Published by the British UFO Research Association (BUFORA LTD.) "End of the first page" .Introduction THIS STUDY is being issued as an individual publication by BUFORA because we belive that is a significant contribution to research into the UFO problem. Although it was originally presented by Ted Bloecher, the well-known American researcher, at the Bufora National UFO Research Conference held at the Centre Hotel, Birmingham in November 1976, and will be published as part of the complete proceedings, we feel that we owe it to UFO students everywhere to publish this lecture now. THE NUMBER of in-depth studies of UFO occupants which have so far been published is quit small, and we are very much indebted to Ted Bloecher for this fascinating lecture and for the material which he send us for this publication. .. WE WISH TO THANK all those who contributed to the 1976 Conference and all those who have assisted in this publication. OUR THANKS are especially due to the Conference organisers, Jenny Randles, Philip Rogers and Roger Stanway, and to the members of UFOSIS and NUFON, Who provided so much administrative help. ooooo0ooooo oooo0oooo ooo0ooo oo0oo o0o 0 COPYRHT. 1977 BUFORA LTD. PUBLISHED OCTOBER 1977. End of page 2 .. Are You A Book-Lover?