I was watching Stephen Corbert it had been on about 10 mins, when my daughter next door texted me to say they were watching two UFO's flashing colors in the East sky above my house...So I ran outside followed by my son...My daughter, her daughter and a friend were already outside coming towards my house yelling about the lights in the sky... My son and I ran up the driveway to where the others were and looked to the East....There they were...the one closest to the North was smaller, farther away but was flashing colors and the one more to the South was bigger and I could really see the colors....red, orange, blue and green....Both objects were flashing...My daughter thought they may be signaling one another... I ran inside to get more jackets because three of us ran out without one... When I came back out the objects were still there flashing..but getting smaller aka farther away...We were so excited, we watched for about 10 or more minutes and then the cold drove us inside....Both objects were still visible when we went in.... I came directly to computer to tell the sighting...:)
Credit: MUFON
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