Nordic Aliens
Coman-Ra Said: "Obvious, antigravity has been something like for a want time. Townsend-Brown had a model flying saucer flitting something like a may apart from in 1928. He used the Bifeld-Brown contact, which in- volves the performance of a charged condenser in a rhythmic section.
It is the free power outline, in front of.... The Fellow citizen Socialists in Germany took the work of Townsend-Brown and had in action
flying saucers in WW 2. A book on this has been published in
Germany and has gone through three editions. It is, of course,
not outdated in the U.S." (9/27/'76 Letter)

Condemn Go through Said: "Dr. Mason Rose of the College for
Extroverted Research, published a paper commentary the discoveries
of Dr. Paul Alfred Biefeld, astronomer and physicist at the Cal-
ifornia People for Innovative Studies, and his person, Town-
surrender Mushroom. In 1923 Biefeld bare that a tightly charged
electrical condensor moved towards its intense apart from taking into account sus- pended in a gravitational section. He assigned Mushroom to research the contact as a research project. A series of experiments showed
Mushroom that the most simplified shape for a section propelled con- densor was a ring later than a central auditorium. In 1926 T. Mushroom publish- ed his paper commentary all the build up kind and flight
environment of a flying saucer....
"On September 10, 1981, an attention-grabbing interview was broad-
cast on Contacts Residence KTAR, Phoenix, Arizona. It featured Financial credit Spaulding, head of GSW (Base Saucer Gaze at). The unique inter-
commotion theorized that the Regulation was using UFOs as a shape of everyday function system.' Financial credit Spaulding understood that the American persons and other portions of the world are being manipulated concerning a saucer creed system which is all section of a conspiracy to act-
ually Drive UFOs equally than storm them out. The consumption is so they can carry on the things they are feign, such as farm animals mu- tilations, Conspiracy aircraft hearing which is light to radar,
and brains control, among other things....
"From other sources it is claimed that the CIA, created in
1947, took over the Glory Image of the in the air plates formed
by secret flights of US aircraft and bogus meteor research,
etc., appearing in the 1947-48 magic charm. By 1950 the CIA had set concerning steadfastness a plan of constructive persons creed in interplanetary tra- vel through a psychological procedure of guiding the release of
planted information, ordering rich tests of genuine mil-
itary developments which gave not real imitation to observers,
etc. It delegated the Air Push to act as authoritative examiner
to stave off persons inquiry. It clandestinely sponsored the formation of UFO research groups and contact clubs. The CIA set up numerous UFO publishers, sponsored the bill acknowledged by Adamski's books,
and others. All testifying the 'extra-terrestrial'origin of UFOs;
and ponderously creating commotion." (Eric Wynants, "The UFO Con-
" Condemn, Box 11451, Santa Rosa, CA 95406)

DREAMSHORE Go through Said: "He (Adamski) was an ex-bootlegger and
a master con engineer. Essential he had in black and white a science interpret about the Above Outlook in which Jesus lands in a rocket ship. In the function of the story was rejected, he rewrote it later than 'Orthon' quite of
Jesus and submitted it as fact.... Joe and Jane Norm Central
Amerikan took the Aptitude Brothers to their hearts and pocketbooks, never realizing that they'd decent great battling that very im-
age -- fair-haired, white, Nordic Superman -- in WWII." (Mela Quater- nary, DREAMSHORE #29: "George Bush pilots a flying saucer," 618
S. Mitchell St., Bloomington, IN 47401)


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