Me viewing the display in 1993
One of these clarification, which badly I never found time to document by field investigation, was reported by Inga-Lill Emilsson, next exist at Sankt Anna, not far from Norrk"oping. She called me after a TV update on February 26, 1993 and associated the following come across which happened in 1933 when she was five verve old, exist in a cottage in "Osterg"otland. One day she noticed an object on the ground that looked neighboring a saucer via a pitch on top. Two petty "category" emerged from the object, walked up to Inga-Lill and told her not to be awful. They were right in morose lime coveralls. In the object she noticed som relations of pawn stockpile. I was never told how the come across smooth.
Additional encounter then made by a very ecological daughter occured in September 1925. The grasp, Elvy Joger"o, sent a painstaking report to UFO-Sweden in 1980 of what happened to her when she was eight verve old. I quote from her own account: "This happened on an adolescent Sunday emerge linking September 20-30, 1925. The time was particular 6.30 A.M. and the group Abyggeby in Ockelbo. I had straight risen and took a walk particular our confined in the population. I followed a petty channel to a communicate and a field everyplace cows hand-me-down to grate. It was crack of dawn and the weather was trustworthy. Looking out over the field I noticed whatever thing that looked neighboring two saucers put cooperatively. This phenomenon had the size of a car. It was blackgrey and stood on four legs in the field.
Performer the way you are seen of the Elvy Joger"o encounter
I don't differentiate how want very much I observered this old-world appliance when I noticed a ladder being hurled inwards the object and at the self-same time a penetrating particular the object started spinning. Hand over was a low swishing equable and it rose slowly. I never observered any creatures. I felt a old-world relations of problem and ran confined to attach what had happened but no one thought me and my best playmate straight laughed when I told of my come across."
Model by grasp Elvy Joger"o
An absorbing pre-1947 humanoid case was professional in 1995 by UFO-Sweden field investigators Kurt Persson and Berit Bergqvist who visited the grasp, 78 time old Bertil Berg, exist in S"ater, Dalarna. He told of an encounter that happened in 1932 or 1933. Bertil was an successful athletic and one day when he was out jogging not far from S"ater he speedily became significant of a old-world aluminium coloured craft on the ground in a forest hollow. The craft was particular 8-10 meters in range and about 2 meters in peak. Bertil's first weigh down was that this necessity be an level surface but he couldn't see any landing gear.
Berit Bergqvist and Kurt Persson on a defer to AFU September 21, 1991
On top of the craft give to were two petty category, not top-quality than 1,20 meters, wearing gray coloured attires. Bertil might not see their faces. The petty category looked neighboring they were in force on whatever thing. Bertil felt no problem and started walking closer but was brutally immobile by an barely discernible wall. He tried walking particular the craft to pin down a way to get faster but entirely time he was immobile by this wall which extended particular 75 meters from the craft. Overdue about 15 minutes he gave up and continued his jogging. Past he returned, half an hour bearing in mind, the craft was lost and give to was a burned circle on the ground. At confined he told his onset, but he didn't be included him. Absolutely his brother became responsive and they visited the spot were the ground was burned. Nobody grew on this synchronize for whichever verve afterwards.