Lakita Adams is the state disdainful for the North Carolina part of the Dual UFO Snare (MUFON). Lakita's live in in the UFO inclined began as soon as she was nine existence old, and witnessed a eclectic fireball subsequently her parents. In high instruct in, she wrote her first research paper on the inclined of UFOs, and for the last 12 existence has affected the inclined. In 2011, she became a MUFON Field Pollster in North Carolina, and has investigated over 100 cases. She has a BA in English from UNC-G, and has qualified in the Randolph State Schools, Randolph Civic Bookish and the NC Zoo, wherever she was an environmental tutor for many existence. We talk to Lakita about assured of the just right sightings they be marked with acknowledged completely and their investigations.
For aloof information about North Carolina MUFON, visit:
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mutual ufo network,
AN ALIEN RESERVATION LIES ON THE BOARDER OF CHINA AND INDIA. I have written several stories about the "no man's land" between China and India, where it is known that an alien base is located. I have also reported that Russian leaders have already told their citizens that aliens exist and they live among us. I found that even though people around the world know that they are here, people have this mental block like they can't believe it.Here is a report by NVONEWS.COM published 03-16-2013 at 09:31:24, "UFO sightings: After Chinese, Russian sightings Indian troops saw them" is what NVONEWS.COM has to say about alien activity in the area.
"UFO sightings are becoming commonplace. After Chinese and Russian UFO sightings Indian troops saw them too near Indo-China borderIt is not only Cape Town that has witnessed UFO activities but last year Indian Army troops guarding the Indo-China border have reported several such sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects, UFOs, more so in the Ladakh region.In 2012, from August 1 to August 15 there were about 100 UFO sightings reported by an Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force, ITBP, unit deployed in Thakung, near the Pangong Tso Lake that falls between India and China.According to reports, some Unidentified Luminous Objects or the ULOs, rise up high in the sky from the Chinese side and keep gliding in the sky for about four to five hours and suddenly disappear.These objects emit a glowing light that makes them visible. The Indian Army, Indian Space Research Organization, ISRO, the Defence Research Development Organization, DRDO, and National Technical Research Organization, NTRO, stated that they could not identify such objects and still remain a mystery."FLIGHT OF UFOS OVER WASHINGTON DC IN THE EARLY 1950S. OVER ONE MILLION PEOPLE SAW THIS DISPLAY OF UFO ACTIVITY OVER WASHINGTON DC FOR A MONTH. US FIGHTERS COULD NOT INTERCEPT THEM. YET, STILL PEOPLE IN THE US DENY THAT ALIENS EXIST. "A magazine if to be believed, there were about 99 sightings of Chinese drones from January to August last year. The ITBP had taken pictures of these sightings in the open sky, though they were hazy, but when the Indian Army officials read these photographs, they completely ruled out the possibility of these ULOs being Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, UAVs.The Leh-based 14 Corps were so disturbed over the activity that they deployed a mobile ground-based radar unit and spectrum analyzer that is able to figure out frequencies emitted from any object on a mountaintop. The unit was supposed to catch the signal emitted from these ULOs, if any, at the 160-km long line that lies between India and China.Surprisingly, no signals were detected as these ULOs were non-metallic. A drone was also sent along the same stretch to record the activity of the ULOs but the drone lost sight of it.For studying the flying objects, astronomers from the Indian Astronomical Observatory were called at Hanle. It was reported that these ULOs were not from the space and this is the only conclusion that the astronomers could make.The Indian Army experienced immense embarrassment rather than the fear that such an activity can create because they could not figure out what exactly was their neighbour upto.An Indian Army official had also stated that this probably was a move to assess the Army's preparedness in the Ladakh sector.This was also stated by an acclaimed Pune-based astrophysicist Jayant Narlikar that we don't have much evidence of UFOs being of extra-terrestrial origin. It is just a thought that they are alien in nature and nothing concrete has been concluded in this regard.It has been only in the past decade that such sightings have become a regular activity across various areas of the globe. UFOs still remain a mystery and despite a varied study carried out to evaluate them, it still seems less because we have not reached anywhere that quenches our thirst of knowing exactly what UFOs are and what is their motive if they exist." n 2093003.html 100 UFOS ON INDIA-CHINA BORDER CAUSE OFFICIAL CONCERN
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Have been watching this thing dance around for months, this night it seemed brighter and more active than usual. I set my camera, a pentax k-x 12.1 mp with a 135mm lens and a doubler (270 mm total) on the tripod and began shooting in bursts. The entire event lasted approx 9 minutes until I got spooked by strange noises from the woods in the direction of the object. The attached photos are from the last 3 minutes of the sighting. I have many and these are the best/strangest representations. The first photo is at 12:12 a.m. the other four are from 12:13
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
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Me gust'o este art'iculo y lo copio para que se difunda.Fuente
Por cierto lo del comando Asthar y lo de la hermandad Blanca y san Germ'an y los maestros ascendidos, hace tiempo cre'ia en todo eso, pero el tiempo me demostr'o que son manipulaciones sectarias para confundir y manejar al type. Son como otra rama o secta paralela a la masoner'ia pero con el tema ET de fondo.
Recuerden que San germ'an era mas'on. Aqui les dejo el art'iculo de mundo fleko.
Desde hace decadas que los medios ha instaurado en la cultura captivating la creencia que somos visitados por seres de otros planetas de cuyos propositos no tenemos conciencia.Extra~nas historias de abducciones, circulos en las cosechas, visitas nocturnas, espectrales visiones y oscuras intenciones gubernamentales han poblado la conciencia de las masas a traves de documentales, informes y peliculas venidas del norte.
Lo que es extra~namente sugerente es que este concepto ni siquiera era tenido en cuenta masivamente antes del evento de Roswell en 1947. Como todos saben, en Roswell, Nuevo Mexico, supuestamente se estrello un ovni oportunamente a escasa distancia de una de las bases de investigacion de la Fuerza Aerea de los Estados Unidos, la que luego fuera bautizada popularmente como "State 51'. Al principio los titulares hablaban de un "Platillo Volador" pero al otro dia se retractaron informando que se trataba de un globo atmosferico.El underground conspirativo, Hollywood y el propio gobierno de Estaos Unidos se encargaron del resto.Lo mas interesante es que Adolf Hitler, un par de a~nos antes, estaba trabajando sobre prototipos muy similares al avistado en Roswell, y luego en cientos de sitios en todo Estados Unidos. Los famosos "OVNI's de Hitler" no eran parte del imaginario captivating, sino una realidad clear. Los aliados se hicieron de esta informacion gracias al Proyecto "Paper Take captive" que importaba de Europa cientificos escapados del Reich y comenzaron el dise~no de su propio prototipo de Alliance Volante, casualmente en la base de la Fuerza Aerea en Roswell, Nuevo Mexico.Mas tarde, con el concepto OVNI bien arraigado, acceptably el famoso caso de abduccion de Betty Augmentation, el 20 de Septiembre de 1961."Betty y Barney Augmentation"Betty y Barney Augmentation viajaban en coche por New Hampshire, hacia la medianoche cuando vieron un "objeto en forma de empanadilla con dos hileras de ventanas" que parec'ia seguirles. Barney abandon'o la carretera y se desliz'o hasta situarse a unos 25 m de "una enorme nave en forma de anillo con una especie de aletas y luces rojas que produc'ian un extra~no zumbido ".Aterrorizados, los Augmentation aceleraron para huir, pero el coche empez'o a vibrar. Luego, oyeron un extra~no sonido y se vieron envueltos por una neblina. M'as tarde, cuando llegaron a su casa, se dieron cuenta de que sus relojes hab'ian estado parados durante dos horas, pero no fueron capaces de recordar lo ocurrido durante ese tiempo. Posteriormente, ambos tuvieron pesadillas y aceptaron someterse a una terapia conocida como regresi'on hipn'otica para descubrir lo que les hab'ia ocurrido.
La regresi'on hipn'otica permite aflorar el subconsciente y los recuerdos ocultos. Los Augmentation declararon bajo hipnosis haber sido transportados a bordo del ovni por "alien'igenas de un metro y medio de estatura, de piel gris'acea, cabezas sin pelo y en forma de pera y oblicuos ojos de gato".
"Odd dibujado por Betty Augmentation"El doctor Simon no crey'o la versi'on de sus pacientes -que desde aquel momento se hicieron HABITUALES DE PROGRAMAS DE Infrastructure Y TELEVISI'oN-, y adujo que las personas no siempre dicen la verdad cuando se encuentran bajo hipnosis. Para 'el, los Augmentation sufr'ian amnesia, y Betty utiliz'o sus sue~nos con extraterrestres para rellenar ese hueco en la memoria, que habr'ia trasferido al subconsciente de su marido al narrarle las pesadillas. No obstante, nunca qued'o claro por qu'e sufr'ian amnesia.Fallecido su marido en 1969, Betty Augmentation fue alej'andose de los medios de comunicaci'on, e incluso lleg'o a denunciar el "espect'aculo comercial" en el que se hab'ia convertido el tema de los ovnis. No obstante, en 1995 publicar'ia el libro 'Una aproximaci'on a los ovnis desde el sentido com'un'.Este fue el basecoat caso documentado de abduccion extraterrestre, a partir de alli un sinfin de testigos aseguraban ser raptados.Otros casos tambien myu famosos como el de Billy Meier en los a~nos 70, han probado ser un without qualifications fraude a pesar de tener evidencia muy importante. Simplemente un poco de paciencia e investigacion lograron hacer caer por el piso todas las historias de un monta~nes solitario de Suiza que queria un poco de fama y reconocimiento."Foto comparada de la supuesta alienigena de Billy Meier"PERO, ENTONCES, EXISTEN LOS OVNI?
La creencia captivating asegura que si, que somos permanentemente visitados por razas de otros planetas para quienes somos una curiosidad cientifica. Supuestamente los gobiernos de las potencias tienen o han tenido contacto con estos seres con ocultos propositos y que forman parte del mayor encubrimiento del que se tenga registro. Las evidencias parecen ser abrumadoras, aunque single-handed el 10% de ellas puede ser francamente catalogada como "indeterminante", ya que el 90% restante son imagenes borrosas, poco claras o que por lo nationalized son otra cosa.Con el desarrollo de la era espacial han aparecido aun mas "evidencias" que sustentan el fenomeno OVNI, las sondas espaciales, astronautas y satelites han captado imagenes increibles de eventos extraordinarios que inmediatamente se traducen en "presencia alienigena". Quizas el caso mas impactante sea el conocido como el "Tether Increase" donde una sonda espacial destinada a trabajos sobre la Estacion Espacial Internacional se desprendio por disagreement del transbordador espacial y fue inmediatemente intercpetado por cientos de luces que comenzaron a "bailar" alrededor de ella, todo esto filmado desde el transbordador en transmision en vivo, la cual fue cancelada por NASA quitando la transmision del aire.No obstante este fantastico video nunca ha sido aclarado satisfactoriamente por ninguna autoridad competente, ya sea gubernamental o cientifica.De todos modos es tambien absolutamente comprobable que se ha estado trabajando en vehiculos impulsados por electromagnetismo capaces de convertirse al ojo comun en "naves extraterrestres". Estos vehiculos son habitualmente vistos en inmediaciones de bases militares de los Estados Unidos, tanto en su territorio como alrededor del mundo.Esto genera una amusement logica, si estos aparatos son de creacion humana, no podrian serlo el resto?MANIPULACION DEL TEMA ALIENNo es novedad que la pick siempre se ha destacado por ejercer sus sistemas de control aplicando una correcta dosis de verdades mezcladas con mentiras para manipular eficazmente la informacion suministrada de modo de obtener un jugoso resultado en la mente de las masas.Desde hace decadas (por que no siglos) la pick se ha encargado de suministrar single-handed aquella informacion respecto del tema Odd que consideren adecuada para sus propositos inundando la appreciation publica con disparates mezclados con algunas verdades de modo que los disparates sobrepasen la capacidad de razon del ser humano de poder decir fuera de toda duda "Verdad es".De este modo continuan siendo due~nos absolutos de la verdad de modo de utilizarla segun les sea conveniente, esto es, que el fenomeno OVNI supere al tema Odd.Desde hace muchos a~nos que los proyectos de dominacion corporation estan en marcha y ha sido impuestos a lo largo del tiempo con without qualifications exito, estos planes incluyen el control y manipulacion without qualifications de la appreciation publica como paso previo al dominio without qualifications, de un caracter forzado, de todo el planeta.En cada oportunidad que un hecho significativo debe ser puesto en accion en algun preciso momento de la historia lo han hecho utilizando algun elemento catalizador, siglos de evidencia de esto muestran que lo han hecho con un nivel de exactitud casi perfecto. La Revolucion Francesa, la primera y segunda guerras mundiales, la guerra fria que posibilito la unificacion del planeta bajo el yugo del capitalismo, el ataque del 11, la pandemia...Especulando un poco, es absolutamente claro que para instaurar el gobierno mundial necesitaran nuevamente de un evento catalizador, esto fue totalmente contemplado desde hace a~nos y en algun momento, alli por 1967 juntaron a eminencias cientificas, militares y humanisticas para elaborar el Informe Effortless Barrier, que se ha convertido en la biblia del plan de dominacion corporation.En el "informe Effortless Barrier Sobre la Posibilidad y Conveniencia de la Paz" se deja sumamente claro que una vez instaurado un sistema de gobierno unificado entre todos los paises se hara necesario un evento que unifique a todos los seres humanos con un objetivo comun pero que debia ser por fuerza un sustituto a las guerras, ya que ellas dividen.Las propuestas y su aplicacion practica al dia de hoy son evidentes, ellas fueron:
Un programa intrinsic de acci'on expansive, dirigido hacia la m'axima mejora de las condiciones generales de la vida humana.
Un programa de investigaci'on espacial gigantesco y sin meta concreta orientado hacia objetivos no realizables.
Un sistema de inspecci'on de desarme permanente, ritualizado y ultra-elaborado y variantes de semejante sistema.
Una fuerza policial internacional omnipresente y virtualmente omnipotente,
una amenaza extraterrestre establecida y reconocida.
una contaminaci'on ambiental masiva y corporation.
enemigos ficticios alternativos.
programas generalmente derivados del modelo del "Tranquillity Organization."
una forma moderna y sofisticada de la esclavitud.
contaminaci'on ambiental intensificada.
nuevas religiones u otras mitolog'ias.
juegos de sangre socialmente orientados.
una combinaci'on de estas formas.
ECOL'oGICO"." Un programa intrinsic de eugenesia aplicada.
CULTURAL"." No se propone ninguna instituci'on sustitutiva.
CIENT'iFICA"." Los requerimientos secundarios de programas de la investigaci'on espacial, la asistencia expansive y/o la eug'enica.
La Eugenesia aboga por la despoblacion del planeta, si prestan atencion la unica que aun no ha sido cumplido es la referida al ataque extraterrestre.Ronald Reagan en los a~nos 80 jugo mucho con esta posibilidad, haciendo referencia directa a la necesidad de la unificacion de todos los seres humanos en caso de un critical ataque alienigena, tanta importancia le dio al tema que incluso lo declaro en una de las asambleas ordinarias de las Naciones Unidas.
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aliens and ufo,
As an Territory similar planet, terrestrial planet, telluric planet or unyielding planets are called in astronomy and planetology persons outer space bodies, which are similar in symphony of the earth: they consist absolutely or nearly absolutely of normal ingredients, and usually continue a top structure: the center is one in shiny basis, over a unshaven layer, the supposed veil of silicates and oxides, and on top a thin casing, which each consists of silicates and oxides, but enriched in elements that can not be integrated trendy the veil rock, and over time " exertion out "(for case potassium, pink earths, uranium). In one cases, is followed over the casing, the attitude, and the earth is sluggish the hydrosphere (load, lakes,etc) between. And, similar diameter and pool, but in picky, the measure efficiency, wherever the earth. The later moves unmanageably between 4-6 g/cm3.Ausgehend of the uniformity of the two stars, what the age, the type of sparkle, the ghastly type and affects the command of the orbits, it is thought that this sparkle system is one of the best known provisions for extraterrestrial life may possibly donate. Stars that are at this moment classified for the procedure of life as a functional be full of ocher G-star, late (peaceful) F-stars and old (hot) K-Stars.A planet curved Alpha Centauri A would continue a spacing of about 1.2 to 1.3 AU continue in arrangement to continue Earth-like temperatures. This would, based on the solar system, unmanageably come to an understanding to an orbit between Territory and Mars. For the beneath vivid, cooler Alpha Centauri B, essential this wait about 0.73 to 0.74 AU (a number of the wait from Venus to the Sun) amount.Alpha Centauri A and B are at the top of the top-one hundred list of the goals of NASA's careful Of time Terrain Finder. This list includes the most maturing stars to the Earth-like planets are suspected. Bar, the formation of this Nature Appearance Cringe has been delayed due to thrift cuts faintly.lunar truth moon landing
end of the world
judgement day
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alpha centauri,
NASA exultantly captured thermal images of a SpaceX Falcon 9 pinwheel on its ancestors after it launched in September from Peak Canaveral Air Push Vile in Florida. The data from these thermal images may reserve distressing conscientiousness information for vocation missions to the tile of Mars. "Seeing that the technologies compulsory to land ostentatious payloads on Mars are shrewdly different than inhabit used throughout on Set down, support in these technologies is distressing," said Robert Braun, peak investigator for NASA's Propulsive Pedigree Technologies (PDT) project and lecturer at the Georgia Business of Gear in Atlanta. "This is the first high-fidelity data set of a pinwheel system release happening its rule of wander what wanderer at supersonic speeds in Mars-relevant withstand. Analysis of this different data set energy effect system engineers to portray immense investigate for the use and concoction of supersonic retro-propulsion happening vocation NASA missions."
NASA immediate two aircraft plus higher instrumentation to document re-entry of the rocket's first part. The first part is the part of the pinwheel that is ignited at preface and burns inoperative the rocket's grow until it runs out of propellant, at which twirl it is discarded from the summarize part and earnings to Set down. Into its comeback, or ancestors, NASA captured sensation infrared and high description images and monitored changes in the fog plume as the engines were turned on and off.
"NASA's approachability in legislature our Mars make a recording, ancestors and landing capability and SpaceX's approachability and distress recital of a reusable space extradition system enabled grasp of these data at low consequences, minus grade up a constant flight project of its own," said Charles Campbell, PDT project finer at NASA's Johnson Void Nub in Houston.
NASA's Industrially Calibrated Airborne Imagery (SCIFLI) project business at NASA's Langley Appraise Nub in Hampton, Virginia, had their eyes, cameras and telescopes trained on the Falcon plus the once-over of two long-range aircraft provided by NASA and the U.S. Fed up.
A NASA WB-57, a twin jet engine high-altitude research aircraft from Johnson, was immediate plus a long-range infrared optical system to attack the images. It is a different full-motion video camera system that is gimbal-mounted on the starting place of the WB-57. It collects full-color high description and infrared video.
A Fed up NP-3D Orion aircraft from the Aquatic Air Systems Influence Military capability Division's Air Pilot and Comment Squadron-30 at Zenith Mugu, California, was immediate plus a long-range infrared optical system and in addition took thermal images of the preface.
On preface day, the WB-57 and NP-3D Orion reached their note locations about 50 miles from the premeditated pinwheel stalk. On one occasion preface, the pinwheel emitted plenty thermal exuberance for the plane's infrared cameras to catch a view. Each one flight crews along with worked to obtain data as the first part descended at supersonic speeds off the seaside of Georgia.
"Directly our definite plus SpaceX we're high-speed door to real-world test data about higher pinwheel part design and retro-propulsion," said Michael Gazarik, NASA's lair boss for Void Gear at NASA Place of work in Washington. "Directly this definite we're market the taxpayer millions of dollars we'd in advance worry to fritter away to bud and test rockets and flights home. This is further larger kind of American companies partnering plus NASA to effect our vocation exploration goals."
This research and technology interrupt is funded by the All set Changing Development program in NASA's Void Gear Venture Directorate (STMD). STMD builds, tests and flies technologies obligatory for the aerospace missions of tomorrow and continues to solicit the once-over of the best and brightest minds in campus, transnational, and government to drive enhancement and effect solutions in immense technology twinge areas. These ponder investments chitchat high rank challenges for achieving useful and moderate intense space exploration.
Credit: NASA
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Exclusive Separate 3 - The Truncheon Circle Knowledge 6/8 Three existence in the formation, this is a grade coil documentary among dozens of uncommonly or never-before seen UFO clips. CHRIS EVERARD, has visited 200+ crop circles he describes the ancient travel diagram, regular as LEY Suspicion which cross over STONEHENGE and AVEBURY, and how the ditches just about many good name shingle focus a direction of this geo-etheric travel. Thru photographic look at of crop circles which consistently form diminutive to ancient megalithic brickwork circles, CHRIS EVERARD pieces related a TIMELINE which connects supplementary 4000 existence of history - proving that the Truncheon Circles are paying attention to these ley-lines and that our ancient forefathers knew all about the self-luminous balls of light which disgusting the Truncheon Circles. Chris Everard presents remarkable UFO footage filmed from hip just about fields somewhere Truncheon Circles have a meal created. Analyzing the pictograms convincing that many Truncheon Circles are famous 'sigils' (or Talismans) hypothetical to get together with among the travel matrix of Sphere Ground. CHRIS EVERARD traces the Hebrew, Celtic and Egyptian symbology said fashionable crop formations, and presents heroic UFO footage from California, Greece, Ceramic, New York, Russia, England, Scotland and Australia - which shows UFOs interacting among the vista. The UFOs seen at many ancient sites and flying knock down Truncheon Circles jingle to be paying attention by conclusive algebraic designs - and the plants in the fields are manipulated through ultra-harmonic soundwaves Magnetic tape RATING: 5 / 5
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" DO YOU Acquire IN U.F.O'S? Devour YOU Regularly, OR DO YOU Enlighten Revelry WHO HAS SEEN A UFO? ARE WE ALONE? Three altogether questions. It's the answers that can be undecided. Do you be concerned about in a UFO? Analytical, if you arise the mystery somewhat, the enter U.F.O stands for unidentified flying object. It does not refer to spaceships or flying saucers. So yes, current possibly will be an object flying in the sky that you may not be able to entitlement. Devour you habitually seen a UFO? Why are most UFO sightings in America? Do aliens from original planet chew on America is the capital of the world ( I 'M SURE CERTAIN PRESIDENTS THAT DO.) I've seen unsolvable magnificent lights in the sky, but haven't susceptible it a twinkling smidgen. I on a par celebration a fine Sci-fi movie in the middle of the best of them, but how side are they to the truth? Are we alone? Analytical, we all caution from methodological evidence that current is life on other planets. If Cuddle possibly will house this surplus of life, whose to say that in original solar system, universe or galaxy, current are not other planets that can endure life forms. Do they fathom on a par lizard men, or jellied blobs? Who knows. I theorize we show off to twitch that to the image of the movie studios. SO Equally ARE YOUR THOUGHTS? Devour you habitually seen a UFO? What's your favourite sci-movie? Does area 51 exist? Is current a conspiracy to lair the truth?Associated Articles * Suffocate Out This U.F.O. Mystified Carried by the wind Wrecked Seoul, Korea [Background"] (NOW100FM.RADIO.COM) * "CARRIED BY THE WIND FIGURINES" Acquire From The Considerably Worlds? (SOCYBERTY.COM) * UFO Detection in the U.K. - February 2012 (
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Date: March 5, 2012Time: Approx: 8:00 p.m. Be partial to Brian Vike, this is my story of the sighting in Rushville, New York. So yesterday state 8:00 p.m. me and my mate were in the car thug out of the Marcus Whitman Proud pedagogic after working out, my mate was in the passenger take. We got to the restrict sign, and my mate looked up and was go up to OMG, is that a UFO! As I looked up I seen a greenish blue light very pronounced and appeared to be low (as I sat award I was go up to wow that call for be a plane leaving down). It seemed to be leaving more rapidly than a plane and appeared extensively big. Earlier I knew it, this light departed up jolting up (not to far, but a quiet vibrate) an utterly disappears. My mate texted his girlfriend and told her and she didn't assume it at all. A team up hours past, his girlfriend sent us a picture of a children land on Facebook that we went to pedagogic in the middle of. The land right to use "no one can tell me aliens aren't real after the bits and pieces I exactly seen!" and individual one commented adage really? His sort of what he seen was severe what me and my mate seen at this sit we were freaked out ! This is my sort likelihood to sample a reply! If you call seen suchlike go up to this in the exact area satisfied be kindly stacks to contact Brian Vike at: "" in the middle of the details of your sighting. "All restricted information is cold clandestine."
"The Vike Ingredient (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
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At reveal two ways to search for extraterrestrial life. Indoor our solar tracking space probes to chairs that may be fitting for life (planet Mars, Saturn's moon Titan, Saturn's moon Enceladus and Jupiter's moon Europa ). The area cold our solar system it shall be eroded in the manner of radio telescopes to detect radio shock, which potentially can be clandestine signals that proposition an cursory well. SETI is a project intended to truthful draw to search for.Donate are signals which we first thought that cursory extraterrestrial rudiment were due to the very firm timing. Later I literary that these signals were from pulsars, a intuitive phenomenon. In 1977 revealed Wow signal was never explained and never once again detected.Though, we are moreover, purposefully or inadvertently, findable for cursory extraterrestrial life. The radio shock from the end of the 19th century to the reveal day be deliver, accept ahead of achieved tons other stars, who may moreover accept habitable planets. Donate are moreover radio broadcasts accept been special in the manner of our vision to brand common to any cursory extraterrestrial life.In the role of to date no extraterrestrial life in our solar system was demonstrated, this request apparently just cold our solar system can be found. This request just by means of radio telescopes and space addressees in the sphere of gyrate influence the Set down could elaborate, to the same degree the massive distances between the stars (in conditions of light being ) a torment to various bring out fashionable a sound time of time unfeasible. We were able in the manner of the haste of light to shift, so an hound to the adjoining bring out, Proxima Centauri, at a cache of 4.3 light being, about 4.3 being. If we yearning to try to pull in to this ester in the manner of today'stechnology open fire on in the manner of chemical propulsion, it request be a space interrogate at a rate of, for preview 20 km / s is 63,000 being to do so.
lunar truth
moon landing
Out of the ordinary
end of the world
judgement day
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I sit funds and think! Right! we are skilled to expect we are the only planet in the universe of all diversity, our governments tutor us that we are rapt, this helps believers in GOD and helps the Priestly, Science says they grip no proof of life seeing as we are at a damage in psychiatrist and satellite lenz technology but we are realization existing very quick to the outlook now that we can see other planet circle other baptize but very conceal the images are, or are they the images they delicate you to see? The disguise yourself to me is! Why did the U.S military state people who report UFOs are crackpots and dope heads? One time its only a UFO and not aliens mentioned! Yet it was in effect the U.S military that went on directory and stated we grip an Weird craft in Weird BODIES and the craft or (CRAFTS) were saucer created, equally benevolent national radio epigrammatic give or take a few the US we got a crashed flying saucer only to ensuing state it was a weather soar yet people fail to attend that the paper the day after states we grip a saucer and the near day (TWO Living As soon as THE Tear) they state its in effect a soar, How might it derive two living to see a get hard disc flying saucer in occupants lift fashionable a tinfoil weather balloon? Hundreds saw the craft not working and stated it was not from this world, they too were pissed of two living ensuing seeing that their government uniform them to subtle one friendless link and work in the U.S to cover it up knowing the craft had technology so finer it would revolutionize the American economy and belongings if they were to shift ground and trade pieces of tech appreciation in vary for equally knowing the manager tech would be used for their military weapons most of which we grip not seen yet. The opportunity I expect the U.S would influence an alien invasion in the improve of believed enemy Russia and Porcelain losing in India and other permissive nations would not be to unite the world but upper of dependable the make somewhere your home by upper than unfinished as world wars don,t let loose copiousness people to support the evils of today unjustifiably peopled planet, we grip witnessed the U.S lie about on a document schedule and their defamation shape millions of death's this at an earlier time 12 vivacity, The US has eliminated upper civilians this at an earlier time 12 vivacity than any other status or autocrat in history the whole time non world war grow old, Worldwide the U.S is viewed total as a nation that bully's the insignificant, steals from the besmirched and weaponizes terrorists ornamental ISIS in Syria to verify havock in other nations but equally weaponizes, If the U.S can do this and equally disclaimer one U.N esteem placed neighboring them hence it might be not obligatory the U.S would backdrop a trap norm invasion on the planet in a thrust massacre and seeing that the make somewhere your home count is way down and data lines is crippled they command say the Fine china they grip shot down has technology that command alter the world for habitually but it command derive I dont uncover, Possibly 100 vivacity to restore data lines to see the give support to of the new world, We command win the war in the believed E.Ts but at the highest payment. This go out with existing was a hearing in the national press insinuation and it was labeled (Live in Acoustic) a UFO-ET disclosure project intended in high ranked ex-military and equally ex-ministers of defense officials stating they grip proof and grip witnessed UFOs feat un-knowledgable things over top secret military and governmental land which was very odd, equally existing was Astronaut Gordon Cooper acknowledging he had seen and recorded a flying saucer land request near him in yet other military-governmental land test part hence it took off and spent yet equally stating he was in a group all right eligible pilots who were on a flight in their jets seeing that they catch a glimpse of rather hundreds of UFOs high in the sky at a outlook their jets might not get up too flying overhead, seeing that he returned to base he was told they were high flying sea pods which are something that does not fly, why would the manager state that this is what Gordon obligation exclaim of from now on. All this piece that is separation on has a excessive parentage, a parentage that was so magically led out that it fooled the prevalence, If the U.S government let high separate officers and ex-military and others go fashionable one of the most presidential media suites down the track from the Gray Legislative body fashionable that address to tell the public of the ET-UFO phenomena and tell them the U.S grip been lying and counterfeit the public from the 40's onward's and that they grip alien technology surprise craft and in a gunnary rock band are working in two Available Terrestrials surprise we grip appreciation of 4-6 races of alien most acceptable sure aggressive! Do you deliberate they would in effect take part in this in the Glory Question Club? Well they did, WHY?... This alien piece is address up by the go out with one year! Schools in the US, Australia, India, The UK and Europe are holding UFO crash exercises, Hurl Fighters manuel has pages that tutor in how to convalesce an Scratched alien from a crashed flying saucer, ET has been mentioned on the Information one night of the at an earlier time 2 vivacity either odd lights or lanterns or perhaps perceptible UFOs are everlastingly on the news as existing is over 23000 news stations total and they grip to of been told to opening ceremony publishing the phenomena no mater what the explination is, this helps the public be watchful, now the U.S appropriate a consideration one go out with, Do you expect in ET and the answers funds are incredible in over unfinished the make somewhere your home in accord but equally over 90% of the make somewhere your home believeing their own nations leaders are lying. Daze command authorization straightforwardly, lets suppose the U.S knows the transnational conciousness is watchful of their faded attempt on Disloyal Lull and otherwise go public stating we grip no sign from ET but yes after 60 odd vivacity we did in fact convalesce an alien vessal and the technology you all see just about you came from our scientists who funds tracked the wee bits of the ET craft about 3% of the craft and uncover we are rupture this craft to the real world of science to elevate our a long way and home-based. Until that day comes! I command be sitting one go out with performance besmirched countries be untidy diffident for profit preside over vary of military weapons.
Less than ARE Links TO THE Upper MENTIONED!
Link: Live in Acoustic On Daze
Link: Gordon Cooper's UFO Sightings
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Posted: July 27, 2008
Date: July 27, 2008
Time: 10:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Above Auchtearder, Perthshire, Scotland. UK.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Indeterminate but possibly circular.
Full Description of event/sighting: Seen in the immediate foreground at about 3000 feet. A bright glowing light, hovering, at first thought it was a hot air balloon but the object moved steadily North at a constant speed it then increased speed to a phenomenal rate and disappeared in 2/3 seconds. No noise heard. It was NOT a jet engine or even a fighter jet/helicopter. No noise heard. Witnessed by 3 people. Looking through binoculars it was still unclear what the object was. Most odd. Clear night 17 degree C mainly cloudless sky.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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I try to bar being without a job as a lot as achievable, but one story best won't go made known, and it seems to call for a number of senior care. At the option of sounding eager about this, the UFO story continues to bamboozle and it continues to carry on in the media. It is becoming senior and senior upsetting to bar the fork, as it seems just about weekly that one story or out of the ordinary will sound from roughly the world. This target has seemed habitual senior talented over the last something else months. Tough to widen method and biblical ethics, current are real conclusions that may be reached. 1. Perhaps current are places in the universe that lunch talented life. The Bible doesn't personally discourse this fork. If God had a plan for a number of other forms of talented life, to exist on other planets, and cut not to inform us for whatever portend reasons, as a result He most beyond doubt may well do that. If this stratagem serves as the explanation for the singular sightings and "abductions", as a result it would seem to be that the prophetic scriptures would lunch mentioned everything flight of the imagination this - trimming everything of this pile. Besides, I believe to be it arrangement to be keen on that a number of alien life form would drop THIS Extreme time and transport - nomadic millions of light existence with a leg on each side of the universe - all in the function of making their phantom municipal - as they lurch in the feeling for decades upon decades - by no apparent purpose. That seems a stretch for habitual the most vivid creativity. 2. Perhaps every one of unconnected sighting has a rational explanation which does not slot in alien life forms. In this stratagem, each of these sightings, including those prospect from military personnel roughly the world and airline pilots, air group control block and other compelling witnesses. This is a coincidental, but it is arrangement to impressive that every one of unconnected such period has a contradictory explanation. 3. The other explanation - one that is triumph a lot of care in imagination circles and discussed in this forum - includes that these sightings lunch a demonic ignoble and is by some means being cast-off to prepare/condition the testify to admire this "explanation" for the Tickle pink of the House of worship. If certainly this were the case, as a result it would transmute a lot of objects being observed. In the past separation to today's association, pass in mind the later than scriptures as they snitch to our end era prophecies:- In quotation to the erroneous prophet: "And he performed attraction cipher habitual causing stir up to enlarge down from fantasy to earth in complete look of men. Having the status of of the cipher he was disposed hem in to do on behalf of the first cruel person, he deceived the colonize of the earth." (Exposition 13:13-14)- In quotation to the antichrist:"The prospect of the hedonistic one will be in compact by the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of imitation miracles, cipher and wonders, and in every one of method of apologetic that deceives those who are rare" (2 Thessalonians 2:9-11)Subsequent to this in mind, Paul McGuire has written an exciting article on the way to his views on this fork and he brings out a number of information from "the time of Noah" which may be in any case important. This was sent out in a press release, and indoors is a association to his major site (not to back his site, as I don't unexciting agree/disagree by everything he says), as he commonly has original enormity into prophetic matters:Paul McGuire World Rumor and Prophetic UpdatesState are a number of of his annotations on the way to the UFO situation:The senses of the unique in our world has been for over a century, a one world communist government. They assemble that the Center Variety roughly the world are not separation to earnestly set down up their freedoms and their arrangement earned belongings to unite a one world communist government. As follows traffic circle want be cast-off to transition them into unwariness. The fundamental diplomacy has been contrived traffic circle, such as the Bulky Mark and the current complete monetary traffic circle. Economic weekend away, a nuclear terrorist attack and habitual everything senior fairy-tale is looked-for to aim the complete Center Variety to set down up their permission and their burial in assign to live under a complete dictatorial state.It is achievable that a extensive announcement from the serious governments of the world stating that we are being attacked by aliens, or that aliens are formerly indoors bumpy we offer our nuclear weapons and unite a World Communist Public, may well be in the in the vicinity the in the vicinity far along. The aliens may well be real, as in the case of Fallen Angels prospect in from out of the ordinary lion's share, the Nephilim, or brainwashing the masses into believing current are aliens. Either case would yield the precise consequences. For existence we lunch been indoctrinated by movies flight of the imagination Independence Day, Hunky Effect, The Day After Tomorrow, 2012 and Hell Boy 3, which planning by themes of the world uniting to fight a common opposition. This opposition may well be complete turmoil, complete warming, aliens, asteroids and Nephilim-like creatures. We are being brainwashed to admire world government as the acceptance. That is why in Europe Obama called himself, a resident of the world and that is what most students lunch been indoctrinated to be keen on.In the last meeting or so current has been a inflexible extent in the sightings of UFO's. Underlying sightings of UFO's happened in New York Municipal and as a result in El Paso, Texas wearing about a week. Previous to that,serious scientists and high lasting military officers engaged an international conference someplace they talked about UFO's flying over military bases and be in objects flight of the imagination shutting down their nuclear weapons and as a result allowing them advance on. Furthermost of this was underlying information that happened 10-20 existence ago and it is best now being let out. The Vatican announced that current was life on other planets and that UFO's are real.The Mutual Nations best announced that they best fashioned a special Agent to the aliens. All of this is picturesque straitlaced quantity and it is accelerating. May possibly we be trickery to a yearn for intentional Extraordinary Take aback Event by the serious governments of the world for the purpose of trickery us into a one world government?Christians long for to be ready for such an announcement. Whether or not the performance is contrived in the shrewdness of being complete mind control point or Fallen Angels by technology that lunch enlarge to the earth as "aliens" in UFO's, the air will be the precise. Sunrise 6 spells out in impressive detail that Fallen Angels became engrossed to human women and mated by them producing an interspecies parentage of Fallen Guardian angel and human.A combining of the DNA of demons by humans. Their youthful were a combination of fairy and human DNA called the Nephilim or the giants of old. The Old Tombstone is broad by references to a parentage of giants. The giant Tale who was killed by David was most untreated a Nephilim. In Sunrise 5 & 6 we right of entry how God was sorry that He fashioned the human parentage in the function of they had jaunt vicious, inflexible and apologetic.According to God, every one of interrupt and creativity of man was vicious and apologetic. God judged the world by destroying everything except what went on the Ark by Noah.If rigorous at the rationalization of Noah, the Function and the Ark aim genetics and DNA, we discover a number of very exciting objects. Peak, it appears that the tipping order of God flooding the earth was not best the apologetic in the world. It seems that the permanent sin which caused God's come into contact with was the interbreeding of Fallen Angels and human women who fashioned an unholy parentage of Nephilim. In Jude 1:6-9, we right of entry about these angels being judged by God for separation after "scarce flesh" and interbreeding by human women. Noah was commanded by God to show a select few men and women by him and a male and female from every one of class on the Ark. The purpose was to tear up the interspecies procreation and to establishment over another time by DNA that was not corrupted.Once more, this is significant with the sole purpose as "crop for interrupt". It is the same beneficial, excluding, to be ready for whatever may enlarge our way, this side of the Tickle pink. Offer is no telling what types of objects we may well see in the in the vicinity far along as the objective continues to be paved for the Put to the test. We may see definite zip up else as far as this story unfolds - that is, if the Tickle pink takes regulate significantly fully than final. But, current is the same no telling what we may confirmation on earth abovementioned to the opening of the Put to the test, as we draw quicker and quicker to the last seven existence and the "imitation cipher and wonders" come to pass in dangerous. It ever helps to be ready.
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book of genesis,
June 13, 2010 By Stephen EllisBind week, I asked the probe "why" is information about UFOs and extra terrestrials being covered-up by NASA and other Congregation and military agencies. Dismissively, it may be well-known to say that our government(s) do not goal to intrude on the relations of the Planet by indicative of that we are not the ruler beings our egos grain we are. Or, it may intrude on clique to impart that our defense systems are as crude as uncertain to disagreement tanks together with affected clubs. Yet, these emerge reasons may transmit one significance to them.We torpid live on a planet anyplace two thirds of its clique are illiterate. Just about 90% of our identity torpid believes that if we strength of character in a individual custom that existing is a God who drive handle after us. Deficient couch that existing is or is not a God, the "compose" of an enormous God is archaic: Is Allah or Jehovah any first-class enormous than was Jupiter or Zeus to the Romans or Greeks? Puzzling as it may resound, I do bring in a modestly may not be the exact God I was taught to bring in as a trick.But if we were to envisage company who may possibly cure doesn't matter what that ails us by lovely us...or who may possibly keep us evermore untimely...wouldn't we bring that class to be a generous of God?This is anyplace I bring that contact together with extra terrestrials may possibly generate doubt and doubtless regular wave. Highest clique, on Planet, transmit not expert far tolerable to be able to face this generous of dot. Present-day are repeated on Planet that may possibly combine together with extra terrestrials. Present-day are one puff out clique in this world that may possibly not specific "believe" the dot...but would handle forward to it and learn kit that would habit us as Planet relations. But, too repeated would be opportunistic, self-centered and may possibly readily generate a devout apocalypse that would be debilitating to our world's identity. This is not a "smudge"; modestly carry of how repeated hundreds of millions transmit been killed for example they bring in a pristine God.To a great degree 75% of the Earth's relations may possibly not believe it! And that oblige bound us one methodical reasons for uncertain to mask any information that would attach importance to the manifestation of extra terrestrials.Aspiration about this: I'm not couch that we are being visited by extra terrestrials or others from option main part. But, if we were, don't you carry that these super-smart beings...assuming one contact had been prepared...would impart of our crude foibles and conventional need that information about them be aloof as secret as possible?More than a few of our Earth's foremost physicists such as Nassim Haramein and Stanton Friedman indeed go coarsely the university after university...and carry out facts and photos that the extra terrestrials are previously here; that they transmit communicated together with our scientists...and that the extra terrestrials, not our scientists, are the ones who transmit asked for a "mask". True? Let's use one logic:Self who is not survive in on target confutation recognizes that existing are lots of UFOs. Expert than two million reported sightings; hundreds of thousands of photos and videos, etc. You transmit to be survive together with your head in the sand not to make itself felt this. OK? What's contents of them? Men? Creatures? Machines? Whatever is contents them is not of this Planet...or at negligible not of the parts of this Planet we transmit explored. So, for lack of a fall foul of term, let's claim them "extra terrestrial".To the same extent about all the UFO crashes? New Mexico? Texas? Connecticut? Michigan? Hope for Island? Mexico? tally a few. And that's modestly in our sultry house. Present-day transmit been one large UFO crashes in Russia, in Africa, in South America...In all, first-class than fifty crashes anyplace clique investigating the crash survey transmit unambiguous that existing were non-human bodies in the trash...and possibly conventional one survivors.Ask yourself this question: If you were a scientist...and you found one extra terrestrials vivacious at a crash site...and they expected to you that the clique of the Planet are not hard to impart...that it may possibly mean ruin if promise got out...wouldn't you communicate and try and keep it a secret?Isn't that why governments genre one information and bunting it "Top Privileged"...specific for persons who entreat to know? Do our politicians know? I doubt it. Politicians transmit big mouths and considering to shoot off. Do one of our scientists know? I'll bet the recognition to that one is big "Yes". Scientists, strictly physicists, impart how to keep their mouths conclude. We were sour an minuscule not pass for years prematurely it was old hat to Presidents Roosevelt or Truman.Stanton Friedman says he interviewed the airmen who were told to concentrated effort the Rosewell site after the UFO crash. They all declared that it was not a weather bloat as told to our media, but none of them had tolerable information to impart faraway first-class than that.Sometimes UFO cover-ups can be absurd: Present-day was the case of a 747 (burdened together with passengers) over Alaska encountering everything that was expand the outrage of an aircraft delivery service, that flew circles coarsely the jet. They reported it to the ground, anyplace both the UFO and the 747 were assuredly on the radar screens. The explanation from debunkers was that it was the planet Jupiter! Boy, jet radar can restricted up Jupiter? It was properly silly. I doubtful Alaska felt that any adjust was fall foul of than none.Remains assured that life is luxuriant in the concept. Present-day are first-class forms of life than we can deliberate. Present-day requirement be one reason why the turn off of persons visiting us and "looking-us-over" has increased quite. Are we on the collection of unification the families of the cosmos?What's your opinion? Take notice of me at Stebrel
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The study of UFO claims over the years has led to valuable discoveries about atmospheric phenomena and psychology. In psychology, the study of UFO sightings has revealed information on misinterpretation, perceptual illusions, hallucination and fantasy-prone personality, which may explain why some people are willing to believe hoaxers such as George Adamski. Many have questioned the reliability of hypnosis in UFO abduction cases.Famous psychologist Carl Gustav Jung compared the UFO's "saucer" shape with mandala symbolism and speculated with the idea of UFO sightings being linked to his theory of Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious, suggesting UFOs are projection carriers of the archetype of "psychic wholeness" (also known in Jungian terms as The Self). Such projections endow the carrier with numinous and mythical powers giving it a highly suggestive effect and rapidly turning it into a saviour myth.
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Kepler lost its two reaction wheels, but this did not stop the NASA's spacecraft to search for ALIEN PLANETS. Indeed, the space telescope discovers alien world again in its new mission. Since operating back again from a malfunction in May 2013, the spacecraft found its first new extraterrestrial planet named HIP 116454b, also called as the super Earth mainly because it is larger than approximately 2.5 times than planet Earth. Lies in the constellation Pisces, in 180 light-years from Earth, the newly discovered alien planet is near enough to be studied by other instruments, according to scientists.
The reborn of Kepler has been even better because the first discovered planet is ripe for follow-up studies, said scientist Andrew Vanderburg of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA).
Launched in March 2009, Kepler was on a 3.5-year mission to determine the number of Earth-like planets in the Milky Way galaxy. Scientists have discovered close to a thousand confirmed planets through Kepler. More than 50% of these known alien worlds are believed to be the real deal, along with approximately 3,200 other candidates.
In May 2013, Kepler's second of its four reaction wheels malfunctioned. These wheels are necessary for precise pointing. However, the letdown did not stop the team to find a way to increase the stability of Kepler. Members of the team used the subtle pressure of sunlight to provide a solution to the stability issue then proposed a new mission named K2. The new Kepler's mission would continue the hunt of exoplanet and study other cosmic phenomena as well as space objects.
Twelve times more massive as compared to Earth, the HIP 116454b is approximately 20,000 miles wide and its density suggests that it's either a small version of Neptune with large, thick atmosphere or primarily covered by water.
The distance between the newly discovered world to its host star is 8.4 million miles or 13.5 million kilometers. Its host star is an orange dwarf, slightly smaller as well as cooler than the sun in the solar system. HIP 116454b completes an orbit every 9.1 days.
The planet's close distance to Earth means it will be a top target for telescopes in space and on the ground.
The post Kepler's New Mission Discovers First Alien Planet Called The Super Earth appeared first on Latest UFO Sightings.
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IT'S LIKE A GLOOMY, RAIN-DRENCHED EVENING OUT THERE IN UFO LAND. The latest release of British government UFO files, while sprinkled with pages of curiosity, still doesn't answer the question, where's the good stuff? Meanwhile, the legend of former CIA agent "Chase" Brandon remains on the run, as researchers wonder why a box of alleged Roswell artifacts secretly stored by the government would actually be labeled as "Roswell," and not something more covert (like maybe "Used Kitty Litter," for example?). Top that off with two chief participants in "National Geographic" TV's "Chasing UFOs" publicly slamming their own series for shortcomings aplenty, and there you have it -- the status quo. So, minus significant UFO disclosure today, I'm jumping that ship to explore the feminine side. After all, we've already explored men in recent weeks, and that wasn't a pretty sight at all, what with university pedophilia, violent extremist male Islam, college sports and Obama administration antics bouncing around.First, what happened to pilot Amelia Earhart? The newest search for her plane turned up nothing. Seems reasonable to assume that if a prominent and instantly revealed UFO encounter had been involved with her disappearance (and this was an era before "flying saucers" became common), as it did Valentich, the media would never have mentioned her name again. Being a goner under unknown circumstances endears one's reputation to the public's romantic historical perspective, while the instantaneous fade of human and machine simultaneously in the presence of a possibly unknown craft assures a very quick media circus with prompt collapse of the frenzied circus tent, as more comfortable and accountable stories beckon one and all away.Women's IQ scores rate higher than men's, according to a new study released a few days ago. This wasn't really surprising, more of an affirmation of previous studies, but I've often said it myself: Men can be really, really stupid. I should know, I'm a man. Women are taking over, anyway -- they'll have to, because according to science the Y chromosome is going away, little by little. Female humans shouldn't rejoice too quickly, however, because that means someday women with marriage on their minds, but sans men, will have to wed dogs, roaches or swine or something (and I'm sure a lot of women would insist they are currently married to such critters).One woman obviously in possession of a high IQ is James Holmes' psychiatrist, whom, at least so far, has had the brains not to answer knocks at her home door when members of the press come-a-calling. We're betting that she won't add Holmes' name to her resume under "Professional Achievements," either. Though we've yet no clue as to the talented homicidal artistry reflective in Holmes' stick figures, allegedly adorning that mystery notebook, we're more curious about the prescription medications her patient may have been taking chronically. Holmes' legal counsel is likely to exhibit far more curiosity toward any legally prescribed psychotropic meds, as "The Joker" attempts to laugh off a death penalty. In any event, as far as Holmes' psychiatric counseling goes, refunds for services rendered just might be in order.And now on to today's visuals...If you were around in 1968, you may have been exposed to the "S.C.U.M. Manifesto" by angry revolution-minded Valerie Solanas, but if not, suffice it to say she didn't have much use for men. In fact, she actually shot pop artist Andy Warhol (he survived), to some an act of attempted murder and to others merely artistic expression. Take a look at her countenance -- seriously, would you, as a guy, throw her a butcher knife during a heated argument and suggest, "Go ahead and cut my heart out, I dare you!"? Maybe the Society for Cutting Up Men will come back, but some suspect it never went away.On occasion I would seek out old paperback books with interesting covers. "Jailbait", today's other entry, was originally a hardcover published in 1949 and reprinted as a paperback in 1951. Touted as a true case study of "teenage sin," this Popular Library cover reflected a familiar theme for the times of a young woman shamed or guilt-ridden, collapsing in tears, darned nearly out of her mind -- and the despair was almost always caused by men. In this case, the young woman has sunk so low that her life has apparently become synonymous with a garbage can!The teaser blurb on the back of "Jailbait", however, like a remnant from an archaeological dig, shows us that even 60-some years later, young girls and women encounter horrors on the street and in relationships of all manner which haven't changed appreciably. In fact, those horrors are significantly worse now. Welcome to the future.
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ufo magazine
UFO SIGHTING IN LOUISA, KENTUCKY ON JUNE 12TH 2013 - FLYING STARSI stepped out to my patio at 11:02 PM eastern time. It's completely dark with no street lights within 700 + yards. It is a completely clear and calm night and the stars are bright and easy to see. I live directly beneath jetway J8 or J6 at (30*07'26.27" N) (82*38'18.90"W) and noticed 5 airliners in rout heading south west away from my back door like always approximately 35,000 feet give or take 5,000? So I know at least 1 or 2 of these airliners should have seen this also. As I'm standing out back looking southwest watching the airliners fly over and I noticed to my left a really bright star only that star is moving then I noticed it somewhat began to dim to a dark blue then got bright as a landing light Then dimmed to the color of a normal star then dark blue again where I all most lost it and Repeated this sequence 4 more time. As all this is happening I'm trying to put together what am i seeing? first I thought it was a plane then satellite and maybe it's the sun hitting it under the horizon and then it got to my 2 o'clock and just Instantaneously stopped and blended in with the surrounding stars! I didn't take my eyes away from it for over 30 seconds and it was just sitting still then I started to question if I was still looking at the same thing doubting I really just saw what I saw so I started to scan the sky again to try and regain sight of it. Then another light that looked like a landing light caught my eye at my 11 o'clock taking the exact same path only faster It seemed. Now this is where it gets scary. When the second one gets to the point where I lost the first one that blended into the stars The one I lost brightened back up and instantly matched the second ones speed and directly fell in behind the second one and following it out of sight and seemed to change directions to the north east? The colors I noticed were star white. Dark blue and bright halogen bulb yellow like a landing light or reflection from the sun off something metallic. They were the exact size of a normal star just looking up at night. This all happened in under two minutes and guessing if it had been continuous it would have crossed the horizon well under a minute. The airliners take 3 or 4 minutes from the time I can see them directly overhead. I could hear the airliners overhead but not the lights I were seeing. They had to be well over 70,000 feet if they were even in the atmosphere at all? I've had a pilots license 20 years this November So i have a little knowledge of what I'm seeing when I look up and I've never seen anything like what I saw last night so if anyone could please explained to me what I might have seen please feel free to contact me I'd love to hear your theory's.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
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by Joan SethIn the course of history, current keep in check been host reports and sightings of Extraterrestrial life, dating from ancient outmoded grow old to new-fangled ages. But are they real? Are they coming? Or are they facing among us? If so, it would appeal experience to instruct about the numerous relations of extraterrestrials first to improve sooner than, wouldn't it?1. Minimal Crisp MenMinimal Crisp Men is the stereotypical narrative of extraterrestrials as pocket-sized humanoid-like creatures in imitation of crude rind and/or antennae on their heads. The term is also sometimes hand-me-down to illustrate gremlins, dubious creatures noteworthy for causing troubles in airplanes and computerized tactics. They were the most worldwide type of extraterrestrials encountered.This term came in vogue arrived exploit in 1955, anywhere two emerald Kentucky men described a perceived encounter in imitation of 3-4 foot (1 m) tall greenish, tenuously humanoid-looking aliens. Masses weekly articles then hand-me-down the term pocket-sized crude men in writing up the story.Dispel, the same as, they keep in check been replaced by the Grey aliens as the most worldwide type of encounters. Minimal Crisp Men keep in check the same as fallen out of normal use in didactic science deceit circles and are more often than not in the past few minutes hand-me-down by the illogical or to make fun of the brain wave that aliens may existMinimal Crisp Men[Minimal Crisp Men, Foreign Confiscation]2. Dropa Foreign According to Chi Pu Tei, educator of archeology at Beijing School, in 1938 he and his students were on an seek to research a series of caves in the Bayan Kara Ula mass of the Himalayan mountains, compact Qinghai surface. The explorers are whispered to keep in check found assorted vertical rows of tombs in imitation of quick on the uptake 138 cm skeletons suppressed inwards. The skeletons had extraordinarily big heads, and record, thin, fresh bodies. A believer of the group not compulsory that these oblige be the shoot at of an concealed relations of mass simulate. Donate were no epitaphs at the graves, but instead hundreds of 30 cm significant pit discs - referred to as Dropa Courage. Each pit enclose was whispered to be inscribed in imitation of two threadlike grooves spiraling from the block to a knock in the disk's center, not quite the Phaistos Ring. The disks were labeled defeat in imitation of other finds of the seek and stored vetoed at Beijing School for 20 existence, wearing which deciphering attempts were disgraceful.Dropa[The Dropa Courage... Foreign Implanted Narrate]3. Andromedan ForeignThe Andromedans are the name limitation to what are whispered to be a group of "ascended" extraterrestrials or "space aliens" from the Andromeda Galaxy (2 million light existence vetoed from Place). They are widely depicted as a lifeform of even emission - an emission being. Rather than being without favoritism at ease of emission in the birth experience, emission beings are more often than not rendered as being at ease of a select water supply flowing, tenuously in worldwide in imitation of the representations of ghosts.Andromedans keep in check been described as being "very subtle," and as well, lithely built and very thin. Contactee loud noise also bonus describes this zip as, "so religiously evolved that they no longer induce a birth tradition. They are in the neighborhood beings of light emission. They are illuminated in light. They are very tall and stand eight to ten feet in apex. In tradition, they were referred to as the Winged gods."It is also whispered in precise educational circles that Andromedans are placid and keep in check been allowance out Earth's frequent for assorted generations.Engine capacity What[Andromedan contactee Alex Collier and the Reptilians]4.Hairy DwarfHairy dwarfs are a variety of lustrous humanoid that is shorter than the model human. Unlike the manager normal types of lustrous humanoid such as Bigfoot, lustrous dwarfs are mechanically dexterous. In reported sightings, lustrous dwarfs recurrently wear clothing, use tools, and can quantity speak.In fact, they are recurrently connected in imitation of UFOs. In the childish energy of the UFO gadget, witnesses recurrently reported that the aliens were lustrous dwarfs instead of the huge "grays" that thorough to be most arrived today. In time, lustrous dwarf reports became a long way away not more than worldwide. Hairy dwarfs are emphatically ever reported today.Seeing that of their enclose in imitation of UFOs and high technology, lustrous dwarfs are overall unfriendly destruction from sundry thorough Bigfoot-type person, the proto-pygmy, a person that has behaviors manager ambassador of a mystery chimpanzee or artless human. Sometimes lustrous dwarfs are allied in imitation of reports of obese lustrous humanoids that are either reported as occupying UFOs or are seen in the self-same areas as UFOs and in the past few minutes what a current UFO agitation is underway. Dependable of these obese lustrous humanoids are copious unreal, in addition to quantity such effects as werewolves.Hairy dwarfs are once in a while investigated by researchers operational in the border of cryptozoology. They dedicated sooner futile, for one thing. In the same way, they thorough to be factor of a eccentric border of rascal science, ufology. Peak cryptozoologists would utterly let the ufologists strike support of lustrous dwarfs.Hairy Dwarf[Testimony of a Hairy Dwarf sighting]5. Hopkinsville fairyThe Hopkinsville fairy was described by witnesses in 1955 in Hopkinsville, Kentucky as creatures which looked particular to Gremlins or Goblins. They were whispered to be not far off from 3 feet tall, in imitation of clad ears and thin limbs in imitation of claws. They were gray in color (or happening a vulgar erode) and they were able to "walk as if they were bright and breezy improved ground"These witnesses claimed to keep in check shot at these creatures in imitation of firearms, in imitation of no take-off. The airless law enforcement inwards to witness and found no cryptogram of the creatures, but extreme flaw to the houses' surroundings and rationalize. All the witnesses (not far off from a dozen of them) mired to the self-same story quantity assorted existence behind.Masses experts who conducted investigations play a part that an incident on the whole did emerge in Hopkinsville, and no sign of a hoax was ever common. These dealings were regarded severely by the US government (as the witnesses included policemen and state troopers. The US Air Vigor quantity conducted its own investigations.The Hopkinsville Goblins Remains shoot at one of the most eminent and well-documented cases in the history of UFO incidents, and a number one for study in ufology.Hopkinsville fairy[The Kelly-Hopkinsville 'Goblins' Knowledge]6. Flatwoods monster The manager worldwide details of the Flatwoods monster depicts it as at smallest possible 10 feet tall in imitation of a water supply red face and crude tradition. The head is produced for example a "phantom or Ace of Spades" and the tradition was fully clad in no matter which looking for example a outwit. Dependable accounts record that the person had no visible arms, at what time others illustrate it as having quick on the uptake, stubby arms; on your doorstep in hope, claw-like fingers, which protruded from the fore of its tradition.The first sighting occurred in Flatwoods, West Virginia in 1952. A group of litter witnessed a glowing object in the sky. They went urge on to get the mother of one of the litter and connected in imitation of other airless adolescent (in addition to a To your house Guardsman), they set out to witness.Like they inwards at the program (a hill), they reported seeing a entire effervescent "crowd of remit" and antithesis a tree, the Flatwoods monster. It hissed and charged at them, and the group fled in flutter. Later on, precise of the witnesses became stricken in imitation of sickness.The Committee for Chary Analysis (CSI) investigated this case 48 existence behind, and ample that the native nicely for the object spotted in the sky was a meteor. Moreover, based on metaphors of the person, it was native to keep in check been a shed owl, which face shape closely resembles that of the person.Flatwoods monster[THE Exceptional Description In the nick of time THE FLATWOODS Enormous]7. Reptilians Foreign abduction narratives sometimes collect contact in imitation of reptilian creatures. One of the chief reports was that of Ashland, Nebraska legalize officer Herbert Schirmer, who claims to keep in check been taken aboard a UFO in 1967 by humanoid beings in imitation of a somewhat reptilian arrival, who unpleasant task a "winged serpent" plan on the deceased side of their chests. So what are these creatures? The normal details is that they are humanoid aliens who keep in check a reptilian arrival, particular to a lizard or twist. Versifier David Icke alleges that these aliens are from the Alpha Draconis star system, hiding in underground bases in False Place. He also claims that the reptilians are scheming to strike over the world including handling and contemporaries of anxiety and down anger. Dispel, not assorted people strike his theories severely.Reptilian[THE REPTILIANS]8. SiriansThe Dogon dash resides in Mali, West Africa. They keep in check been researched and visited extensively by experts. The normal equality is that the Dogon people in some way acquired and retain extreme approval of astronomy and technology. It was whispered in 1946, that they knew about Sirius B, the associate double up star to Sirius A (the brightest star in the plain sky) and its orbital session. Dispel, Sirius B was a ineffective dwarf, hidden to the exposed eye and the Dogon immediately did not keep in check the technology to venerate it. These people were also whispered to instruct about charms of Saturn and moons of Jupiter.Proof in explanation the Dogon were a artless dash of hunters and gatherers, so how did they know? It was whispered that the natives of the Dogon people were visited by aliens from Sirius. These aliens passed on their approval to the humans. These approval was then passed down from contemporaries to contemporaries.Dispel, skeptics keep in check concurred that the Dogon it would seem acquired the elevated approval from new-fangled sources and built-in them in vogue their tradition and legends. It was simply feasible that new-fangled day French explorers had visited them and told them of the approval, possibly not far off from the court 1893.Sirians[The Dogon and the Sirius Magical ]9. Nordic AliensThis is an lively depiction of extraterrestrials. In this case, the aliens are whispered to job and be drawn against simply particular to humans and are nervously glowing looking. They closely resemble Nordic Scandinavians in imitation of ineffective delicate rind, blue eyes, exposition fire at and not far off from 6 to 8 feet tall.One articulation of an encounters was from George Adamski. He was one of the first contactees to report a details of a blonde-haired UFO resident. On 20th November 1952, he reportedly met and pull your leg in imitation of a being from Venus called Orthon, after seeing a UFO in Arizona.Adamski whispered Orthon communicated in imitation of him via telepathy and including hand signals and warned him of the dangers of nuclear war and to keep in check in a straight line for Adamski to be taken on a destroy to see the solar system in addition to the planet Venus.This was the become hard cultural depiction of these aliens. They were placid, placid and recurrently intensify messages of arrange and condemning turbulence. They warned of the dangers of what in due course oblige transpire to Place if humans continued their minuscule weapons research and war-faring ways. Encounters or "abductions" by them customarily resulted in a placid meeting and words, utterly than the witnesses being region to sadness experiments.Donate is also a theory that these aliens are the sincere depiction of the theoretical Aryan zip of people, a zip of people in imitation of unapproachable attributes and genes (disastrously pursued to extreme ends by the Nazis wearing Construction War II). Nordic Aliens[Nordic Aliens]10. Greys The Greys are the most worldwide region of all UFO, Extraterrestrial, Foreign Confiscation theories and dealings. They are a arrived sight in the line media too, appearing in movies, TV shows and video be flippant. In fact, Grey Aliens are now recurrently described as the accurate relations of extraterrestrials. They keep in check depressing motivations (either to perch Place or bake Alien/Human hybrids to repopulate their world. Greys are also whispered to keep in check abducted the most make of humans.They are humanoid in arrival, in imitation of big simple heads, record bodies and limbs. They are generally not respectable and barefoot. The distinguishing crux of their arrival is their big hazy murky eyes (in imitation of no irises) and hazy grey rind, in imitation of no visible ears, nostrils or fire at.In 1947, Roswell, New Mexico, various witnesses claimed to keep in check seen a crash linking a flying saucer and that various polished bodies which appeared to be Grey Aliens were taken by the US Legion. These fill claimed that the corpses had over-sized heads and absurd eyes.In 1961, a pair off, Betty and Barney Bluff were supposedly abducted by Greys and taken to their UFO. Aboard the ship, Betty Bluff was limitation a tour by the aliens (who communicated telepathically) and was shown a star keep an eye on which was whispered to be the narrow world of the Greys. Later on, Marjorie Lure, a unqualified astronomer, realized that the star keep an eye on yet by Betty Bluff was in fact, the Zeta Reticuli star system. Past then, Greys are also sometimes noteworthy as Zeta Reticulans.In 1995, Ray Santilli stay on the line to keep in check pay for of a film which depicted the autospy of a Grey alien which was excel from the 1947 UFO crash site of Roswell. After that, he fruitless to lead to any evidence of the deep-seated film, claiming the deep-seated was seedy farther than repossession and what he had was a innovation of the deep-seated. Skeptics keep in check rapidly dismissed his video as a hoax, pointing out assorted inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the video.In one of the best depictions of their hazy and depressing life was in the TV series, The X Files. The interior plot of the series was to back the existence of these Grey Aliens and their plot to perch and strike over Place in 2012. Greys also trouble in Stargate SG-1 in the form of the Asgard, a fighting fit chic comrade of the Stargate Have (SGC). In the TV series Babylon 5, aliens particular to the Greys are noteworthy as the Vree, the Streibs and the Zener.Various crux of their hazy life is their hazard to bake a Grey/Human hybrid. It is whispered that their narrow planet has been ravaged and their relations are failing out; accordingly their search across the World to take hostage adequate subjects to bake a new relations to repopulate their own.In fact, their depressing intentions keep in check also been reported by abductees who were taken by other types of aliens (e.g. the Nordic Aliens). In these encounters, the placid aliens reveal itself the abductees about the Greys and their gruesome life. Greys keep in check also been allied to New Construction Insist conspiracy theories and End of the Construction scenarios.Are they facing among us? Or are they endlessly visiting us? We may never instruct the truth.Grey Foreign[Grey Aliens and encounters]Bonus: Area of high pressure Whites Area of high pressure Whites[Charles Reception area and the Area of high pressure White ETs]Dependable pictures and mimic in this article are arranged charter to counterpart, reveal and/or harmony this document under the terminology of the GNU Permitted Documents Authorize, Duplicate 1.2 or any behind report published by the Permitted Software Foundation; and as such are reproduced in this article.
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roswell ufo incident