We (4 people ) were having dinner around a campfire when we observed 8 egg shaped objects at approx. 5,000 ft or so altitude moving at about 200 mph in in an Easterly Direction in a staggered line formation with one of them trailing by about 3 or so miles. There was no sound and there was no movement we could see on their axis. There was no blinking of running lights as required by law.The light given off was a yellowish brown and was steady. We all 4 had the same observation and my wife took photos of the event with her cell phone. As for feelings I was kind of glad I have finally saw what every one has been talking about. As for me I am a former policeman and a trained observer and cannot place this with anything else I have seen before. The objects moved across the sky at a steady rate not changing there position in relation to each other and moved on out of range. There was no sound of any sort. The sky was clear and nothing to interfere with our observation.
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