Mit Kell Tudni A Fldnkvliek Gyben Prilis Vgn Tartand Amerikai Kzmeghallgatsrl
A RENDEZV'eNY MOTT'oJA: "HA A KONGRESSZUS NEM TESZI A DOLG'aT, AKKOR A N'eP FOG CSELEKEDNI"."URHAJ'oS, ATOMFIZIKUS, REND"oRTISZT 'eS MAGAS RANG'u KATONA IS VAN AZOK K"oZ"oTT, AKIK A F"oLD"oNK'iV"uLIEKKEL KAPCSOLATOS AMERIKAI DOKUMENTUMOK NYILV'aNOSS'aGRA HOZATAL'aT SZERETN'eK EL'eRNI AKCI'oJUKKAL."AZ EMBERI T"oRT'eNELEMBEN P'eLDA N'eLK"uL 'aLL'o ESEM'eNY K"uSZ"oB'eN 'aLLUNK" - fogalmazott az "ot napos programsorozat egyik szervez"oje, Stephen G. Bassett, a Paradigma Kutat'o Csoport (Paradigm Survey Surround - PRG) "ugyvezet"o igazgat'oja, a rendezv'eny hivatalos sajt'ot'aj'ekoztat'oj'an.Ami t'eny, m'eg soha nem volt egyszerre egy helyen 'es egy id"oben a t'ema ennyi relev'ans szak'ert"oje, szemtan'uja, akik nagy r'esze - 'all'it'asuk szerint - saj'at szem'evel l'atta, vagy 'eppen saj'at kez'eben tartotta a f"old"onk'iv"uli civiliz'aci'ok l'etez'es'enek egy'ertelm"u bizony'it'ekait. Harmincn'al is t"obb ilyen ember 'erkezik 'aprilis v'eg'en Washingtonba, 'el"uk"on DR. EDGAR MITCHELL-lel, az APOLLO 14 "urhaj'os'aval, hogy vallom'asaikkal meggy"ozz'ek az amerikai kongresszus kor'abbi tagjait, vess'ek latba politikai befoly'asukat az Egyes"ult 'Allamok korm'any'an'al, hogy ismerj'ek be, A F"oLD"oNK'iV"uLIEK L'eTEZNEK 'eS M'aR A KAPCSOLATFELV'eTEL IS MEGT"oRT'eNT."A VIL'aGSAJT'o, VAGY AHOGY GYAKRAN EMLEGETIK AZ F"oVONALAS M'eDIA VALAMI'eRT 'uGY D"oNT"oTT, NEM FOGLALKOZIK A T'eM'aVAL 'eS FIGYELMEN K'iV"uL HAGYJA A K"oZISMERT N'eVEN AZONOS'iTATLAN REP"uL"o OBJEKTUMNAK NEVEZETT JELENS'eGGEL "oSSZEF"uGG"o KORM'aNYZATI 'eRINTETTS'eG FIRTAT'aS'aT. ENNEK AZ ESEM'eNYNEK AZ IS C'eLJA, HOGY FELH'iVJA A M'eDIA VEZET"oINEK FIGYELM'eT, K"oTELESS'eG"uK LENNE EGY ILYEN JELENT"oS, AZ EG'eSZ EMBERIS'eGET ALAPVET"oEN 'eRINT"o K'eRD'eSNEK A VIZSG'aLATA, AMELYNEK ELLEN"oRZ'eSE M'aRA TELJESEN KICS'uSZOTT AZ ILLET'eKESEK KEZ'eB"oL 'eS A K"oZV'eLEM'eNYT"oL EGYRE NAGYOBB 'eS KITERJEDTEBB FIGYELMET KAP" - mondta Bassett.A Federation Geographic, az amerikai f"oldrajzi t'arsas'ag legut'obbi reprezentat'iv felm'er'ese szerint az amerikaiak nyolcvan sz'azal'eka gondolja 'ugy, hogy a korm'anyuk titkol valamit a bolyg'onkat l'atogat'o intelligens f"old"onk'iv"uli civiliz'aci'okkal kapcsolatban."M'aR CSAK EZEN HATALMAS SZ'aM ALAPJ'aN IS K"oTELESS'eGE LENNE A SAJT'oNAK FOGLALKOZNI A T'eM'aVAL 'eS K"oVETELNI A KORM'aNYT'oL, HOGY NE TITKOL'oZZON TOV'aBB AZ IDEGENEKKEL KAPCSOLATBAN. ENNEK ELLEN'eRE A SAJT'o A MAI NAPIG NEM VOLT HAJLAND'o KOMOLYAN VENNI EZT A HATALMAS T"oMEGET, HISZEN FOLYAMATOSAN VISSZAUTAS'iT MINDEN OLYAN KEZDEM'eNYEZ'eST, AMELY A N'eP 'aLTAL V'aLASZTOTT KORM'aNYZATI TISZTVISEL"oK V'aLASZT'oIK FEL'e T"oRT'eN"o NYIT'aS'aT K"oVETELN'e A T'eM'aBAN."A K"ozmeghallgat'as a Beismer'es'ert Projekt most azzal pr'ob'alja megt"orni ezt a hozz'a'all'ast, hogy szavahihet"o, mi t"obb, megk'erd"ojelezhetetlen hiteless'eg"u szemtan'uk sor'at vonultatja fel, h'atha 'igy m'ar a f"ovonalas m'ediasem tudja a sz"onyeg al'a s"op"orni a dolgot.Az esem'enyt 2013. 'aPRILIS 29. 'eS M'aJUS 3. k"oz"ott rendezik a washingtoni korm'anyzati negyedben tal'alhat'o Nemzeti Sajt'o Klub 'ep"ulet'eben, annak is a legnagyobb helyis'eg'eben, amely erre az id"ore "Kongresszusi Meghallgat'o Teremm'e" alakul. Ez id"o alatt harmincn'al is t"obb kutat'o, katonai/sz"ovets'egi "ugyn"oks'egi szemtan'u fogja t'aj'ekoztatni az Egyes"ult 'Allamok Kongresszus'anak "ot egykori tagj'at a saj'at tapasztalatair'ol.

Az USA Kongresszusa egy'ebk'ent m'ar tartott meghallgat'ast a t'em'aban, m'eghozz'a 1968-ban, akkor a Tudom'anyos 'es Asztronautikai H'azbizotts'ag tagjai hallgatt'ak v'egig a bizony'it'ekokat 'es 'erveket felsorakoztat'o tan'uvallom'asokat.Az elj'ar'as formailag mindenben megegyezik majd a hivatalos kongresszusi meghallgat'asok rendj'evel, csakhogy itt helyben lesz egy elker'itett r'esz a sajt'onak fenntartva, illetve korl'atozott sz'amban (mintegy 300 f"o) 'erdekl"od"ok is helyet foglalhatnak a nekik kijel"olt sz'ekeken.A szemtan'uk - "osszesen negyven 'or'asra tervezett - vallom'ast'eteleit 'el"oben lehet k"ovetni majd az interneten, ak'ar spanyol, portug'al, francia 'es orosz szinkrontolm'acsol'assal is.De n'ezz"uk kik lesznek az "ot napos rendezv'eny f"oszerepl"oi, vagyis kik lesznek a megh'ivott el"oad'ok:A. J. GEVAERD - brazil ufol'ogus, a Brazil Rep"ul"o Cs'eszealj Kutat'o K"ozpont 'es a vil'ag legnagyobb UFO kutat'o h'al'ozata, a MUFON braz'iliai igazgat'oja. Huszonkilenc orsz'agban tartott m'ar el"oad'ast a t'em'aban, t"obb, heap h'etsz'az esetn'el v'egzett helysz'ini kutat'ast Braz'ili'aban, de rendszeresen felt"unik a History-, 'es a Discover Whole m"usor'an is.DONALD R. SCHMITT - Nemzetk"ozi szinten is j'ol ismert kutat'o, az UFO Tanulm'anyok K"ozpontj'anak (CUFOS) kor'abbi igazgat'oja, Dr. J. Allen Hynek egykori k"ozvetlen munkat'arsa 'es j'o bar'atja. Sz'amos k"onyvet 'irt az 1947-es Roswell melletti esem'enyekr"ol, de az "o toll'ab'ol sz'armazik a t"ort'enetr"ol Kyle MacLachlan f"oszerepl'es'evel k'esz"ult Roswell c'im"u mozifilm forgat'ok"onyve is.DR. ANTHONY CHOY - A perui kutat'o az eredeti szakm'aj'at tekintve jog'asz. Alap'it'o tagja volt a Perui L'egier"on bel"ul l'etrehozott L'egi Anom'ali'akat Vizsg'al'o Hivatalnak (Air Atypical Contraption Look into Bifurcate).DR. EDGAR MITCHELL - Egykori amerikai "urhaj'os, aki a hatodik emberk'ent l'epett a Buy felsz'in'ere, ahol mindenkin'el t"obbet, 8 'or'an 'es 25 percen kereszt"ul s'et'alhatott. Ut'obb t"obb f'orumon is elmondta, hogy az Apollo 14 "urhaj'o 'utj'at v'egig azonos'itatlan rep"ul"o objektumok k'is'ert'ek.GARY HESELTINE - Angol rend"ortiszt, aki PRUFOS n'even nem hivatalos adatb'azist hozott l'etre, amely a brit rend"ors'eghez 'erkezett azonos'itatlan rep"ul"o t'argyakr'ol sz'ol'o bejelent'eseket tartalmazza. El"osz"or 2002 janu'arj'aban hozt'ak nyilv'anoss'agra az "osszegy"ujt"ott adatokat, az'ota minden 'evben bemutatj'ak a list'at, amely m'ara 430-n'al is t"obb esetet tartalmaz.Understand CAMERON - Amerikai kutat'o, aki 1975 m'ajus'aban, az amerikai-kanadai hat'ar k"ozel'eben a saj'at szem'evel l'atott egy UFO-t 'es az'ota megsz'allottan kutatja a jelens'eget. T"obb sz'az esetet vizsg'alt ki szem'elyesen, szemtan'uk sokas'ag'aval k'esz'itett interj'ut. Az ut'obbi 'evekben az amerikai eln"ok"ok 'es a f"old"onk'iv"uliek k"oz"otti kapcsolat bizony'it'ekait kutatja. Eddig tizenh'aromszor nyert bebocs'at'ast az amerikai Nemzeti Lev'elt'ar'aba. Csak a Clinton adminisztr'aci'o idej'eb"ol t"obb, heap ezer oldalnyi dokumentumhoz jutott hozz'a.IFJABB JESSE MARCEL - Annak a Jesse Marcelnek a fia, akinek az 'edesapja volt az els"o katonatiszt, aki 1947-ben ki'erkezett a Roswell mellett szerencs'etlen"ul j'art UFO lezuhan'as'anak helysz'in'ere. Elmond'asa szerint a roncsok k"oz"ul n'eh'any kisebb darabot az 'edesapja hazavitt, amelyeket a saj'at kez'eben tartott, 'igy egyike annak a k"or"ulbel"ul k'etsz'az embernek, akik szemtan'ui voltak az esem'enyeknek. Jelenleg nyugd'ijas, kor'abban orvosk'ent dolgozott az egyik montanai k'orh'azban.JIM PENNISTON - Az 1980 december'eben t"ort'ent Resdlesham Incidens egyik legf"obb szemtan'uja, aki a saj'at szem'evel l'atta a brit t'amaszpont k"ozel'eben lesz'allt m'aig azonos'itatlan objektumot.STEPHEN BASSETT - politikai aktivista, 'ujs'ag'ir'o, a Paradigm Survey Surround, vagyis az eg'esz k"ozmeghallgat'ast lebonyol'it'o szervezet egyik alap'it'oja. jelenleg "o az egyetlen regisztr'alt lobbista az USA-ban, aki a k"ul"onb"oz"o szervezetek k'epviselet'eben m'ar hossz'u 'evek 'ota az'ert dolgozik, hogy a politika v'egre ismerje be a f"old"onk'iv"uli jelenl'etet.RODRIGO Bravo - A chilei hadsereg sz'azadosa, sz'amos k"onyv szerz"oje, a vil'ag legnagyobb tematikus havilapj'anak, a Los Angeles-i sz'ekhely"u UFO Magazine-nak az egyik 'alland'o szerz"oje.JOHN CALLAHAN - Callahan hat flat 'at volt az amerikai L'eg"ugyi hat'os'ag (FAA) l'egi incidenseket vizsg'al'o csoportj'anak vezet"oje. Elmond'asa szerint az amerikai l'egteret fel"ugyel"o hat'os'ag sz'amos esetben tal'alkozott UFO jelens'eggel. 1986-ban p'eld'aul, egy jap'an 747-est harmincegy percen kereszt"ul k"ovetett egy m'aig azonos'itatlan rep"ul"o objektum.PETER Chaise longue - 1994 'ota a Nemzeti UFO Jelent"o K"ozpont igazgat'oja, a paranorm'alis jelens'egekkel foglalkoz'o Move smoothly to Move smoothly R'adi'o, vil'agszerte sokak 'altal hallgatott uf'os m"usor'anak egyik rendszeres vend'ege. A Stanford egyetemen diplom'azott, anyanyelvi szinten besz'el t"obb nyelven. 1992-ben k'epvisel"onek jel"oltette mag'at az amerikai szen'atusba, de v'eg"ul nem v'alasztott'ak meg.RICHARD FRENCH - Az amerikai L'egier"o ezredese, 1947-ben Roswellben szolg'alt. A ma m'ar nyug'allom'any'u katonai vezet"o 'eveken 'at tagadta, hogy f"old"onk'iv"uli "urhaj'o zuhant volna le 'Uj-Mexik'oban, tavaly ny'aron azonban elismerte, hogy mindv'egig hazudott 'es nem is egy, hanem k'et ilyen "urhaj'o is szerencs'etlen"ul j'art Roswell mellett.STANTON T. FRIEDMAN - Kanadai sz'armaz'as'u atomfizikus, hivat'asos UFO kutat'o. 1958 'ota foglalkozik a t'em'aval. Tizenn'egy flat 'at a szakm'aj'aban dolgozott, majd 1970-ben f"o'all'as'u UFO kutat'o lett. "O volt az, aki a hetvenes 'evekben el"osz"or kutatni kezdte a Roswell mellett t"ort'enteket. Sz'amtalan k"onyvet 'irt a t'em'aban, rendszeresen szerepel a t'ev'eben, r'adi'oban, t"obbek k"oz"ott Larry Ruler m"usor'aban is gyakori vend'eg.PAUL HELLYER - 1949-t"ol 1974-ig megszak'it'as n'elk"ul orsz'aggy"ul'esi k'epvisel"o volt Kanad'aban, 1963-t'ol pedig "ot flat 'at az orsz'ag v'edelmi minisztere. Az UFO jelens'egek ir'anti 'erdekl"od'ese csak az ut'obbi n'eh'any 'evben der"ult ki. 2005-ben bejelentette: "Az UFO-k ugyanannyira val'osak, heap ahogy rep"ul"og'epek repkednek a fej"unk felett." Ezzel az els"o olyan politikus, aki a gazdas'agilag legfejlettebb nyolc orsz'ag (G8) valamelyik'enek egykori miniszterek'ent beismerte az UFO jelens'eg l'etez'es'et.LINDA MOULTON HOWE - T"obbsz"or"os Emmy-d'ijas telev'izi'os szem'elyis'eg, aki kutat'asai sor'an sz'o szerint az eg'esz vil'agot bej'arta. Rendszeresen megsz'olal a CNN, a BBC, vagy 'eppen a FOX h'irt'ev'ekben. T"obb k"onyvet 'es sz'amtalan dokumentumfilmet k'esz'itett a t'em'aban. oldal'an kiemelten foglalkozik az idegenek 'altal elk"ovetett 'allatcsonk'it'asokkal is.ANTONIO HUNEEUS - Chilei-amerikai tud'os-'ujs'ag'ir'o, az UFO jelens'eg nemzetk"ozileg is ismert kutat'oja. A p'arizsi Sorbonne-on tanult, foly'ekonyan besz'el t"obb nyelven. Huszonn'egy 'eve kutatja a t'em'at, Amerik'at'ol, Jap'anon 'at, Eur'op'aig, rengeteg 'ujs'agban megjelentek az 'ir'asai. Kor'abban 'eveken 'at a vil'ag legnagyobb UFO kutat'o h'al'ozata, a MUFON nemzetk"ozi koordin'atora volt.Make POPE - Huszonegy flat 'at dolgozott a brit V'edelmi Miniszt'eriumn'al, ahol 1991 'es 1994 k"oz"ott az egyik feladata volt az azonos'itatlan l'egk"ori jelens'egek vizsg'alata, amelyet az amerikai K'ek K"onyv Projektr"ol mint'aztak. Jelenleg egy "ot 'eves projektben vesz r'eszt, melynek sor'an a brit V'edelmi Miniszt'erium az UFO jelens'egekkel kapcsolatos teljes arch'ivum'at nyilv'anoss'agra hozz'ak, ami elmond'asa szerint nagyj'ab'ol 50.000 oldalnyi dokumentumot jelent.DR. KEVIN DOUGLAS RANDLE - "O is egy prominens kutat'o, akit szint'en a Roswell melletti esem'enyek nagy ismer"oje. Hivat'asos 'ir'o, nyolcvann'al is t"obb k"onyv f"uz"odik a nev'ehez. Szolg'alt a vietn'ami h'abor'uban 'es a m'asodik "Ob"ol h'abor'uban is. Els"o UFO jelens'eggel foglalkoz'o m"uve m'eg 1972-ben jelent meg. Kiemelt kutat'asi ter"uletei az elt'er'it'esek, azok az esetek, amikor fizikai nyomokat hagy maga ut'an a jelens'eg, illetve az 'allatcsonk'it'asok.ARIEL S'aNCHEZ EZREDES - Az uruguayi illet"os'eg"u kutat'o katonai rep"ul"os f"oiskol'at v'egzett 1979-ben, majd be'allt az orsz'ag l'egierej'enek k"otel'ek'ebe. Akt'iv rep"ul"os p'alyafut'as'at k"ovet"oen el"obb instruktor lett az akad'emi'an, majd fokozatosan l'epett el"ore a katonai rangl'etr'an, m'ig 2009-ben "ot v'alasztott'ak az Uruguayi L'egier"o Eg'eszs'eg"ugyi Szolg'alata igazgat'oj'anak, ahonnan 2012 j'ulius'aban vonult nyugd'ijba. Jelenleg az Uruguayi L'egier"o al'a sorolt, de nem korm'anyzati fenntart'as'u L'egk"ori Jelens'egeket Vizsg'al'o Szervezet (CRIFAT) igazgat'oja.OSCAR SANTA-MARIA EZREDES - A Perui L'egier"o egykori pil'ot'aja 25 'evig volt szolg'alatban. 2002-ben a Perui L'egier"o felhatalmazta, hogy gy"ujts"on "ossze minden lehets'eges inform'aci'ot egy 1980-ban t"ort'ent UFO incidensr"ol. Telev'izi'ok 'es r'adi'ok rendszeresen megk'erdezik a v'elem'eny'et, a t'em'aval kapcsolatban.DANIEL SHEEHAN - A Harward Egyetemen v'egzett alkotm'anyjog'asz. A Nixon adminisztr'aci'ot'ol kezdve szoros kapcsolatot 'apol az 'eppen aktu'alis korm'anyokkal. T"obbsz"or tartott z'art ajt'ok m"og"otti el"oad'ast a SETI kutat'oinak 'es 'altal'anos tan'acsad'oja a The Frighten Sling nev"u cordial kezdem'enyez'esnek, amely az idegenek f"oldi l'et'et szeretn'e beismertetni az illet'ekesekkel. 1999-ben Mihail Gorbacsovnak adott tan'acsokat a t'em'aban, jelenleg pedig az 'Uj Paradigma Akad'emia (New Paradigm Academy) nev"u szervezet fel'all'it'as'an munk'alkodik.DR. MILTON TORRES - 1931-ben sz"uletett New Yorkban. 1951-ban csatlakozott a L'egier"oh"oz, 1954-ben hadnagyi rangot szerzett. 1961-ben m'ern"oki diplom'at szerzett, majd Hide Canaveralen, az amerikai "urkik"ot"oben kezdett dolgozni, ahol r'eszt vett a Gemini, majd az Apollo programokban is. Katonai p'alyafut'as'at k"ovet"oen a Floridai Nemzetk"ozi Egyetemen tan'itott. 2005-ben nagy siker"u novell'at 'irt The Pleasant Guys Storage Unhappy Hat (A j'o fi'uk k'ek sapk'at viselnek) c'immel, amelynek alapj'at a hadseregn'el 'es a NASA-n'al elt"olt"ott 'evei szolg'altatt'ak.DR. THOMAS VALONE - Az Integrit'as Kutat'o Int'ezet eln"oke, amely egy non-profit szervezet az alternat'iv energi'ak kutat'as'a'ert. Sz'amos egyetemen rendszeresen el"oad a t'em'aban, t"obb k"onyvet is 'irt a null ponti energi'ar'ol. Az elm'ult harminc 'evben szinte minden jelent"os nemzetk"ozi UFO kongresszuson ott volt, de t"obbsz"or felt"unik a CNN, az ABC, vagy 'eppen a History Whole m"usoraiban is.DR. ROBERT Trouble - A fizikai tudom'anyok doktora, 43 'eves kor'aban csatlakozott az amerikai rep"ul"og'epgy'ar, a McDonnell Douglas fejleszt"ocsapat'ahoz. 'All'it'asa szerint a c'egn'el r'eszt vett egy olyan titkos projektben, amelynek r'eszek'ent kiv'alasztottak egy csoportja, egy UFO meghajt'o rendszer'et tanulm'anyozhatta.


Nasa News Aug 12 2014
Overall Beat Marker Timelines (Grand 2014)

These are copies of the flight plan timelines second hand by the belt onboard the InternationalSpace Marker.... Information Information, quality... Sequence NASA Command...

Overall Beat Marker pages/station Cached

Jul 29, 2014. Beat Marker Information Releases.... > Beat Marker for students > NASA for students. Beat Marker for Educators

Capture on film Outcome


SpaceX Open for Beat Marker Resupply


NASA Beat Marker


NASA Approves Mon. Beat Marker Keep

Science Information >Science@NASA Title Information >2003 > Beat... "There's regularly something impressive to see out the deep space of the space station...

NASA Laser Beams HD Capture on film From the Beat Marker : Result Cached

Jun 09, 2014. NASA beamed a high-definition video from the Overall Beat Marker... inspecting space suits assigned to NASA... NEWS: Pew! Pew! Beat...

NASA Beams 'Hello, World!' Capture on film from Beat via Laser - Cached

Jun 06, 2014.... 260 miles from the Overall Beat Marker to Argument Thursday by once more laser... Beat Marker splinter group direct at NASA Control center...

NASA to shaft video from space station with a laser shaft... >... > Blossoming Technologies

Jun 04, 2014.... Beat Marker to... Beat Marker to Argument on Thursday. NASAannounced... NASA is ruthless. The new laser...

NASA launches spacewalk to change space station Cached

Administration Dominance says an ammonia leak on the Overall Beat Marker appears to...NASA's space station program log book Mike... Cassidy is a new...

Astronauts plan spacewalks to get into shape Overall Beat Cached

Whilst an utter cause to move to float up with a workaround to fix a balky supervisor in one of theInternational Beat Station's... "NASA instantly... CBS Information Beat call...

NASA - Picture The Cached

Information. Information Taking back... Picture The Marker apparition pay for you a list of upcomingspace station sighting opportunities... Administration Dominance at NASA's Johnson...

NASA - JSC Programs - Lyndon B. Johnson Beat Cached

May 18, 2010. Beat Finer points :... Grab hold of out treat NASA news on Single on Beat Marker science operations can be found at

NASA announces new research projects - Huntsville alabama/nasa-announces-new-research... Cached

Aug 08, 2014. Beat Marker Picture of the Day NASA TV HSV Beat and... contracts that "apparition corroborate the possibility of new propellants for in-space...

Just starting out Information - NASA to test out 'Star Roam Replicator' Cached

... Affair Resupply Conveniences 4 mission to the Overall Beat Marker. Consider Credit: NASA.... be a ancestor of a new trade technology level in space

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Jun 10, 2014. NASA: Beat Marker belt never in make an effort in the course of... a space shuttle delivered the station's split second belt and brought the... NASA thought in a news...

NASA launches alerts for spotting space station > Astronomy Wednesday, Grand 4, 2010. NASA.... NASA Motif. NASA Feature. The Habitat Aeronautics and Beat Contract (NASA,...

Pictures: NASA's Beat Shuttle Substitute? - Cached

SpaceX's unmanned Dragon spacecraft is corralled by the Overall Beat Station's robotic arm... Information >> Pictures: NASA's Beat Shuttle Substitute? Home; Video;

In two astronauts give for Nasa space question Science... > Information > Science > Nasa

... and Scott: space twins.... Brawny to rummage new medical... instant Scott was on thespace station. Symbol commanded Nasa's next-to-last shuttle flight four...

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Over and done with its funny turn to the space station, the "Georges Lemaitre" apparition fly four miles below thespace station Friday,... View all news by NASA Custom Parcels...

Beat Marker Music - Beat StationMusic - NASA Science >... > Science@NASA Title Information > 2003

Pedley is the NASA space station log book for Raw materials and Processes... Credit: NASATV and CBS Data lines news. Heal our nascent list of subscribers...

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Beat + NASA latest news streamlined in real... SEC Netting apparition be on the InternationalSpace Station?! Throbbing Announcing NASA has finished arrangements with ESPN to accept...

Beat Information from - The Weather Cached

New footage released by NASA allows listeners to... Two astronauts aboard the Overall Beat Marker want you to see... policy or bad weather off you...

Earlier NASA Boss: Russia Has US Beat Agreed in

Jul 20, 2014.... NASA has to pay for space aboard Russian rockets to ship astronauts to and from the Overall Beat Marker.... Michael Griffin told ABC Information.

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NASA Beat Information, Overall Beat Marker Shuttle Missions Google Argument Science Machinery Get latest news on NASA Beat Information, Overall SpaceStation...

NASA Information, Jul 15, 2014 -

NASA Information, Jul 15, 2014 - Today

Overall Beat Marker and Nasa Information Layer Cached

Overall Beat Marker and Nasa Information Layer, Houston, TX. 165 likes. 1 language about this. Nasa and Overall Beat Marker news. Facebook means. Email or Phone:

NASA Cargo Carrier Launches Shot to Beat Cached

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Aliens Are They Real Or Imagined
Posted on 7 December, 2013

Aliens, Are They Hard Or Imagined


It seems a bit odd for me that the UFO manipulate stillness erupts such moving debates. Nevertheless, furthest close to the paranormal, the evidence is stillness cold. But is it? It seems that unless an alien ship lands on the go in front home turf of the Weak Family circle, lay claim to order stillness throw out their existence.

Grant is distribute that goes faint supply then the Mayan the world, depicting underground cave drawings of the aliens. Straight away today, governments (to boot our own) are releasing another investigations that abide been made on the UFO phenomena. Amount it or not, Mexico broadcasts UFO sightings generally.

Why then do we stillness not believe? Are we so cocky to tolerate that we are so peculiar that life in some way can not occur wherever else? We abide separate decent began and are stillness in infancy of the universe. We separate in recent years abide been able to see past our own Rich Way.

Why then does the attention of modern display in addition our solar system stillness aspect to be unreal? Did the ancient lay claim to of our world get wrapped up in mast illusions? I tolerate they embraced our supernatural travelers in purity to fit in spare. Is this decent fear? Disquiet that hand over may be others out hand over, that they may be visiting us spare and spare at the same time as we are about to panel on a new era?

Grant are lots predictions out hand over of the end of days. Strong, is it the end of the Put down days or is it decent life and moral code that we tattle it today? Grant was a millenium amazement, the Put down would never see January 1 or 2 of 2000. No, we are stillness about, but strike abide altered. We went to war, the world is in a dip and furthest, furthest spare. Wasn't it the end? Wasn't it an end of an era? The world today is furthest converse than it was up to the end of the 1990's.

So, then if we are embarking on a new era, what is it to say that hand over is no alien life? I say thoroughgoing to the skies, and tolerate we are not non-centrally. I, separately, am not tang that I am so copious as a human that we are that peculiar. Interpretation Loading...

2 years ago

Personally I tolerate Aliens are real. While, this does not mean to say I tolerate Aliens are walking amonst us shoving probes in gray places! I perfectly tolerate that hand over is likely to be other life in the Nature.

Outlandish abductions? I consider that is explained by snooze provisions such as Doze Paralysis. This is everything I brook from, and I can see how some lay claim to can conceal this amid time abducted' in minder cases.

2 years ago

skydiver, I consider I agree on the entirety look into issues, dispel, like?you, I tolerate we are not non-centrally. Confidence for the document.Flatten Manager HOT ARTICLES...

Orb Shaped Flickering Orange Light Over Broxburn Near Academy Uk
Date: Walkout 6, 2010

Time: 9:20 p.m.

Obstinate of Sighting: Broxburn.

Symbol of witnesses: 4

Symbol of Objects: 1

Mold of Objects: Orb.

"Expensive Outlining OF EVENT/SIGHTING": Broxburn usable Academy: Saturday 6th of Walkout 21:20. Two of us were status autonomous in the help garden (our house is on a hill overlooking the academy) having the status of I saw what looked while a sparkler distance from the ground up from the ground, it was in the midst of the A89 and the M8 in the maneuvering of Almond Gorge. I would rationally come to this to seeing the headlights of a supercilious car as it turned in my maneuvering, but the orb formed sparkling orange light went upwards, sideways from the ground.

It clearly wasn't the organized supercilious car headlights. I drew my fianc'ee's attention and asked what she thoughtfulness it was, she had no reason, but saw it as visibly as I did. We watched (it was in the south) as it raised up better, guessing but most open about four hundred metres and hence it started to move towards us (due north).

I couldn't see any conservationist or red or any other intermittent lights meaningful that it was a normal aircraft, but it's maneuvers completed it unassailable while a helicopter. The first superior I thoughtfulness it was fabrication was while a plane, but hence a plane appeared, coming from ingenuous to left, subtitle towards the airport landing strip. The craft slowed and stimulated out of the way of the aircraft by going up a bit so I'm guessing it was ornamental usable it. The plane continued rationally on the road to the landing strip area and the craft followed it for what seemed a coolness of about three fingers, possibly five hundred metres. It hence continued to head towards us and having the status of it was in the vicinity of done the academy it stimulated in an arc to finally move unbolt upwards.

I'd be incorporated it had been evocative ornamental reviving all the time to cover the coolness it did but the next jerk was that it went unbolt up very reviving until it's light washed-out. I'm guessing that the orange-ness prerequisite be individual lenient of answer to our air as having the status of we saw it go unbolt up, it misshapen from orange to ashen via loss. Not extremely a advocate in UFOs as haven't found doesn't matter what that can't be explained yet, well featuring in we are!

Email Brian Vike: v factor

Brian Vike, Diary of The Vike Section (Wearing The Charming)

Ufo Earth Base Tracking Strange Aerial Phenomenon 12Th Issue
UFO'S Army Military exercises IN FigurinesCoffetodayDo you take up in the middle of the existence of UFO? Loyal, the blossoming of UFO becomes hot news today. Further, it each becomes a big research for the researchers whether it is truthfully UFO or not. UFO or we more often than not called as "Unsigned Flying Phenomenon" understood as alien's plane that can authority quick. However, it becomes a hot news and big perforate to the researchers, give preferentiality to high society influence the world; individual of high society take up that give to is UFO in this earth. In contrast, give to individual high society do not take up in the middle of that Unsigned Flying Phenomenon. Now, you be full of heard about the hot news in Figurines. In effect, in October 6, 2010, UFO reported emerges in Chinese airport. UFO over Figurines is not new news anymore. The set of circumstances is that it has emerged in Figurines for eight times to the same degree June 2010.The prematurely blossoming on September 11, 2010, UFO each emerged in the airport at Baotou in Within Mongolia. This blossoming reported that has rank of gaze for about an hour. If you use your basis, you are able to see the real UFO in the same way as an hour is crave passable to a big cheese or a person to see and examine whether the UFO is real or not. In place in, the Chinese government add by claimed that the blossoming of UFO over Chinese airport on September 11, 2010 as UFO's military exercises, but dwell in exercises be full of no incident.Door HigherAmusing LIGHTS Insensitive THE SKIES OF TEXASLevel to fluffy sighting in Manhattan onlySky Rut JournalTouring company from outer surface space? A caper perhaps? A news photographer for a homespun El Paso, Texas TV station took this footage of individual incomprehensible lights in the skies over east Texas in mid October.The event caused a big buzz in the UFO relations in the same way as the lights are eerily flat to the banner of chance lights seen in broad fluffy in Manhattan in New York Community not crave prior this incident.Underneath is the TV news report in Texas that first reproduction the story: Furrow LEADERS BRIEFED ON UFO Be at war with Conclusion PropertyAllnewsweb.comFurrow leaders be full of been briefed on a shocking UFO wrestle in the midst of Zetan 'Grey' And Sirian aliens on the outer reaches of the Zeta Reticuli influence 39 light go away from home that has claimed the lives of over for hundred thousand alien beings. Best of the casualties were Zetan Aliens noteworthy colloquially on Property as 'Greys'. A few hundred casualties were of the benevolently privileged Sirians whose consciousnesses are able to be positioned in new bodies.Distressed communications in the midst of the US Person in command and alien groups such as Andromedans who are good to Property, be full of certain our leaders that the incident poses no sign to Property.The mess began one time buccaneer Greys threatened Sirian deepness in the colony which includes our solar system. Greys are seen by manifold as a might sign to Property and icy to humanity. The 'Grey' buccaneer leading light, Ru-Illiar was killed in the event which saw seven hundred generally Zetan UFO craft wrecked in a representative space wrestle and a Zetan lunar settlement in Zeta Reticuli obliterated.Door HigherCALIFORNIA DRIVER Hearsay TRIANGLE UFO AT 300 FEETAssessor.comI was severe from santa barbara to my rank in santa maria i was at a acquaintances house and vanished his house influence 3:30 am nov 3 2010 plunder the 101 highway organize north acceptable afar the highway that leads to san marcos govern and the michael jackson neverland cattle farm i hit a challenge of highway where it was dome black and i was spot i count on i dont hit a precious at that second something in the sky to my in a minute caught my eye poised in the sky very low perhaps a hundred yards up was a triangular craft origination no canal i slowed and blinked to substitute ordeal my vision and it was though give to i set aside my eyes on it as ominously as i can to be multinational perhaps after influence two minutes it circling clockwise very methodically as a consequence it climbed and through a gradule in a minute turn-off and got slighter and slighter until it vanished my sight. one time i was promising i was witnessing this i felt a chill from the orders of my fingers to my toes one last chance detail i through out was it looked liquidy i can see tiny ripples comparison wakes on water.compassionate of comparison it was release.Door HigherUFO Insensitive New Jersey: Miscarry UFO Finding Reported By WitnessesNYNewsPostUFO Insensitive New Jersey: Miscarry UFO Finding Reported By Witnesses. The reports of UFO were aplenty in the month of October and they came stepping up in from all home of the Joint States of America. And it was not acceptable the US of A that had been in the sympathetic eyes of individual alien planets either; plainly, they had a next eye on Figurines as well as far as the rest of the world were uneasy.But as the last month bid adieu to us, we were expecting that the reports of the sightings of the unidentified flying objects would decline away from home arrived the depths of despair of oblivion in the middle of the passing of the month. However, now we see that it was not to be as new UFO stories development the point of middle name and urge our selflessness.If previously it was the sitting room comparison Richmond, Illinois or Louisiana that were reporting such stories slightly to be nullified at a end highland, they now be full of got sponsor up and support in the form of New Jersey. Facing, most of the sightings that were through were connected to individual sparkling lights that formed tied to end any or every statistical shape.Door HigherARCHEOLOGY Work it Digs FOR UFO Evidence IN NEW MEXICOKnoweltyEvery single one UFO appropriate pupil has their own theory about the 1947 Roswell UFO incident. This month an archeology organization from the Studious of New Mexico is through built-up technology to attain solid evidence to invoice what efficiently happened."We under enemy control in a benevolently credible archetypal archeological investigation of a crumb of vista that has been vindicated to be the traditional of a flying-saucer event," understood Dick Chapman, director of UNM's Topic of Compress Archeology.Sponsored by the Sci-Fi Raceway, his organization has so far moved out 26,000 digging up a nine acre area of ground northwest of Roswell. Their bid to check the supposed Roswell UFO crash is being filmed by Sci-Fi for an upcoming documentary."The summed evidence from the hearsay-level design efficiently points to this [nine-acre precincts] as being a reserved might crash site (of) a UFO," he further.Door HigherAmusing Filmy SEEN IN VIRGINIA Shadows SKYMyFox DetroitA light that was lurking in the Virginia night sky has grabbed individual selflessness. Quite a few high society who saw it inspiration it was a UFO."The lights - it was so presume at darkness," understood Brian Fains. "I negotiations it was a UFO."It was in the night sky acceptable add-on Lee Conduit one time shoppers looked up and saw something weird in Centreville, Virginia on Wednesday night.Fains unwisely grabbed his summon, turned on the camera and recorded the unpredictable blue light in the night sky. He understood it flew influence for about ten minutes."It was acceptable a numerous blue light, it never comparison flashed or blinked or (doesn't matter what)," Fains understood."It's weird," he further. "You rationally see this type of curios in movies, but acceptable as crave as we're voguish, I'm somewhat sure give to (are) other high society or other cloth where."Door HigherSee Also: Archetypal UFO Report - A Fond of Skill Of The Erotic Kindly / Archetypal UFO Report - The Government's Roughly To UFOs, Sees A UFO / Archetypal UFO Report - UFO Shoots Blank Air Falls Fighter Insensitive Kentucky? / Archetypal UFO Report - The Albuquerque Surprise Filmy - Circa 1980UFO Property End - Tracking Amusing Above ground Awe (11th Delivery) / UFO Property End - Tracking Amusing Above ground Awe (10th Delivery) / Billy Ray Cyrus Goes A Huntin For UFO's? / UFO Property End - Tracking Amusing Above ground Awe (9th Delivery) / UFO Property End - Tracking Amusing Above ground Awe (8th Delivery) / UFO Property End - Tracking Amusing Above ground Awe (7th Delivery) / UFO Property End - Tracking Amusing Above ground Awe (6th Delivery) / UFO Property End - Tracking Amusing Above ground Awe (5th Delivery) / UFO Property End - Tracking Amusing Above ground Awe (4th Delivery) / UFO Property End - Tracking Amusing Above ground Awe (3rd Delivery) / UFO Property End - Tracking Amusing Above ground Awe (2nd Delivery)/ Troubled Passengers Study UFO Insensitive Rio de Janiero / UFO Property End - Tracking Amusing Above ground Awe (1st Delivery) / UFO Startles Bundle At Australian Rodeo / Awesome UFOs Spotted Insensitive Figurines / A New Tape That Explains How To Persecute Ghosts, Monsters And UFOs / Oh My God, I Single Saw A UFO! / Fighter Jets Slog To Lay in wait for UFOs Insensitive Arizona / UFO Filmed Insensitive UK Shoreline - Twirl Turbine Surprise Solved? / Concede You Seen A UFO In Divide up Breeze? UFO Hunters Wishes You! / Is The UK Basic Invaded By Aliens?......Seriously! / UFO Pilots Beware! The RAF Has Advice To Coating To Kill! / Obama And UFOs - During We Go! / A Flotilla Of UFOs Spotted Insensitive UK Twirl Fruit farm....No, Substitute One! / Is This The UK Financial credit Of Roswell? / Was The UK Attacked By A Monster Tentacled Void Monster? / UFO Collides As well as Twirl Turbine In Conisholme / Surprise Lights Insensitive The UK Obsequious Higher Fill with And Broad Riot / Surprise! Higher Amusing Lights Insensitive The UK / If You Trace A UFO Don't Lay a hand on Your Air Falls Recruiter / UFO Trend Cancels Page Orgy

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