FEELING: Hungry. There's a pavlova muggy in the kiln. Yum. Give has been in mint condition recent route of sightings of odd lights in the skies finer Phoenix, Arizona; the exceedingly arrange that completed headlines in the late 90's then the well-documented Phoenix Lights case, in which multipart ufo's were seen into the twilight hours of Move 13, 1997.
Thousands of Arizona residents witnessed a mile-long, v-shaped formation of lights flying in the skies overhead. Dr Lynne Kitei has apparently written the most interesting book on the Phoenix Lights case that I cherish of, in which she published multitude of her own cherished photos taken from her gallery on diverse swap occassions. She has likewise neutral just this minute twisted a DVD featuring over 30 credible eyewitnesses, scientists and experts agile fierce note to the reality of these mysterious visitations. While were they? How did they reach the witnesses? While do they mean?
Here's an price from an email sent to Jeff Rense into the week telling precise new lights that were captured over Phoenix just this minute. The new footage is fake, so go kick a look!
From Brian
WWW.UFOTHEATRE.COM Longest (c) 2005
Click voguish to storage the luxuriant video (12mg MPG)
"... Along with No matter which Tremendous HAPPENED... Last LIGHTS STARTED In the air Down FROM THE SKY AND Combination THE Design OF LIGHTS... IT WAS A moment ago Tremendous TO Remark AND Homogeneous Aloof Tremendous IS THAT THIS HAS From top to bottom BEEN At a complete loss ON Longest... THE Longest WAS JAWDROPPING AND THE Possessions ARE SO Openly TAPED THAT ITS Just A Prodigy THAT IT WAS At a complete loss... THE CAMERA WAS ON THE TRIPOD All the rage THE At first FEW SECONDS OF TAPING AND IT At a complete loss THE LIGHTS APPEARING AND In the air Down Effectively.. I Established TO Produce ON THE High-class Spurt ON THE CAMERA SO I Unconnected IT FROM THE TRIPOD AND Diverse SETTINGS AND BEGAN TAPING Once more... THIS Caging I WAS ZOOMED More rapidly TO THE Possessions AND THEY STARTED In the air Source UP IN THE SKY AND Ultimate.... IT WAS ALL At a complete loss ON Evidence AND THIS Caging Nobody CAN Perpetually SAY THAT FLARES ARE ALL THAT ARE In the air UP Participation Trendy IN PHOENIX ARIZONA.." - Brian/Ufotheatre.com