Moment conceivably the uttermost specialization, these are not the very soon laws or government decisions that link up with on Spooky matters.
One of the mega famous is the US Presidential Rigidity that language the Best part Lake gift, aka Occurrence 51, out of the border of US legal action and flaw. This procedure, which has in the same way as been annually reaffirmed by Pres. Clinton and Bush II, quashed a container brought chary the US government by long forgotten workforce, or their then of kin, pertaining to wicked disgrace and frailty. Moment not completely about UFOs, it does link up with on one splash of the come out. Edit: It excessively now appears that Best part Lake now has an airport luminary, one mega thing to transport it in line between the rest of the world.
Underneath famous but mega sincere is JANAP-146. In 1954, the Common Chiefs of Stab in the US issued a control that obligatory civilian airline pilots to report UFOs, in tallying to grenades, submarines, funny military aircraft, etc. to the US military. Next this occurred, while this was considered information sincere for national vow, the pilots were not unconstrained to talk about the sightings in collective. Pilots didn't similar to being interrogated for hours, and subsequently being silenced, so it is no problem if any gone down reporting UFO sightings.
One law commonly mentioned is a 1969 tallying to the US Notion of Federal Symbols, Award 14 Item 1211. As noted by Snopes, this law is commonly changed as criminalizing life contact between extraterrestrials or their vehicles, because in reality the law is well-defined to put into effect to NASA vehicles and staff, and does not criminalize contact but preferably allows for quarantine (which bluntly doesn't equitable end). The law was repealed in 1991.
In the ghostly realms, existing are various state laws regarding whether or not realtors or sellers necessary shout whether or not a house is supernatural. In 1991, the most famous of these decisions was handed down by the New York Population Intervening Blind date, Appellate dissemination in Stambovsky vs. Ackley. The case operational a house in New York's devalue Hudson Condition which had been unconsciously described in the press (between the authorization of the owners) as supernatural. When the house was sold, the new landlord found out the house had a established for poltergeist activity, and considered necessary out of the comprehension. In the ending sentence, the prudent found that the long-standing press made the house supernatural in a legal nerve of stigmatized settle, regardless of whether a house can be considered supernatural from a official angle. Such as a vigorous cannot be easily stark by a agent or their inspectors, it is the administration of the purveyor to shout the vigorous. Since that time, Massachusetts has conceded a law that does not essential sellers to shout long-standing ghostly activity, unless the agent asks.
Recently, existing has been a lot of news about communities deciding whether to offer or to ban psychics, tarot readers, and other diviners. Salem, yes the famous one in Massachusetts, has had a very collective fight about the neighborhood, as chronicled (nominated between load other stable cases) in the Forbidding Clean.
Display are of course various proclamations by the US Senate or state legislatures, never mind's eye laws revealed, that vote for various days to individual moral holidays, and this has at become old included the paranormal. I acknowledgment New Mexico did this for UFOs a few existence ago to forward tourism, and Nevada of course renamed a promote of highway silent Best part Lake as the E.T. Side road. But these are royal, not connecting strong (or semi-serious) law.
That's all I can wish of for the heart, but I'll post any other examples I run agilely.
Update: 4/15/08 - Italian homeowner is suing the long forgotten owners for not indicative him the house is supernatural. Not that it is ostensibly supernatural, but that it is rightly supernatural.