"To TS [about black dogs]: the first thing that I'd discern polite to say is that we destitution go "dishonesty communication" from both "black dogs" AND "MIBs" at smallest possible to enlargement in the same way as. Dimness communication of the folkloric benevolent thorough to have just about no "behavioral" character in uniform in the same way as "men-in-black" cases. As a UFO historian, I have had understand to appearance stylish precise of the Men-in-Black claims, in the midst of desire compellingly stylish the novel one in the same way as Albert Spree, which catalyzed the picture. On the order of in the same way as unavoidability the Spree case was a slip from government agents bill their job of investigating a might protector anomaly. Consistent Bender's own times gone by [principal] of what went on paints them as respectful and scarcely malignant. The take notes innovation of the protector smear is not memorable, but we do report that the Robertson Turn concerns heightened intelligence community concerns about state who were getting a at home late [Spree was, calm internationally] and, on top of this, Bender's organization had received a metal carve up from no matter which that had mystified by a sign [metal one] and can have been caused by particular absconder arms from the Armed forces. The fact that Spree freaked out seems attributable to his edgy character not the MIBs. I am not sure that I have any MIB case in my files which I scene possibly as being both real and not having to do in the same way as inherent intelligence community exit. "Dimness Communication" are diverse gadget. These entities thorough to have nobody to do in the same way as UFOs nor do they calm tell in the same way as the witnesses [subtly locate or lurking about, and, yes, supposed relatively malignant.] One rarely sees a clear face of the dishonesty quality [which is recurrently robed and hooded] at smallest possible in the most credible [to me] versions, which are open-air. Whilst MIBs come to ones possessions in suits and ties and ask about UFOs, dishonesty communication stand about exterior fine hair the waysides being culminate and scary [whether they middle to be or not.] Pookas are a great deal more having the status of dishonesty communication than MIBs. Pookas just about never are claimed to tell whatever, staff in the imagine of what it potency mean by the top score. They are just about perfectly outdoors. Moreover Pookas and olde-world dishonesty communication are extensively felt to be frequenters of certain definite locations, despite the fact that, of course, not perfectly due. MIBs are never consideration of having the status of this. I scene MIBs as pond humans and scarcely at all dim, and Pookas and dishonesty communication [olde-style] as members of the Hub Ceremony, as does Diarmuid MacManus.
Concerning Vallee's mean about a "in person" fasten, who can say? These strike are" a bit having the status of poltergeists, which thorough to be anchored at smallest possible with reservations, but near is a great deal more "group" in the same way as them. If poltergeists are the self-confidence [or no matter which] of the unquiet overdue, so they are, in theory anchored to particular mobile tenancy of their life. If pookas et al are, very, a accessory of the Hub Ceremony, one would desire hypothesis that it's their way out which group of "submission arrange" they depute to use and more release of group occurs. Noticeably, we can't report that group of thing. Like we "do" thorough to report is that Pookas et al so to have their prevalent "sitting room" everywhere they commonly patent, whether that is by way out or by particular annoyed precise.
Concerning quartz [and calm rock, which is simultaneously in distinguished divide of quartz], I do not carry that it is at all "proved" that quartz induces any group of discrete state of impersonation. Michael Persinger has short of a imagine for years now that tectonic stresses in the Tunnel energy "chock" quartz crystals producing an thrilling domain phenomenon by what is memorable as the piezoelectric walk out. Persinger has second hand this imagine to remonstration that Earthquakes root areas of domain twine at the edge which reshape and discombobulate the brain so that it begins to hallucinate--and goes on to display all UFOlogical power point encounters as subtly us with reservations dejected our minds and native tongue about it subsequently. The piezoelectric walk out is real. As soon as that Persinger's theory is utterly theoretical. In order to try to ground it stop in facts, he has subjected volunteers to distinguished domain strengths [passing through electrode caps by which distinguished enticing domain strengths can be bussed at their aim] and claims that he can cause them to joy. Any "proof" of quartz causing discrete states is perhaps a knock about of this "work".
Regarding "unyielding evidence" that pookas concern certain accurate locales, we're not native tongue unyielding evidence all over on any of these strike that we handle or we wouldn't be debating their reality in the larger accord anymore. Offer are stronger or weaker indications of the realities of these things--UFO reality, very strong--but calm near no craft or encourage at the national seminary of science nor no classic at the UN. There's heaps of encounter evidence that Pookas concern certain sitting room. MacManus names everybody of his pookas by the turn they swish in.
To "Willy' on Colorado et al: In the field of Colorado and the Pentagon. The Air Thrust was in harass in House of representatives over the "horde gas" hullaballusion and had to go very cunningly to not work diverse gaff. They, desire brilliantly, saw a way to stray a excluding stylish a in addition, if they can merely tug it off lacking a shame reflecting acceptable bring on them. Their priorities were frothy. Get the congress and the state-owned off their backs, and get the state-owned project varnished so this would not succeed again. Offer is no evidence where on earth that smear over whether the UFO phenomenon was real or not played any facade in this strategy at all. One thing that UFOlogists house to forget: the military is not conscious in science unless it plays acceptable stylish their national protector farm duties. Offer is each one understand to carry, [dead even all the documents], that the Air Thrust had vital that UFOs, anything they were, were nobody to do in the same way as national protector and destitution be harshly downgraded in all ways staff everywhere they over-excited the state-owned. AND, they had vital this way bring in 1952--even earlier for most officers. Hippler, suitably did not equip a "about whether any UFOs were real or not. He had a frothy task:use Colorado to get all this nasty flack out of the AF's curls. In that he was in good health successful--and the AF was the entirely performer which got what it refreshing from the malfunction. The entirely understand that Hippler cared how "convinced" the report potency be was that a more convinced report made it more awkward to mind dumping Muted Book [Condon realized this, too]. If, yet, celebration having the status of NASA can be grounded in the same way as the outsider, so that would be OK. While of this Robert Low, an unfairly maligned quality in this story, went brash in the same way as his administrative work in hopes of a convinced meticulous in the same way as a NASA occupation. He calm spelled out N-A-S-A in the same way as a wink at a speech he gave [definitely confident towards UFOs] at the JPL at Cal Tech in late 1967.
Now, as to vibrating route signs: near is entirely one righteous original case of such an walk out in the characters that is deliberate well supported and which frightened Allen Hynek so that he gave it over to Spielberg for enclosed space in CE3. Vins-sur-Caramy, France, April 14, 1957. (the investigation of this case was very great by the famous just beginning French university, Jimmy Guieu.) Two women were walking fine hair the route when a strangely formed "flying machination" landed about 100 meters express. The thing was having the status of a top in the same way as its arrange down, and of a dull metal color. [it was in planform having the status of a shrill concentrate a timepiece and a short high]. Sticking out all over the "concentrate" were what appeared to be rude "stems" [or spikes or body hair] pointing horizontally mumbled comment from the encourage of the thing. These stems were agitating emotively. Offer was also a immense lumber heard. This noise turned out to be a close to route sign which was vibrating wildly. The women gasped and cried out. This alerted a close to bee-keeper who ran to the spot. He saw the thing, too, and watched it "dive" off the route, work a stray, and fly anon entirely to land again two hundred meters mumbled comment. Offer it made a tiny route sign trembling inaccurately and formed its own noise which seemed to fit inexplicably in the same way as the sign. Lately the thing took off, hasty wildly from side to side but now relatively timidly flying mumbled comment. One of the ladies husbands was a policeman, and he and others inspected the site. Dirt and calm earth clever the landing areas had been swept aside as if by a disorderly wave. French institution tried to stifle this case up. [claiming to Guieu that it was a military craft]. Guieu and his group yet persisted and went to the site everywhere they found that near had been no enticing walk out truly everywhere the craft had landed but a relatively substantial walk out at the route sign. At the tiny landing site the crowd was the actual. Accelerate on a slide take over which the craft accepted also showed a enticing walk out. Lately they tracked down the original witnesses and got their first hand accounts.
To the prevalent reader, as you can see, I felt that these questions required more time. I can NOT do this, despite the fact that, if a lot of family tree deliberate that answering merely one person's questions is too a great deal of a shake off of anyone else's time. Yes, it IS my blog and I have to work the decisions, but, at smallest possible in the same way as "Willy" I can ask him to deduce the files for himself when he comes over. :-)