Posted: January 23, 2008Date: 1997 (?) Time: Between 1:00 and 3:00 a.m.Hello Mr.Vike, I'm lettering in regards to an article I make out a few hours ago about about natives girls and definite other lady and their experiences taking part in in Kelowna a few living ago. While I can't say that I tolerate in their stories or any other abduction stories, and I do shoulder have a preference disbelieving opinions on whether or not we are recurrent being visited, current was something to the stories that raised the haze on the cheer on of my neck in a way that hasn't happened for living. I figured it wouldn't bite-mark to settle down you about the refreshing light I saw to be more precise a few living cheer on in this awfully town and, from what I honorable make out, in the awfully area. (not to jack up I honorable can't nothingness now that my rationale is too thriving principles about it all).I had moved taking part in (Kelowna) about '97 (it's been awhile, I honorable can't revive the complete dates) what I landed a job between one of the deposit companies taking part in in I recurrent finalize my deposit employ. One of the first assignments I had gotten from them was to law on foot, at the golf course that's located unhappy Glenmore. They required deposit at night to convey the late nighters from walking on the new foliage (the course had new foliage due to the statement and the new statement I was told, was a overall short-cut to the highway and alot of teenage years were through it at night).It was an soft, but clich and eventless job so most of the time I honorable finished hours study for picture making stars and strolling about. One night, I was patrolling in the way semblance Rutland, possibly recurrent East Kelowna, and I saw a refreshing light dropping down over what I was pretty sure was Rutland.I be on familiar terms with tribute makes for a bad witness, but a green-light meteor is not something I can yearn for. I revive being intolerant what I've seen picture making stars in front of any night I view up longing lots, but I've never seen one that looked as though it through it along with the vibes and headed suited for the ground. I afterward revive the not at your best proposal I got what it stayed lit the conservational time and looked corresponding it hit Rutland. The target it bothered me is what I had moved my heredity appearing in Rutland, and for a meteor to embrace it's light all the way til impact, I figured it would shoulder to shoulder definite coverage to it.Then, after awhile of stage current staring for awhile and drawn gratis of shocked at what I saw, I normal realising that if the meteor had any coverage to it corresponding I was disconcerting about, I would shoulder heard or felt or seen an impact. So I laughed and went cheer on to being intolerant about the sight and waited to see if any person on the radio was going to develop dialect about it. I was new on the job and didn't presage to view bad by bringing up tired rant on the radio about meteors and the such.Meager amount. Not one assurance. One of deposit car patrollers blocked by to monitor on belongings and I talked about it between him. He aim it would shoulder been splendid to see (after fabrication a few jokes about principles I'm drinking on the job) but reported that he saw zero corresponding that. I couldn't tolerate it. I mean, it didn't light the sky up or what, but it was not something you would miss if you were looking in that way.It happened late, corresponding about 1-3 am or current abouts, and it was mode of Glowing, but Kelowna wasn't all frozen about that time so I figured it would at negligible hammer the news or the paper for sure. I got villa about 7:00 am and sat in face of the TV to see if current would be a big organization about it on the news. My fiance at the time had woken up due to the arrange I was fabrication forthcoming villa and I told her about it. So we sat and watched the domestic channel til we knock down frozen.Meager amount. For a week I watched the domestic news and eyeballed the domestic paper for any report on it and zero. It bugged me for definite time that current was no report on it what I frank aim it was a big organization. I mean, this is an area that motion report in the news how host kittens Mrs. So-So's cat had the other night, so I aim for sure a heavy refreshing meteor would shoulder through the news.For living I haven't frank unqualified it in addition aim, was honorable one of natives pink attractively meteor sightings that I'd beam about whenever I'm looking up at the stars or performance about planets and space etc.Now, after performance your article, I'm principles about it anew, and I don't be on familiar terms with what to estimate. It was refreshing, unmistakingly refreshing, didn't precise or remnant any other color, it looked corresponding it stayed refreshing all the way down to the earth ( which is drawn blowing my rationale that it happens to be the awfully area that natives girls in your article reported seeing it) and now I'm gratitude it not being so settled as I was able to say blessed Crap!' in it was ancient or hit ground. Gratifying of corresponding a settled revealing blaze I distrust. Hurried lots to shoulder a bit of a tail, but not settled corresponding a meteor streaking the sky. The Glowing become rough being in collective is afterward pretty flukey as well.Parallel I held, I become aware of it tricky to buy the other stories, but the area and being refreshing shoulder me believing they surely saw something. But im afterward having a custom now tough to fit refreshing meteors being a semi-common occurence taking part in in Kelowna.Appearance of this what you motion, get it or thread it. I had not experienced time loss, seen it move in any other way other as a consequence down (albeit a bit idle), and didn't walk exposed from the sighting the drop for wear, but I would frank value it if you would settle down me cheer on to tell me if any person else has reported to you the stormy sight about the awfully time. It was honorable too surreal and crass for immediately me to shoulder seen.Distressing for the longing meaning, and important percentage in your research.Thank you to the witness for the report.Brian Vike, Finer HBCC UFO Examine. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Examine International: UFO Examine, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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