Ufo Sighting In Coupeville Washington On November 22Nd 2013 Appeared As Large Star In Sky Then Started Flashing Red
My wife and i stepped outside for some air at 2300 on Nov.22 2013. We noticed to our left in the night sky a large, bright "star". Suddenly the "star" began changing from white to red to blue, back and forth as if it were repeating in some pattern. Then we continued to observe it. The lights lit it up like a line in the sky and then it began to ascend very slowly until it was almost non existent. We continued to watch for about 30 minutes. However, even an hour after the sighting it is still there, but it looks like a star in the sky, still pulsating blue,red, and white lights. We live on Whidbey Island near Naval Air Station Whidbey Island and are VERY familiar with all the aircraft on base. I was personally stationed here on the island in the early 2000s and am positive it was NO MILITARY AIRCRAFT. how did this make us feel? NOT ALONE
Credit: MUFON
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