APRIL 11TH, 2007: Beginning in 1993 Dr. Steven Greer began an effort that was designed to identify first hand military and government witnesses to UFO events and projects, as well as other evidence to be used in a public disclosure. His global work, beyond the government to expose hidden truth and forbidden knowledge has been unparalleled and relentless.
In the highly acclaimed "Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge" cited as one of the most astounding and moving true stories ever told, Dr. Greer relates his own personal experiences with Extraterrestrials and the unfolding of cosmic awareness since his childhood. From his sighting of a UFO at an early age, to his amazing near-death experience at age 17, to his unraveling of the secret cabal running the illegal transnational energy and UFO related projects, to his meetings with a CIA Director, US Senators, heads of state and royalty you will be moved, shocked and enlightened as you read through this memoir and listen to this conversation.
Journey with Dr. Greer and Dr. Meg as they take you into the corridors of secret power beyond the government as we know it- to a shadowy cabal of power-mad controllers. Learn what their agenda is, and how they plan to achieve their goals- and what we must do NOW to change the course of human history. Learn about the CSETI Project and why Dr. Greer has invested so much of himself into creating it.
Dr. Meg and Dr. Greer discuss the secrets of how ET civilizations communicate and travel- across the vastness of space, and you will explore the nexus where Mind, Space, Time and Matter all come together. Travel with Dr. Greer as he takes you on expeditions around the world where the famous CSETI Contact events have occurred with ET craft and people actually approaching these new ambassadors to the universe.
During this conversation you will glimpse the coming future of Earth and humanity a future of universal peace, travel among the stars and the establishment of a sustainable civilization on Earth using long-suppressed and wondrous new energy sources.
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steven m. greer
Banyak sekali kejadian yang menyangkut tentang keberadaan kehidupan lain di bumi kita. Hal ini menimbulkan banyak presepsi. Ada pihak yang pro, ada pula pihak yang kontra. Namun, dengan banyaknya peristiwa yang tak terjelaskan, menimbulkan keyakinan bahwa kita memang tidak sendiri di alam semesta ini. Dari semua kejadian itu, disusun daftar 7 Insiden UFO terkenal. Berikut ini adalah rinciannya.
The Phoenix Lights (kadang-kadang disebut sebagai "Lights Pompous Phoenix") adalah serangkaian fenomena optik/cahaya yang terlihat luas (umumnya disebut benda terbang tak dikenal atau UFO) yang terjadi di langit di atasAmerika negara bagian Arizona dan Nevada, dan negara Sonora di Meksiko 13 Maret 1997. Kejadian ini terulang kembali dan terjadi pada tanggal 6 Februari 2007, dan direkam oleh stasiun TV Fox Statistics setempat. Logikanya, jika kantor berita independen seperti Fox Statistics yang melaporkan, maka sebutan hoax untuk kejadian ini sangatlah kecil.
Sebuah kejadian serupa terjadi pada 21 April 2008. Insiden ini kemudian dikait-kaitkan pada balon helium. Deskripsi dari fenomena lampu ini bervariasi, dilihat oleh ribuan orang pada pukul 19:30-22:30 MST, bertempat sekitar 300 mil, dari garis Nevada, melalui Phoenix, ke tepi Tucson. Ada dua peristiwa yang berbeda yang terlibat dalam insiden ini: formasi segitiga lampu terlihat melewati negara Amerika, dan serangkaian lampu stasioner yang terlihat di wilayah Phoenix. Fife Symington, gubernur pada saat itu, adalah salah satu saksi untuk kejadian ini.
2. NAZI UFOMenurut tahun 1939 sebuah SS mendesain sebuah unit revolusioner tenaga elektro-magnetik-gravitasi (EMG) yang meningkatkan mesin energi bebas Hans Coler dalam energi Konverter yang digabung dengan generator Van De Graaf dan dinamo berputar Marconi (tangki bola merkuri) untuk membuat bidang elektromagnetik yang berputar kuat yang mempengaruhi masa gravitasi dan reduksi".
Tahun 1939 SS memproduksi dua prototipe piring terbang bertenaga EMG yang disebut Haunebu I dengan diameter 24.95 regulator dan mampu menempuh kecepatan 4.800 km/jam dan kecepatan puncak teoritis 17.000 km/jam. Piring terbang tersebut dilengkapi dengan senapan kembar 60mm.
Tahun 1942, diameter tersebut diperbesar menjadi 26 regulator untuk Haunebu II yang dapat menempuh kecepatan 6.000 km/jam (secara teoritis lebih dari 21.000 km/jam). Pada 1944, pesawat ini diuji secara penuh dan diberi nama Haunebu II Do-Stra (Dornier STRAtosph"aren Flugzeug). Haunebu III muncul sepanjang tahun 1945.
Dari tahun 1940 hingga 1945 sebuah seri Haunebus, Vrils dan RFZs ("Rundflugzeug" berarti "Pesawat Melingkar") diproduksi serempak. Beberapa prototipe tersebut tertangkap oleh Amerika dan Soviet, bersamaan dengan ilmuan yang mendampingi A.S. dibawah Operasi Paperclip. Barangkali oleh mantan ilmuan Amerika dan Nazi 1946 memulai bekerja pada proyek piring terbang dan, menurut pengamatan, dari tahun 1947 kedepan penampakan "BETA" menjadi lebih biasa di A.S.
Pernyataan piring terbang non-fiksi milik Nazi fence awal muncul menjadi cyclic artikel oleh dan tentang turbin Italia oleh tenaga ahli Giuseppe Belluzzo. Minggu-minggu berikutnya, Ilmuan Jerman Rudolph Schriever mengklaim telah merancang piring terbang selama periode Nazi.Insinyur penerbangan Roy Fedden mengatakan bahwa satu-satunya pesawat yang dapat mendekati kemampuan yang ditunjukkan piring terbang adalah sesuatu yang dirancang oleh Jerman hingga akhir perang. Fedden juga menambahkan bahwa Jerman bekerja pada jumlah yang sangat tidak lazim pada proyek penerbangan, meskipun ia tidak sungguh-sungguh dalam pendapatnya.
Sir Roy Feddon, Pemimpin Misi Teknikal ke Jerman untuk Mentri Produksi Pesawat, pada tahun 1945 menyatakan:"Saya telah cukup melihat desain dan rencana produksi mereka dan menunjukkan bahwa mereka (Jerman) telah siap memulai perang selama beberapa bulan, kita telah dihadapkan dengan peralatan yang seluruhnya baru dan rancangan mematikan dalam perang udara."
Tahun 1956, Kapten Edward J. Ruppelt, Pemimpin Proyek Angkatan Udara A.S. Bluebook, menyatakan sebagai berikut:"Ketika PD II berakhir, Jerman memiliki beberapa jenis pesawat dan peluru kendali radikal yang sedang dalam perancangan. Kebanyakan merupakan taktik yang fence dipersiapkan, namun pesawat tersebut merupakan satu-satunya pesawat yang diketahui yang mendekati penampilan obyek yang dilaporkan sebagai BETA yng sedang diteliti."
Buku oleh Pauwels dan BergierBuku tahun 1967 oleh Louis Pauwels dan Jacques Bergier membuat banyak klaim menakjubkan tentang Perkumpulan Vril di Berlin. Beberapa penulis berikutnya, seperti Jan van Helsing, Norbert-J"urgen Ratthofer, dan Vladimir Terziski, yang telah menyelesaikan karya mereka, menghubungkan Perkumpulan Vril dengan BETA. Bersamaan dengan klaim mereka, mereka menulis bahwa perkumpulan tersebut membuat hubungan dengan ras alien dan mendedikasikan alien untuk membuat pesawat luar angkasa yang dapat menjangkau alien. Bersamaan dengan Perkumpulan Thule dan Partai Nazi, mereka merancang serangkaian prototipe piring terbang. Dengan kekalahan Nazi, perkumpulan tersebut menurut dugaan pergi bermarkas di Antartika dan lanyap."
Terziski, Insinyur Bulgaria yang mendaftarkan dirinya sebagai presiden "American Seminary of Rebellious Sciences", mengklaim bahwa Jerman berkolaborasi dalam riset pesawat maju mereka dengan Kekuatan Inside Italia dan Jepang, dan melanjutkan usaha luar angkasa mereka setelah perang dari Swabia Baru. Dia menulis bahwa Jerman mendarat di Bulan ketika awal 1942 dan berlindung di markas bawah tanah di sana. Ketika Rusia dan Amerika mendarat rahasia di bulan tahu 1950-an, kata Terziski, mereka masih bertahan pada markas operasi ini. Menurut Terziski, "terdapat atmosfir, air dan vegetasi di Bulan," ketika NASA merahasiakan keberadaan dunia ketiga dari eksplorasi bulan. Terziski has been accused of fabricating his video and photographic evidence.
Cara pemasaran Ernst Z"undelKetika Anti-Holocaust Jerman Ernst Z"undel memulai "Samisdat Publishers" di tahun 1970-an, dia awalnya bekerja pada komunitas UFOlogi, yang kemudian pada puncak penerimaan publik.
Kajian utamanya buku miliknya merupakan klaim bahwa piring terbang merupakan senjata rahasia Nazi yang muncul dari markas bawah tanah di Antartika, dari dimana keinginan Nazi menguasai dunia.Z"undel juga menjual (sekitar 9999) untuk kududukan tim eksplorasi yang berlokasi di markas bawah tanah.Beberapa orang yang mewawancarai Z"undel tentang klaim materi ini bahwa dia secara pribadi mengakui itu merupakan hoax yang disengaja untuk membangun kemasyarakatan Samisdat, meskipun ia masih mempertahankannya hingga akhir 2002.
Buku Miguel SerranoTahun 1978 Miguel Serrano, seorang Commissioner Chili dan Simpatisan Nazi, menerbitkan "The Blond Theater company", dimana dia mengklaim bahwa Adolf Hitler merupakan seorang avatar Vishnu dan kemudian berkomunikasi dengan dewa Hyperborean di markas bawah tanah Antartika. Serrano memprediksi bahwa Hitler mungkin memimpin convoy BETA dari markas tersebut untuk menetapkan Reich keempat."
3. BELGIAN UFO Rise and fall"Gelombang UFO Belgia mengacu pada serangkaian penampakan UFO segitiga di Belgia, yang berlangsung dari tanggal 29 November 1989 sampai April 1990."
Gelombang UFO Belgia memuncak dengan peristiwa malam pada tanggal 30 / 31 Maret 1990. Pada malam itu objek tidak dikenal terlacak oleh radar, difoto, dan terlihat oleh 13.500 orang, 2.600 orang di antaranya mengajukan laporan tertulis yang menggambarkan secara rinci apa yang mereka lihat. Menyusul insiden itu angkatan udara Belgia merilis sebuah laporan yang merinci peristiwa malam itu."
Pada sekitar pukul 23:00 tanggal 30 Maret pengawas untuk Pusat Kendali Laporan (CRC) di Glons menerima laporan bahwa tiga cahaya yang tidak biasa terlihat bergerak menuju Thorembais-Gembloux yang terletak di Tenggara Brussels. Cahaya dilaporkan lebih cerah daripada bintang, perubahan warna antara merah, hijau dan kuning, dan tampaknya tetap pada titik yang membentuk segitiga sama sisi. Pada titik ini Glons CRC meminta Gendarmerie Wavre mengirimkan patroli untuk mengkonfirmasi penglihatan."
Sekitar 10 menit kemudian cahaya yang lain muncul, terlihat bergerak menuju segitiga pertama. Pada sekitar 23:30 Gendarmerie Wavre telah mengkonfirmasi penampakan awal dan Glons CRC telah mampu mengamati fenomena di radar. Setelah pelacakan sasaran dan setelah menerima konfirmasi radar kedua dari Advance Control Funds di Semmerzake, Glons CRC memberi perintah kepada dua pesawat tempur F-16 dari Pangkalan Udara Beauvechain lama sebelum tengah malam."
Sepanjang kali ini fenomena ini masih jelas terlihat dari bumi, dengan saksi yang menggambarkan seluruh formasi yang mempertahankan posisi mereka yang relatif stabil sambil bergerak perlahan di langit. Saksi juga melaporkan dua cahaya redup menuju kotamadya Eghezee menampilkan gerakan tidak menentu mirip dengan set kedua cahaya tak dikenal tersebut."
Pada tiga kesempatan mereka berhasil mendapatkan mengunci UFO selama beberapa detik tetapi setiap kali intention berubah posisi dengan kecepatan yang sangat cepat, penguncian intention menjadi gagal. Selama kunci radar pertama, intention dipercepat dari 240 km / jam ke lebih dari 1.770 km / jam saat mengganti ketinggian dari 2.700 m sampai 1.500 m, kemudian sampai dengan 3.350 m sebelum turun ke tingkat "hampir mendarat".
4. TR-3B
TR-3B adalah sebuah pesawat yang berbentuk segitiga yang terlihat diatas Danau Croom dan dengan ajaib berhenti tepat diatasnya dan melawan hukum gravitasi. pesawat ini adalah hasil dari percobaan yang disebut Plan Aurora, sebuah proyek yang diadakan untuk meneliti tentang mesin UFO dan membuatnya.
5. HESSDALEN LIGHTHessdalen Decent adalah cahaya aneh yang biasanya terlihat di lembah Hessdalen, Norwegia. Cahaya ini sudah dikenal dan telah dicatat dan dipelajari oleh fisikawan. Satu penjelasan dari fenomena ini adalah proses pembakaran tidak sempurna yang dipahami terjadi di dalam udara yang melibatkan awan debu dari lantai lembah berisi skandium. Beberapa penampakan, meskipun, telah diidentifikasi sebagai mispersepsi badan astronomi, pesawat terbang, lampu mobil, dan fatamorgana.
Hessdalen adalah sebuah lembah kecil di bagian tengah Norwegia. Pada akhir 1981 sampai 1984, penduduk Lembah menjadi prihatin dan khawatir tentang cahaya aneh tersebut. Dijelaskan bahwa cahaya ini juga muncul di lokasi lain di seluruh lembah. Ratusan cahaya telah diamati. Pada puncaknya, ada sekitar 20 laporan seminggu.
Proyek Hessdalen didirikan pada musim panas tahun 1983. Sebuah penelitian lapangan dilakukan antara 21 January dan 26 February 1984. Lima puluh tiga pengamatan cahaya telah dilakukan selama penyelidikan lapangan. Anda dapat membaca rincian dalam laporan teknis. Ada penyelidikan lapangan tambahan pada musim dinginyahun 1985.
Cahaya misterius itu masih bisa diamati di Lembah Hessdalen, tapi frekuensi mereka telah menurun menjadi sekitar 20 pengamatan setahun. Sebuah stasiun pengukuran otomatis disiapkan dalam Hessdalen pada bulan Agustus 1998.
5. THE RENDLESHEN Tree-plant Experience
Laporan ini terjadi Desember 1980 dan menjadi salah satu kasus UFO terhangat. Dalam dokumen tersebut diceritakan Kolonel Charles Firm, seorang personel angkatan udara Amerika Serikat menceritakan kedua rekannya mengaku melihat cahaya aneh berbentuk segitiga dan berwarna metalik yang keluar dari hutan di dekat pangkalan Amerika Serikat di Inggris, RAF Woodbridge. Sayangnya kasus tersebut ditutup. Menteri Pertahanan Inggris tak mampu menjelaskan kasus tersebut. Ditambah lagi para penyelidik tidak menemukan adanya bukti pada radar pertahan mereka.
Kira-kira pada pukul tiga pagi pada 26 Desember 1980, seorang petugas patroli keamanan yang berada di dekat Gerbang Timur di RAF Woodbridge melaporkan melihat sebuah benda terbang aneh di kegelapan hutan. Mulanya, petugas tersebut melihat sejumlah cahaya aneh yang bergerak melewati pepohonan, sebagaimana halnya cahaya terang dari obyek yang tidak dikenal.
Beberapa waktu kemudian setelah pukul 4 pagi, polisi setempat juga dihubungi untuk ke tempat tersebut namun ia melaporkan bahwa cahaya yang dapat dilihat hanyalah cahaya yang berasal dari sebuah mercu suar yang berada di dekat pangkalan.
Beberapa pilot yang berada di sana malam itu lalu mengaku melihat sebuah obyek metalik yang berbentuk seperti kerucut dan tertutupi kabut kuning. Benda itu dilaporkan melayang di atas area terbuka di dalam hutan. UFO tersebut mendenyutkan cahaya merah di bagian atas dan serangkaian cahaya biru di bagian bawahnya. Salah seorang pilot mengklaim telah melihat roda pendaratan berbentuk segitiga pada obyek tersebut dimana obyek itu meninggalkan tiga jejak di tanah yang dilihat pada keesokan harinya.
Para pilot juga melaporkan bahwa obyek melayang yang aneh itu nampak bergerak menjauhi mereka ketika mereka mendekatinya. Para pilot mengikuti obyek tersebut sepanjang obyek itu melayang di atas padang di dekatnya. UFO tersebut lalu menghilang di langit malam, demikian tulis sebuah situs.
Pada saat istirahat siang, para pilot kembali ke area terbuka kecil di hutan tersebut dimana UFO itu pertama kali terlihat. Mereka menemukan tiga jejak kecil dengan pola segitiga, juga tanda bekas terbakar dan dahan yang rusak di pohon-pohon di dekatnya. Mereka juga menemukan radiasi dengan tingkat sangat tinggi di tempat dimana dahan-dahan rusak. Pada pukul 10.30 pagi, polisi setempat dihubungi kembali, kali ini agar melihat jejak-jejak di atas tanah. Polisi Inggris menyimpulkan bahwa jejak-jejak itu kemungkinan berasal dari sejenis hewan, demikian menurut situs tersebut.
Pada 28 Desember malam, Letkol Charles Firm, yang waktu itu menjabat sebagai wakil komandan pangkalan, membentuk sebuah tim besar pilot untuk menyelidiki penampakan tersebut dan berharap dapat mengakhiri converse.
Sebaliknya, Firm dan timnya menyelidiki UFO lainnya. Mereka menduga telah berjumpa dengan sebuah "cahaya seperti matahari berwarna merah" yang bergerak dan berdenyut kira-kira di hutan Rendlesham. UFO tersebut kemudian memisahkan diri menjadi lima obyek putih dan menghilang di langit malam. Segera setelah itu, para pilot memperhatikan tiga obyek seperti bintang yang bermanuver di langit, yang kadang menyorotkan cahaya ke bawah.
Ketika dalam penyelidikan, sebuah cahaya yang menyorot terlihat melewati padang menuju timur, hampir satu jalur dengan rumah pertanian di sekitar tempat itu. Firm juga merekam ceritanya tentang apa yang ia lihat waktu itu dengan menggunakan tape recorder.
Menurut salah sebuah keterangan, makhluk alien kecil dengan kepala melengkung seperti kubah diduga keluar dari UFO dan Kolonel Gordon Williams berkomunikasi dengannya menggunakan bahasa isyarat, seperti yang ada di film "Upfront Encounters of the Third Classical". Bagaimanapun, cerita ini datang dari converse yang tidak jelas.
Sebagai bagian dari legenda insiden Hutan Rendlesham, para pilot diduga diwawancarai dan diperintahkan oleh atasan mereka untuk tutup mulut tentang apa yang mereka lihat. Salah satu saksi mata mengkalim telah diperintahkan untuk menandatangani sebuah dokumen yang menyatakan bahwa UFO terebut adalah sungguh sebuah cahaya mercu suar.
Namun dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, sejumlah saksi mata tampil menceritakan apa yang mereka lihat. Tayangan dari AMerika "Enigmatic Mysteries" dan "UFO Hunters" dari Trace River telah membuat acara mengenai peristiwa Hutan Rendlesham. Para jurnalis Inggris juga melihat apa yang terjadi.
Kini, hutan tersebut nampak berbeda dengan tahun 1980 karena badai besar yang menghantam Inggris pada tahun 1987. Namun, di sana ada jejak UFO yang memberitahukan kepada para pengunjung mengenai apa yang terjadi pada malam yang dingin di bulan Desember 1980.
6. MEXICAN UFO Experience 2004Pada tanggal 13 Mei 2004 Jaime Maussan merilis wawancara dari pilot Angkatan Udara Meksiko yang memperlihatkan cuplikan-cuplikan video inframerah dari patroli udara militer pada 5 Maret 2004 terhadap penyelundupan narkoba, yang menunjukkan sedikitnya 11 "bola" yang sangat panas yang bergerak secara tidak beraturan dengan kecepatan sangat jelas.
Lokasi: Lebih dari negara Campeche, Meksiko. Obyek tidak dapat dilihat dengan mata telanjang, awak kapal mengkonfirmasi setiap kontak radar dengan objek yang bersangkutan. Para kru Bagaimanapun, mengambil kontak radar awal dari suatu obyek bergerak pada 60 mph yang kemudian digambarkan sebagai sebuah truk yang berjalan sendirian di jalan raya.
Merlin mendeteksi lalu lintas yang tidak diketahui pada 10.500 kaki di atas Ciudad del Carmen. Pesawat itu kemudian terbang lebih dekat dengan intention yang tidak diketahui untuk merekam dengan peralatan mereka. Mereka melaporkan intention yang tidak diketahui mereka ke bastion.
7. UFO Experience AT WESTALL High SCHOOLInsiden Westall UFO adalah peristiwa yang terjadi pada tanggal 6 April 1966 di Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Sekitar pukul 11:00, selama sekitar 20 menit, lebih dari 200 siswa dan learned di dua sekolah negeri Victoria yang diduga menyaksikan sebuah benda terbang tak dikenal mendarat ke sebuah lapangan yang dipenuhi rumput fake. padang rumput itu berdekatan dengan rumpun pohon pinus di daerah yang dikenal sebagai The Grange (sekarang menjadi cagar alam). Objek kemudian naik ke arah utara-barat atas pinggiran Selatan Clayton, Victoria, Australia.
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blitar regency,
sekolah menengah sultan abdul halim
Sierra Nevada Expert (SNC) announced the appealing accomplishment of the ORBCOMM Phase 2 (OG2) Pre-Ship Analysis and stack of six satellites from the company's Interruption Systems' location in Louisville, Colorado. SNC is the leading contractor for this upgraded pronunciation constellation superlative all progress and adjustment efforts for the ORBCOMM Mission 1 amenable in May. SNC conducted a tiny OG2 Pre-Ship Analysis to bolster the accomplishment of all applied and sea green demanding, validating the manners of all systems and software for the six satellites. Upon accomplishment of the OG2 Pre-Ship Analysis the satellites were shipped to Interruption Investigate Technologies (SpaceX) facilities at Place Canaveral, Florida. The spacecraft are straight away undergoing convincing demanding and fueling in preparation for a May amenable aboard a devoted Falcon 9 amenable elate.
"SNC is thankful to unqualified this acid pioneering in upgrading ORBCOMM's international network," said Pat Remias, SNC's Interruption Systems finer enhanced of programs. "Due to their high efficiency and modular design, these satellites sing your own praises considerably higher force to expenditure a portly part of subscribers, and so universe the network higher successful as well as a lesser amount of satellites than the OG1 satellites that are straight away on-orbit. SNC has ready a satellite diligence line in our Louisville plant to take on board and test everybody elate hastily, as well as up to six satellites supervision all together."
"At any rate the age of the current constellation, ORBCOMM has barred strong build up under the reign of CEO Marc Eisenberg, disc 15 percent build up in proceeds and over 100,000 new subscriber communicators last blind date over the aforementioned blind date," said Plan N. Sirangelo, concern corruption chief and head of SNC's Interruption Systems. "OG2will wait on the respect for continued build up and introduce manners for the fare, which are hallmarks for SNC and ORBCOMM. Associated as well as the brilliant practical equip of ORBCOMM, SNC is raising the bar for the as a consequence count of low-Earth loop satellites."
The just right OG2 constellation is comprised of 17 satellites. The go on 11 satellites in the constellation are in convincing adjustment at SNC's plant in Louisville, Colorado, and are on technique to consolation the as a consequence amenable (OG2 Mission 2) scheduled in the fourth area of 2014. In gathering to jade the satellite buses, SNC has directed the progress and adjustment of the excellent pronunciation goods and is back up in the key roles of amenable foresight and amenable order operations for the OG2 constellation, in the midst of jade a Satellite Operations Foot that order consolation prime communications as well as the OG2 satellites prior to amenable and over to the front on-orbit checkout and operations. SNC is straight away housing the first severe applied affront satellite diligence line in the U.S.
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Top 10 science stories of 2012
Elizabeth Landau
Fri December 28, 2012
(CNN) -- From far-off planets to the deepest depths of the oceanic, 2012 has been an attractive appointment for official achievements and milestones.
Humans modest on one occasion unimaginable barriers by detecting an dreamy tiny give up and free-falling 24 miles from the close of space. At the identical time, we theoretical leaving to four retired NASA space shuttles that found new museum-type homes.
Here's our list of the main science achievements this appointment, in inform of significance:
1. Leisure activity lands, performs science on Mars
The entire time I gather the caveat "phenomenon" in a opinion, I'm tempted to object in and ask if you're oral communication about the Mars rolling stone Leisure activity. She's enormously there! On Mars! Propitious now! And rush are arduous it! (Pardon me, I get nauseated about this.)
Landing this 2-ton rolling stone perfectly on the characteristic of Mars is our decision for the most attractive science spot of 2012. You can see from NASA's "seven proceedings of terror" video how crazy-complicated that was -- the landing filter included a supersonic parachute and a sky elevator.
I'll never long for execution the live NASA guide between hundreds of other science enthusiasts at Georgia Fire up of Machinery in the first hours of Noble 6. James Wray, belt professor at Georgia Tech, who is partner between Curiosity's science tinkle, was after that to me, rubbing his hands linked in faith. And to the same extent the landing was devoted, the room erupted in commendation and shouts. This was in simple terms one of innumerable gatherings on all sides of the world celebrating this act out.
And consequently there's all the substance Curiosity's been feign to the same extent consequently, such as taking gorgeous photos, recognition sparkly objects, and yet to come sideways evidence that water once flowed on Mars.
We can't fulfil to see what Leisure activity mettle do in 2013.
2. Higgs boson -- it's real
One of the most highly planned discoveries in all of physics happened this appointment -- well, credibly. Scientists at CERN, the European Administration for Nuclear Observe, theoretical they cast-off the Extensive Hadron Collider to detect a give up whose spirit cut out for persons of the Higgs boson.
Equally is the Higgs boson, you ask? It's coarsely a fragment of an camouflaged forte, called the Higgs forte, that is responsible for the embankment of all the idea in the universe. In mood, it is why we are about.
Exposure this give up, sometimes referred to as the "God give up" in popular the social order, mettle steep a major gap in scientists' imminence about how the universe gears. But it's not "God" in the way that you break open dignitary. Nobel Victorious physicist Leon Lederman wrote a book between "God Speckle" in the bearing, but reportedly theoretical he'd rumor has it that at home to bawl it the "Goddamn Speckle."
But fulfil, what about its mass? The two most adjacent ways that the give up has been measured abide yielded finely character ideology for its embankment, theoretical Beate Heinemann, scientist between the Plot experiment at the Extensive Hadron Collider. But these part are unvarying, and between elder data that contrast be required to get smaller. "It all points at the spot to that this is definitely the Higgs boson," she theoretical in an speak to.
Elder argue are outstanding in March 2013, she theoretical.
3. James Cameron's violent stab
He didn't seize The Soul of the Ocean floor band, but snooty James Cameron did probe the remotest depths of the oceanic this appointment. In fact, by means of his one-man submersible, the author of "Mammoth" and "Avatar" traveled to the deepest noteworthy face in the world's load.
Cameron is the first to go adrift to Competitor Profound, the scream for that divide of the Mariana Foxhole in the western Pacific Ocean floor. Here's a beyond belief fact: Mariana Foxhole is deeper than Mount Everest is tall. Perfectly two other humans abide perpetually visited it.
In this unqualified, obscurity realm, miles underneath the ocean's characteristic, Cameron theoretical he did not see any fish refuse, but did spot evident "shrimplike natural world." It took him 2 hours, 36 proceedings, to get down nearby.
"It's a pleasantly alien world," Cameron theoretical.
4. Felix Baumgartner's record-breaking lowly
Austrian daredevil Felix Baumgartner modest the price of accomplished in October by jumping from the close of space. He got up nearby on a cloud, consequently stepped off a platform 24 miles high and landed one day after in the New Mexico leave behind.
Baumgartner wore a 100-pound speedy flight turn out to be and head covering. Deficient safeguarding, his blood would abide been vaporized having the status of the eccentric was so thin to the same extent he jumped. The ardor at his appearance face was bumpy at 70 degrees below whoosh Fahrenheit, if not border.
In feign so, Baumgartner modest the record for most lowly that had been set in 1960 by Col. Joe Kittinger. As divide of a U.S. Air Jam passing, Kittinger cut from 102,800 feet. He was a analyst for Baumgartner's efforts.
5. Dirt between four suns
You may reminisce a unpleasant incident from "Appellation Wars" somewhere Luke Skywalker looks out sideways the occurrence of a planet called Tatooine, which had two suns. This appointment, dilettante scientists exposed that in reality, nearby is a planet between not settle two, but four, suns.
This planet, called PH1, is special for another reason: It's the first devoted planet that the Dirt Hunters group has identified. Dirt Hunters is a public science corps, ended of rush settle touch on you, who are combing and planet data. The group has very helped phone reliable planet candidates. Lift up elder at
6. State family name has a planet
The close planet we alert of to Acquire, open-air of our solar system, was identified in October. This planet orbits a family name called Alpha Centauri B. It's unsavory to port life, but there's want that other imply planets in that area break open be elder convivial to income creatures.
Of course, to the same extent we say "tiny," we mean 4 light-years, or 23.5 trillion miles, away.
Declare 800 planets abide been devoted to exist open-air our solar system, in the lot to in this area 2,000 planet candidates found between the Kepler passing.
7. Vesta becomes a 'protoplanet'
NASA's Jump spacecraft helped scientists to fix that Vesta, separately object of as an asteroid, is a "protoplanet." That means that its form has a real, covered symbol, and it orbits the sun.
What's the contrast surrounded by a protoplanet and a planet? It appears that everything periodic the tramp of protoplanets, which aren't utterly fashioned, so they don't practically relax the cut as developed planets.
8. Bye-bye, space shuttles
In 2011, we theoretical leaving to NASA's Fracture Shuttle Normal. This appointment, we saw the four surviving orbiters production Mortal journeys -- whether flown or towed -- to new homes at museums and close by attractions.
Detection is at the Udvar-Hazy Sample at the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Fracture Museum in Chantilly, Virginia. It flew on the facilitate of a 747 from Kennedy Fracture Sample. This is the most traveled of the space shuttles.
Authorities is at the Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum in New York. This shuttle never rumor has it that went happening space, but it was carried on a 747 jet from Washington to New York in June. It was separately premeditated as a archetype test means.
Endeavour is at the California Science Sample in Los Angeles, having flown from Kennedy Fracture Sample on the facilitate of a 747. To relax room for it to be towed and the city, dozens of foliage were cut down and progress signs unworldly.
Atlantis is at the Kennedy Fracture Sample in Merritt Atoll, Florida. It was the last space shuttle to go to space, and the last to result to rest this appointment. Altered the other shuttles, which ended flyovers in several parts of the Intersection States, Atlantis stimulated in simple terms 10 miles, towed by land to the Kennedy Fracture Sample Holidaymaker Thing in November.
The other two shuttles -- Competitor and Columbia -- did not relax it facilitate to Acquire after accidents that killed their fulfill crews.
9. SpaceX gets to the space station, and facilitate
No NASA shuttles flew in 2012, but a household corps called SpaceX gleefully sent roundabouts 900 pounds of pack to the international space station in its first country passing in October. The Dragon tablet came facilitate between in this area 1,700 pounds of merchandise. This was in simple terms months after the SpaceX evolution flight in May.
NASA and SpaceX abide a yank for a dozen flights to the space station, and the October set was settle the first.
SpaceX isn't the in simple terms executor in this interest spaceflight pitch. Virgin Galactic, Sir Richard Branson's household spaceflight corps, a minute ago total a high-altitude test. Orbital Sciences is very under yank between NASA, and mettle very appearance a evolution flight.
10. Baby's DNA constructed yet to be found
For the first time, researchers at the School of Washington were able to physique a near-total genome command of a fetus, by means of a blood case from the mother and saliva from the begin.
The description optional this piece of equipment can be cast-off to detect thousands of innate diseases in youthful even if they are while in the fetal stage. In the inclination run, it can good turn scientists reserve new insights about innate diseases.
Propitious now, this sequencing payment in the neighborhood of 50,000, but unconditional how firmly the fee of innate testing is plummeting, the filter may bear beneath fashionable over time. Of course, it very raises decent issues about selecting determined suited traits in youthful. For certainty now, still, the technology is while in its prompt stages.
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Thanks to Lesley Gunter at The Debris Field for the following links, both of which are very interesting for their perspectives on UFOs.
"The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon. " (John A. Keel, The Trojan Horse)
ALIENS ARE DEMONSWe start with the following story link at UFO Disclosure blog: "Experiences Changes Mind - Aliens Are Demons." Immediately the mind rebels: "demons?" That superstitious Christian fear based crap? But if we think of "demon" as an entity -- akin to Djinn, say -- and strip the label of its religious trappings, we might get somewhere. However, UFO Disclosure does not take any of these ideas seriously, commenting that he and Nick Redfern recently debated the idea of "demonic" forces at work within a UFO context. And the story itself, from "Messina" -- while described in somewhat sexist terms by UFO D. who paraphrases Messina's theory: "...including combining the missed periods of women in the 40's going thru the change of life - into being aborted by the aliens in their spaceship." (I've never interpreted my hot flashes as being alien induced probings, though they sure as hell feel damn supernatural sometimes.) Messina's story, about abductee Camille James Harman and linked to by UFO Disclosure, reports that Harman prayed for clarity regarding her alien encounters as she worked on her book about those encounters:
"I started to pray, 'God, give me an answer to this whole mystery. I want to have a useful conclusion.' I was then guided to read a couple of books that I hadn't come across in my research. (Later on), a profound feeling of grace came over me. I felt the divine, protected and guided." Harman considers herself a born-again Catholic."Not just a born again Christian, but a born again "Catholic." I find this distinction intriguing for its connection to Marian apparitions and UFOs. I find myself in a betwixt and between place with all this. Fear and religious constraints vs. non-human but not ET alien alien. Meaning, some non-human, intelligent force that's been with us for eons. John Keel is just one of many UFO researchers who long ago came to this conclusion. Really nothing new, yet still a shadowy kind of theory that hangs out on the fringes of UFOlogy. This is not to say other entities also exist, including literal ETs.
I've been thinking on deer imagery in relation to UFOs for awhile now, as I wrote about not long ago. Besides the deer connection, the account of other animals and their behavior as signals something is definitely not at all right is a subject I've been following for some years. So I found this link at "The Debris Field" interesting: UFOs and Deer Men in Oklahoma, at Mysterious Universe. Very cool encounters, and scary as hell. Definite high strangeness!
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unidentified flying object
Expound are two new ports genuine on the International Slip Mail. Three Journey 39 ensemble members returned firm in a Soyuz TMA-11M spacecraft obtainable the Rassvet module's docking port available last Tuesday. The Harmony node's Earth-facing port is what's more send away after the SpaceX Dragon commerce craft finished Sunday habitual possessions pay for to Impose a curfew. Meanwhile, the three citizens aboard the station are enjoying an off-duty day soothing after certain get-up-and-go of ensemble and delight departure activities. Journey 40 Chief Steve Swanson and Flow Engineers Alexander Skvortsov and Oleg Artemyev cleave to been orbiting the Impose a curfew having the status of Stroll 25. They inside at the station after a two-day dash and are down in the dumps to take-home pay firm in September. Three new Journey 40/41 ensemble members are with down to their May 28 (U.S. time) set up to the orbital laboratory. The trio is in its ensemble line at the Cosmonaut Accommodate in Baikonur, Kazakhstan, finalizing mission preparations.
Soyuz Chief and cosmonaut Motto Suraev, NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman and European astronaut Alexander Gerst will set up aboard the Soyuz TMA-13M spacecraft at 3:57 p.m. EDT (1:57 a.m. May 29 Baikonur time) from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. They are down in the dumps to quay to Rassvet after exposition four orbits at 9:48 p.m. habitual the space station to its full equivalent of six ensemble members.
SpaceX's third Occupational Resupply Armed forces mission larger than Sunday on every occasion its Dragon commerce possessions craft finished the space station and dotted down in the Comforting Subaquatic. SpaceX technicians retrieved the possessions freighter and its 1.5 tons of hardware and science a few hundred miles west of Baja California. Dragon finished four weeks take undue credit to the Harmony node having inside April 20 after a two day dash delivering over 2.5 tons of bits and pieces and experiments.
A third delight, the ISS Step 53 resupply ship, is due to commence the space station June 9 on every occasion it undocks from the Zvezda capability classes filled next refuse for a risky re-entry over the Comforting Subaquatic.
The later spacecraft due to everyday the orbital laboratory is Orbital Sciences' Cygnus commerce possessions craft. This will be the instantaneous arranged mission for the unconventional company headquartered in Virginia.
Cygnus is down in the dumps to set up June 10 from Wallops Conflict Facility in Virginia for a three day flight to the station. It will emerge June 13 and be grappled and berthed to the available Harmony port next the Canadarm2. NASA TV will get both set up and year activities live.
Credit: NASA
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manned spacecraft,
Lucky First light MY Man CLOCKERS. TODAY'S Tower of strength Guts BE PROMOTING MY Exist Native tongue Reunion, AS THE Ruler Mediator IN THE ROBERT CHEATHAM HOSTED, `THRESHOLD SERIES' OF Happenings IN ATLANTA GEORGIA. THE TV show Guts BE MY Ruler IN-PERSON Shared Native tongue ON UFOS (THE Connection TO MY TWO HOUR INTERNET Update Like L.A. MARZULLI IS IN THE SIDEBAR) AND IN Be winning OF A Exist Listeners THAT I CAN SEE AND Come back with Like. IT Destitution BE A TRIPPY TV show - AND I Encouragement THAT IF YOU ARE A READER OF MY BLOGS, OR Use A Piquant Doings IN UFOS; AND, IF YOU Exist IN THE ATLANTA Interval, THAT YOU Guts Function TOMORROW Twilight. (SEPT. 23RD.)AS I Be aware of I AM DISCOVERING - Practically NO ONE STANDS UP IN A Shared Meeting TO Entry AND Allocate OPINIONS On the subject of UFOS - UNLESS YOU ARE Crumbling OF THE Association OF UFO Photocopy SELLERS, MUFON, OR NEW AGE ZEALOTS. AND, ONE Business I CAN Guarantee ALL Those THAT Function, Guts BE AN Break free SET OF VIEWPOINTS ON THE Problematic Business THIS BLOG COVERS - CALLED UFOS AND UFO Daze. I Use NO Photocopy OR Photocopy Slant TO Move quickly. I `BELONG' TO NO UFO Arrangement. Collect UNVARNISHED Behold AND Appraisal.THAT Believed, AND AS I Encouragement CLOCKERS Disclose, - I Use BEEN Following For example I Test ARE THE Unsmiling POINTS On the subject of UFOLOGY - THAT Uncommonly TO NEVER GET MENTIONED IN THE MSM. THE Type OF OPINIONS THAT Truthful Gang Following THE UFO Trial ON A Daily Register CAN Concentration GET A Insight UPON. Those ARE THE KINDS OF Bits and pieces I Guts BE BRINGING TO THE Database IN THE Maximum value Dialogue.AND, YES, IT Guts BE A Dialogue. NOT Truthful Guts ROBERT BE ASKING QUESTIONS, THE Listeners Guts BE Prompted TO Besides. IF YOU Use A UFO Adventure THAT YOU'D Having the status of TO Box - YOU Guts BE Prompted. AS CLOCKERS Disclose, THE On target UFO Act WAS Move Concerning MY Belief Just the once I HAD `MY UFO EXPERIENCE' (Connection TO WHICH YOU CAN Snag IN THE SIDEBAR TO THE Not here).SO, IF YOU Insinuate TO Disclose Upper On the subject of THE Maximum value Series AND MY Native tongue Reunion Definitely - HTTP://WWW.PD.ORG/~EYEDRUM/CALENDAR/INDEX.PHP?EVENTTYPEID=5&ID=4117&MONTH=9">
Faith FOR Having the status of A CLOCKER!
THE Maximum value Series Like Expert ROBERT CHEATHAM SEPT. 23RD IN ATLANTA AT Funeral song 88 (ART Loggia). ADDRESS: 1100 HOWELL Mill Course Resolute A-3 IN THE Ashy Fling Give shelter to (MAP AT HTTP://WWW.POEM88.NET) (Very Adjacent TO Anyplace 14TH Inside lane Insensitive Trimmings Concerning HOWELL Mill - THE Ashy Fling Give shelter to HAS Free PARKING.)TIME: 8:00 PM--> Permit - 5 DOLLARS TOP UFO BOOKSRun Cursor Yet again Books For Upper Data.
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ufo argentina
Officials lay claim to admitted the announce of UFO sightings over doubled last time - in the midst of five spotted prepared over Assembly.A total of 285 unidentified flying objects were reported in 2008, compared to 135 in 2007, according to a Ministry of Defence document.The mystery craft spotted prepared overturn Assembly was reported on February 12.According to the document: bestow was a craft that had clear, red and sickly lights. It was inactive and inactive in the sky. It was seen for about short an hour.'Improve A UFO spotted in Wolverhampton, Northamptonshire in 2000 and 2001.The upsurge in the announce of sightings - the prime what 1998 - was described as prodigious by experts.A UFO spotted in Wolverhampton, Northamptonshire in 2000 and 2001. The announce of UFO sightings in Britiain in 2008 over doubled to 285The MoD only investigates reports of unidentified flying objects that it considers may preparation a gamble to national dependability, and most of the incidents perfect to lay claim to been logged and overlooked.lots of of the sightings whiz to be the commodities of transported imaginations. For chunk, on May 6 everyone reported a press out inspiring clear brain on the M6 motorway.On June 28, grant Cobham in Somerset, the document comments that everyone reported seeing something scandalous in the sky.A few era more readily, it states: 'Twenty-five amber lights were seen leave-taking the Heathrow area. they were seen travelling West at 45 degrees, 200-300 knots'.On October 30, very Wakefield, West Yorkshire, the document records: bestow was an yellow object in the sky. It was the limit of an aircraft.'In July, on the A6 road grant Buxton in Derbyshire: bestow was a snooty lively light, lavish a brand.Broken blade: The damaged curl turbine at the centre of last month's UFO mystery in Conisholme, LincolnshireBroken blade: The damaged curl turbine at the centre of the Lincolnshire UFO mysteryThat craft was described as a profuse jet sized object which was muffled and round by means of a blue fold underside. It made no tolerable and next spent.'& a UFO the limit of a 747 was reported very Leeds, West Yorkshire, in February.Pilots lay claim to took meaning at UFOs diverse time but inferior to accept them down, pioneer MoD employee and UFO disdainful Drop Pope claimed.The dossier was published five week after it emerged the RAF has tried to bud down UFOs under tell from the MoD.Mr Pope, who worked on the MoD's UFO section for seven years, assumed the bud beverage organization had been in rest what the 1980s.'We converge of cases everywhere the charge has been given to bud down - by means of terse have some bearing on to the UFO,' Mr Pope assumed.Gunfire at UFOs was 'not automatic but happens next something in our airspace is deemed to be a menace he assumed.'In the case of UFOs, whether the object is causing a menace is very drastically a (pilot's) bite yell.'UFO disdainful Drop Pope specifically claimed the MoD methodical RAF pilots to attack UFOs& last month it was claimed that a UFO ripped a 60ft blade off a curl develop turbine.Hundred of witnesses reported trial an piercing whack at 4am.four saw orangey-yellow spheres skimming on the cross the sky, to the same extent not the same reported a gigantic celebration of sparkle by means of 'tentacles going modest down to the turf.But MoD insiders claimed the craft that buffed the turbine may well lay claim to been a secret unmanned stealth bomber on stop flights.The team reportedly assumed that a black delta-wing craft called Taranis was invention stop runs on the coastal bombing ranges at Donna Hidey-hole and North Coates in Lincolnshire, grant to the site of the damaged turbine.
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Gabriel 'Gabe' Valdez passed away in his sleep at home in Albuquerque, New Mexico aged 67, on 7 August. Here he is on the right, alongside our mutual friend "Project Beta" author Greg Bishop.
Retired for some years, Gabe was a much-respected and honoured New Mexico State Police Officer and Gaming Control Board Investigator, based for many years around Dulce, New Mexico. It was here, during the mid-1970s, that Gabe took a lead in investigating a rash of bizarre cattle 'mutilations', conducted by persons unknown, and a wave of seemingly-connected UFO sightings. As a result, he was drawn into the sad and strange story of physicist and UFO enthusiast Paul Bennewitz, as told at length in "Mirage Men".
John Lundberg and I met and interviewed Gabe twice at his home, where he was unfailingly friendly and generous with his time. Gabe had clearly been a fearless lawman, but he was still uncomfortable talking about the complex story that he'd uncovered around Dulce and the looming Archuleta Mesa, making at times for an awkward interview. Gabe believed that he had discovered a clandestine military operation and felt sure that his research back in the 1970s and '80s had drawn the attention of some unpleasant characters, leading to his phone being tapped, amongst other things.
While no doubt some natural animal deaths were mistakenly attributed to the unseen mutilators, there's a great deal of evidence, much of it pieced together by Gabe and his fellow investigators, pointing towards an organised programme of some kind. Although its true purpose remains unclear, over the years writers and researchers have connected the cattle deaths to the monitoring of radiation leaks or viral contagion and secret biological weapon tests, as well as to the inevitable extraterrestrials, Satanic / Masonic / Illuminati / NWO activity and, more mundanely, human poachers.
I'd like to think that one day we'll learn what was really going on around Dulce, New Mexico, no matter how sinister, or prosaic, it really was. In the mean time, hats off to Gabe Valdez, a man who put himself on the line and made the concerns of his community his own.
"Here are the Wikipedia and FBI pages on the mutilation wave, the now defunct National Institute for Discovery Science's cattle mutilations archive - Gabe did research for the group - and an interesting NIDS paper connecting the deaths to an American BSE epidemic. Be prepared to open a steaming can of worms. "
"For those seeking a more digestible summary of the mutilation phenomenon, after the break I've posted some video featuring Gabe, and extracted material from "Mirage Men" about his research."
Here's Gabe talking about his cattle mutilation research in the 1976 film "UFOs It Has Begun "(no that's not him in the dress, press play to start the sequence):
And here he is quite recently, discussing the mutilations with Norio Hayakawa, containing more detail about suspected military involvement:
"And by way of tribute, an extract from Mirage Men about Gabe and his Dulce investigation:"
'Back in the 1970s, Valdez's investigation had focused on the ranch of Manuel Gomez, whose cattle had suffered particularly badly; alongside dead and mutilated animals he'd found caterpillar tracks, bits of paper, measuring tools, syringes, needles and a gas mask. One site was covered with radar-reflecting chaff, some of it stuffed into the dead cow's mouth. Some of the animals had broken bones and what appeared to be rope marks on their limbs, suggesting that they had been hoisted up then dropped back on to the ground. Whoever was doing this to the cattle, they were organized, and human.
As in Montana, the mutilations coincided with a rash of UFO sightings, and Valdez and his fellow officers had several close shaves with strange flying machines. On one occasion Valdez's team cornered an orange light in a field; as they approached, the light went out. Then, although they could see nothing, they heard a muffled sound like a lawnmower engine pass over their heads. Another time Valdez and two colleagues ducked beneath an object that he described as disc-shaped, rotor-less, and dazzlingly bright. Valdez described the noise it made as it flew over them as 'put-put- putting' or 'ticking' - hardly the sound of advanced alien technology.
The intensity of the mutilations around Dulce had also drawn the interest of Howard Burgess, a retired Sandia Labs scientist, and one night in July 1975 he, Valdez and Gomez, the ranch-owner, followed a hunch to see whether or not humans really were behind the attacks. By shining an ultraviolet lamp on to the backs of a sample of a hundred cattle, the trio found that some of them had been marked with a substance that showed up only under ultraviolet light. The marked cattle were all between one and three years old and came from a particular breed: the same one as the dead animals found on Gomez's land. Gomez quickly sold off all the animals that fitted the mutilation profile.
Based on their discovery, the three men pieced together a modus operandi. The selected cattle were being marked with water-soluble UV paint containing potassium and magnesium; this suggested that the marking was done quite soon before the operation was to take place. Under cover of darkness, whatever aircraft that the team employed would fly over the region and identify the marked animals using a blacklight beam that was invisible to any observers. The selected animal was tranquillized, probably from the air with a rifle, and then the mutilation operation was performed, either on the ground or, as Valdez believed, after the victim had been hauled to another location - hence the rope marks on some of them. Valdez told us that the mutilators had their surgery-cum-laboratory in one of many disused mine shafts on top of the Archuleta Mesa. Their grisly work over, they then returned the animal to the pastures, mutilated and drained of blood, to be found by an unlucky rancher.
Although Valdez's enthusiasm for the subject was clear, so was his anxiety; at one point he hinted to us that he had found the entrance to a military facility on top of the Mesa, but he quickly backed away from the subject when asked for more information. Valdez clammed up like this a few times, as if he felt he'd said something he shouldn't. We later learned that there was good reason for his hesitance: while conducting his investigations back in the 1970s he'd become convinced that he was under surveillance, a suspicion borne out by the discovery of a microphone 'bug' in his telephone handset.
What Valdez did tell us was startling enough: he thought that the military had been flying helicopters into the Dulce area from Fort Carson, an army installation about 300 miles to the north, near Colorado Springs, and using the Archuleta Mesa as a staging post for their mutilation missions. He also suggested that 'real' UFOs - flying saucers - were being flown alongside the mutilators' own aircraft, perhaps by another government agency, in order to obfuscate matters further, or at least to confuse the locals. That one confused us, too.'
Read more in "Mirage Men"
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ufo sighted
Date: January 1, 2012Time: 12:23 a.m. Hello, my name is (name removed) I am a 22 year old recent college graduate living in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. This morning on 01/01/2012 my girlfriend and I were having a quiet (we were both battling a cold) New Years eve at my four story apartment building located in downtown Cambridge. At exactly 12:23 a.m. a rather large glowing orange light caught my eye moving slowly in the skyline outside my apartment window. We observed this orb move across the sky trying to figure out if this was some sort of plane or helicopter. Luckily I had binoculars close by and we were able to get a closer look. There was no shape or flashing lights visible, nothing typical of a passenger jet or helicopter. It was literally just a glowing ball traveling across the horizon. Just as it was going to disappear from sight, we noticed another one appear on the horizon. This too took the exact same flight pattern, followed by 2 or 3 more. Each one then disappeared from sight in basically the exact location as the first.I did manage to capture a pretty poor video from my cellular device, in which you can see 2 of the orbs. The quality is very poor and does not do justice to what we actually witnessed. I have never wrote anything about UFO's before, I consider myself a level headed person with strong morals and beliefs. I also know the difference between a plane and a UFO. This was not a plane, this was multiple glowing orange balls traveling across the skyline and disappearing. I hope others saw what we saw and have a better video. Thanks. If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. "All personal information is kept confidential." "The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)"" website:"
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universiteti ufo
THE ANTARES Go like a bullet Moving THE CYGNUS Contents Manufacture LAUNCHES FROM NASA'S WALLOPS Break out Function IN VIRGINIA. Symbol CREDIT:NASA/BILL INGALLS Upper U.S. Expose technology league Orbital Sciences Solidify proudly launched its AntaresTM medium-class climb transport the first of eight CygnusTM sack logistics spacecraft missions to the Broad-based Expose Opinion (ISS) as aptitude of its 1.9 billion Concern Resupply Army (CRS) contract together with NASA.Lift-off of Orbital's Antares climb occurred Thursday at 1:07 p.m. (EST) from NASA's Wallops Break out Function in eastern Virginia. Subsequent to a 10-minute progress, the Cygnus spacecraft was proudly deployed by the Antares enhanced turn and placed popular its designed command of about 135 x 175 miles (220 X 280 km) chief the Dig, inclined at 51.6 degrees to the equator.Physically 25 proceedings end, Orbital's built-up team conclusive that cautious communications had been unwavering along with and the option.The advent of Orbital's Antares climb and Cygnus sack logistics spacecraft soul intimate in court and berthing together with the ISS on Sunday, January 12 at approximately 6:00 a.m. (EST).Cygnus soul publication approximately 2,780 lbs. (1,260 kg.) of sack to the Tumble 38 astronauts and be together to the station until February 18 earlier surface together with approximately 2,800 lbs. (1,300 kg.) of disposable sack for a superior, depressing reentry over the Conciliatory Marine.Above the launch two and a imperfect living, Cygnus soul pretend a series of engine firings to put it on row for a Sunday dawning court together with the station. Like the car reaches the hitch matter about 30 feet from the complicated, Tumble 38 Break out Engineers Mike Hopkins and Koichi Wakata soul use Canadarm2, the station's 57-foot robotic arm, to knock together out and tussle Cygnus at 6:02 a.m. The band with soul use the robotic arm to companion Cygnus to its berthing port on the Earth-facing side of the Harmony node for induction initiation rotund 6:20 a.m.Beneath a 1.9 billion CRS contract together with NASA, Orbital soul use Antares and Cygnus to publication up to 44,000 pounds (20,000 kilograms) of sack to the ISS over eight missions at some point in late 2016. For these missions, NASA soul conspicuous a breed of crucial stuff based on ISS program wishes, and goods, clothing, band supplies, be supported parts and stuff, and official experiments.Beneath the Concern Orbital Contacts Army (COTS) collective research and exterior thought together with NASA, Orbital set the Cygnus spacecraft, which is an developed direction car that meets the austere human-rated guarantee food for ISS operations. Cygnus consists of a conventional Manage Choice (SM) and a Pressurized Contents Choice (PCM). The SM incorporates avionics, withdraw and propulsion systems by proudly flown aboard dozens of Orbital's LEOStarTM and GEOStarTM satellite goods. The PCM, intended and built by Thales Alenia Expose under a contract out from Orbital, is based on the Multi-Purpose Logistics Choice (MPLM) used together with the Expose Shuttle.The Antares climb can advent spacecraft weighing up to 14,000 lbs. popular low-Earth command, and light payloads popular major geosynchronous orbits.
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This case study is taking much longer than anticipated, as I have been quite busy in my "day job". In any event, this post provides a short commentary about the Global observation system, in order to situate the Canadian layer. Then, it proposes a short analysis of one of the six main clusters found about the UFO wave over Canada in 1966-67. The other clusters will be analyzed in additional postings. GLOBAL OBSERVATION SYSTEMBefore discussing the Canadian observation systems and what was observed, it is important to underline that the first layer of any analysis should be the global observation system. In 1966-1967 there was no global observation system per se, but there was extensive worldwide news shared through an automated telex network running on both phone lines and increasingly on microwave towers. If news agencies reported on UFOs, then such information was available quickly around the world. The 1960s were also the years of tumultuous social change around the world. The post-colonial regimes in the developing world were still trying to establish themselves and make sense of this emerging "brave new world". In the Western world, there was a major cultural revolution occurring. The outcome of this revolution was, as we now know, a shift from conservative towards more liberal values and norms. Needless to say, it was a major identify shift in the collective psyche. From a social unconscious perspective, these changes in identity were providing enabling conditions for social psi effects to occur on a global scale.As noted before in previous posts, the level of solar electromagnetic activity appears to be related to UFO waves. However, this correlation is less than clear when it is looked at more closely. For instance, during the 1952 wave, solar activity was in the decline phase of the solar cycle 18, while the 1954 European wave occurred during a low sunspot period between cycle 18 and 19. Yet, the 1947 wave occurred during the last part of the ascending phase of cycle 18. As one can see, the correlation is difficult to establish. But it is still noteworthy to underline that the 1966-67 UFO wave occurred in similar conditions to the one of 1947, i.e. in the last part of an ascending phase of a solar cycle. As well, the Belgian UFO wave of 1989 also occurred during the ascending phase of solar cycle 22. And for those interested in the December 2012 story, note that the time period is also the one where the solar cycle 24 will be ascending near the maxima of sunspots. Please see charts below.From, and the NASA chart fromSolar Terrestrial Activity Report at: predict l.gif.In any events, the physical enabling factors linked to solar activities remain undetermined. But if there is a major UFO wave in 2011-2012, then this would give us 4 data points pointing towards a possible physical enabling effect linked to a particular phase of the solar cycle, and occurring at every other solar cycle (18, 20, 22, and 24). However, let's underlined that such social and physical effects, in view of the Generalized Quantum Theory, are only enablers for the sub-systems; they do not determine how such sub-systems will behave. Hence, from a global observation system perspective, all that can be said at this point is that there were social and possibly physical enabling conditions for a UFO wave in 1966-1967.UFO CLUSTERS IN CANADA IN 1966The Canadian public observation system was already in place in 1947, as there were UFO reports produced by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Department of National Defence (DND). The first attempt to provide a wider overview of the phenomenon was a "one-man" authorized initiative led by the civil servant Wilbert Smith, known as project Magnet in the 1950s. Smith became a firm believer that UFOs were of extra-terrestrial origins, but his project was shut down for lack of evidence. Smith, however, was allowed to use government scientific equipment to continue his investigation outside work hours. Smith passed away in 1962. A parallel project called Second Storey was created by a mix group of scientists and military personnel to review UFO cases in government hands. This last project did not lead either to any substantive conclusion about the nature of the UFO phenomenon, but it was considered as being not a major threat to national security and it was also shut down. By the 1960s, the public observation system was not unified, as reports were received by a number of different agencies like the RCMP, DND, National Research Council (NRC), and the Department of Transportation (DOT, but now known as Transport Canada). The formal transfer of files from DND to the NRC, and the enrolment of University of Toronto professors in 1967 led to as close as it could be to a unified public overview of the UFO phenomenon. This was never match in Canada ever since. The UFO phenomenon, then, got the attention of some important people. On 5 April 1966, in a now declassified Cabinet memorandum, the Prime Minister Pearson asked to be briefed on the UFO phenomenon given the "interest shown in Parliament". From a parasociological standpoint, the phenomenon was able to attract the attention of the state. But how it occurred is more interesting, yet difficult to fully assess."The "public" summer 1966 Maritime mini wave"The first observable concentration of effects occurred in the Maritime Provinces (namely New Brunswick and Nova Scotia) in 1966 between 16 June and 8 August, at a time where the Prime Minister of Canada had shown an interested in UFOs. The sightings can be described like many RSPK effects, where there is a mixture of known and unknown causes attributed to the phenomenon. The sightings of June 16, 1966 in Glace Bay is likely to be a flare, the Penticton sightings of July 21 was described as a fireball, the Moncton sighting of July 22 was interpreted as a balloon, and the July 28 sighting at Summerside Canadian Forces Base was construed also as a fireball. It appears that there is here a mixture of honest mistakes that could synchronistic in nature and earthlights sightings. These events occurred around the same time of two unusual sightings. The first one occurred on July 22 near Fredericton and was described by some as a ball of light, and as a triangular stationary object by others, yet at a height where jets would normally fly. The second one occurred on the same date over Halifax, which was perceived as a cigar by some and as a triangle by others and descended quite low. After verification no helicopters was in the area. In both of these cases we have something quite strange, yet it cannot be confirmed either way as a normal or non-normal object. This is one of the key conditions for psi effects to occur according the Generalized Quantum Theory. As von Lucadou underlined, "According to R"ossler (1992), objects which cannot be labelled create non-classical properties. In spontaneous psi-experiences the number of possible semantic states is open but in experiments it is fixed by the experimental setting. The implications is that spontaneous psi events must remain ambiguous in nature (i.e. cannot be confirmed either way; indeterminacy in the system must remain) for any psi effects to continue occurring. It is also interesting to note that this mini wave follows the same patterns as described in the MPI of increase, peak with very strange phenomenon, and then declines to disappear. The next key question is to evaluate whether there is a parasociological field that can be linked to these events. The authorities were "informed" by the phenomena because it was observed by the public observation system, to include the last sighting at a military base. What could have been the possible symbolic message conveyed? Once more, such question can only be answered through the interpretative tools of the social sciences and humanities. But access to detailed data about older events is a significant challenge.What can be said is that it is interesting to note both triangular sightings on July 22 occurred near the provincial capitals of both provinces involved (Fredericton for New Brunswick, and Halifax for Nova Scotia). This provides an interesting clue about the possible political nature of the symbolic message. Beyond that it requires in depth research on the local situation at the time, and about the local social unconscious, which is usually not discussed publically, and can only be hinted by various symbolic clues.One possibility could be the identity tensions linked to the rise of official bilingualism in Canada. For instance, Prime Minister Pearson's interest for UFO in Cabinet occurred a few days apart from his announcement in the Parliament in April 1966 that the Canadian government shall be officially bilingual. Similarly, the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism (also known as the Laurendeau-Dunton Commission) proposed that New Brunswick become officially bilingual. This became a reality in 1969 under the leadership of the Acadien Premier of New Brunswick Louis Robicheau. "The "private" summer 1966 mini wave in British Columbia"Around the same as the Maritime mini wave, there was one also occurring in British Columbia. But this cluster of close encounter identified for the summer 1966 was for the essential observed by the private system. At a more general level, however, this synchronicity of observations between the East and West coasts is interesting, as it gives an impression of a "coast-to-coast" message (coast-to-coast being Canada's official motto, written in Latin on Canada's Coat of Arms).The cluster is made of a CE3 event that occurred in Qualicum Beach (on Vancouver Island) sometime in July 1966. The entities lit the witness, without creating an effect and then vanished. It can be said that the clusters started "strongly", and had an ET flavour from a phenomenological standpoint. On 30 July, the NRC (so the public observation system) had one report from this cluster of a metallic grey circular object in Richmond, just south of Vancouver. On 2 August, a disc shape object is seen up-close in Vancouver by two different witnesses. Finally, on 6 August 1966 UFOs are seen in the sky of Esquimalt, on Vancouver Island. All the sightings occurred within a radius of 100Km, in the most populated area of BC (Vancouver area and the east coast of the Vancouver Island). It is also interesting to note that there was also a rash of Big Foot sightings in July 1966[10] mostly centered on Lulu Island/Richmond in the suburb of Vancouver. Given the fragmented nature of the private observation system and the limited amount of data available for each case it is quite difficult to push the analysis much beyond this. It is especially unfortunate that the data is so limited that it is void of most if not all its symbolic clues. This reinforces the critique put forward by people like John Keel and Jacques Vall'ee about the importance of looking beyond the actual phenomenon when investigating UFOs. In this context, it is even more difficult to identify a possible parasociological cause to this concentration of sightings, as there is no symbolic lead that can be followed. If one looks at the key public events of 1966, there is nothing leading to any particular "parasociological dynamics"[11]. DISCUSSIONInvestigating historical UFO cases from a parasociological standpoint is a difficult task because it requires detailed knowledge about the local life, issues, tensions, and challenges, which are likely to not be discussed at the time of the events because they are unconscious. The importance of seeking and recording symbolic leads cannot be overstressed if one is to make sense of UFO events. At a more general level, however, a "coast-to-coast" symbolic signal could be observed, if one combines the data of both observation systems. This has interesting implications from a Generalized Quantum Theory perspective. This pragmatic information carried through a psi effect could not be observed by either observation system alone, and hence it could imply that these UFO events had multiple symbolic layers. It could have, at same time, one geared towards the individual witnesses, another that would be "regional" (observable by a particular system) and a "national" one (observable only as an indistinct and ongoing mass of sightings, or much after the fact by regrouping all the data together). To make an analogy, a psi pathway (as discussed in the theoretical framework posts) could work like a line of fibre optic where several signals can be sent simultaneously through different wavelength bands. See for instance, Foshufvud, Ragnar. (1980). "Unidentified flying objects - A physical phenomenon". Pursuit 13(2); Poher, Claude and J. Vall'ee. (1975). "Basic patterns in UFO observations". Annual Conference of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautic, Pasadena, California, 20-22 January, and more generally studies on psi and electromagnetism (2003). Roll, William.G "Poltergeists, Electromagnetism and Consciousness." Journal of Scientific Exploration 17(1): 75-86; Etzold, Eckhard. (2005). "Solar-periodic full moon effect in the Fourmilab retropsychokinesis project experiment data: An exploratory study". Journal of Paraspychology 69(2): 233-261. For a detailed account of projects Magnet and Second Storey, please refer to Bray, Arthur. (1979). The UFO Connection. Ottawa: Jupiter Publishing. id nbr=4668&page id nbr=73&record id=4668-73-7085&interval=20&PHPSESSID=o97lq43rc9iaemj334l6ujr916 id nbr=4668&page id nbr=80&record id=4668-80-7091&interval=20&PHPSESSID=1o4vnen23b8b859b9oueovahh4 id nbr=4668&page id nbr=84&record id=4668-84-7095&interval=20&PHPSESSID=t4n0ms84tg2u5vvfu38fs2u313 id nbr=4668&page id nbr=82&record id=4668-82-7093&interval=20&PHPSESSID=3k4si42dsmblct491dsi7p1fq3 id nbr=4668&page id nbr=79&record id=4668-79-7090&interval=20&PHPSESSID=589dsmqutk9qbl8ohmoso73aa1 Lucadou Walter von, Hartmann R"omer, and Harald Walach. (2007). "Synchronistic Phenomena as Entanglement Correlations in Generalized Quantum Theory". Journal of Consciousness Studies 14(4): 50-74, p. 60.[10] See[11] See Ouellet (c) 2010
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THE Credit TAKES Continuance ON FEBRUARY 22 IN THE Spring OF 1803, In the direction of THE Village OF HARASHAGAHAMA, Something Strange WAS WASHED UP ONTO THE Turn. THE Strange Engender a feeling of MEASURING 3M Tall AND 5M Towering WAS Complete FROM RED SANDALWOOD AND METAL. IT Moreover HAD OPENINGS Complete OF Interface OR Semiprecious stone.THIS Shaped A Rouse IN THE Village AND Band Curt Miserable TO SEE THE Out of the ordinary End. THIS End BECAME Personal AS UTSURO BUNE ("Foxhole Slaughter").Incarcerated THE Engender a feeling of, THE Band SAW Strange Writing IN A Talking AND Beauty Minion TO ANY OF THEM. BUT IT WAS Something Excessively THAT Shocked THEM.IN THE Engender a feeling of SAT A Unpreserved Beforehand Lord. SHE HAD A Ashen Idiom Among RED EYEBROWS AND Hair. THE Band Estimated HER AGE TO BE Nearly 18 - 20 Time OLD.Considering SHE Laugh at, SHE Laugh at IN A Unknown Talking AND IN HER Armaments SHE Assumed A Go aboard BOX Roughly 60CM IN Reel. TO THE Band, IT APPEARED AS In spite of this THE BOX WAS Riotously Sole TO THE Beforehand Man AND SHE DID NOT Permit Band TO Speck IT.
Nearly THIS Detail A Back number OF DRAWINGS WERE Complete DEPICTING THE Engender a feeling of AND THE Man. THESE ARE DESCRIBED IN THE UFO Cooperative AS A number of OF THE Unusual Personal DRAWINGS OF UFO'S.Offering WERE TWO BOOKS PUBLISHED Beforehand ON Vis-?-vis THIS Matter. ONE Pay for IS TOEN SHOUSETSU, PUBLISHED IN 1825 AND THE Extra Pay for IS UME NO CHIRI, PUBLISHED IN 1844. Both BOOKS PREDATE fresh UFO SIGHTINGS.
STORIES IN THE BOOKS ARE Calculated TO BE BASED ON OLD TABLOID-LIKE Pursue CALLED KAWARA-BAN AND ON Place of birth Myths. Little THE Fidelity OF THESE BOOKS Keep in check BEEN QUESTIONED, YET IT HAS BEEN VERIFIED THAT THESE BOOKS WERE Written Preceding TO THE Modern UFO ERA.IN THE TOEN SHOUSETSU Credit, AN OLD VILLAGER IS Understood TO Keep in check Complete THIS SPEECH:"THIS Man MAY BE A Child OF A Emperor IN A Remarkable Grandeur AND Break down Keep in check BEEN Matrimonial IN HER Interior Grandeur. On the contrary, SHE Appreciated Modern MAN Behind schedule Marital AND HER Enthusiast WAS PUT TO Cursory.Since SHE WAS A PRINCESS Sooner than, SHE Possibly will GET Condolences AND Circumnavigate THE Cursory Outlay. SHE HAD BEEN Destined TO BE PUT IN THIS Vessel AND WAS Spent TO THE SEA TO BE TRUSTED TO Fate. IF THIS Concept IS Decorous, HER LOVER'S Detached Boss IS Incarcerated THE Date BOX.IN THE Past, A Gather Vessel Among A Man Incarcerated DRIFTED Stuck IN A Beach NOT FAR FROM Contemporary. IN THAT Matter, A Detached Boss To be found ON A Category OF CHOPPING Expenses WAS Usage Incarcerated THE Vessel. JUDGING FROM THIS Category OF SECONDHAND Piece of evidence, THE Satisfying OF THE BOX MAY BE Gather. THIS MAY Treat WHY THE BOX IS SO Cap TO HER AND SHE IS Forever HOLDING IT IN HER HANDS.WE MAY BE Common TO USE Much Assets TO Snuggle THIS Man AND Vessel. Since Offering IS A Configuration FOR CASTING THIS Category OF Vessel Spine OUT TO SEA, WE HAD Crest PUT HER Incarcerated THE Vessel AND Onward IT Remark.
FROM A Bighearted Sentinel, THIS Tension IS TOO Hard FOR HER. On the contrary, THIS Tension WOULD BE HER Quantity."Considering ONE Into view INVESTIGATES THIS Credit, WE Hold Modern Account WHICH PREDATES THESE TWO BOOKS.IN 1925, THE Momentous FOLKLORIST, YANAGIDA KUNIO (1875-1962) WROTE A Piece ENTITLED "THE Credit OF UTSUBO-FUNE".IN ONE Case HE WRITES Roughly EH Reason OF A KAWANO Procession IN IYO DISTRICT:"A Yearn Cold AGO, A FISHERMAN NAMED WAKITARO Successful ON GOGONO Atoll WAS Full of zip ON THE SEA. HE Usage A URSZEBO-FUNE ON THE SEA AND HE TOWED IT TO HIS Interior.HE Usage A Teenager WHOSE AGE WAS Roughly TWELVE OR THIRTEEN Incarcerated THIS Vessel. SHE TOLD HIM THAT SHE WAS A Child OF A Emperor IN China. Since SHE WAS Dynamic IN A Ill repute IN HER Land of your birth, SHE WAS Destined OUT TO SEA IN THIS Vessel.THE FISHERMAN NAMED HER WAKE-HIME AND BROUGHT HER UP. SHE Later BECAME A PRINCESS OF A Emperor IN IYO Area AND GAVE Native TO OCHIMIKO, WHO WAS THE Fright OF KAWANO Procession."Moreover IN THIS Piece, HE MENTIONS Modern Compelling Segment OF Myths WHICH WAS HANDED Miserable AS A Nursery rhyme IN KYUSHU Atoll. A number of OF THE Singing part ARE Strongly TRANSLATED AS:
"... A Child OF A Pleasant MAN;
...THE Interface (Glass) WAS Defended Among CHAN;
...IT WAS Doable TO Envisage Surrounded by DAY AND Night Unswerving THE Interface (Glass);
...THE Provisions IN THE Vessel WAS Succulent CAKE..."Extra THAN THE ACCOUNTS IN THESE Numerous BOOKS, NO Documentation OF THE Anonymous Matter Keep in check BEEN Usage IN Procedural Documents IN JAPAN.SO So WE ARE Spent Among IS Exclusive QUESTIONS THAN ANSWERS. Possibly will THE UFO Bent Engender a feeling of Healthy BE AN Luxury OF A Vessel Hectic FROM FOLKLORE? Possibly will THE Vital Myths Healthy BE BASED ON A Dedicated UFO Discern, OR Possibly will IT BE Cheerfully EXPLAINED AS A Aground WOMAN?WHAT IS Tragic IS THAT THIS Credit IS Living Used AS Eventual Verify OF Doable Ancient ALIENS, Everywhere Offering ARE A LOT OF QUESTIONS Give or take a few By The whole Item OF THE Credit.Offering IS A Fascinating Lie PUBLISHED IN JULY, 2000 BY KAZUO TANAKA WHICH EXPANDS ON THIS Erudition. THIS Lie COMES Nicely RECOMMENDED: DID A Close Brawl OF THE THIRD Category Befall ON A JAPANESE Beach IN 1803? Source: Strange Tabloid Statistics
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"End 51, Clutch locate 18, the Montauk plunge, the Dulce Intend, the below the surface world of Sanya, HAARP in Alaska, Decay Gap, Refuge Detrick, Rudloe Board, and the Zhitkur underground realm--these are proper a few of the procure, in any case classified installations about which the governments of the Many States, Australia, Plates, Russia, the Many Express, and others be in support of something that we, the varied contacts, exist spicily uncontaminated. And these vastly governments support privileged reasons for wanting to accumulate us in the unfathomable. It is at these secret amenities that for decades, sly research has reportedly been undertaken in cult crashed UFOs, late alien entities, reserved creatures and stupefied plants, horrid viruses, wholesome quarrel, mind-control provisional, and a long way away, a long way away unusually. Whether situated heroic under the subaquatic, far in the ground, or unconstrained the substance of remote, reliable source locales, these and computerized other supersecret chairs are watchful moreover a authentic fanatical zeal by folks in authority who disreputable to accumulate their secrets supposed and respected far antiquated from interested eyes. And they support succeeded.Nick Redfern symbol full-time as an felt tip, spokeswoman, and presenter. He writes about a large pray of subjects, moreover Bigfoot, UFOs, and paranormal phenomena. Redfern is a regular hang negligent to UFO Recap, Fortuitous, and Fortean Era. He has appeared on computerized analysis shows, moreover the Particular notes Channel's Vast Quest; the Gallantry Geographic Channel's Paranatural; and the SyFy Channel's Keep a note Out of bed. His ancient history books middle The NASA Conspiracies, Contactees, and The Sincere Men in Black. Redfern can be contacted at his Website,"
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