Rome Cave Bizarre Cow And Bigfoot Attacks
Boo Post, been awhile.

Up late last night and I gave myself the creeps, first off the chairs in my dinning room which are usually nicely tucked under the table were all widely spread out, a little unusual, maybe people came over before I got home last night. Secondly I was in my bedroom with the door closed when all of a sudden it opened with a bang.

Nothing paranormal here just me spooking myself, I'm probably watching to many poltergeist videos.

Anyway here's whats been Paranormal today. I sift through so much news each day that I really should make use of it.

Lost cave found in Rome - "Italian archaeologists believe they have found the cave where, according to legend, a wolf suckled Romulus and Remus, the twin founders of Rome." I love these kinds of discoveries.

Have you Been Attacked by Bigfoot? - A pretty in depth guide explaining what to look for if you think you may have been attacked by Bigfoot, funny and informative at the same time.

Humanoid looking baby cow - It looks really bizarre.

Not that paranormal, but stories I didn't want to make individual posts about that I found interesting.



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