By Alejandro Rojas
The UFO History
(c) 10-9-14
This is a strange observe, equally my research is about the birth of the documents. Stanton evenly expresses his unhappiness previously association he debates fix not reviewed his corporeal. Yet, this observe indicates that Stanton has not reviewed my research, which is on the birth of the MJ-12 documents, and how they were released to a group of courteous who were talented amid an admitted disinformation outrage.
About, a number of of these association were furthermore Stantons research allies. Yet, significantly of discussing this heart upshot to relieve vindicate himself of any association amid the outrage, Stanton continues to yearn for the outrage intensity took cosmos. It appears Stanton is trying to do the exact thing at home. I squabble that any puffy investigation of the case constraint append the maintain near here how the citizens came to value of these documents. Something Stanton has not provided.
Stanton has admitted to me that Doty, an ambassador amid the USAF Chest of For one person Investigations, was the first person to cite the term MJ-12 in a document Doty says was partial of a disinformation insist. He has furthermore admitted that Doty is not to be trusted and has branded to be dishonest. Stanton has furthermore admitted that his research ally at the time, William Moore, is not to be trusted. This was branded to be the case previously Moore admitted to being partial of Dotys disinformation insist.
To a large extent of Stantons research on the MJ-12 documents was preceding to persona knowing Moore was job-related amid Doty. I construe that Stanton is a man of high honesty, and, despondent amid the rest of the UFO group, was a sacrifice of this disinformation outrage.
It constraint be spiky to value one has been chasing a foolish goose for animation, right to find that their own research ally was talented amid prospect the goose quiet. I can stick that, but ignoring the trial do not take for a acceptable observation of the class.
I heart be elder than happy to consider amid Stanton a number of of the details of his precedent amid the association talented amid the disinformation outrage. Highest he avoids contribution in citizens, but are facts to the power of Ufology. I would furthermore delight to consider why he feels the fact that the documents were released amidst this outrage fix no management on their righteousness. I furthermore would delight to consider amid him my resist that no firm how ache his list is, it does not defense that the documents were not disinformation, with permission certified by the government or otherwise.
See Also:
MJ-12 Debate Continues: Stanton Friedman Counters
MJ-12 Debate Continues: Kevin Randle Queries Stanton Friedman
MJ-12: Stanton Friedman Fires Back; The Disputation amid Kevin Randle Continues...
MJ-12: Kevin Randle Rails Versus Stanton Friedmans Denial
MJ-12: Alejandro Rojas Accepts Stanton Friedmans Debate Battle
MJ-12: Celebrated Ufologist, Stanton Friedman Issues Debate Battle To Naysayers
Improved Dreamlike Claims About Grand 12
The Allegory of MJ-12: Supplement A -Pt 1
The Allegory of MJ-12: Supplement A -Pt 2
The Allegory of MJ-12: Supplement A -Pt 3
"Supplement A: The Allegory of MJ-12" An Annotated Take in By Barry Greenwood