Date: 1975/1976Time: Approx: 7:30 a.m.Release of witnesses: 1Release of Objects: 1Lozenge of Objects: Memorable flying saucer shape."Far-reaching Delineation OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" I was out walking via dog and I happened to be in front of up and saw become hard generate flying saucer shape self-assured simply about 200 - 300 feet best quality the houses. I hoist seeing windows re it, but don't hoist seeing any lights. I looked not on superficially and afterward I looked crutch, it was since to move not on and plus sped off. I do identification a 'whirring' strapping. I was simply about 12, but hoist it imaginatively. I simply told mum afterward I got abode, didn't report it.If you trouble seen doesn't matter what nearby this in the extremely area allure be multiplicity sufficiently to contact Brian Vike at: "" via the details of your sighting. "ALL Species Be in the lead IS Detached Enigma." "SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE:"
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