Extraneous Satellite Orbiting Earth: The 'Black Knight'Being is the "Black Knight" satellite? It is a clandestine satellite of unseen origin exposed in 1960, which shadowed Sputnik. It is understood to grasp been of extraterrestrial origin and signaled finance old radio crash from the 1920s and 1930s to the front it passed on. In puny fold patterns analyzed by astronomer Duncan Lunan, it out cold its origin as Epsilon Bo"otes (or the star system as it was 13,000 get-up-and-go ago). In "Disneyland of the Gods", John Keel reports in thickness on this satellite:"In February 1960 the US detected an unseen object in glacial clique, a dogfight that neither they or the USSR had been able to look after. As if that wasn't copiousness, it allegedly was many sizes great than what on earth either status would grasp been able to get off the ground.""And after that, the oddness began. HAM operators began to salute weird coded messages. One revelry in exceptional supposed he managed to expose one of the transmissions, and it corresponded to a star board. A star board which would grasp been plotted from earth 13,000 get-up-and-go ago, and polite on the Epsilon Bostes star system.""On September 3, 1960, seven months after the satellite was first detected by radar, a tracking camera at Grumman Dirigible Corporation's Want very much Islet installation took a photograph of it. Land on the ground had been sporadically seeing it for about two weeks at that phase. Consultation would stir up it out as a red to a great degree object vigorous in an east-to-west clique. Utmost satellites of the time... encouraged from west-to-east. Its speed was also about three grow old normal. A position was produced to sacrament it, but code haughty was regularly finished relations.""Three get-up-and-go later, Gordon Cooper was launched voguish space for a 22 clique plan ahead. On his unconditional clique, he reported seeing a to a great degree green shape promptly of his capsule, and line up in his charge. It's supposed that the Muchea tracking station, in Australia, which Cooper reported this to was also able to first-class it up on radar roaming in an east-to-west clique. This someone was reported by NBC, but newspapers were prohibited to ask Cooper about the someone on his landing. The permissible explanation is that an electrical jinx in the capsule had caused high levels of carbon dioxide, which induced hallucinations."Black Knight Satellite: Stuff AccountsTime Text - Personal ItemScience: End Watch's Lid CatchMonday, Mar. 07, 1960(Manipulating the Truth!)"Three weeks ago, headlines announced that the U.S. had detected a clandestine "glowering" satellite wheeling overhead on a guaranteed clique. Organize was frightful conclusion that it license be a inspection satellite launched by the Russians, and it brought the unhinged surprise that the U.S. did not advise what was goodbye on over its own head. But last week the Gulf of Box superciliously announced that the satellite had been identified. It was a space not fit to live in, the cadaver of an Air Struggle Discoverer satellite that had out of use rapt. The glowering satellite was the first object to verify the strike of the U.S.'s new watch on space. And the three-week time lag in identification was proof that the system stillness lacks whole organization and that a number of bugs stillness grasp to be ironed out.Lid DetectionThe most elemental leave high and dry of the space watch went voguish execution about six months ago with the construction of "Obscure Pile," a civil of radar scamper procession stretching on both sides of the span of the U.S. Designed by the Maritime Research Laboratory to award trend of satellites whose radios are uncommunicative, it is a key improvement on other radars, which grasp burden revealing a small satellite unless they advise somewhere to fathom. Big, 50-kw. transmitters were acknowledged at Gila Torrent, convenient Phoenix, Ariz, and Jordan Swimming pool, Ala., spraying radio crash emergent in the shape of honest fans. Convinced 250 miles on either side, get-together stations first-class up signals that border off any object transient lay down the fans. By a civil of triangulation, the operators can stir up unkempt estimates of the object's speed, estrange and course.On Jan. 31 Obscure Pile detected two passes of what seemed to be an unseen space object. As soon as detecting many passes popular the subsequent to animation, Captain W. E. Berg, having presence officer of Obscure Pile, crucial that whatever thing was gyratory overhead on a around glacial clique. He raced to the Pentagon and in revelry reported the bloodcurdling stranger to Boss of Maritime Operations Arleigh Burke. Stylish minutes the news was communicated to Beginning Eisenhower and distinctive top secret.In the puzzlement, contemporary was a endure to the front anyone took the step indispensable to good notify the weird satellite: informing the Air Force's a moment ago acknowledged inspection center in Bedford, Federation. It is the inspection center's job to request all clarification on satellites from all affable observing centers, all optical and electronic, route them voguish computers to integrate statistics that will notify all satellite, identify its clique and grasp its manner. Says one top permissible, explaining the remote facts of the space age: "The lonely way of knowing that a new satellite has appeared is by conservation trend of the old ones."It took two weeks for Obscure Fence's scientists to repair finance lay down their taped clarification, and to discover that the clandestine satellite had first showed up on Aug. 15. The Air Struggle inspection center also tartan its information to collection a list of whatever thing else that was gyratory in the sky, and its computers worked out a methodical alias of the new object's manner. The evidence from all Air Struggle and Azure critical to Discoverer V, afire from Vandenberg Air Struggle Prop, Calif, on Aug. 13."The Black Knight Satelliteby John EmersonThe black knight satellite. I'm not clearly sure what to stir up of this story. I've lonely seen the most broken statement of this thing on the occasional website. But man, as a yearn for time fan of Philip K. Dick, the first time I heard about it my eyes sure went wide. Regardless of the truth of the arrange, it's one hell of a pull the wool over your eyes.The most cited report of the satellite comes from Disneyland of the Gods, by John Keel.He reports that in February 1960 the US detected an unseen object in glacial clique, a dogfight that neither they or the USSR had been able to look after. As if that wasn't copiousness, it allegedly was many sizes great than what on earth either status would grasp been able to get off the ground.And after that, the oddness began. HAM operators began to salute weird coded messages. One revelry in exceptional supposed he managed to expose one of the transmissions, and it corresponded to a star board. A star board which would grasp been plotted from earth 13,000 get-up-and-go ago, and polite on the Epsilon Bo"otis star system.Black Knight Satellite1927 EncounterSpace Examine from Epsilon Bo"otesby David Simons 1992Being if we succeeded in 2 way connections with an intelligence outside our planet, and no one noticed? Being if THEY heard our spell and responded but we blond couldn't cuddle their language?That's quickly what happened as immature as 1928 in Eindhoven Holland and anew in 1929 aboard a French research vessel in the South Figurines Sea. As soon as transmitting over the radio crash 3 sounds in instant guide both 30 seconds, Van der Pol in Eindhoven examined the return echoes. They were not as stylishly spaced as he had sent. In fact they were distinctly uneven, ranging from 1 to 30 seconds in endure time.At the time, the discrepancies were explained as fluctuations in the ionosphere, or soothing nervousness. But the block or pervasiveness of the sounds did not favor - lonely the spacing of the echoes.It wasn't until the 1970's that this mystery was totally examined and deciphered by Duncan Lunan, a scientist from Scotland. He plotted a erect pin of the transmitted quiver array with a perpendicular pin of recoil endure time. The consequences ? A picture of the constellation Bo"otis as it would fathom 15,000 get-up-and-go ago.But that's not all. Organize was a commentary cavernous in the dots on his graph. Lunan was able to study voguish local English the peninsula of these recoil endure discrepencies, proving possibly that they are a unhurried invective directed by a distinctly strong ancient.The commentary is as follows: "Leap All over the place. OUR Soil IS EPSILON BOOTIS. WHICH IS A Back Bigwig. WE Befall ON THE 6th Furrow OF 7 - Keep in check THAT, 6th OF 7 - Plus OUTWARDS FROM THE SUN WHICH IS THE Well-built OF THE TWO. OUR 6th Furrow HAS ONE MOON, OUR 4th Furrow HAS THREE, OUR Lid AND THIRD PLANETS All Take ONE. OUR Examine IS IN THE Fly in a circle OF YOUR MOON THIS UPDATES THE Character OF ARCTURUS Obtainable ON OUR MAPS." The lonely within your capabilities conclusions we can draw from this are:1) Duncan Lunan is a distinctly ingenious con artist;2) Prof. Lunan interpreted the graph inaccurately and his extrapolations are haughty speculative;3) An more customs in the quarter of Arcturus (Hokulea, the guiding star of Hawaiian tradition) sent an unmanned satellite query to pursue Earth 15,000 get-up-and-go ago, to be activated by radio crash for instance Humans reached that specialist phase in their advance. A discourse may well after that grasp been acknowledged, and we license grasp gained knowingly haughty than the misunderstood give an estimate acceptance.As soon as book in the Record of the British Interpanetary Convergence (empty with but from the editors) and a few weekly articles in the U.S. on this far into the open scientist, the question was dropped and no supplementary investigation was undertaken.Possibly will a act rack up be finished from graphs of this alluring interstellar communique`? Is the machinations in 2 put together of 4 dimensional space an stuck-up way for even strong type to communicate? - David Simons 1992. "Epsilon Bo"otis Bigwig Route, middle Bootes Constellation - Google Sky""
Sources: Pause Text, Full of life Moon;"From http://humansarefree.com/2011/06/alien-satellite-orbiting-earth-black.html Metaphors - For supplementary educating information enter a name or duration voguish the search box @ New Illuminati "OR Bang ON ANY LABEL/TAG AT THE Result OF THE Pane" @ http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com And seeThe Her(m)etic Hermit - http://hermetic.blog.com New Illuminati - http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com New Illuminati on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/New-Illuminati/320674219559 The Prince of Centraxis - http://centraxis.blogspot.com "This concern is published under Inventive Square Copyright (unless an crew finicky is confirmed previous to by copyright defense) - imitation for "non-profit" use is allowed & moved, if you go along with suggestion to the work text-indent: 27.0pt;">From the New Illuminati - http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.comFrom the new illuminati @ http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com
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