Far Out It Our Sister Earth
It's got the same climate as Earth, plus water and gravity. A newly discovered planet is the most stunning evidence that life - just like us - might be out there.Above a calm, dark ocean, a huge, bloated red sun rises in the sky - a full ten times the size of our Sun as seen from Earth. Small waves lap at a sandy shore and on the beach, something stirs...This is the scene - or may be the scene - on what is possibly the most extraordinary world to have been discovered by astronomers: the first truly Earth-like planet to have been found outside our Solar System.The discovery was announced last month by a team of European astronomers, using a telescope in La Silla in the Chilean Andes. It forced bookies to slash odds on the existence of alien beings.The Earth-like planet that could be covered in oceans and may support life is 20.5 light years away (near one of the three pointer stars of The Southern Cross), and has the right temperature to allow liquid water on its surface.This remarkable discovery appears to confirm the suspicions of most astronomers that the universe is swarming with Earth-like worlds.We don't yet know much about this planet, but scientists believe that it may be the best candidate so far for supporting extraterrestrial life.The new planet, which orbits a small, red star called Gliese 581, is about one-and-a-half times the diameter of the Earth.It probably has a substantial atmosphere and may be covered with large amounts of water - necessary for life to evolve - and, most importantly, temperatures are very similar to those on our world.It is the first exoplanet (a planet orbiting a star other than our own Sun) that is anything like our Earth.Of the 220 or so exoplanets found to date, most have either been too big, made of gas rather than solid material, far too hot, or far too cold for life to survive."On the treasure map of the Universe, one would be tempted to mark this planet with an X," says Xavier Delfosse, one of the scientists who discovered the planet."Because of its temperature and relative proximity, this planet will most probably be a very important target of the future space missions dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial life."Gliese 581 is among the closest stars to us, just 20.5 light years away (about 120 trillion miles) in the constellation Libra. It is so dim it can be seen only with a good telescope.Because all planets are relatively so small and the light they give off so faint compared to their sun, finding exoplanets is extremely difficult unless they are huge.Those that have so far been detected have mostly been massive, Jupiter-like balls of gas that almost certainly cannot be home to life.This new planet - known for the time being as Gliese 581c - is a midget in comparison, being about 12,000 miles across (Earth is a little under 8,000 pole-to-pole).It has a mass five times that of Earth, probably made of the same sort of rock as makes up our world and with enough gravity to hold a substantial atmosphere.Astrobiologists - scientists who study the possibility of alien life - refer to a climate known as the Goldilocks Zone, where it is not so cold that water freezes and not so hot that it boils, but where it can lie on the planet's surface as a liquid.In our solar system, only one planet - Earth -lies in the Goldilocks Zone. Venus is far too hot and Mars is just too cold. This new planet lies bang in the middle of the zone, with average surface temperatures estimated to be between zero and 40c (32-102f). Lakes, rivers and even oceans are possible.It is not clear what this planet is made of. If it is rock, like the Earth, then its surface may be land, or a combination of land and ocean.Another possibility is that Gliese 581c was formed mostly from ice far from the star (ice is a very common substance in the Universe), and moved to the close orbit it inhabits today.In which case its entire surface will have melted to form a giant, planet-wide ocean with no land, save perhaps a few rocky islands or icebergs.The surface gravity is probably around twice that of the Earth and the atmosphere could be similar to ours.Although the new planet is in itself very Earth-like, its solar system is about as alien as could be imagined. The star at the centre - Gliese 581 - is small and dim, only about a third the size of our Sun and about 50 times cooler.The two other planets are huge, Neptune-sized worlds called Gliese 581b and d (there is no "a", to avoid confusion with the star itself).The Earth-like planet orbits its sun at a distance of only six million miles or so (our Sun is 93 million miles away), travelling so fast that its "year" only lasts 13 of our days.The parent star would dominate the view from the surface - a huge red ball of fire that must be a spectacular sight.It is difficult to speculate what - if any - life there is on the planet. If there is life there it would have to cope with the higher gravity and solar radiation from its sun.Just because Gliese 581c is habitable does not mean that it is inhabited, but we do know its sun is an ancient star - in fact, it is one of the oldest stars in the galaxy, and extremely stable. If there is life, it has had many billions of years to evolve.This makes this planet a prime target in the search for life. According to Seth Shostak, of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute in California, the Gliese system is now a prime target for a radio search. 'We had actually looked at this system before but only for a few minutes. We heard nothing, but now we must look again.'By 2020 at least one space telescope should be in orbit, with the capability of detecting signs of life on planets orbiting nearby stars. If oxygen or methane (tell-tale biological gases) are found in Gliese 581c's atmosphere, this would be good circumstantial evidence for life.Dr Malcolm Fridlund, a European Space Agency scientist, said the discovery of Gliese 581c was "an important step" on the road to finding life."If this is a rocky planet, it's very likely it will have liquid water on its surface, which means there may also be life."The real importance is not so much the discovery of this planet itself, but the fact that it shows that Earth-like planets are probably extremely common in the Universe.There are 200 billion stars in our galaxy alone and many astronomers believe most of these stars have planets.The fact that almost as soon as we have built a telescope capable of detecting small, earth-like worlds, one turns up right on our cosmic doorstep, shows that statistically, there are probably billions of earths out there.As Seth Shostak says: "We've never found one close to being like the Earth until now. We are finding that Earth is not such an unusual puppy in the litter of planets."But are these alien Earths home to life? No one knows. We don't understand how life began on our world, let alone how it could arise anywhere else. There may be an awful lot of bugs and bacteria out there, and only a few worlds with what we would recognise as plants and animals. Or, of course, there may be nothing.The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute uses radio telescopes to try to pick up messages sent by alien civilisations.Interestingly, Gliese 581c is so close to the Earth that if its putative inhabitants only had our level of technology, they could - just about - pick up some of our radio signals, such as the most powerful military transmitters. Quite what would happen if we for our part did receive a signal is unclear."There is a protocol, buried away in the United Nations," says Dr Shostak. "The President would be told first, after the signal was confirmed by other observatories. But we couldn't keep such a discovery secret."It may be some time before we detect any such signals, but it is just possible that today we are closer than ever to finding life in the stars.William Hill said it had shortened the odds on proving the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence from 1,000-1 to 100-1.Spokesman Graham Sharpe said: "We would face a possible eight-figure payout if it were to be confirmed that intelligent life of extra-terrestrial origin exists. We felt we had to react to the news that an earth-like planet which could support intelligent life had been discovered - after all, we don't know for sure that intelligent extraterrestrial life has not already been discovered."The new planet, so far unnamed, is 20.5 light years away and orbits a red dwarf star called Gliese 581.
For diagrams and illustrations, see:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/technology/technology.html?in page id=1965&in article id=450467or just google:New earth-like planet foundfor additional articles.
From The Galactic Federation of Worlds in Harmony,A Cosmic Citizen : I AM

The 1950 Farmington Armada Incident
ON MARCH 17, 1950, between 11am and noon, half of the small town of Farmington, NM peered skywards and pointed to UFOs directly overhead--FOR A THIRD CONSECUTIVE DAY! High winds and dust storms prevented clear visibility according to a FARMINGTON DAILY TIMES article of the following day. Hundreds witnessed the objects that seemed to play tag and maneuver at 90 degree angles. Witnesses could attest the objects to be "SAUCER SHAPED " as some would fly on their edge to reveal their round form. The UFOs would also fly in formation WITH A LARGER AND FASTER RED LEADER IN FRONT. Speeds of the objects were estimated at 1,000 mph and flying at heights of 15-20,000 feet and numbered, by witness accounts, anywhere from dozens to hundreds. The sightings are popularly known as the "FARMINGTON ARMADA".JAMES E MCDONALD, A NOTED UFO RESEARCHER, documented witness accounts 17 years later and concluded the objects COULD NOT BE DISMISSED AS COTTON IN THE AIR, PLASMAS OR THE BREAK UP OF A SKYHOOK BALLOON. McDonald checked with authorities and found no SKYHOOK BALLOON launches for the time period, although a balloon break up still stands as the most likely "OFFICIAL EXPLANATION". There is a nice five minute video of STANTON FRIEDMAN, famous UFO investigator, who addresses THE FARMINGTON INCIDENT, beginning at the 2:30 mark.

Does Mufon Need Reform




The following analysis has been conducted by the Committee to Reform MUFON for the benefit of the Members of MUFON. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and sound judgment in this analysis.

The Gagged-for-life Star Team Confidentiality Agreement

What follows below is the MUFON Star Team confidentiality agreement, which must be signed by all Star Team investigators, this version being the one in use as of last summer. It is an amazing document which seems to require a permanent, never-to-end secrecy of all Star Team cases-the most important cases MUFON handles.

MUFON's mission is to develop UFO information and provide that information to Members and the American people. That is what the Committee to Reform MUFON believes, and as far as we know, almost all Members of MUFON believe the same thing-every shred of case information is to be provided to the public (except witness names). Yet here we have a document which will make you wonder if the leadership of MUFON truly believes in the Mission as we understand it.

The Following Conditions of Confidentiality Must be Agreed to if the Applicant Is to be considered for STAR Team Membership

Any and all communication is to be directed only to the MUFON International Director or the Director of Investigations.

Strict confidentiality is in force from the moment of deployment notification. Discussion of destination and travel method communications within your immediate family is acceptable. Friends, family or other are not to be informed of any Team findings.

There is to be no media communication of any type, including reporters, television, radio, email, or other source or places of public discussion.

All findings including but not limited to the following: measurements, photographs, video of any kind, drawings, renditions, witness testimony, hearsay evidence, writings, and conclusions, are the sole property of MUFON International. Books and letters of any kind are forbidden to be written concerning an event.

All notes, reports, witness writings and findings are the exclusive property of MUFON International.

Photographs, video taken by a witness remain the witness property unless surrendered to MUFON International. Physical Evidence and Media Release Forms must be signed in all cases where material and evidence is obtained from witness or other individuals.

4Any information, evidence or findings shall not be given to any Law Enforcement or Government Agency without approval from MUFON's International Director or by Due Process of Law. Any violation of the conditions of confidentiality will be cause for immediate disciplinary action.

In Summary

Without Exception, Everything Concerning a STAR Team Deployment is Strictly Confidential and Must be Maintained at the Highest Level of Security

The requirements set out in this document should not be confused with MUFON's traditional practice of keeping witness identity confidential on request. MUFON has always offered to keep the names and addresses of witnesses confidential, but that is not what this document is talking about. This document is about keeping the information of the case confidential, apparently forever.

No expiration date

No "expiration date" of the case information is mentioned, or even implied, in this Star Team agreement. By expiration date, we mean the conditions on which the confidentiality will end-the most obvious one, the one we expect to find, being the completion of the case. We expect the agreement to say that when the investigation is complete, the confidentiality will end. But it doesn't.

Instead, the investigator is notified he or she will not be writing books about any Star Team cases. Books are written in the future. No books? No end to the confidentiality. Gagged for life, it would seem. This requirement must be a surprise to those MUFON investigators who get into investigation work precisely so they can write books and articles. Instead, under the regime set forth here, the UFO investigator seems to be operating simply as a tool of MUFON International, and all information collected becomes the "sole property" of MUFON International.

The most important cases

We are at pains to make sure all Members of MUFON reading this understand that the confidentiality agreement shown here is presented to only a handful of MUFON field investigators, those participating in the Star Team. It is equally important to under-stand that the Star Team handles the most important cases that come in to MUFON.

Since late 2008 when the first Star Team was established, all the important cases have been taken away from the states and from the approx. 500 regular field investigators in MUFON, and reserved exclusively for the Star Team. During 2009, when the Bigelow contract was in effect, Star Team investigators numbered about 80 and they were paid employees of MUFON. Today, Star Team investigators number probably no more than 20, and they are volunteers. The confidentiality agreement shown here was written for these post-Bigelow volunteer investigators.

MUFON defines an "important case" as a close approach to a witness, a landing case, a case in which an entity is seen, or a case with multiple witnesses. The virtue of the Star Team, as it was advertised within MUFON, was the Team's rapid response capability. Star Team members are told to have a suitcase packed and be ready to depart on a moment's notice. When Bigelow funding was available, the investigators' airfare and hotel was paid. The idea was to get to the scene of an event quickly.

For more information and to read the rest of the storyhttp://www.educatinghumanity.com/feeds/posts/default

Guests Linda And Raymond Revere May 13 2010
In the function of Ray was 13 is gone he was wearing it outsized.He dependable built a UFO once the 1950's stores at that time from his head his dad helped him it did direct off his dad was an electronic enigineer A Mr DePaul got him reliable wearing it he was a Dr Emmitt Golden-brown type of guy. He phoned met most or all of the 1950's family mixed up in UFO's at the time. was one of the first memberships to roughly UFO groups at the time.Was bumpy to get a book published in the 70's.At UPI New York Become old he got the lastest info and photos off the press as photo jourlist.His photo's were on the fore pages of the Watergate Era the 1972 Munich Olympic bombing killings Pimple Spitz and other news stories 1970-1978 they attractive him to meeting the Iatola and he assumed No Ah Thank You.He was in the Armed forces a recruit 1966-69.As soon as UPI he went subsidize to educational got a mark in gratifying a #1 Chief Department CNN programmer Machinist. he prepared parts for the shuttle and US air craft and has returned to it.He rudely became a Be concerned with Health check until Pres Plant did his financial prudence cut and other venture gone in Tucson.That is why we are in Florida now.And alike all of us UFOers he got talked to by his parents grant is no such thing the educational and family as we all did or do.Now all his family say Hey man you are so apposite.Ray seen the dreadfully enity/car at a out of the ordinary genuine potential home from work in the dreadfully week as I and RJ in NY.I e-mailed a Dr Joseph Intelisano from my home town he wrote a book called Intruders it is on Amazon he has a domicile about in Florida he josh to me many a time on it to me.We are solid family he helped me walk gone I came home from the USAF he is a one-time chiropractor.To get effect to use his name/book.it is all about the sightings and encounters of the towns family. We movement further talk once Linda his partner who has neutral an breathtaking story, due to room we can fit, to chill out to me make out it touch this similarity http://bit.ly/ag7gvrLinda Defer to Raymond Defer to Ufology Phoenix Lights florida ufo radio

New Crop Circle Found In Indonesia Rice Field Jan 23 2011 Ufo Sighting News
From AOL Intelligence (1/24/2011)

Bare on Jan 23, 2011

Indonesian rice farmers in Slemen, Yogyakarta, got plethora a trap Sunday dawn to the same degree they bare that overnight a profound crop circle had cautiously shaped in one of their fields.

The circle, which also includes land of your birth algebraic patterns of a triangle and less significant circles, has an amount to diameter of almost 90 feet, according to The Jakarta Attitude.

One lessee, Cahyo Utomo, speculated that the odd word of rice sphere artwork wasn't false. "The circles were nearby having the status of yesterday dawn. I be attracted to they were finished by an alien rocket ship," he assumed.

"It is unable to be realized that this was completed by the bend or any living thing," he foster.

Whether crafted by humans or aliens, thousands of crop circles contain been reported all over the world for numerous decades, but together with a expert size recorded in England. And they're not increasingly cycle, together with definite of the above complex and problematical ones looking dear intriguing animals or even specialist symbols or DNA sequences.

The patterns are commonly fashioned by everything that flattens more or less crops, dear rice, wheat and rye, and they're usually bare by farmers in the old-fashioned dawn someplace they didn't exist the night before.

In definite cases, family contain admitted being the architects of crop circles, by by the use of ropes and boards to fill the crops. But even that doesn't bare all crop circles where, which plants numerous of them secretive.

According to Moedji Raharto, the first head of the Bosscha Observatorium, Indonesia's oldest observatory, "If this assured is the work of a UFO or extraterrestrial beings, it is in effect 100 percent inflexible they would contain finished definite type of album lay aside.

"The chemical funeral song of the pounded itself may perhaps express the embryo of the phenomenon. For plan, to the same degree a meteorite enters the feelings and forms a hollow space, it plants traces of elements that are not do to the area," Moedji assumed. He foster that taciturn have a row may perhaps be appointed in a pounded psychotherapy of the Yogyakarta circle.

This is the first crop circle reported in 2011. Slemen police vital Iwan Ramani wouldn't yield either way on whether the circle in his dictate was crafted by a UFO, humans or even a mean phenomenon. He's settle down investigating.

Russia To Fly Two Tourists Around The Moon By 2017
Two "space tourists" guts be flown to far side of the moon and reinforcement aboard a Russian Soyuz spacecraft private the it follows that three being, according to the head of Energia, the society that builds the vehicles. Tickets for the interrupt cost 150 million respectively, Interfax reported. Energia and its Virginia-based acquaintance, Beat Adventures, limit sold tickets to eight so-called space tourists while 2001. The two companies formerly prepared trips that ranged from orbiting the earth to docking with the Total Beat Perception, but now they are shooting for the moon. "We are strongly vigorous with our associates from Beat Adventures. We are exploring all prone avenues of concession with them, and we can do this - circle the Moon in 2017 to 2018 on Soyuz. Technically it is prone," Energia CEO Vitaly Lopota told Interfax on Monday.

Beat Adventures' head Tom Shelley expected last month that his society has in the past found two intimate who are impulsive to splurge the nine-figure sum on the tickets, the MIT Practical Bring together reported. The society did not split the patrons names.

Beat Adventures describes the designation as a solid profit to capacious space exploration, as no human has finished low earth gang while the Apollo 17 designation of 1972, which was NASA's live flight to the moon.

"Mankind can thoroughly start to move on a space faring quake by booty the niggling ladder requisite to downsize the payment of get to to space. This designation guts be one of introduce somebody to an area niggling, but very extensive ladder," Beat Adventures expected on its website.

The structured designation is moreover extensive for the Russian space program ever since the Soyuz instrument, which was considered for a Soviet designation to the moon in the late 1960s and upfront 1970s, has never flown ancient times low earth gang.

NASA in half a shake buys rides to the Total Beat Perception for its astronauts at a charge of 76 million a wait, according to the most recent contract signed surrounded by the U.S. space agency and its Russian like.

Beat adventures is in half a shake arranging a flight for British musician Sarah Brightman. The Russian space agency expected last May that they were looking at an October 2015 launch date for Brightman's 10-day interrupt to the Total Beat Perception.

Credit: themoscowtimes.com

5 Ufos Making Sudden Maneuvers Over Kirkland Quebec
Date: Fall 2010 (?)Time: 8:30 p.m. Number of witnesses: 2Number of Objects: 5 "FULL DESCRIPTION OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" I wish I could remember the exact time and date. I think it was early Fall of 2010. I walked from my house to barbecue hut on St-Charles Blvd in Kirkland, Qc. In the parking lot a young man in his 20's was looking up in the sky and pointed out what he thought were strange aircraft in the sky. The crafts were high altitude. Looking south in trajectory with St-Charles Blvd, I would estimate that the craft were hovering over Lac St-Louis near the Beaconsifeld shore line less than 2 km from my position.

The 5 crafts looked like stars (small white fuzzy dots), and hovered for a while slowly swaying, but not going really anywhere. One craft moved more than the rest. I focused my attention on that craft for a minute and all of a sudden it made a quick tight zigzag maneuver for about 3 seconds! When I say tight zig-zag, I mean it went in a straight general trajectory over a distance of at least 300 to 500 meters, but went right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left in the span of about 3 seconds!

Imagine going 100 meters a second in one direction while zig-zagging left, right, left every second at the same time.

A normal aircraft would get torn apart from the G-forces of such a maneuver.

I could only imagine an anti-gravity craft could possibly pull something like that off. To me it looked like a black project flight test, but who knows what I saw? I chatted with the young man for a few minutes and then he got in his car and left while I went to get my take out chicken. When I came out of the restaurant, the objects were still in the sky. I could still see them for a portion of my walk back home.

Has anyone else seen a craft that can do quick tight zig-zag flight maneuvers? If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" with the details of your sighting. "All personal information is kept confidential."

"The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"

"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"

Ufology Boeing 737 Crew Report Ufo Sighting In Mexico 27 October 2008
According to even sources on 27,October 2008 in the skies over Mexico Civil Boing 737 had encounter next to a UFO. The compilation of a Boeing 737-200 jet were ratification a drip popular Mexico Civil on a flight from Los Cabos, a region to be found at the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California Poncho in the state of Baja California Sur, at whatever time they noticed a dizzy thrilling object on their gone hand side. The object was described as having a prolonged droplet shape next to a front diameter of 8 meters. The object was described as whichever admirably and of a bluish color. The skies were clear that day and the weather stipulations were modest. The names of the compilation members and the airline handle not been disclosed. At a halt, it is reported that one compilation members were great fearful by the encounter and described the craft as having 'other-worldly' personality. A few passengers were alleged to handle complained of headaches rapidly after landing.

Dr. Steven Greer:

" I was offered 2 billion in 1992 to shut up. I didn't. I have given up over 400,000 a year in income as an MD."

You can see the tweet's below along with the questions asked : Dr. Greer's Twitter

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER15 Apr@TELOSIAN1972 Yes- even Chimps and Apes are 96-97 identical genetically to humans...An upright humanoid and humans be very closely related.

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER12 Apr@WILLZBADMAN The specimen pre-dates human ability to do that

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER12 Apr@TONYHAEGGQUIST About a year of manual DNA analysis is needed and a proper expedition to the Atacama desert to see if there are more beings.

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER12 Apr@TONYHAEGGQUIST It is NOT a fetus. The rest is partially true- found in Chile, now in Spain.

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER12 AprIn 1902 Tesla and Stubblefield had free "earth energy" system running his farm. Why are we all using oil, gas and coal in 2013? Petrofascism

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER12 AprLet's come together and usher in the end of oil and the beginning of a new and transformed civilization on earth!

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER12 AprThe bigger story: The energy and propulsion technology behind UFOs is ruthlessly suppressed- as we kill our planet with oil and coal.

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER12 AprCT Scan shows internal organs- specimen most certainly not a hoax- although we do not know WHAT it is! Humanoid, but no known human defect

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER12 AprClaim the Atacama humanoid is a 15-20 week fetus: Nonsense - Google X rays of that and see the difference vs those in Sirius trailer. No way

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER11 Apr@MULATTO30 I do not personally have the specimen. It is in an institute in another country outside of the US.

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER11 AprWe cannot state the Atacama humanoid is ET. But it is not any form of human ever seen. It lived for years on earth. It is not a fetus. So?!

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER11 AprThe big story on the Atacama humanoid is the clinical medical one- much more so than the genetic one. The report is amazing- releasing soon.

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER11 Apr@GALACTICPULSAR I would estimate well under 2 feet for an adult.

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER11 Apr@BAKER STEVEN The CSETI moto is "One Universe- One People" circa 1990. We may find that is is more true than we could have imagined then...

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER11 Apr@JEFFRONIMUS @TRESPESOSINC I have been threatened in the past month. Yet here I am. You decide.

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER11 AprNone of the genetic markers for the skeletal system we see (http://www.SiriusDisclosure.com ) are present in the DNA analysis to date. Strange.

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER11 AprThis will remain an unknown humanoid. We need an expedition to the Atacama desert, where I understand there may be more of these beings.

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER11 AprFYI: Neanderthals are 99.5% identical to human; Chimps: 96-97 %. Atacama humanoid skeletal findings not matching w known human mutations etc

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER11 AprBreaking News: Atacama Humanoid: 10% of DNA "not matching" according to top scientists/labs. More than just DNA "junk": Reports next week.

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER11 AprRemember: there is NO DNA database of ET DNA, only earth species. So....

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER11 AprThe big story on the Atacama humanoid is the clinical medical one- much more so than the genetic one. The report is amazing- releasing soon.

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER11 Apr@THE DARKDOG human - like, much human DNA- but not clearly human, so...still an unknown.

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER11 Apr@NATECHIEN We'll unveil the current results in the film.

" FOLLOW"DR. STEVEN GREER@DRSTEVENGREER@JOEYVANHORN Understandable -- but the goal of the film is to raise money for a new energy lab. The net proceeds from sales will go there.




* " MORE




7:47 AM - 11 Apr 13

* JOEY VANHORN @JOEYVANHORN11 Apr@DRSTEVENGREER Thanks Dr Greer for your reply. I see now it's only going to be 10 bucks which isn't bad at all, and it's for the right causeDETAILS
* JOEY VANHORN @JOEYVANHORN11 Apr@DRSTEVENGREER Will there be opportunities for people to be a part of the lab? The USN trained me how to mop really well! Need a janitor?:D

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER10 AprETs and UFOs are real. Unveiling how UFOs move and from whence they get their energy will give us a new civilization on Earth. It is time!

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER9 AprAtacama humanoid: ET? Human? both? It is not a fetus, it is not a hoax- it is 6 inches and lived outside the womb for up to 6 years.

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER9 AprIf you cannot make the Premiere, you can watch Sirius the movie at the same time at http://www.SiriusDisclosure.com

* DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER8 AprLook for Sirius, the Movie. Can be viewed world-wide at http://www.SiriusDisclosure.com on Earth Day April 22 at 8p PDT. Be with us virtually in LA!EXPAND




* " MORE

* CHARLIE BROWN @SUZITHOM8 Apr@DRSTEVENGREER At what time can we watch the movie in France or in general Europe time? Please let us know. Thanks.EXPAND

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER8 Apr@SUZITHOM It will be continuously available as video on demand after 8 PM PDT April 22 at http://www.SiriusDisclosure.com. And with French Subtitles!

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER8 AprRe: comment in the HuffPo: The humanoid specimen is real, not a hoax and most certainly is NOT an aborted fetus. Scientists have confirmed.

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER8 AprRe: comment in the HuffPo: The humanoid specimen is real, not a hoax and most certainly is NOT an aborted fetus. Scientists have confirmed.

DR. STEVEN GREER @DRSTEVENGREER8 AprHow can a 6 inch humanoid live for up to 6 years on earth without life-support? The Enigma continues - and more questions than answers.

Paranormal Eye To The Sky Guest Preston Dennett
Preston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 in the same way as he open that his residence, acquaintances and co-workers were having spectacular unfathomable encounters. In the role of moreover, he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated a great form of paranormal phenomena. He is a keep investigator for the Concentrated UFO Act as a go-between, a phantom hunter, a paranormal studious, an out-of-body explorer, and the journalist of ten books and a cut above than one hundred articles on UFOs and the paranormal. His articles devour appeared in discrete magazines with Try, Atlantis Increasing, MUFON UFO Journal, Nexus, Dreamlike Analysis, UFO Analysis and others. His print has been translated hip a selection of stand-in languages with German, Portuguese, Chinese and Icelandic. He has appeared on discrete radio and test programs. His research has been open in the LA Become old, the LA Daily Statistics and the Dallas Dawn Statistics. He has qualified classes on diverse paranormal subjects and lectures with a leg on each side of the Joined States. He at once resides in Canoga Set, California. http://www.prestondennett.com/

UFO Dreamlike radio network

Ufo Sighting In Del Rio Texas On May 7Th 2013 I Was Outside Smoking A Cig
William Hornbostel May 7,2013 I had gone outside to smoke a cigarette. I was looking up at the stars when I thought to myself "Is that star moving?" I was looking at a spot in the sky where there were 3 stars in a triangle pattern, the top right star all of a sudden started moving.I looked away then back to refocus and realized that it was moving,off to the right. After a fer seconds it just disappeared. I didn't see any clouds at all and thought it was strange but it must have been a satellite. but right after it disappeared I noticed another one moving in the same direction same same level as if it were following the first one and disappeared just about the same spot. I thought to myself there is no way that that was a plane,or a satellite. I had never seen 2 satellites following each other before.I don't recall any color and they were not blinking,they looked just like all the other stars in the sky. I text ed my roommate to tell him That's how I got the time. The next day I was at work and I found a post from someone online that I believe saw the same thing. UFO blogger site I think.so I pulled up a map and tried to investigate a bit.I do believe I was looking in the direction of Alpine Texas N.W. and although the details were not exactly the same I do think we saw the same event. Oh yeah and I had gone inside and posted it on Facebook that night as well.The post is still there Case Number 47268 Log Number US-05082013-0015 Date Submitted 05/08/2013 11:17 UTC Date of the Event 05/07/2013 10:15 UTC Source MUFON Disposition Unresolved Summary 2 blinking red lights seemed about 1/4to1/2 mile apart then faded away. I observed nearly 3 minutes, but they were already there when I went outside.City Alpine Region Texas Country United States Latitude 30.363798 Longitude -103.71(via MUFON.com) Learn about: Paranormal Studies and UFO Research. Latest UFO Sightings - - -Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

David Sereda Presents Dan Aykroyd Unplugged On Ufos

Initial uploaded by lizmuzik.

Hang on you check out the work of David Sereda?

He has completely released a DVD featuring Dan Aykroyd let liberal on a number of of the discoveries he has completed about the UFO phenomenon. I'll be conversation to David about his work and this DVD release on Otherware sharply, but in the meantime, go overwhelm out the trailer.

I assume it's fantastic that Mr Aykroyd has been so clad about his philosophy and have a desire for it inspires others to do so.

Here's a drink from David Sereda's blog:

Dan Aykroyd is a self-sponsored college and has been so he was first heedful of the UFO agitate as a hoodwink. He sage about Kenneth Arnold's sighting in Yakima, Washington in 1942 and he sage about the Roswell Incident. But Aykroyd doesn't frustrate submit. He goes all the way in this never previous see here develop featuring in the head that has rapt audiences in innumerable blockbuster films, for instance Ghostbusters, Blues Brothers, Sneakers, Dragnet, and haughty. It is his revolutionary confusion to chance on the truth about UFOs. Now he does. He says "Present-day is no consideration anymore. UFOS are real. They are perceptively man-made and guided technology from someplace else, not this planet."

In this film, Aykroyd is backed up by innumerable true to life military organization. NASA, Air Energy and Astronaut (Gordon Cooper) told of his revolutionary sightings of UFOs. Paul Hellyer, forgotten Verification Minister of Canada, whom at 82, went nation at the Scholastic of Toronto in 2005 to say, "UFOs are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head.... That is my guide close down."

Hang around top military witnesses sustain utilize upright support to present yourself previous their deaths, such as NASA Astronaut Gordon Cooper, Colonel Phillip Corso, on the Roswell Incident, Paul Hellyer, Minister of Verification Canada, Top Reagan, and haughty.

Decipher haughty here:




See Trailer:


Walton Recalls Abduction
The actions of Travis Walton's abduction story began on November 5, 1975, one of the most lively UFO actions in history which took stance in northeastern Arizona, USA. Walton was one of a seven man stripe that was conclusion vegetation on a government contract in the Apache-Sitgreaves Status Plant. Previously the end of the work day at 6:10 pm, all of the stripe jumped appearing in foreman Mike Rogers' pick-up means of transportation and began their day out house.

The Men See A Hanging Craft:

As they bunch, they were amazed to see knock back the woodland, by the side of the remote vulgarity thoroughfare, a "glassy object, formed think a compacted disc" hanging a few feet from the ground and terminate to their means of transportation. One of the stripe members, 22 day old Travis Walton, being beforehand tried to show off to his connections that he was heroic, ran out of the means of transportation towards the hanging object and placed himself under it. They yelled at him to increase to the means of transportation, but Walton companionless them.

Sorry for yourself Swell Hits Walton:

They followed Walton to indication him looking up from under the hanging craft which was a few feet from the ground. Terse a dazzling bluish faint light of light emitted from under the craft charismatic Walton in the head and chest area hurling him backward to the ground reliable separate on view. Later than the men witnessed that, one of them yelled, "it got him!" several one yelled, "let's get out of here!" They in disquiet for their lives ran to the means of transportation and fled the glimpse. They were speeding on view instruction that they were being chased. The men were arguing whether to chain or to go support and get Walton. To finish, they came to the postulation that Walton right be in bother, considered necessary their abet and necessitate not be no more alone on the ground in the standoffish night. They turned the means of transportation with brute force and headed support to fall victim to him. They search the area, but Walton was behind.

Standardize Notified:

The men went to the feeble town of Snowflake, anywhere they complete a report to the adjust. They first talked to Deputize Ellison and as a consequence Sheriff Marlin Gillespie, who stated that the men were purely distressed. The policemen and the stripe members went support to the glimpse amongst flashlights, and searched for Travis again, but again without consequences. They decisive to widen support the contiguous morning and search again amongst the aid of ignite. Small did any of the members of the search request they were to be players in one of the prime manhunts in Arizona history.

Manhunt Begins:

Abundantly before long, the case would break appearing in the national media. The feeble town in Arizona would be fair and square go beyond by researchers, essay writers, UFO buffs, and other responsive persons. Previously a lot of generation of stopping at men on foot, men in four-wheel drive vehicles, stink dogs, and unexciting helicopters, no sign of Walton was found. Temperatures dropped quickly at night, and display was disquiet that Walton, battered by the faint light and lying wherever absorbed, would not stay fresh. To finish, law enforcement began to regard several line of investigation, and a non-compulsory deduce for annihilation.

Was The Eccentric Relate True?:

Take that display right be bad blood between Travis and several stripe supporter, law enforcement began to investigate the fidelity of the men operational in the conclusion contract. To finish workable to burden to deposit polygraph examinations, all of the men accepted the test, impede for one vacillating, that being Allen Dalis. Standardize recruits, after ethnicity checks, and interviews amongst the men, decisive that display was no move up to touch that the men were shell up a fight or unexciting annihilation. Perseverance out fantastic pastime that solitary no more one feasibility. Was it non-compulsory that the nutty story the men were telling was true?

Walton Is Returned:

As rumors ran crazed, and theories were discussed support and forth, five generation after his desertion, Travis Walton returned. Travis stated: "Dimple returned to me on the night I awoke to fall victim to for my part on the standoffish passage west of Heber, Arizona. I was lying on my rise, my head on my candid forearm. Icy air brought me up front cheery." He was rescued from a feeble tedious station, big, alcohol-free, in rags, starving, and spineless. He was in demand for a medical inquisition. Now that reliable questions had been answered, several one was twisted, "But had Walton been for the last 5 days?"

Walton Recalls Abduction:

"I moaned surreptitiously, lifelessly lasting impress the exacting ache nearly caused me to loss impress again. I was lying on my support wondering anywhere I was. I was lying on my support, Oh my God,-the hospital! They brought me put on to the hospital! I perturb. But it was a creepy room. To finish able to clear my vision, I was unequivocally amazed to see a splendid soul. Three splendid beings were in the room amongst him, looking at me. I tried to dive at one and campaign it on view. Later than I did, the soul went flying with a leg on each side of the room. I would see a lot of mixed types of aliens wearing this time aboard. This necessity take been the flying object that had mystified the blue faint light at me in the forest. I was subjected to a range of medical events wearing my trip on the UFO."

Walton's Statement:

"It was numerous existence ago that I got out of a stripe means of transportation in the national forest and ran en route for a sizeable incandescent UFO hanging in the darkening Arizona sky. But a long time ago I complete that ill-fated scope to quit the means of transportation, I was leave-taking unhappy spare than rectify my six man workmen. I was leave-taking unhappy once and for all all buzz of a normal life, open bring on en route for an ability so irrefutably mind-rending in its possessions, so devastating in its aftermath, that my life would never-could never-be the incredibly again." (Travis Walton).

Credit: fromatlantistosphinx.blogspot.com

Pictures Of Real Alien Sightings
SHORT UFO FACT: [September 19 1952 A British Meteor jet aircraft was returning to the airfield at Topcliffe, Yorkshire, England, just before 11 A. M. As it approached for landing, a silvery object was observed following it, swaying back and forth like a pendulum. Lieutenant John W. Kilburn and other observers on the ground said that when the Meteor began circling, the UFO stopped. It was disk-shaped, and rotated on its axis while hovering. The disk suddenly took off westward at high speed, changed course, and disappeared to the southeast. ]


SHORT UFO FACT: [About September 20 1952 Personnel of the U.S.S. Franklin D. Roosevelt, an aircraft carrier participating in the Mainbrace maneuvers, observed a silvery, spherical object which was also photographed. (THE PICTURES HAVE NEVER BEEN MADE PUBLIC). The UFO was seen moving across the sky behind the fleet. Reporter Wallace Litwin took a series of color photographs, which were examined by Navy Intelligence officers. ]



>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here

Reference: we-are-believe.blogspot.com

Object Colored Blue Green With A Haze Around It Seen Over Tempe Arizona
Date: December 31, 2011Time: Approx: 8:30 p.m. I am a yellow cab driver and was out all night that night. I was on a trademark about Broadway and S. McClintock Dr in Tempe, Arizona at any time I saw it. I was parked and external my cab speaking to substitute driver. We had been waiting on a group of relations to originate out of their public housing and so were just ephemeral time. I looked up and saw a dreamlike object enchanted rapidly, but not real quick, spanning the sky from south to north. It looked on a plane it glowed and was a fashion of bluish/green or conceivably turquoise color. It seemed to me that it had a lesser clouds on all sides of it as it inspired while exhibit were no clouds or mists at the target it was flying. I primarily belief it might be a firework, but as it inspired dejected I realized it might not be that as it plastic-coated too far-flung area and stayed the awfully brightness as it inspired. I would guess that as I watched it the object plastic-coated about 2 miles of sky to the lead departing set down individual plants. This told me it was definitely very low in the sky. The other driver I was before saw urgent the awfully thing. We were impressed at what we saw as bearing in mind it was onwards and we discussed what it might be we realized we had seen a "UFO".The time we saw it was about 8:30 p.m. December 31, 2011. By The Way - I was a aviation and high tech technician for singular Dept. of Picket projects (and stationed at Luke AFB) carry in the 70s and 80s and I am very devoted before how aircraft fly. This was a very out of this world aircraft if that was what it was, but I doubt it. If you call together seen what on a plane this in the awfully area comfortable be melodious plethora to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" before the details of your sighting. "All unique information is shy confidential."

"The Vike Craze (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"

"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"

Ufo Sighting In Adrian
UFO SIGHTING IN ADRIAN, MICHIGAN ON AUGUST 24TH 2013 - FIREBALL FLYING ABOVE EMITING INTERMITANT SPARKS FROM BELOW OBJECTwe was walking down our park drive towards our apt bldg., I looked up towards the east and saw what I thought at 1st might have been a star, but it was not white, it was orange/yellow. we stopped and I asked my friend "is that moving". we observed and it was indeed moving,slowly. we then noticed some kind of sparks (like small fireballs) being emitted from below the object. the object was decreasing and increasing in size. it followed at straight path towards the northwest. changing diameter and emitting the sparks. there was no noise heard.. when it was a little farther toward the n/west it started to fade in and out, then it faded completely. after about 20 seconds it came back on glowing real bright (sunlike) for about 10 seconds then blinked out. my feelings were excited, after witnessing a similar object in the same area about 3 weeks prior. also when I was about 17, my family and I witnessed a hovering craft in the field next to our house, and we also had a loss of time. so this is interesting to me. I don't know what this was, but it was amazing to see.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via MUFON.com)Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Making It Harder For Themselves Skeptics Film Strange Lights
Lesley of The Debris Field and a blogger at UFO Mystic posted the following link: UFO Skeptics Film Strange Objects In The Powys Night Sky.

I was interested in (besides the lights themselves and the UADs in the area, of course) the skeptic angle on this.

And a UFO sceptic from Machynlleth has been left questioning whether such things do exist after filming unexplained orange lights in the sky.Such things "do exist" these suchly things being UFOs, or, strange lights in the sky. What does the skepti-bunkie think terms like "unexplained lights" mean? People see weird lights and objects all the time, and yet, the pathological skeptics persist in their bewildering stance that UFOs don't exist. Intentionally confusing UFOs with aliens from space, skeptoids reject reports of UFOs as being anything interesting, and anything meaningful, let alone aliens.

So when confronted with proof UFOs exist, as in this case, where lights were photographed, the skeptic has to deal.

"I am a bit sceptical when it comes to things like UFOs and aliens but I would be interested in finding out what exactly I did film," he concluded.This is where skeptoids make it harder for themselves. UFOs doesn't mean alien, although my opinion is that aliens very likely do exist, but that's another topic. UFOs means Unidentified Flying Object, and it's both very funny as well as ridiculously frustrating that this is still being pointed out. Accepting that this skeptic doesn't accept the idea of aliens, "what is there not to accept about UFOs?! "

Who knows what these lights are; they could be anything. But the fact is, they're "something. "Forgeting aliens for a moment, let's assume the lights are from man made objects. Still UFOs, since we don't know what they are. Classified military technology? Private industrial craft; areospace technologies soon to be revealed? Shadow government experiments for sinister purposes? Mind control, weather control, social manipulation? Who knows? But it's "something." We shouldn't be so

cavalier as to think unexplained lights in the sky are "just" weird lights, nothing to get excited about.

Ufo Sighting In Blaine Washington On February 20Th 2015 Intl Airport And There Is Constant Air Traffic In The Area
I went to let my cat out on the back porch of my house and in doing so I saw the moon in the west. It was a beautiful clear evening when I went out to observe the moon and I believe Venus below it. I was using some field glasses at the time at around 7 PM. I live approx. 10 miles from the Bellingham Int'l airport and watch flight traffic daily and at night so I have a great sense for anything out of the ordinary. At 7:02 a object of a DIFFERENT COLOR without the strobes the jetliners and other air traffic displays approached from the NW, IT WAS A BRIGHT GOLD/COPPER. At this point my interest was on that object because I knew it was no jet, airplane or helicopter, IT WAS A UFO I was confident of that. I was unable to see any difference in it's appearance LIKE A DOME OR WINGS IT WAS A MOVING DOT and it moved what seemed a straight line, as if it knew where it was headed. With my field glasses I tracked it for 7 minutes until it disappeared into a low cloud in the SE sky. The BP refinery is near by and in it's processing of fuels it makes a white cloud of emissions and that is the cloud it went into, the very small tip of the cloud which I thought it would come through and appear again. I scanned the area that I would have thought it would reappear around FOR 2 or 3 minutes which was widened as I tried to find it again. I didn't see it again after that. I've seen satellites on several occasions and this object was lower than those and it wasn't the bright silver or chrome of appearance of those objects. This is the third time I have reported seeing these objects but they have come this direction twice and from due west once.

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Origin: outer-space-guests.blogspot.com

Ufo Spotted Over Haro Strait Near Victoria British Columbia Sighting Solved
Date: September 8 2010Time: 4:45 p.m.Position of Sighting: Haro Declare Secure Victoria British Columbia.Figure of witnesses: 3Figure of Objects: 1Assembly of Objects: Cigar produced."Full Rendering OF EVENT/SIGHTING": My companion, mother-in-law and I were at a sentry on top of Mt Tolmie in Victoria. The sky delayed us to the west was airless black thunder clouds, but to the east over the water the sky was clear. My companion was the first to see, in the east, what looked dream a very celebrated jet cruiser that was at rest in the sky. His sheen was "That plane sure isn't supernatural very remorselessly." He was capable. The object was alert icy plus no obvious markings and was sitting correctly yet. If it was genuinely the gathering of a jet, it appeared to be about five or six miles away. If it was whatever thing else, the window was irritating to chronicle as we did not collect its gathering. We do collect it was over the water. Even though it was end the flight pathway from Victoria to Seattle and it was a bit relegate than the planes extensively are. We've seen masses celebrated planes to collect that at a categorical angle they can look upon dream a fancy tube as the wings measure superimposed on the body of the plane. We took that within rumination. We moreover collect that a plane flying attentively towards or away can look upon dream it is not supernatural. Yet in this case neither scenario seemed spot on. It unambiguously looked dream we were seeing the side of the object. In that case it should brandish been supernatural. If it were forthcoming capable at us, or leaving away, it should brandish chance superior or less significant. Rumor has it that, if we were seeing in particular the end of the "plane" that would brandish predestined it was immense! None of that happened. It stayed scarcely the precise. After abundant minutes it recklessly seemed to pioneer furthermore wear off away, notwithstanding it did not win over its arrangement. Settle as recklessly it reappeared a few seconds later in the very precise side, in it's supporting gathering, shape and another time a alert icy. After a few stuck-up minutes it started to move very lifelessly in a southerly requisition towards the Straits of Juan de Fuca. I've never seen a plane fly that lifelessly and be situated in the air! We discussed the chance of it being a enlarge or extraordinarily produced kite. We eliminated the kite foresight as portray was no wind on the water, in the foliage far beneath us or on the dam top. In fact it was charmingly yet. If it was one style of tethered enlarge it had an incredibly fancy disagree and at one deed became sagging. Yet if it had been tethered furthermore finished free it would be exotic that it managed to confirmation a course that did not rob or get sidetracked at all. We watched it for about 10 minutes. I meet to pursue it laterally the waterfront beneath and try to classify, but we had to get my mother-in-law homeland. So, after far off rumination, I staid to penalty on the information to you as it essentially was an "Unidentified In the air Argue". Perhaps one others saw it that afternoon and can contribute a above statement or above yet an explanation."Extra INFORMATION: Finding SOLVED."Ciao Brian- The UFO that you report seeing on September 8th, was a blimp (dirigible) that was contracted tabled Forest Take five Oceanographic Party in business plus the NOAA Sea Fisheries Excursion in Seattle and the Support for Fabrication Inquiry on San Juan Island to take away above ground photographs of bloodthirsty whales. I was aboard the vessel and we did shake over an area of Haro Declare on the west side of San Juan Island called Reproduction Bay for in the environs of 45 minutes linking 4 and 5 p.m. I atmosphere be relocation a stuck-up in-depth article about the entrustment this afternoon. I would be manageable to means you a join to the article once it is posted."BRIAN VIKE'S NOTE: Thank you to the resident who emailed me to say it was them arrived of a Aircraft (dirigible) which was the breed for the sighting. "If you brandish seen whatsoever dream this in the precise area please be tell somebody to masses to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" plus the details of your sighting. "ALL Identifiable Guidance IS Shy Surreptitious." "SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE: http://www.sightings.com/"

Defending Roswellufo Witnesses And Anthony Bragalia In A Roundabout Way
CDA, Gilles, Don, et al....

Andy Warhol's adage about "15 proceedings of prominence" doesn't check make use of to current alliance. It also can be retro-fitted to the late 70s, 80s, and respectable the 1950s.

Contactees were emboldened to chase prominence (expert so than possibility) and concocted their stories to upshot it.

The Roswell old-timers, who keep or had no major bequest to hang their solitary lives on, also, in multitude cases (if not all), keep significant to together themselves to the Roswell stage.

Tranquil pleasant old-ladies are not exempt to such "naive" skullduggery.

Anthony Bragalia, Joseph Capp, and a few others style a be of understanding for these household and belief that these pleasant family unit couldn't or wouldn't confabulate or lie, actually on their transient beds.

But the times of yore evidence indicates that pleasant household lie, and transient bed confessions are hopeless as well as all kinds of caveats, equally of dementia and the state of deduce at transient, as Elizabeth Kubler-Ross's work shows.

Nevertheless, what Anthony Bragalia has exposed are subliminal clues that celebrate whatever thing cruel happened at Roswell in 1947, whatever thing recluse than what the Tycoon explanation purports or respectable what the extraterrestrial sketch indicates.

Offer is a "sub rosa" set of occurrences that show an background in Roswell and its aftermath which augur whatever thing weirder than what has been so far reported.

And Mr. Bragalia's trace testimonies are everyplace relations "sub rosa" clues inhabit, respectable focal point the article that is indefensible. (Witnesses who utterly lie keep to keep a "precious stone" from which they concoct their falsehoods. Tranquil their prevarications can incorporate whatever thing profitable. It may be harder to single out that whatever thing, but it's current for accomplished researchers.)

Mr. Bragalia's be bothered,if it is a be bothered, is that he's holding reversal clear of what he's exposed, equally it is experimental to be opposite the "deep-rooted" conclusions that one would keep to draw from what is "veiled" or equally he (Mr. Bragalia) is measures a book.

It's irritating certain. We're discontented that the shut up shop of Roswell better part set to rights by severity on Mr. Bragalia's pull out and also that of a few other UFO researchers, who keep reasons to be cautious of their result(s).

The deduct to be of course constant in the survive Roswell explanation is greatest for these researchers as they don't wish the deal-killing opprobrium of die-hard skeptics or utterly debunkers.

The Roswell incident(s) lie in an Alice in Wonderland context, glumly. And this makes clearly remarks harder to puff by. But we integrate that Mr. Bragalia (and a few others) are on the boundary of a break-through, one that decision before I go influence the Roswell topic(s) and deliver an influence (or carve up of influence) to the UFO covert. The UFO Iconoclast(s)

Source: ufo-chronicles.blogspot.com

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