060118 cave critters.html
On a semi related note, this idea of finding new species reminded me of a post I saw a few weeks back on boingboing. It was a technique used to "stabilize" the famous "Zapruder" film of the assassination of JFK. It is a pretty cool technique and really does make a difference to the shaky footage. Well, someone used this same technique to un-shake-ify the famous footage of bigfoot walking away.
I was really interested in bigfoot and Nessie back when I was a kid... it was probably my first introduction to "alternative viewpoints" regarding the scientific community. At one point, I thought that's what I wanted to be when I grew up... someone who would travel the world looking for undiscovered (or "imaginary" animals)... a "cryptozoologist" if you will. :)
Anway, check out the link on the insects in the cave for some 'edumacation' then click on over to this link to see the bigfoot footage (it's a strange gif file that takes some time to load in your browser be patient). By the way... All these years I thought bigfoot was a "He" check out this footage and tell me if you think it's a "She"!
If you are interested, here's the link to the stabilized Zapruder film - Warning it's not edited and is not for the squeamish. (you'll need quicktime to view it)