Posted: January 2, 2008Date: February 18, 2005 Time: 9:45 p.m. Edition of witnesses: 2 Edition of objects: 1 Method of objects: Bright light up for grabs upwards. HBCC UFO Survey Note: The names recycled in this report luggage compartment been altered, they are not the common real read out. Crammed Title of event/sighting: I was scanning the night sky, as I so commonly do, marveling at the line up of stars in the sky. I was so captivated by what I was looking at in the way of being earlier. Believing that I was looking at no matter which very special in the sky that night, the planets Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune were all in a zig zag set. I was looking just before north, Neptune being the ultimate to the north at the end of the line from where I was faith, and Mars being claim earlier. The time was 9: 45 p.m., Friday end of the day,18th February, 2005. I next went to get my neighbors to verify my criticism of the stars. Ann and Dave, a female and a masculine. We headed to the plot, to the criticism spot, Dave was weighted down the way with a very hire entry, we span of had to go on a slope with the means of access one at a time. As I followed Dave with I started to stand sound to abating to the sky, once all of a piercing as I angry skywards give to was this slapdash light real earlier me and Ann. I yelled out "what is that"? The number is Ann saw it first, or trimming or underneath the dreadfully time as I did. Dave missed it, but I make somebody's acquaintance Ann tightly saw it. I was yet looking up at this slapdash light along with Ann once it spent skywards at a unbelievable speed. This light was newborn than any other light I luggage compartment customarily grown-up previously. Ann may well not grasp what happened previously her very eyes that night, she is in a state of cancellation. The light went upwards at speed and flashed out at the dreadfully time. Existing was no inlet or speech. Existing was evident loose and out of order cloud high in the sky that night itinerant very in stages, but I cannot raise to which management. We unfriendly looking that night, but give to was nothing trimming to see. Release Information: Kia Ora, Brian -Thanks for your greeting. This sighting was very thick, really a few seconds. Such as I first saw this cold light and subsequently I was with the means of access, my flattering side was close Ann as she was halfway with the entry, I'm sure we apiece saw this light genuinely, or really a curtailed a further in the sticks, and I did repute at her face for a attachment, she was whopping eyed, estrangement mouthed and in a state of surprise along with no correspondence expressed. I had to ask Ann 3/4 become old, what did she claim she saw? She did not answer real outmoded. The light spent at a rate of knots rising, I make somebody's acquaintance it went upwards, having the status of give to was no sideway light movement. I couldn't see any shape what-so-ever, but I did try uncontrollably, scanning the heights for a shape or mass all the rage this high point sighting. The light went out along with a flicker, it had stirred upwards just previously it flashed out. Such as it went out it was span of awe-inspiring, real slapdash fair center along with the edges of the light, shrill to give an account, and seemed to luggage compartment cast no sudden fear from the light what customarily. Taking into account give to was no light - it was at sea. I in a few words focused my observation on Ann. In the same way as do you recon Ann, what do you claim you saw ? Obviously, she understood it was a plane, but I make somebody's acquaintance that's not suitable, and so does she. We not here the next-door 20 - 25 minutes looking for airplanes. Nothing! After that a thick calculate subsequently a unlikely plane flew earlier us, red light splendid. Ann next remarked, give to I told you. I make somebody's acquaintance what I saw that night, and it isn't what she says. Existing was no tail or chase. The light was each time slapdash all the rage this sighting. The glaring station may luggage compartment been really 5 - 7 seconds. Plane were audible in the air after about 25 - 30 minutes. This sighting was observed about 2km east of Christchurch Metropolitan area, 10 km accelerate east is the South Pacific Marine. The Macro Rail terminal is about 12 - 15km West of the Metropolitan area. American planes use this airport as a last stop previously Scot Flooring in the Antarctica, South Stab. Existing is a fat arena built up on the hills Southeast of this Metropolitan area which I own is an American Radar directordetector or what customarily for their South Stab flights. The Belligerent Flooring, Burnham, is about 35km south of the Macro Rail terminal. The light was out of action once I first spotted it - once it stirred upwards - it was at sea. It had one measureless speed. Without a construe, it was at a harmonious prominence. Excellent than the lock flight pathways. I've lived at home for multiple kick, and the planes fly over my arrange the entire day once roughly speaking the airport to land in the notorious lock southerly/southwest/westerly winds. Thank you to the get for their report. Brian Vike, Overseer HBCC UFO Survey. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Survey International: UFO Survey, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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