"Now as we sat around the table, all eyes turned to the older space man as he began to speak. Although it was only later that his stature on all planets was explained to me, it was impossible not to realize that I was in the presence of a greatly evolved being, and the attitude of all present clearly indicated that they, as well as I, felt very humble before him. I learned that his age, in his present body, was close to one thousand years."
. Inside The Space Ships, George Adamsky, 1956.
"I am not who you believe I am. My name is a thousand names, give me any, and That I Am. I am ancient before you, not in age, but in knowledge... My name is Age, for I am the Ages and the Time. I am Wisdom, and my name is Wisdom. I hold thirty five percent of universal wisdom."
. Master of Wisdom in UFOs: A Great New Dawn, Enrique Castillo Rinc'on, 1997.
What Adamski and other contactees have reported, reveal the importance placed on balancing advanced technological development with universal wisdom in mature galactic societies.
Adamski's and Rincon's encounters with Masters of Wisdom, demonstrated the qualitative differences in the nature of experience with celestials as opposed to extraterrestrials. While the latter can lead to very positive inspiring encounters, encounters with celestials are life transforming. This qualitative difference is recognized by extraterrestrials who give a great degree of respect and reverence to celestials whose abilities transcend advanced technologies.
As disclosure of technologically based extraterrestrial life unfolds in the decade ahead, humanity will quickly learn of the existence of another category of advanced beings. These are the celestials whose extraordinary abilities are not dependent on advanced technologies. Their "cosmic consciousness", independence of advanced technology, and powerful psychic abilities offer humanity another model for how the Earth can transition into a galactic society. Earlier human civilizations have failed to find the right balance between advanced technologies and universal wisdom. As disclosure and open contact emerges, humanity will once again have the opportunity to balance the technological knowledge offered by extraterrestrials with the universal wisdom offered by celestials.