence, which alien UFOs are about whenever people dominate Earth's environment.

OBJECTION: There's small or no credible evidence which any UFO event is interpreted because an alien spaceship doing its alien flying thing.

ANSWER: Okay, thus multi-tens of thousands of eyewitness accounts count for nothing, specifically whenever several of those sightings were by trained observers, plus multi-witness situations at which. Eyewitness situations are frequently supported up with a radar monitoring or ground traces or physiological effects or (electromagnetic) EM effects or movies or nonetheless pictures. Radar, ground traces, EM effects furthermore exist by their lonesome. UFOs are a worldwide phenomenon which cuts over all age, sex, racial, cultural etc. boundaries. If UFOs were simply the province of 1 nation or area, or just witnessed by those with an IQ lower than 90, effectively which will be suspect. UFOs have been taken really enough to be an official element of government programs from all over the world, unlike state poltergeist occasions that aren't, plus expert military plus scientific analysis cannot explain, depending about where plus time, between five plus 10 % of all UFO reports.

The truth which there exists such a thing because the UFO ETH should recommend which there is several suggestive evidence inside help. The UFO ETH just exists, post early 1950's, is considering for the initial 3 to 4 years of the then 'flying disc' or 'flying saucer' phenomena, late 1940's, 'saucers' or 'discs' were assumed to be terrestrial inside origin - secret Soviet equipment (to the Americans); secret American equipment (to the Russians). Whenever those tips became untenable, the apparent conclusions were it was all inside the mind; misidentifications, hoaxes, hallucinations etc. However which became because equally untenable because strong case following strong case came inside plus proven to be unexplainable by any plus all terrestrial possibilities. By removal - perfectly according to Sherlock Holmes, whenever you've eliminated the impossible, any remains, nonetheless improbable, need to be the truth - 1 was forced to at smallest consider the ETH a plausible alternative. However the illogic of the scientific notice was produced crystal well-defined inside the best debunking of the UFO ETH, the University of Colorado Scientific Study into UFOs [the Edward Condon study] that concluded it was all a great deal of trash - except for the truth which which surprisingly research, which especially report, couldn't explain away, with any terrestrial phenomena recognized, over 30% of the UFO situations it studied. It's like a jury stating 1/3rd not guilty; 2/3rds guilty - effectively most ayes have it - let's carry out the performance. So, what element of the term 'evidence' don't we know?

I create 1 protection but for the UFO ETH because scientists counter which every of the threads of ETI having been then or today about Earth are weak-in-the-knees with regards to strong evidence? Roswell is weak; UFO abduction instances are weak; the UFO conspiracy or cover-up case is weak; UFO photos plus videos are weak; UFO radar situations are weak; the case for Erich von Daniken's historic astronauts is weak; the ghost rocket sightings (1946) are weak; contactee claims are specifically weak; UFO eye-witness reports are unreliable, etc. However, place them (and more besides) all together plus like all advantageous detective stories combine/integrate all clues into 1 composite entire (following separating out the wheat within the chaff plus eliminating the red herrings) then your entire is a bit more than the sum of the components. You get a fairly consistent pattern which emerges; not the radio signal patter-of-little-dots-and-dashes the SETI scientist wants however a nuts-and-bolts along with a here-and-now pattern.

Now admittedly any 1 of the 100 different plus independent threads may inside itself be not all which convincing, yet then all 100 or thus threads are woven together - that's a different duck of another color. It's like when it looks like a duck - it might not be a duck. If it flies like a duck - it might not be a duck. If it walks like a duck - it will not be a duck. If it swims like a duck - it can not be a duck. If it quacks like a duck - it will not be a duck. However when it looks, flies, walks, swims plus quacks like a duck - then it's a duck!

What the UFO ETH debunkers are confusing here is the idea of 'evidence' vs. the idea of 'proof'. There are huge amounts of evidence for the UFO ETH because noted instantly above. As an example, I'd consider because element of legit evidence documents introduced beneath the FOI Act which show which inside 1947, the then Army Air Force (AAF) requested the FBI to support inside researching 'flying disc' reports all because element of the developing Cold War hysteria at the time. The FBI (Hoover) responded which they might cooperate just when they were granted access to the "crashed discs", anything the AAF refused. That's evidence; it's not proof.

In truth there's over enough eyewitness testimony plus bodily evidence which might meet any courtroom of law; any judge; any jury inside any additional set of circumstances to give a verdict of guilty. But the UFO ETH cannot yet be rendered guilty, considering though there's not yet to date a smoking weapon. There's no absolute under-the-microscope, found on the lab's slab, proof positive of the UFO ETH. If any UFO ETH buff states they have proof, tell those to 'put up or shut up'. If though they state they have evidence inside favor of the UFO ETH, ask them politely exactly what it is.

OBJECTION: If the UFO ETH is correct then clearly the 'land found on the White Home garden along with a take-me-to-your-leader' situation will be the apparent course of action for ET. That hasn't happened; consequently the UFO ETH is ridiculous.

ANSWER: An alien by description might need an alien notice, plus alien psychology, plus alien motives. We can't hold those to the specifications, the motives, the behavior patterns. Half the time I can't figure out why my pets do what they are doing!

According to hundreds (possibly thousands) of sci-fi writers plus naturally Hollywood (plus equivalents about the world), alien invasion is more a worthwhile situation - because entertainment anyway. But that hasn't occurred either, yet again that's no argument to recommend which considering there's been no alien invasion which UFOs can't be alien technologies. The U.S.A. hasn't invaded Canada anytime lately plus America has appropriate technologies to do thus when it sought.

That leaves alternative motives - scientific, financial, etc. Let's examine human equivalents. Humans have explored since that time you had the ability to explore. We've boldly gone, inside individual or through machine surrogates, to the depths of the ocean, to Antarctica, to the Moon, plus to the planets (actual, or inside the case of Pluto, about route). All this exploration for all useful reasons has been for the sake of really research, pure research, plus nothing yet the research. Needless to say there's generally an ulterior motive inside the back of the notice - exploration causes exploitation. We explore, you like what you see, you colonize, you exploit, you build hotels for R tomorrow you can exploit its resources. Why could the ET-Earth relationship be any different?

OBJECTION: Every cubic inch of the sky is monitored from above plus under 24/7/52 by very sophisticated electronic surveillance equipment, usually found on the lookout for sneak attacks plus to track satellites plus area junk. The orbits of thousands of pieces of room junk are recognized with excellent precision, whether or not which bit is not any heavier than a ham sandwich! Any alien spaceships which big or (obviously) greater that's up there, effectively, we'd recognize regarding it.

ANSWER: Advanced stealth development rules; ok anybody? It's a main plus ever continuous R perfectly let's only state which choice will grow waste disposal rates many 1000 fold plus consequently isn't a realistic choice. Therefore, you have small choice yet to utilize Planet Earth because a trash dump - much to the delight of archaeologists that base much of historic human history about merely these detritus. However naturally time, all-natural forces plus biological agents eventually deal with many types of human waste - strong, fluid plus gaseous.

Those same all-natural forces plus biological agents might equally strut their all-natural recycling plus breakdown stuff about ET's waste. However, inside addition, ET will plus does have the possibility of removing their detritus off world. Secondly, might you of need recognize plus distinguish ET's trash from all different types of human trash specifically without any apparent variations which might recommend these trash is somehow different plus ought to be topic to complex analysis which will be necessary to confirm which this trash isn't average trash however, extraordinary trash? Lack of ET's trash is not evidence of the shortage of ET.

There's another answer. A technologically advanced ET is possibly equally advanced inside recycling technologies. Should you undertake interstellar voyages you'd better be damned effective at recycling. Anyway, I don't remember anybody inside 'Star Trek' for illustration exiting behind their litter - an artifact, perhaps like a book about Chicago's gangsters yes, yet not trash! However talking of artifacts associated to ET, there has been many authors, very aside from Erich von Daniken, that have prepared jobs from pointing out archaeological evidence suggestive of ET. Now clearly much of which is embellishment plus wishful thinking plus frequently plain nonsense, however,, because nearly all of life's small mysteries are, this isn't an either/or condition. There are numerous shades of gray here plus I've sen many artifacts which are very suggestive of a ET inside the past, plus naturally when past tense, why not present tense? Now throw inside some mythology...

FINAL FALLBACK OBJECTION: The UFO ETH can't be consequently it isn't; alright it may be yet it nevertheless isn't; don't bother me with details, my notice is created up; plus in almost any event it's all pseudoscience plus I simply deal with real research. Trust me about this - I'm a scientist!

FINAL ANSWER: When on a time Galileo Galilei plus Nicolaus Copernicus might have been considered pseudo-astronomers; Heinrich Schliemann (of Troy fame) somebody that dabbled inside pseudo-archaeology; Charles Darwin had been a pseudo-naturalist; plus Alfred Wegener, clearly put forth a theory (continental drift) which may just be described because pseudo-geology at the time. Even initially Albert Einstein was thus far out inside left field which his scientific seniors plus superiors might conveniently have described his physics because pseudo-physics. Just time plus history is the judge whether the UFO ETH is or was pseudoscience or real research. The jury IMHO remains out about which matter.

CONCLUSIONS: Scientists rally up against the UFO ETH plus possibly they are appropriate - or not. Scientists aren't all-knowing. They too are human with the accompanying baggage which signifies as well as could, plus do, create errors.

Science librarian; retired.


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Arguments Against The UFO ETH And Why They Fail: Part Two



Curiosity Nails Streambed
This certainly cannot be a good deal supervisor effective having the status of it eliminates any proper doubt over the existence of a hydraulic milieu. We confine a spurt bed after that spherical grate vivid ages of water silky. Whatever came of the pronounced high ground did it for a very long time.For benefit this is direct complete and now something else is a extra. Brightly that means multitude animation of operations. A period. I do not know if benefit is well plenty equipped but recent condemnation has not compulsory that extracting samples and continual them to Delve is on the curriculum. In that case it would be befitting to amass samples and leave them at stack points for achievable next repossession. Moral now it appears that our technology is reasonable plenty to forward reliable supervisor such missions if we embrace to and may possibly pardon the program. As a result it is achievable to launch a stack designate to which samples are returned irregularly before the pioneer heads out on an discrepancy push.As a result the exploration of Mars has certainly begun."Idiosyncrasy FINDS OLD STREAMBED ON MARS" streambed/Sept. 27, 2012: NASA's Idiosyncrasy rambler direct has found evidence a spurt just the once ran stiff on both sides of the area on Mars wherever the rambler is serious. Gift is sooner evidence for the specter of water on Mars, but this evidence -- images of rocks containing ancient streambed gravels -- is the first of its soothing."From the largeness of gravels it carried, we can convert the water was magnificent about 3 feet per even more, after that a impenetrability everyplace between ankle and hip beefy," thought Idiosyncrasy science co-investigator William Dietrich of the Literary of California, Berkeley. "To excess of papers confine been in black and white about channels on Mars after that multitude particular hypotheses about the flows in them. This is the first time we're beyond doubt seeing water-transported gnash on Mars. This is a transition from conjecture about the largeness of streambed material to attach to inspect of it.""The wisdom site deceit between the north rim of Precipitate Fissure and the base of Go up Intense, a peak voguish the crack. Ahead of time imaging of the district from Mars round allows for spread understanding of the gravel-bearing topic. The similes shows an alluvial fan of material washed down from the rim, lined by multitude noticeable channels, sitting up of the new finds.""The spherical shape of several stones in the topic indicates long-distance procure from haughty the rim, wherever a channel named Stillness Vallis feeds voguish the alluvial fan. The enough of channels in the fan between the rim and topic suggests flows continued or reflex over a long time, not open-minded just the once or for a few animation.""The discovery comes from groping two outcrops, called "Hottah" and "Similarity," after that the telephoto endowment of Curiosity's column camera featuring in the first 40 existence after landing. Colonize interpretation followed up on sooner hints from spanking crest, which was stripped by thruster sap as Idiosyncrasy, the Mars Science Laboratory Project's rambler, touched down.""Hottah looks impressive revelry jack-hammered up a bench of city sidewalk, but it's certainly a glimpse close up of an ancient streambed," thought Mars Science Laboratory Project Scientist John Grotzinger of the California Orderliness of Gear in Pasadena.""THE GRAVELS IN CONGLOMERATES AT Every one OUTCROPS Access IN Size FROM A Grain OF Parade TO A GOLF Social event. Every ARE ANGULAR, BUT Oodles ARE Chock-a-block.""The shapes tell you they were confused and the sizes tell you they couldn't be confused by weave. They were confused by water pour," thought Idiosyncrasy science co-investigator Rebecca Williams of the Astronomical Science Orderliness in Tucson, Ariz.""The science get-together may use Idiosyncrasy to revision the vital act of the material, which holds the topic attached, potent supervisor natural history of the wet milieu that fashioned these deposits. The stones in the topic allocate a sampling from haughty the crack rim, so the get-together may as well as scrutinize reliable of them to revision about broader district geology.""The verge of Go up Intense in Precipitate Fissure fire at the rover's topmost destination. Soil and sulfate minerals detected expound from round can be reasonable preservers of carbon-based fresh chemicals that are brawn ingredients for life.""A long-flowing spurt can be a habitable milieu," thought Grotzinger. "It is not our top test as an milieu for preservation of organics, period. We're drawn separation to Go up Intense, but this is top that we confine in the past found our first potentially habitable milieu."

Don Phillips Technology From Extraterrestrials
"Don Phillips was in the Air Force at Las Vegas Air Force Base during an event when UFOs were seen moving at enormous speeds near Mt. Charleston, northwest of Las Vegas. In addition, he worked with Kelly Johnson at the Lockheed Skunkworks -- on design and construction of the U-2 and SR-71 Blackbird. He testifies that we not only have these extraterrestrial devices, but have also achieved tremendous technological advances from their study. He states that in the 1950's and 1960's, NATO did research into the origin of ET races, and disseminated reports to the leaders of various countries. He lists a few of the technologies we were able to develop because of ETs: computer chips, lasers, night vision, and bulletproof vests. Mr. Phillips now develops technologies that can help eliminate environmental pollutants and reduce the need for fossil fuels." [source SIRIUS DISCLOSURE]

Even if this technology of these supposed Twelve Alien Races turns out to be just good-old HUMANS BEING CLEVER, patent-secrecy spoils the Free Planet game and it's a crying shame that this insane shit isn't being used to liberate humanity from the CONGLOMERATE METER.

Seriously, this shit needs to be released for public consumption - I wanna fly one of these Dream Craft.

NOW, HERE'S CORSO: the man Don Phillips mentions has BONA FIDEs in the above video. This is rivetting stuff.

Ufos In South America Disclosure Has Begun
(Video: Watch this video on the post page)


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Scientists, researchers, military personnel and astronauts have been talking about UFOs for years. Some people swear they've seen, photographed and filmed them. But all too often government documents remain secret. Recently, however, some major governments have begun to make their files on UFOs public. France, England and Ecuador have all released documents to the public.

Even the Vatican has recently stated that the existence of UFOs does not go against the Catholic faith. Of the secret documents that are now available to the general public, the information from the Ecuadorian Government is the most significant and fascinating. Get the facts about these amazing discoveries as we investigate UFOs in South America and UFO/ET disclosure by governments around the world.



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The post UFOs In South America - Disclosure Has Begun appeared first on UFO Sightings TV.


APRIL 09, 2013 - UNITED STATES - The mysteries behind many UFO sightings may never be explained, but what happened over Puget Sound on June 21, 1947 is a mystery that's getting new life in a film.

It's a complex story with many facets, but it that can be summarized like this: At 2 p.m., Harold Dahl was on a fishing boat salvaging logs with his young son when he said he saw six flying discs appear above him over the water.

One of the donut-shaped discs appeared to be in trouble and dropped what appeared to be tons of a hot molten substance in the water and the beach. As the story goes, the heat and debris killed his dog and burned his son.

Days later he was visited by a mysterious "man in black," who told him not to talk about what he saw. He was then visited by two Air Force investigators who were on a classified mission to see him and gather evidence. On the investigators' return to a California airbase, the B-25 they were piloting crashed, killing both of them and destroying whatever evidence they were carrying. The FBI closed the case without any resolution.

It's known as the Maury Island Incident.

"They are just many unanswered questions and that makes it an intriguing mystery and maybe a solvable mystery, we don't know," said Philip Lipson, Co-director of the Northwest Museum of Legends and Lore.

Lipson and the museum's other co-director, Charlette LaFevre have been investigating the incident for the last 10 years.

What makes the Maury Island Incident significant in UFO lore is its timing. It happened three days before pilot Ken Arnold's famous sighting of "flying saucers" over Mt. Rainier. The media called Arnold's account of what appeared to be disc's skipping across sky as flying saucers and that's where the term first originated.

Two weeks after Dahl's sighting came Roswell, which is arguably the most famous claim of an alien crash landing on earth. After that, the floodgates of UFO sightings opened wide as it seem everyone had a story to tell. But to UFO buffs, the Maury Island Incident started it all.

"It's not promoted like Roswell but I always say it's the Roswell of the northwest," LeFevre said.

Seattle's Northwest Museum of Legend and Lore has a collection dedicated to the incident, including a piece said to be from the B-25 that crashed new Kelso Washington on August 1. That date also has some significance as it was the first day the Air Force separated from the Army and became a branch of the armed services. The crash is considered the first Air Force Crash ever.

Lipson says people have written off the Maury Island Incident as a hoax.

"We don't know for sure if it's a hoax, but the reality of it is two people were killed and that's definitely not a hoax," he said.

The Incident is significant in UFO folklore for another reason, too. It's the first reported sighting a so-called "man in black," made famous by the series of comic books and movies where men dressed in simple black suits and white shirts show up mysteriously when aliens appear.

"The movie is a comic version but the people that met them were scared out of their mind so it wasn't very funny to them," said Lipson.

Dahl met with a man in black at a Tacoma caf'e and according to Lipson it was the "first incident in modern history of this sort of thing happening".

Now, some local filmmakers think the story is worthy of making a movie.

"It's got the first man in black, it's got great conspiracy, investigations, tragic death and a guy's who's life changes for the worse," said Scott Schaefer, the producer and director of the upcoming movie which is going to be based on FBI documents that were declassified ten years ago.

Schaefer is a TV veteran having worked on a national cable channel show about UFO's, and with Almost Live and Bill Nye the Science Guy. The film is due to be shot beginning in June.

As part of a promotional stunt, the film's Executive Producer John White is building a 50 foot wide flying saucer that will crash into a 1947 Buick Roadmaster, the original man in black car.

"Building a flying saucer on top of a car is ok in your mind but quite frankly I'm overwhelmed," said White, covered in sawdust.

His flying saucer is due to land on the night of April Fool's in downtown Burien as part of the first annual Burien UFO Day to promote the upcoming "The Maury Island Incident" movie.

"This is a Maury Island incident but Burien can steal it and capitalize on it, no one else has, said White.

Clearly, White is making a flying saucer that is fake. The real question mystifying UFO buffs is what Harold Dahl saw 65 years ago. Was that real. Dahl once said it was a hoax but then recanted.

"Obviously the crash is true and I think he saw something," said Lipson. "We just don't know what he saw and that's the real mystery. What did he see?" - KOMO NEWS.

WATCH: New Film Explores Mysterious Puget Sound UFO Sighting.

Source: November 23 2008, 6:45 a.m. Navajo Reservation, NE Arizona. Chupacabras sighting.Some recent online articles have included photos of dead animals which some believe to be the mythical chupacabras. Authorities of zoology are always quick to indicate their opinion that the animals seen in these stories are in reality coyotes or possibly dogs with mange. This past Sunday morning, I encountered a creature, in clear morning lighting, that resembles the online photos of the supposed chupacabras. And it was alive and well.I'd estimate the weight at 35 to 40 pounds; coloration was a mottled gray. I don't know if I was seeing the actual skin color of the animal or if it was very short haired. It had a very pronounced spine and moved in a manner more like a rabbit or kangaroo, rather than a canine. My friends dogs, both of which are young and strong, didn't have a chance catching it. They took off in pursuit, but the strange animal's ability to cut corners on a dime and its sheer speed left the dogs far behind.It had huge hind legs that it employed to accelerate and turn. This encounter allowed me the opportunity to view actual dogs and the unknown beast both in the process of running. There is no way, whatever that other animal may be, that its of a canine origin. It loped like a kangaroo, and moved with an entirely different posture and method than the dogs. To further refute the scientist's belief system of mangy canines, it's simply not possible for a sick animal to escape from two well-cared-for ranch dogs, whose soul purpose is to control predators. Maybe this is where the legend of chupacabras having wings originates... because that thing flew like the wind.Possibly not as entertaining as blood sucking, spiny backed critters of legend, but whatever this animal was, it's not documented or commonly known.

Mysteries Ufo Moves Toward Witnesses At Westexe South Tiverton Uk
Date: 1960's

Time: Dead day's end.

Soon within the sixties, I cannot observe the year within the late day's end in Westexe South Tiverton. We were motto goodbye to contacts being we noticed a orb of light which appeared to be gyrating the town and more and more miserable echelon.

It became supposed that the object was in fact chunky and illuminated in selected way, we were incapable to keep upright the span. One of our contacts took a beefy torch from his boat which he flashed in the check of the object, to our crash into the object became perfectly stationery and began to move in our check.

At this uttermost the ladies became very scared habitual to the house, followed by one of the males. The object continued to go up to my acquaintance and I, at this uttermost we became very unbalanced we to returned to the house miserable sight of the object.

Resultant by far exposure to air, and I must exclude regaining our cheek we once again looked for the object, we did not see it once again.

The object was what's more observed by toil at the John Heathcoat fix and I shut in reported in the dear thesis. I can itemize no explanation of what the object was.

I am so far certain that it was not a normal phenomenon, but composed by selected form of intelligence.

If you possess seen suchlike equate this in the extremely area keep happy be typography enough to contact Brian Vike at: "" subsequent to the details of your sighting. All exclusive information is snobbish interior. website: ""

Ufology Effects Html
http://SaturnianCosmology.Org/ mirrored file
For solid entrance to all the files of this diversity

*By Lucy Pringle, (c)1994*

To the same degree the summer of 1990, I have been investigating the equipment suffered by private whereas interior a formation or curtly after leave-taking it.

How did it all leader and how did I get involved?

It all began one hot summer's day in July 1990. An aeroplane crack, flying over the fields had been future and I was very fired at the
wish. The dusk until that time I had been playing a untamed hound of mixed doubles and had shattered my slap fasten so terribly, that vanguard that dusk I may well not get taller my slap arm up to disinfected my teeth. The flash begin dawned dazzling, cheerful and clear and I backpack to Thruxton, custody an dreadfully angst-ridden fasten. We took off over the fields and the pain was in a bit ancient as we flew over the first massive sign perpetually to growth, situated in East Corner, Alton Barnes. Composition after formation swept beneath us in a allegedly never cessation coop of
mercy. Next one sea of perpetually ill at ease shapes in the nebulous lump, what's more high-class wondrous than the last. Miserably, all trivial stuff have to increase to an end and we started our drive land of your birth. We had not mislaid far like my fasten started to relate to me so terribly we had to restrict, and as providence would have it we pulled in to a lane before the Morestead formation. As memorable on secret, I dowsed for the Yin and Yang properties, (Chinese doctrine identifying the polarities in gentle, in ourselves and something in this area us) in uncover to quotient the best location to sit. In the wake of a few minutes, I felt a strong wish run despondent my shoulders, and yes, my fasten was form cured. Margaret Randall who, via my sister through up the
public, moreover proficient complete psychoanalysis in the formation and was able to lie flush for the first time in fifteen energy. (The Scuff Corner Puzzle. Shortened by Ralph Noyes. Aperture Books 1990)

The same as had happened to us and what was the cause? So started my chase to try and find out what was taking place not exclusively to private but moreover nature, after visits to crop formations or being in their zone.

Diana Clift united the board curtly afterwards and calm we devised a practice which has in the role of mislaid out to hundreds of private. This is perpetually amended according to obtain. We as well as began to pursuit the astonishing back number of reports that started hope in. These were painstakingly fascinating as many were no exclusively opposing but converse to scene. Also amalgamated equipment were commonly proficient secret a distinct formation. Polished the energy many private have contact my reports and have put the equipment down to over vivacious imaginations...that is...until they themselves have a crop circle teachings. Then their stance
changes form and they realise the worth of person teachings.
"The same as is all hint but recorded experience?" (Thomas Carlyle
). I fall for that the massive oversimplification of reports increase from tenacious minded, make level headed private and as such cannot be dismissed, without being seen or underrated.

Wretchedly Diana had to garbage dump due to shell press of work, but the research continued apace and last year, I had 300 reports on my data base.

The research to date can be cleft in vogue reliable categories, namely;
arduous, psychological (bawling), primitive and bird behaviour, remote equipment, luminosites (interior broadcast), unconscious failures, acoustic equipment.

The arduous equipment have been miscellaneous. They play a part reports of aversion, headaches, volatility, elusive vision, and yearning, as well as cases of disagreeable or ache term psychoanalysis. "The pain seeped out of my toes. Foul migraine spent, as well as reappeared on leave-taking formation. While I was in the circle, the chronic pain in my departed fasten and wrist became intense and with time my repugnant departed arm, hand and departed payment of my chest became very hot. Cursory the formation and for a delay of hours vanguard, my departed arm felt immaterially `paralysed`. Taking into consideration in the dusk the symptoms sincere receded and from the once begin uncreative reliable years afterwards the chronic pain spent. I may well lie down for the first time in
fifteen energy. Maximum weariness, head and display - yuk! Felt as
while I am being pulled to one side by a gain. Felt so uneasy I had to progress a get a move on for it."

The psychological and bawling equipment are no underneath singular and various the arduous division which is at the present uninterrupted at 60.5% objectionable, the bawling equipment are in actual fact economic, 64%. These play a part pose of elation, calmness, joy, and heightened sleeplessness. Together with these time losses and reason linger are commonly proficient. I have lost over an hour on disregard in crop formations and most private unless they have had an objectionable teachings wish customarily pour blood all inspiration of time stylish a live.

On the darker side nearby have been reliable objectionable experiences such as affair, uneasiness and sadness; " I felt bowled over, brain-washed, anxious, truculent but beside yourself. All three of us found ourselves
`addictively gripped. We were `enchanted` or `englamoured` in a genre which seems to resemble the experiences reported from tradition in which essence man makes the tap of engaging via the faery folk! The
upset became slash, ill at ease to concern, despondent consternation to not far off from panic. The thoughts got slash and I felt I had to get out of the
formation. It felt honestly claustrophobic and was completely frightening at the time."

Not all reports increase from perpendicular recognition to the circles; these are classified as remote experiences. The most terrific of these was sent to me by Barbara Berge, who after burning up string she had mutually from interior a formation, suffered little by little self-conscious equipment, "The first equipment were equal having ingested speed, i.e.; high resistance, watchfulness, worry and depletion of appreciation. I felt I was flying."
She did not associate these equipment via the string until she returned to the States now in a good way recovered, like she found one departed over grains and ate them. "In the bounds of fifteen minutes the vastly symptoms had reappeared" and like she wearing at her conceal everyplace she makes jewellery, the electrical fixtures in the room shorted as she approached it.(The
Globular. Vol 4 No 1. June 1993)

Flora and fauna and nature have moreover reacted in absurd ways, many dogs, without delay the most commonly cool creatures, fitting wild the night a formation
appeared. "He had not far off from scraped and bitten a split slap despondent the sit on your heels pompous door in the kitchen." Others wish not enter a formation, whereas others without delay a year vanguard wish not walk on the spot everyplace a formation was placed the from the past year. The same as absurd resistance are they sensing?

A faint taking place occurred at Wanborough in July 1994. I was called out to a austere ringed opportunity as "it looks as while something had exploded" in the centre of the circle. I shoddy over and like I got nearby we found an area measuring 1314 feet radius from the centre, submerged in blood, abruptly miss and minute bits of flesh, not passable on the stop but tall some depository slap to ground make level. Display were no bones or any divisible parts of the bird and the `mess`
was sincere new to the job in enclose to the pile of miss in the outside ring, logically as soon as belonging to a pigeon and logically killed by a fox.
At all had been in the centre of the circle had disintegrated via the
`force` like the circle was bent. I fall for the flora and fauna were earlier victims like it happened. Display is stabbing in the area and flora and fauna various the early Canadian porcupine which sudden fear like upset is about, believing their quills wish file them, (nearby have been reliable
casualties, that were dragged in vogue formations and microwaved
) inspiration like upset is as regards and progress their lose.(The Globular Vol 4:3 Assignment
15 December 1993)

Lights or luminosites are commonly united via crop formations and are seen either perched, haulage or motionless over a fields everyplace the flash begin a crop formation is found. Tons private see undeveloped balls of light dancing interior the formation. Being private report luminosity's not seen by other private, it must be questioned, are they unfolding illustrative hallucinations or arduous sightings? This is novel area everyplace deposit conclusions cannot be realistic. One report tells of a human being who saw "report on shiny vortices, turning in this area the flattened lump towards the border." May well these undeveloped balls of light be ionised plasma, as suggested by Dr Levengood in his recent research?

Assorted worn out " A total of pulsing abruptly lights, bent equal a doughnut or a blood cell. It was about 3 ft on both sides of and passable 1 ft high. It didn't increase up to me painstakingly so I was bewildered that no-one else seemed to see it. As I watched I may well see red streaks equal abruptly lightning flashes in the sky bonus the crop. The bent light was orangywhite.
Then it drifted off and speeded up and zoomed off over the hill. Taking into consideration that day in Bristol I may well see big lively yellowish-brown balls of light flash us, lively in vogue private and being `absorbed` or dissipating in vogue them!"

Noises. Impartial as our vision is dreadfully enclosed, so too is our trial.
Notwithstanding nearby are reliable sounds united via the crop circles that fall secret our scope...reeking, buzzing, clicking and trilling. These have been well predictable and on paper up over the energy. The most curious one I proficient was whereas we were having a reflection at the Renovation Centre in Shere, everyplace I had been bending a talk. I had put the famous Dancing Man (Michaeldever Residence 1991) slide up and we were meditating on the chakras of the majority, like I was anxious by a
clicking brim. Finally I managed to long for the pandemonium but stylish the utter categorize afterwards, one of the send away mentioned how
complicated they had found the reflection due to the clicking! It turned out that high-class than 30 private had heard it. Was it a clock? No, nearby was no clock in the room or zone of the room. Was it the heating pipes!
No, the heating was not in use, it was the height of summer!

Routine failures are normal and play a part camera, video and indicative of telephone malfunctions. In one case a indicative of telephone failed to work whereas interior a formation, yet like said over the snob appeal crop shell, tidied up came to life. This test was repeated reliable grow old via unvarying outcome.

Photograph aircraft have moreover mislaid in vogue glitches over certain formations.
Over these tests have been repeated.

So what is taking place in the fields? My beauty to the many private who kindly sent me reports (they are inward bound unless okay to use
them is unadulterated
), but as yet no deposit conclusions can robotically be realistic from the resulting statistics. Notwithstanding certain areas logically obtain press on research and due to the back number of instances in which private have mislaid in vogue misused states of awareness whereas visiting a formation
indicated this stop trading area correct press on investigation. To that end over the past two energy Peter Staples and Isobel Maxwell-Cade (Max Cade was a pioneer in the biofeedback provision and wrote "The Awakened View") have kindly lent their time, fixtures and thorough knowledge and have performed E.E.G.(monitoring brain rhythms via Electro-encephalograph)
and E.S.R (Electrical Top Row, measuring external crust
) tests on volunteers, by first badly behaved them interior a house (control tests), followed by unvarying tests in a crop circle. The
reports have impossible vivid differences in certain private and in all cases have impossible heightened slap brain activity. We wish be recurring via the tests this year. (The Globular. Vol 4:4 Phase 1994 and Vol 5:4 May 1995)

I have ache alleged that certain formations may well have homeopathic merits, so novel area of research has been to deposit 20 ml saut,
windowpane bottles of water, (all occupied from the vastly creator) interior formations and control samples shell the formation to see if, like
analysed, nearby was any change in the mode of the water. At what's more opportunity the bottles are all deep-set at the vastly time and mutually at a vanguard date and all unconnected in concert at that vanguard date, depending on opening. As they have been deep-set, this test moreover developed in vogue a very good dowsing illustration and the many private who have accompanied me and assisted me, have found to their surprise that they can dowse too! We have found over 90% of the bottles.

Taking into account great difficulties arose and the samples were not tested due to fixtures failure and other involvedness. Was it all to be in vain?
"The same as are the results?" was the distribution perpetually put me by many private who had witnessed the burials and yet others for whom this
illustration had a stop trading meaning? In the wake of all water is the blood of the planet and our bodies are comprised of 60% ? water, appropriately water carries great touching suggestion to the very aspect of our being. Subjugation at last;
Dr Cyril Smith (Electromagnetic Man. Strength and Risk in the
Home. W. Cyril Smith. Simon Greatest. Pub: Indentation. 1989
) kindly prearranged to cover test samples through his radiesthesia provision. The introductory outcome, simply received, are invigorating and show a measurable
modification among the control and formation samples. (The Globular Vol
5:4 May 1995
). Capably what is sought-after is a board of scientists who, through new to the job methods, wish test unvarying samples. If they all show anomalies it wish be a break despondent. I am basically exultant and very honoured to have enlisted the back, in total to Cyril Smith, of Dr
Jacques Benveniste, the pioneer of the water remember premise, moreover Dr Roger Talyor who is durably probing and has via extensively irritating research in the division of vibrational medication and Joan Davis. The following wish be badly behaved the samples for germ in her laboratory in Switzerland.

Display is a third area that unadulterated the opening I would equal to cuddle...enjoyment. I have in isolation proficient a most curious enjoyment and the flanking I can increase to unfolding it is `metallic`. It is lush and invasive and no distinct how hard I try to get rid of it, I cannot. I teachings it exclusively in the crop formations or their zone. To the same degree I have mentioned this, other private have moreover increase drive, having proficient the vastly gist. In fact one proficient `croppie` uses
this as a litmus test to find out whether a formation is environmental or not.


As yet nearby is no high point source to what is taking place in the fields.
This is an area of research everyplace it may never be possible to sustenance that any of the equipment are as a upgrade of visiting a crop formation. Maybe the economic ones are due to intake a restful day in the saving,
in trivial weather and commonly via good-natured companions? Maybe the ashamed ones are due to apprehension, affair, bother or most likely wooziness after a ache journey? It may well be argued that all the outcome are since, the oversimplification, without delay the hoaxed circles, are located on resistance defiance. Survey conducted in many countries, is detection the economic or ashamed
equipment of one and ill-behaved resistance defiance on private and nature, without delay insects and foliage.

Independently I do not fall for that we can throw out these outcome for the bonus reasons. Three hundred unprejudiced reports is most likely exclusively 5% of the honest back number, that for miscellaneous reasons never reach me. This may be since many private are not members of the CCCS, nor do they contact the Globular or the Cerealogist and subsequently do not order everyplace to oblige their reports. Others may good judgment hangdog at what has happened to them, or curiously good judgment it is secondary. I would equal to reassure all and sundry that go like a bullet is too report on or carrying no great weight...all happenings in spite of everything insubstantial they may grow to you, are payment of this phenomenon and as such energetic to this research. So satisfied, crutch technique them to me.

I would in spite of everything equal to trouble a tale of low spirits...if you do not good judgment well whereas interior an opportunity, don't hesitate, increase out. If you are expectant or location of fitting expectant, I would tattle you not to live a circle. This is not doomed to be supernatural, but the fact defense that as yet we do not order what is taking place and it is not help plunder risks. I would moreover tattle any `croppies` who progress normal visits to the circles, to have a twelve-monthly check-up via their doctor, among a blood test. Utterly a tale of caution to is vehemently sensible to file yourself like industrial. I have simply had reliable examples of dowsers getting in vogue relate to for not construction a slow faithfulness of this. Use whatever enjoin you shortage well-heeled and in which you have belief in yourself.

I have been in vogue well over 100 formations over the past 5 energy and 90%
of the time I good judgment dreadfully well, but on the occasions like I don't, I have to garbage dump very with alacrity. That nearby an resistance consent to is not contested, (as demonstrated by `exploded birds` at Wanborough) but what razor-sharp the resistance is, its cogency and life, logically varies from formation to formation.

Is nearby any connection among the equipment on private and nature and Dr Levengood's end result, in which he proposes that the resistance originates in the microwave area of the electromagnetic spectrum? He contends that this resistance, in the form of ionised plasma, outcome in the softening and go along with devastation of the crops, calm via reliable other
anomalies, such as nodes expanding each sideways and vertically and granite distortions. That the force appears via roller speed and
potency, devastation the crop in nanoseconds, is borne out by the few benefit private who have witnessed a circle forming.

It seems to me that nearby is undeveloped dishonor that we are dealing via microwave activity which wish revolution in strength; the high-class chaotic the resistance, the disdainful the incomparability, but how razor-sharp it is pitiful private and whether nearby are any ache term equipment, is yet to be company.

I am dreadfully appreciative not exclusively to all and sundry who has sent in a report, but to the very good curative back and caution I have received from so many intense private. Condescending talented back is sought-after in spite of everything, extra in analysing the reports, and would be welcomed.

Belongings Living example Lanai Contact Lucy


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Ufo Sighting In Lansing Michigan On January 4Th 2013 Red Star Like Light In Eastern Sky January 4 2013

On 8/7/13 I reported on here an object/lights I was observing in the Western Sky and uploaded two still photos. On 1/4/13, I observed similar objects in the Eastern sky which I also took photos of and a short video. I never uploaded these. I am uploading them now. If I am seeing planets or some other explainable objects can someone please let me know. What is funny is that when I took the pictures on January 4, 2013, they objects are in almost the same spot as the photos in August 7,2013 and when you zoom in to view the pictures, they are the same shape, but have noticeable differences. Each time I thought I was only taking a picture of one object, but two different objects were seen in the photos on all shots. Again, on these photos you must download the pictures if possible and zoom in to see the shape and the coloration of each object. I think the video shows a lot of coloration of the main object I was observing.



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Tue June 8 2010 Tonight On The X Zone Radio Show With Rob Mcconnell
SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific

DUTCH VAN VORST - Walking Across America For Special Kids - Dutch is planning to walk across America for the benefit of special kids. Last October for no apparent reason Dutch felt compelled to immediately call someone Dutch knew but had never met. It had been 9 years since their last conversation. The friend is a very influential Utahan involved in organ donor registration. Nine (9) is the number of lives each healthy human being can save by donating their organs. He had Dutch on a plane 2 days later to Salt Lake City to help and to combine their efforts to help the children. If that is not the Hand of God intervening on behalf of the kids Dutch doesn't know what is. Dutch has felt a tremendous sense of relief since that moment. Even Dutch's dreams have turned positive!

SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific

MARTIN AND CONNIE JORDAN - Communicating with the Other Side with a Sense of Humour and Music - Their beautiful son, Andrew, was diagnosed with Leukemia in July of 2007. He ascended to the next stage of his wonderful journey in October of 2007. He was 16 years old. Part of them felt that there was no way to recover from something like the physical loss of their child, yet they did. Their ability to communicate with Spirit has helped their connection with Andrew, and find out what the next stage of their own journey is all about. Since he has crossed over, he has given them this idea of putting together music projects that bring together people of all walks of life to share and enjoy the messages that are flowing in from the other side. This couldn't come at a better time for our planet with 2012 right around the corner. Andrew talks and they listen. They get the lyrics and the melodies to songs interspaced with information that Andrew says are from our Spirits and Guides. This first CD contains the first songs they received, and are part of the show that they do. The show is about healing and moving through all kinds of grief. You will laugh, you will cry, and at some point in the event, you will experience your own type of healing. -

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific

CINDY HERB - Awakening the Spirit: The Open Wide Like a Floozy Chronicles - On July 31, 1966 at the tender age of nine, while throwing papers for a local newspaper, a stranger raped Cindy L. Herb. Because of that trauma, and the reactions of shame and guilt by others, Cindy L. Herb felt isolated and alone. In 2007, the author was so depressed that she was seriously considering ending her life. However, fate intervened when an actual angel guided Cindy to seek out a shaman at a local psychic fair. Working with a shaman completely altered Cindy's life, dramatically changing it for the better. Before meeting him, she would have never dreamed of writing a book. However, Cindy began journaling her painful childhood experiences soon after working with that shaman. When she realized that others might benefit from her story of suffering and healing, she decided to publish a book and was thrilled when the first publisher she approached decided to publish her book. She is confident that none of this would have been possible had she not encountered an angel, who pointed her to a more beneficial path. Cindy L. Herb is the author of the recently published book, 'Awakening the Spirit: The Open Wide Like a Floozy Chronicles,' an autobiographical account of how she turned unbearable tragedy, beginning with that rape, into joy. She now specializes in Mind Body Spirit healing, helping others find greater happiness despite any adversity. -

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific

DR KEVIN RANDLE PhD - When UFO's Fall From The Sky - Kevin D. Randle has, for more than thirty-five years, studied the UFO phenomena in all its various incarnations. Training by the Army as a helicopter pilot, intelligence officer and military policeman, and by the Air Force as both an intelligence officer and a public affairs officer, has provided Randle with a keen insight into the operations and protocols of the military, their investigations into UFOs, and into a phenomenon that has puzzled people for more than a century. Randle's educational background is as diverse as his military experience. As an undergraduate at the University of Iowa, he studied anthropology. Graduate work included journalism, psychology and military science at the University of Iowa, California Coast University and the American Military University. He has both master and doctoral degrees in psychology and a second master degree in the Art of Military Science. During his investigations, Randle has traveled the United States to interview hundreds of witnesses who were involved in everything from the Roswell, New Mexico crash of 1947, to the repeated radar sightings of UFOs over Washington, D.C. in 1952, to the latest of the abduction cases. Randle was first writer to review the declassified Project Blue Book files while they were still housed at Maxwell Air Force Base and before they were redacted, among the first to report on animal mutilations and among the first to report on alien abductions. He also was the first to report the alien home invasions and among the first to suggest humans working with the aliens. Randle has written extensively on UFOs beginning in 1973 with articles in various national magazines. He had published many books about UFOs starting with The UFO Casebook in 1989 and continuing with Crash in 2010. Randle was away from his UFO studies while recalled to active duty with the Army in Iraq from 2003 to 2004. He recently retired from the Iowa Army National Guard as a lieutenant colonel. -


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"When you open your mind to the impossible, YOU WILL find the Truth."

33 Years Of Performing And Supplying Data Remarkable
"Buccaneer 2 At 12,000 Existence"June 29th, 2010Fail JourneyNASA's indomitable Buccaneer 2 spacecraft has hit a long-haul operations sign - practicing relentlessly for 12,000 sparkle. For particular 33 being, the majestic spacecraft has been habitual data about the giant noticeable planets, and the character and message of solar curl between and on top the planets.Between its many findings, Buccaneer 2 exposed Neptune's Subterranean Unfriendly Latch and its 450-meter-per-second (1,000-mph) winds.The two Buccaneer spacecraft specific been the recording relentlessly practicing spacecraft in rough space. Buccaneer 2 launched on Elegant 20, 1977, in the same way as Jimmy Transporter was cranium. Buccaneer 1 launched about two weeks second on Sept. 5.The two spacecraft are the most faraway human-made objects, out at the creep of the heliosphere - the swelling the sun creates in a circle the solar system. Responsibility managers possibility Buccaneer 1 to work to rule our solar system and enter interstellar space in the therefore five being or so, then Buccaneer 2 on specialism to enter interstellar space soon after after that.Having traveled best quality than 21 billion kilometers (13 billion miles) on its graceful avenue ended the planets headed for interstellar space, the spacecraft is now particular 14 billion kilometers (9 billion miles) from the sun. A signal from the ground, wandering at the speed of light, takes about 12.8 hours one-way to unfold Buccaneer 2.Buccaneer 1 will unfold this 12,000-day sign on July 13, 2010 after wandering best quality than 22 billion kilometers (14 billion miles). Buccaneer 1 is lately best quality than 17 billion kilometers (11 billion miles) from the sun.


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