Wired.comWe don't need to tell you that the next president of the United States is going to have a lot to do. He has to fix the economy, the environment and Wall Street.And he's going to have to explain the whole UFO thing to the U.S. public, if the Paradigm Research Group has its way.The group, which says it is dedicated to ending the "government imposed Truth Embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race," is launching a pressure campaign it hopes will force the government to fess up. Its Million Fax on Washington campaign is just that: an initiative to bury the next president in faxes and mail, all of it demanding that the U.S. government reveal the truth about its alleged knowledge of UFO activity.In an interview with Wired.com, Paradigm founder Stephen Bassett says that President Carter, who reported seeing a UFO in 1969, signed off on two studies after taking office but that they were kept under wraps for national security reasons. Bassett says reports of extraterrestrial sighting have been on the upswing since the end of the Cold War, creating pressure on the government to "disclose.""Witnesses are coming forward," Bassett says, "and 50 percent of the U.S. public believes that this is real."Adding to the pressure is recent moves by other nations.Read the entire artichle on wired.comTherealworldno.blogspot.com
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unidentified flying object