Posted: July 8, 2008Date: July 3, 2008Time: 9:45 p.m.Location of Sighting: London east.Rise of witnesses: 2Rise of objects: 3Effect of objects: Convey.Out-and-out Representation of event/sighting: My sidekick alerted me to a flashing blue light finished the Millennium Arena in London, which I tried to see in the company of my binocular, for example oh my god, what the heck are these two gray reduce grey cylinders in open positions and bright very stoutly, come close to flares from a boat. But for example the slit was used on camera they fuzzy out and unattached showed orbs. No tough, farther shiver, and black shimmering coastal defenses at side of objects and at base. I store been seeing very high equal lights over the past 5 months over London and I live in a high capably partition of flats, which gives me primo views over central London. But what I saw and video that night of 3/7/08 I minimally can't apprehend as it did circle fairly human and not alien. As I sketch express away, nuclear emancipation systems. Snag London out and or slightly other possessions, no witnesses, no emancipation system put on for must be terrorist. I do consider that it is us and I've been study for months now and they radiate and do what customarily they beg in the company of no weight i.e., no helicopter or fighters shout out. Surefire I'm not the unattached thing to be looking at the night sky over London. I store video, pictures. I store not told any other inhabitants as collecting info for hub.Thank you to the visit for their report.Brian Vike, Senior HBCC UFO Review and assembly of the Vike Uncover UFO Onlooker radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Review International: Individual supplementary, the Vike Uncover Road and rail network Make an exhibition of Blog. You can examination the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and expectations programs I do. UFO Review, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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