Date/Time: 2010-11-14 17:50
Location: Chester, Virginia
Shape: Star-like
Vallee Index: MA1
Summary: Exceedingly highly seasoned pale, no clearly, 5-10 miles stuck-up ground, ended a axis
UFO Sighting: 11/14/10
At a few 1750 hours (10 proceedings to 6 PM EST) tonight, November 11th, I witnessed a UFO close to my sett innocently south of Chester, Virginia. It was prospect from the classification of Richmond (north of Chester). In the same way as it was stuck-up me it, it turned to the southeast and headed towards the classification of Hopewell. Had it continued lacking arguable classification it would endure continued to parallel I - 95. At an arms separation, it was a few one third to one fourth the size of a dime but was an capably highly seasoned pale. I hand-me-down my cell cry out to scream my spouse to appear outsider the UFO as a result of me for example I was rank by the side of our mailbox by the route and she was detained our sett. She did. It was barely audible and brighter than any stars. I called my brother, Kevin, who lives in Hopewell to tell him about our witnessing the highly seasoned craft. To my bump, he and quite a few of his neighbors equally witnessed the UFO. He whispered he travelled over the Petersburg Central reformatory and over Hopewell.
I signal how profuse others witnessed this UFO?
*(Wit's demarcate deleted--CMS/sg).
(I am a from the past MUFON investigator, a from the past USAF sergeant ">AND IN A Explanation SENT TO ME BY EMAIL:
Date/Time: 11/11/2010 20:30
Location: Keyser, West Virginia
I live in Keyser WV and I and others saw an firm blue/white light perform over Keyser - Sat. Nov. 11 at 8:30 pm. The rate of speed was incredible and the difficulty of the light was the most environmentally friendly light I endure consistently seen. It stimulated from east to west - imprecise speed based on the time the give you an idea about over and done and separation lined would endure to be in fritter away of 9000 mph. I snag I had imagined it until tonight but after listening to a beast tell about her son seeing it - at bible remark - well it sure was an confirmation.
I viewed for approx. 5 sec. It did not transform harsh every time I viewed it. It lined a separation of about 5 miles in the time that I viewed it. It flew innocently stuck-up further man (the one I had mentioned) and deceased from his survey in a blink of an eye. The light was very firm blue/white and shimmered (very attractive) it was approx. 5000 ft, from my calculate approximately and about a curtailed mile from wherever I stood. Attractive a lot flew absolute over Keyser sort west maybe a lean northwest.
Note: An object traversing 5 miles in 5 seconds is hobo at 3600 mph (1 m/s= 3600 mph), a few Mach 4.75. Unhurried at sea uninterrupted, Mach 1 is a few 761 miles per hour.
If the object observed obviously traversed 5 miles in 5 seconds, it was hobo at or roundabouts Mach 5.