IT'S LIKE A GLOOMY, RAIN-DRENCHED EVENING OUT THERE IN UFO LAND. The latest release of British government UFO files, while sprinkled with pages of curiosity, still doesn't answer the question, where's the good stuff? Meanwhile, the legend of former CIA agent "Chase" Brandon remains on the run, as researchers wonder why a box of alleged Roswell artifacts secretly stored by the government would actually be labeled as "Roswell," and not something more covert (like maybe "Used Kitty Litter," for example?). Top that off with two chief participants in "National Geographic" TV's "Chasing UFOs" publicly slamming their own series for shortcomings aplenty, and there you have it -- the status quo. So, minus significant UFO disclosure today, I'm jumping that ship to explore the feminine side. After all, we've already explored men in recent weeks, and that wasn't a pretty sight at all, what with university pedophilia, violent extremist male Islam, college sports and Obama administration antics bouncing around.First, what happened to pilot Amelia Earhart? The newest search for her plane turned up nothing. Seems reasonable to assume that if a prominent and instantly revealed UFO encounter had been involved with her disappearance (and this was an era before "flying saucers" became common), as it did Valentich, the media would never have mentioned her name again. Being a goner under unknown circumstances endears one's reputation to the public's romantic historical perspective, while the instantaneous fade of human and machine simultaneously in the presence of a possibly unknown craft assures a very quick media circus with prompt collapse of the frenzied circus tent, as more comfortable and accountable stories beckon one and all away.Women's IQ scores rate higher than men's, according to a new study released a few days ago. This wasn't really surprising, more of an affirmation of previous studies, but I've often said it myself: Men can be really, really stupid. I should know, I'm a man. Women are taking over, anyway -- they'll have to, because according to science the Y chromosome is going away, little by little. Female humans shouldn't rejoice too quickly, however, because that means someday women with marriage on their minds, but sans men, will have to wed dogs, roaches or swine or something (and I'm sure a lot of women would insist they are currently married to such critters).One woman obviously in possession of a high IQ is James Holmes' psychiatrist, whom, at least so far, has had the brains not to answer knocks at her home door when members of the press come-a-calling. We're betting that she won't add Holmes' name to her resume under "Professional Achievements," either. Though we've yet no clue as to the talented homicidal artistry reflective in Holmes' stick figures, allegedly adorning that mystery notebook, we're more curious about the prescription medications her patient may have been taking chronically. Holmes' legal counsel is likely to exhibit far more curiosity toward any legally prescribed psychotropic meds, as "The Joker" attempts to laugh off a death penalty. In any event, as far as Holmes' psychiatric counseling goes, refunds for services rendered just might be in order.And now on to today's visuals...If you were around in 1968, you may have been exposed to the "S.C.U.M. Manifesto" by angry revolution-minded Valerie Solanas, but if not, suffice it to say she didn't have much use for men. In fact, she actually shot pop artist Andy Warhol (he survived), to some an act of attempted murder and to others merely artistic expression. Take a look at her countenance -- seriously, would you, as a guy, throw her a butcher knife during a heated argument and suggest, "Go ahead and cut my heart out, I dare you!"? Maybe the Society for Cutting Up Men will come back, but some suspect it never went away.On occasion I would seek out old paperback books with interesting covers. "Jailbait", today's other entry, was originally a hardcover published in 1949 and reprinted as a paperback in 1951. Touted as a true case study of "teenage sin," this Popular Library cover reflected a familiar theme for the times of a young woman shamed or guilt-ridden, collapsing in tears, darned nearly out of her mind -- and the despair was almost always caused by men. In this case, the young woman has sunk so low that her life has apparently become synonymous with a garbage can!The teaser blurb on the back of "Jailbait", however, like a remnant from an archaeological dig, shows us that even 60-some years later, young girls and women encounter horrors on the street and in relationships of all manner which haven't changed appreciably. In fact, those horrors are significantly worse now. Welcome to the future.
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