My story commences from the time I was 7 years old in 1958 at our family property situated in an area known as Tuart Hill. It all started when during the very early hours of a mid summers morning and whilst My Father, Mother and Brother & myself were asleep on our front veranda. I remember being awakened and propping myself up to see what looked like a star that seemed to descend to a landing in our front yard, We had a very long front yard from the house itself to the main road approximately 300 yards And the width of the block size was about 50+ yards. As I watched this Star like craft land it became a disc shaped object. It may be worth while to point out that before this encounter I had no understanding of Alien life or UFO craft no knowledge of anything remotely to do with this subject. I had never heard people talking about the subject nor did I ever have any comics or written material that would have given me any pre conceived thoughts regarding this phenomenon.
As I watched this craft land some 70 to 100 meters away from myself and my family I began to stand up I remember turning and looking down at my Father, Mother Brother who were all asleep and then looking back towards the craft it was at this time I was greeted by two beings about the same size of myself at that time they were warm and friendly and I was finding myself being lead away with them towards their craft,I still don't recall what happened forward of this point only that I found myself back with my family standing looking up at the stars. I remember thinking Gosh I feel so tired and went back to sleep, from that time I've always been fascinated with the stars and always looking for one that unlike the others moved rapidly with zig -zagging flight pattern to match what I had witnessed early that morning of what was to become very important later in life. From the age of (7) the thoughts were confusing to me of this event and so I decided not to discuss this with my family because I did not want to feel foolish as my experience even though very unusual was perhaps a little crazy to say the least.
The thoughts of that morning kept coming back to me haunting me, I became restless tormented by the event and my unwillingness to talk about it. This affected my sleep and consequently my concentration at school as I would be found day dreaming in class this had reached an all time high when my school teacher contacted my Mother and informed her of my day dreaming episodes in class. My Mother having enough of this took me to a local doctor to see if I could maybe given sleeping pills to assist my sleeping, the doctor agreed however, he said I believe that there is an underlying factor that is causing your son to react this way and that this should be investigated.
Around 12 months had passed from this time when I was taken by my Mother to a child psychologist at Princess Margaret Hospital In Perth I remember this doctor asking every which way he could to find out what was causing this problem along with a few tests that he applied as my Mother thought I was not right mentally speaking, after about an hour the doctor Asked for my Mother to re enter his room along with myself being present he informed my Mother that I was perfectly normal as normal could be so after we had returned home I tried to apply myself to my studies and be a better son for my Mother & Father whilst at the same time being on sleeping pills and keeping my Alien experience to myself.
I had all but stopped taking the sleeping pills after a further 12 months and that's when weird things started to unfold during my sleep state. I started having re occurring dreams these were not normal dreams these were like premonitions of coming events as each time I would start to have one of these re occurring dreams it would progressively get more disturbing until I reached the end of what now seemed to be a warning. Even to this day I still feel the pins and needles effect even by simply writing about this for at the age of 13 years I was shown the horrific death of one of my cousins, and how it was going to happen even so much as the chapel to where his remains would be laid out for every one to say goodbye I felt I was in this coming event as a witness I could see everything I new the colour of his casket that I had noted as being covered with a see through cloth to assist in hiding some of his facial injuries, I had even walked down the Isle of the chapel I knew the location of the undertakers everything!.
I was so head strong about this information I wanted to inform my cousin and his Father (my Uncle) of the coming event and I remember saying to my Mother many times I have to tell them and each time I was told NO! You wont say a word as they will think you are mad and you will cause embarrassment for your Father and me being my (Mother) so each time we would visit I respected my Mothers wishes and said nothing I felt so awful knowing what was going to happen and yet I said nothing this was so much of a torment for me that I found myself back on the sleeping pills again to stop this re occurring dream and after about 6 months it all stopped so I stopped taking the pills to assist in my sleep.
Then like a script in a movie at the age of 16, some 3 and a bit years later I received word that my cousin had been killed in a road accident all details had matched what I had repeatedly told my Mother years earlier, I felt sickened that I was not permitted to inform my cousin nor my Uncle of the pending doom and as I approached the doorstep of the undertakers with my mother along side me as (in my dreams) I reminded her and said I told you repeatedly and you refused to let me tell them she replied I know you did, I now carry that guilt with me for the rest of my life.
As for the alien encounters this started again with a large orange ball that my Mother and I both witnessed on the way to my work one morning it was so fascinating I had all my work mates come out of the building to where I worked and they also witnessed it shaking there heads with confusion to what it was. Everything seemed to end at this stage until I was in my mid 30s when the aliens returned they arrived to collect me one hot summers morning at approximately 2 am I know this because I had awoken and noticed the red led digits on my bedside clock.
I was absorbed from my bed up into a craft and placed at a venue that I had never been before that was in a car park, the next thing I noticed was that I was not the only person gathered as I walked through a crowd of about 25-30 people I stood along side a person in a white coat I felt this person was of the medical profession as I looked at him I said where am I?, what am I doing here? he answered, "You are lucky to have been chosen" and then his eyes went back to the direction that everyone else was looking toward I started assessing where I was geographically speaking as I could see a beacon glowing in the distance it suddenly dawned on me that we were all not far away from Perth air port in fact north of Perth airport and later discovering the location was about 45 kms from my home in Two Rocks.
With the others around me we watched a small light become larger as it came toward us as it hovered above us a brilliant flash was encountered and I found myself and everyone else inside the building that we were all outside of a split second earlier. Whilst inside I began mentally noting everything the makings on the floor, the construction in general and things that I could Identify with and needless to say noting the activity unfolding all around me as there were people walking and talking and being greeted by these much shorter beings I was watching this unfold when I too was greeted by two short alien like creatures one of them handed me a gift of remembrance it was a gift that was left under our family Christmas tree when I was (7) years of age my Mother had no idea who left it there as there was no card apart from my name " Ronnie" at the time we were all confused to who had left this for me.
All of a sudden as my arms were opened out to accept this gift from the aliens a video played in my mind I was shown the first meeting that I had locked away all this time how they came down in the front yard and how I turned to see my Father, my Mother and my Brother asleep and how they greeted me, I was overwhelmed as my eyes dropped and looked around I noted there was another alien crouched down behind me absorbing all my thoughts it felt wrong that this creature was capturing everything I was feeling and thinking I felt a sort of violation so much so that I dropped the gift of which was a Cricket Bat have you been prodding yourself with a needle or something sharp my son replied no and that he had no idea how the markings got there.
It was triangular in shape and consisted of many needle imprints with-in this shape this was to be the first encounter for my eldest son. It was only short space of time after my sons abduction to when he was enjoying a family sunday roast that he began choking on something that was lodged in his throat as he made his way to the bathroom coughing, I was very close behind him and noted hearing a pinging sound as this object and passed from him to the sink I grabbed it and to my amazement it was like nothing I had ever seen before. It was at this time that I decided to make some phone calls to see who I could talk too regarding these things that were starting to upset our family.
I had found a person dealing with this phenomenon as he had dedicated his life to investigating Alien abduction cases. He said to me that he could see that this was an issue of quite some concern and that if I was prepared to oblige with his requests that he would most certainly investigate my case. This man is well respected in academic circles and is known as Professor; John Frodulim of Murdock University Perth Western Australia. So it was I attended various places to be evaluated to make sure I was not on medication or mentally unstable in anyway and further to this I had the object or (implant) that was now in my possession photographed using a very powerful Microscope at Curtain University and the results were also surprising whilst there was blood shown on the object there was a metal breakdown conducted that had given a result of a metal not commonly found in the world in fact there was only one location that this metal was known to be and that was in in Switzerland and it was used for computer componentry this became even more interesting as at that time in 1992 we did not own a computer and my son or our family members in general had no access to one.
I was determined to find out more about this object that I turned to the West Australian Meat Industry for answers as the chance that it may have come from a the leg of lamb roast was suggested. The item was carefully examined by four different persons with in the Meat Industry and each had said that they had never seen anything like it before so now we have the original photographs as produced by Curtain University and no one has been able to identify the origin of the object that my son had coughed out. My sons encounters would continue up to 2008. In the meantime after explaining what these beings looked like along with their craft my wife said I have never seen anything like what your describing so I cant begin to understand. She didn't have to wait very long as it was only a few days later when two of the disc shaped craft were flying above our back yard I had everyone come outside to witness both the craft flying around each other they were approximately 300 meters above the ground, this lasted for about 6 minutes and also as we were to later discover witnessed by others in the area of Two Rocks this happened in summer of 1992 and was to continue again 1994 to when a younger son was taken from the arms of my wife who explained that I was in a trance like state as our younger son was taken, at first she could not move but when she was able to gain her strength to move she got up and ventured out on the balcony of our home and noted two disc objects floating above the ground across the road from our house of which is all beach front land.
Since then the aliens had returned to show me my clone of which had completely shocked me and it was my reaction that they were studying for what ever the reason behind it. While they had just shown me my clone they also had shown me the future of pending doom for the coastal area where my house was located they had shown me a gigantic wave that came up from the ocean and went over the top of our house this was a repeating message like the message that kept repeating about my cousin, needless to say after seeing this feeling this many times we sold our house and have since moved from that property and yet we continue to have more encounters concerning another son that was a New born when the last encounter had happened in 1994 with his slightly older brother altogether (3) sons have been targeted in my family and the girls have not had the same experiences even though one of my daughters had also witnessed the discs when they were hovering about 2 meters from the ground even though others tend to think your unbalanced or just plain mad for talking about such things I have come to the conclusion that this is there choice as my case has been fully investigated and no one has been able to inform us of anything different to what our truthful experiences have and are giving us.
Even though our case had been recreated and was viewed across Australian television only part of the story is shown as with these few pages I have felt necessary to type because if people with true experiences can keep coming forward regardless of the ridicule and name calling others seem compelled to do, others in the same position will also be as candid and come forth so as we can develop an understanding rather then fobbing it all off as fairy tales. You will never begin to understand the truth unless you can evaluate the situation and to evaluate you need the facts and the evidence in support of, of which I have both. Does this make me mentally challenged or even insane? or does this place me apart from those who seek wealth my eldest son had been shown the birth of a daughter that was to be a still born quite sometime before it actually happened that continues to haunt him.
It would appear that we are given information of the future for a reason and I believe that reason is to prepare us for what is going to happen. There are many things I had been shown that are yet to take place in the future and now my eldest son has also been subjected to these visions that with out a doubt will take place in the future as both my eldest son and I have already encounted some of these visions that have in fact happened quite sometime later.
R, Arnold