Will The Moon Become An Independent Planet
Gennady Rajkunow, manager of the Primary Raise of Preset Industrialized, a partner Roskosmosu (the Russian space agency), introduced the sensational theory according to each blind date the moon moves prevented from Soil about 4 cm. Through 100 thousand blind date the coolness is about 40 km. Is it quite to "jumped up" from the Earth's soberness tethers and move an neutral planet? Is the Soil thus becomes a get rid of planet? Being about the scientists?

At the start of its history, the Moon was remote preferably to the Soil - bestow studies gauge this coolness to 250 thousand. km. The earth shook thus remote faster than today.

The moon is unfriendly in circumnavigate nearly the Soil as a result of the communiqu in the midst of two forces: soberness and centrifugal force. And these two forces are in assess. But its charge is the Earth-Moon system, which requisite be final. But Moon is strong prevented from Soil. Why is this happening? 75% of the Earth's semblance is covered by water, which is engrossed by the soberness of the moon that causes tides. Tidal gravitational forces, unbreakable by the phenomena in the works in Earth's heap, "leave" them, humanitarian them the shape of an ellipse. As a result bent two "bulges" - areas of high sea K.O. - on whichever sides of the Earth: semblance the moon and the invert, a dwindling in seats trustworthy to them. These "deformations" orbiting Soil in a rant budding and blackhead of the moon, despite the fact that being-drawn by the curve of the Soil, less important in a willowy immediately of the Moon. Special the deformation of the Soil background to the Moon "accelerates" flow of the moon, and Earth's curve slows down, so the Earth's day is spread over the centuries about two thousandths of a microscopic (this is the chief reason for addition the day). "Rise" orbital flow of the Moon makes its circumnavigate radius increases by 3.8 cm per blind date and the moon is strong prevented from Soil.

Is the moon can move prevented from the Soil so that the "break including the leash?" Grant is no fact that phenomenon of the moon moves prevented from the Soil to field in the appearance. Some scientists judge that the "fail to notice" of the moon may be getting slower, and sometimes this paddock can be wrong side up and the moon begins to appear the Soil.

According to Vladimir Surdin,an pass of the Raise of Astronomy Instructor of Moscow for about 5 billion being the Moon's circumnavigate reaches its fanatical appraise - 463.000 km and escalate the sharing time of the Soil by the Moon to 870 hours.

Sergei Popov, a scientist from the fantastically Raise for Astronomy, thought that strong prevented from the Moon Earthphenomenon is very dim-witted. To the grade that happening a few billion being the Moon's circumnavigate general feeling become adult by up to 150 percent (background to present). Not separation to lob any expert, seeing as the moon can not to end with neutral from the Soil, seeing as "gift is no goad to fail to notice."

Rajkunow what's more believes that the Soil can face a fuse doom as Venus, the moon, according to this scientist, was kiedy'sMerkury. Last the Mercury "run off", Venus, at the same time as it is fuse to Soil, has lost the vocabulary unsophisticated to declare life. But gift is no evidence that Mercury was at what time a moon of Venus.

Rajkunow`s contemporaries vary including this admission. Bazilevsky Alexander - Fundamental of the Laboratory of Next of kin planetary science at the Raise of Geochemistry and Decisive Chemistry, Russian Institution of higher education of Sciences - thought that gift are confident calculations that would aim such a scheme, but gift is no evidence this system. He more that "the movement of the Soil and Venus did not go the fantastically way as the Venus sky is enriched including a oppressive isotope of hydrogen - deuterium." To boot, gift is no fact that in the subsequently existed on the semblance of Venus runny water, and not redress as breath in the arrogant sky, as is the case now.

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