"A UFO scholarly from Macedonia claims that the can detect if human has alien implant in his box. Not purely that, he assist claims that he can in addition yield yawning benevolent of information about extraterrestrials. All these stuff drive be discussed clothed in a cumulative day talk later than Glass Andov on Complain 1, Saturday. The main part is described as a extravaganza conversation you drive not fail to spot. Andov is fixed to verbalize the junction big 3 questions; Why space aliens are here? Having the status of is their sanity to be here? And how humans agreement later than the situation? Far-off abduction drive in addition be discussed. Andov, a self-proclaimed astralwalker, drive in addition dig deeper about the unidentified buried object (USO). It is made-up that ET bases can be found in vast ocean floor and underground. He drive in addition delve in to the reasons why ET interacts later than human beings. Participating in UFO cases and seats drive in addition be talked about by U.S. and Russian Cobalt USO incidents, Puerto Rico's underwater extraterrestrial bases, Bermuda Triangle and Dragon Triangle. The conversation drive be secured at Burwood RSL's Field room, which resembles to the underbelly of a big spacecraft. Andov drive dig up the reasons why the air force, air force and navy assemblage all plain video evidences of UFO and USO as fakes. Mariana Flynn, lead of UFO Research NSW Inc., assumed that they run meetings in the least month to have a conversation topics about ET ballet company and UFOs across the skies. Flynn explained that UFOs and extra-terrestrial subjects are favorably classified in the U.S., the justification why these subjects insufficiently get in the sphere of the mass media. Flynn not permitted that the relator had modern 2,000 slides for his performance, which he had been working for the previous nine months. The event is entitled "Called Space Logic in Our Planetary Schematic." It drive elevation at 9am and end at 4:30pm. Tickets are sold at 40 each. "SOURCE: "HTTP://WWW.LATEST-UFO-SIGHTINGS.NET/2014/02/EVERYTHING-ABOUT-UFO-AND.HTML" Serene...
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