ET's Ignite a Modern Renaissance Similar to China In Europe 600 Years AgoBy Ed Komarek5/10/10Copy and Distribute FreelyMy blog: am always interested in discovering historical material that helps to better understand this process of humanities integration into extraterrestrial realities. I stumbled across Gavin Menzies book 1434 recently that provides quite a body of evidence suggesting that the European Renaissance was sparked by the overt and covert introduction of advanced Chinese science and technology. This technological transfer from the world's only real superpower of the period reached its zenith in 1434 when the Chinese fleet that had already explored and mapped the world in 1421 sailed to Italy. had read Gavin's first book 1421 years ago, but the evidence he had collected was a bit flimsy and a fishing expedition of sorts, but since then many more historical scholars have become involved all over the world and a huge body of evidence is building supporting his speculations and initial data. (See evidence section ) This is causing a complete rewrite of history for the 1300s and 1400s, even interesting the Smithsonian, and gives us a road-map of the the process by which contact with a more technologically developed civilization integrates into a lesser advanced hierarchical society on earth.History seems to be once again repeating itself where global rulers are allowing scientific and technological knowledge from extraterrestrial contact to covertly leak out into the public domain for their own benefit, while at the same time suppressing other knowledge that would weaken their hold on power. This exact same process seems to have happened in Europe when the Chinese leaders make contact with European leaders, who supported at the time, severely distorting the historical record as to where these ideas and knowledge originated."On the cover jacket Gavin says, "Florence and Venice of the early fifteenth century were hubs of world trade, attracting traders from across the globe. Based on years of research, this marvelous history argues that a Chinese fleet --official ambassadors of the emperor--arrived in Tuscany in 1434, where they were received by Pope Eugenius IV in Florence.""The delegation presented the influential pope with a wealth of Chinese learning from a diverse range of fields: art, geography (including world maps that were passed on to Christopher Columbus and Ferdinand Magellan),astronomy, mathematics, printing, architecture, steel manufacturing, military weaponry, and more. This vast treasure trove of knowledge spread across Europe, igniting the legendary inventiveness of the Renaissance, including the work of such geniuses as DA Vinci, Copernicus, Galileo and more."This new knowledge uncovered by Gavin Menzies and others clearly shows that learned men with access did not make many of the discoveries attributed to them, but simply copied already existing technological and scientific ideas that had been in use and known in China for hundreds of years. A small part of the huge Chinese fleet sailed to Italy in huge ocean going ships armed with cannon, mortars, exploding bombs, flamethrowers etc. when at the time the European navies were not more that sail and row galleys, armed with archers. One can imagine the shock to the European political and military authorities when they realized they were basically defenseless against such superior military technology. only did this spark the Renaissance, it sparked a arms race to catch up militarily with the Chinese very similar to what we have today after the crashes of extraterrestrial spaceships in the 1930s and 1940s. The Chinese after bankrupting themselves building such a huge ocean going fleet along with other excesses, fell rapidly into decline while the Europeans rapidly became the worlds technological power. There are many lessons from the past that are as applicable today as 600 years ago. find it interesting that contact between both humans and extraterrestrials seems to always result in genetic mixing of races. In the 1400s there was also a flourishing slave trade of Chinese slaves mostly young girls to Italy, as many as ten thousand a year. This resulted in a genetic mixing in Italy that reminds me of the forced genetic mixing going on between earth humans and certain races of aliens today in what I call the abductee alien slave trade. In both cases the autocratic authorities approved and facilitated such abhorrent forms of human trafficking.I believe extraterrestrials have ignited a modern global renaissance in science and technology the likes of which has not been seen for 600 years. When the Chinese ignited the Renaissance they were just as alien and technologically advanced in relation to the Europeans as extraterrestrials are to us today. European political, military and religious leaders acted is very similar ways to exploit the technologies involved while at the same time suppressing the real source of the information and other information that would weaken their hold on power.In both cases the initial cultural shock was quickly replaced with the emotions of fear and greed. In 1434 the military feared the advanced gunpowder weaponry and naval capabilities of the Chinese that quickly sparked a rapid gunpowder arms race and naval buildup that resulted in the European voyages of discovery and colonization. In 1947 the discovery of extraterrestrial weapons and advanced ET space fleets resulted in a rapid space and arms race resulting in a multi trillion dollar secret space fleet. The greed side of the equation kicks as economic power figures out how the new information could be exploited for the benefit of the the ruling classes at the expense of the lower classes.In both cases the famous learned men of their time became complicit in cooperating with the ruling classes to suppress certain knowledge and to fraudulently take credit for the inventions and scientific discovers that were not theirs. How this was done 600 years ago is explained in 1434 just as Col. Corso explained how it was done after 1947 in the book, The Day After Roswell.For those who would study the evidence accumulated in the book 1434 and on the website, it is obvious that Leonardo DA Vinci, Santini, Taccola, Di Giorgio all took credit for inventions and scientific discoveries that were not their own. Just compare the similarity of the illustrations in chapter 16. Furthermore the laws of celestial mechanics discoveries3.asp#excerpt credited to Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo were know by the Chinese and used to create a very accurate calender in 1280 for Kublai Khan (page 23 -28) that was later adopted by the Europeans. This calender required very complex astrological calculations of the earth's rotation, varying speeds around a elliptical orbit around the sun, etc. The Chinese had even noticed moons around Jupiter visible to the naked eye in certain locations in China in 364 B.C..How can we account for such similar political reactions and responses by the authorities of both periods and their learned servants? I think the answer is inherent in autocratic rule that is driven in a large part by fear, deception and greed and is by nature insecure as leaders can fall from power just as quickly as they rise to power. Obviously any democratic or populist countermanding force has been far to weak in both cases to have any significant immediate check on autocratic power and societal exploitation of the technologies involved. This even at the great expense of the overall evolution of society as a whole.It remains to be seen if the situation will change over the longer term in regards to extraterrestrial knowledge due to democratic disclosure rumblings and extraterrestrial disclosure activities by the ET's themselves. If the Chinese source for this advanced scientific and technological knowledge in 1434 could be effectively covered up for 600 years, 60 years seems a very short time. But on the other hand just as Chinese advances in printing technology helped to rapidly integrate Chinese advanced knowledge and fuel the Renaissance, so too the Internet seems to be not only uncovering old Chinese-European secrets but now ET secret classified knowledge is being uncovered and distributed to the public as well.
(Important news item not related to this article. Looks like the politicians are talking exopolitics about ET in Russia openly. More recent news on my facebook wall. )
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