Some Background On Paul Phillips Jul 20 2009
0I witnessed a ufo that came slowly out of a cloud near my house in Connecticut when I was about 13 years old. It stayed out for less than a minute and then went back into the cloud. It looked like it was a small cigar shaped craft that was black in color.00 00The next encounter that I remember is the one in Bosnia. The sphere of light in the sky that phased in and out in the same spot. This encounter woke me up and I started to study everything about the paranormal.00 00In late 2003 or early 2004, I sensed that a ufo had landed in a field 500ft from my house on a military post in Hawaii late at night. I sensed that there were beings outside my house looking in the bedroom window on the first floor as I was trying to sleep. I was aware that I was paralyzed and lying on my left side facing my wife. Some beam of energy was shot though my back and I felt another type of energy spraying out the front of me. I was not scared. I knew that this was something good happening. I had often felt sleep paralysis associated with a strong energy filed around me and knew that this was part of my development. My mentor told me that they had been removing negative energy from me that I no longer needed.00 00In late 2004, while laying almost asleep one night, a female voice contacted me telepathically. She had a pleasant name but I can't remember it now. She said she was the communication officer for the fleet (Galactic Federation). I spoke to her for a few moment and I wasn't supposed to remember the content of the conversation.00 00Over a three year period after that I had some lucid dreams about being in some large crafts orbiting the earth. One was very detailed in which I went into a briefing room and sat at a table across from several different species of humanoid beings. I distinctly remember asking several questions, but couldn't remember what had been said.00 00I have amassed some knowledge about the role of the Galactic Federation and why they are here. They are from the light and are in a higher dimension because they are much more spiritually advanced than humanity. They are here to facilitate God's plan to raise the consciousness of humans so that we can eventually evolve to higher levels. In essence, they are older brothers and sisters that volunteered to help their younger siblings through school so we can graduate to another level. Many of them are born into human bodies and have taken important leadership roles throughout our history. They represent many star system such as Andromeda, Sirius, the Pleiades and many more. Noah, Osiris, Isis, Moses, Buddha, David, Solomon, Jesus, Mary, Joseph and many more were not human souls. They were among the souls from the stars that were more spiritually advanced. They are essentially what we would consider as angels.00 00I can also talk about the dark side, how they manifest and their agenda. There are aliens here that represent that side also. Perhaps your audience would like to hear about the exorcism work that I have been trained to do and how that all ties in to ufos and where the planet is heading.0florida ufos paul phillips ufos aliens show



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