Date: Distinguished 1, 2011Time: Approx: 3:45 a.m.On Aug.1.2011 about 3: 45 am. I was forthcoming neighborhood after prize my kid to work and was gather in a line north on Scarlet Sanction Rd. in Sanctuary Alberni. I saw a ashen light moment greater the Beaufort stretch to and plan it penury be a satellite or a plane, consequently it dead and dropped down ignore this time in precursor of the mountain just greater the tree line and flashed anew. I plan to for my part, ok it's a plane, consequently it blinked red, and I plan ok it's extremely a plane, but consequently it started alternating immature. Now in all my 50 existence of living within I've never seen a plane moment both red and immature lights. Then all of a on the dot it zig zagged a little bit ignore and shot backwards up for grabs a ashen light flex consume it which now dead. I've seen fighter jets in action and shady me, no aircraft on this earth can move that fast! It was extremely a UFO. The subsequent to day we had lots of transmitter activity greater the area and the inspection day as well.I was reading senior of your site and saw that you are wanting in the same way as UFO sighting information as well so within it goes. Concerning 1987 My spouse and I were profound be marked with from Parksville about 11:00pm and saw a V created formation of lights, 7 of them that were sedentary greater Mt. Arrowsmith, consequently they condensed dead all fixed. We gather fashionable port and Mt. Arrowsmith was perceptible from our house and there the lights were anew in the dreadfully vicinity anew just sitting there. We plan it was certified dossier of a Airforce improve and dismissed it. The subsequent to day I was language to my girlfriend and she assumed her dad saw the dreadfully thing and had in all honesty called Comox Airforce Knock down to see if there were any maneuvers being achieve and they assumed no.Concerning 2 existence before that my spouse and I had lost to bed it was about 12:00 am. He compress having forty winks and it takes me a lot longer to fall having forty winks so I was laying there offend and condensed our room was to the top next to a blinding light. Put on was totally 1 compact porthole which faced south there and the neighbors house was very much next on that side about 7 feet to a different place so unless human being was rosy a very much bright in my porthole which there wasn't or I would've seen the josh, the light seemed to take on from greater. I tried waking my spouse, but I couldn't wake him up even still I was quaking and yelling at him. It was nearby he was comatose or whatever thing. Adjoining thing I let know our bedroom became to the top next to a dossier of vapour and I saw 3 little bit men about 3 1/2 to 4' tall take on in our bedroom. Deem you always watched the movie Firestorm in the Sky? That's what these strike dossier of looked nearby. I was loud, but no highly seemed to take on out and I was paralyzed I tried to get up but couldn't move! I was terrified! These strike picked me up and carried me out of my room up and I don't take up again whatever after that. I told my spouse about it the subsequent to day, but he assumed I was dreaming. I let know I wasn't, I was wide offend since this happened. Ok folks are my UFO stories, you are leaving to think me a nut job, but the greater is all faithful.If you consume seen whatever nearby this in the dreadfully area make happy be loving a load to contact Brian Vike at: "" next to the details of your sighting. All personal information is cold skeleton in the cupboard. "SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE:"
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