These cigar shaped UFO have a long history of sightings and even been photographed as far back as the year 1870. The picture below shows a Cigar shaped UFO taken above Mount Washington, New Hampshire. The photo is dated 1870 but there is some dispute on when the photo was acually taken, as per the "World History Project" website the photo could have been taken in 1870, 1880, or 1896 depending on the source.
Cigar UFO Mt Washington New Hampshier 1870
Many skeptics claim that these Cigar shaped UFO sightings can be explained by saying they are radio controlled blimps or solar balloons just to name a few. I have scoured the Internet looking for examples of these solar balloons and RC blimps in hopes of finding something that even has a resemblance to the cigar shaped UFO sighting shown in the video above. I searched and searched and I found many videos of RC blimps but none that resembles the cigar shaped UFO in the video.
This next video is one example of an RC blimp that I found.
Notice the blimp has small stabilizing wings in the rear, and fans that propell the craft through the air. The fans also control the direction of flight for the blimp. I don't see anything even similar on the cigar shaped UFO at the beginning of our post. The cigar shaped UFO looks like a shiny metallic metal tank or the back of a tanker truck you might say.
Let's move on to the solar balloon. The solar balloon works much like a hot air balloon and can be made out of garbage bags. The sun heats the air inside the balloon and makes it very buoyant and it rises into the air.
I found this example of a solar balloon in the video below.
I can see how the solar balloon could look strange if you did not know what it was. You can see the solar balloon is oddly shaped unlike the perfect cylindrical shape of the UFO in the top of the post. Most of the solar balloon examples that I viewed seemed to have a very erratic flight path. The cigar shaped UFO video has a very stable flight.
So my challenge to all our readers out there is to find a solar balloon or a RC blimp that closely resembles the Cigar shaped UFO in the video. It can be a picture or video, you can email us your submission at Add Cigar UFO challenge to the subject line in your email.
We will review all submissions and post the top five that mostly resembles the cigar shaped UFO in the beginning of the post. Submitter's may remain anonymous if they wish, just mention in your submission that you would like to do so.
Please add a brief description of your submission, what the object is and where it came from and so on. We are hoping to get
enough participation to show the skeptics that there is a visual difference between these objects and the Cigar UFO.