COPYRIGHT 2013, INTERAMERICA, INC. There were two incidents near Roswell in 1947, as outlined but abandoned by Stanton Friedman in his 1997 book (with Don Berliner), CRASH AT CORONA.The first, in late June or early July was at the Foster ranch, the other north of Roswell on July 8th.The first "incident" became embroiled in the Mac Brazel debris scenario, that involved research balloons, and which the Army Air Force used as a diversion for the latter incident, involving an exotic aircraft accident, from which bodies were discovered and captured on film by a geologist or geologists who stumbled upon the military mop-up of that accident.(That is the crux of the recent Kodachrome slide controversy, yet to play out completely.)One can conjecture, and some have, that the first incident brought about the second incident, which was a reconnoiter of the scene by "associates" of that (or those) involved in the first incident.The Mac Brazel balloon fiasco, which has absorbed David Rudiak and his skeptical nemeses, CDA, Lance Moody, Zoam Chomsky, and Gilles Fernandez, is the problematic element which has flummoxed those researching Roswell's alleged incident(s).Brazel may have accumulated balloon debris, but it seems to have been mixed with odd metals, which are being searched for by some of the once-ballyhooed Roswell Dream Team.The second incident, which was the instigator of the July 8thHaut press release, about the capture or finding of a flying disk, is where the real Roswell incident began (and ended).The Army Air Force, while gathering remnants and bodies from the July 8th accident, other Army personnel (General Ramey et al.) were actively disavowing any flying saucer crash, using the innocuous Brazel debris as a cover for the more important actual Roswell event that remains cloaked in secrecy and inept follow-up by UFO investigators, until now.The battered Roswell Dream Team has unearthed materials that confirm extraordinary incidents around Roswell in June/July 1947, and will present their findings when they damn well please, they say..Whether those Dream Team findings will provide an ET explanation is yet to be determined, but it seems likely, to me, that the new evidence(s) lean in that direction.Moreover, my suggestion, earlier here, that the Muroc sighting of July 8th, 1947 is part and parcel of the Roswell incident still stands, despite scoffing by the lesser imaginative UFO buffs.RR
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disaster accident