I can't believe that SETI and MIT think we are so stupid that we do not remember that there were newspaper articles with photos publish after UFO's landed on the white house lawn in the 1940's.SETI recently had an enormous amount of money put into their facility under the guise of transmitting into space to see if they can receive signals from other species...what a joke @@! Why are they frivolously spending millions that could be put to better use feeding the starving people of all countries? MIT uses the energy generated by SETI to power their scalar technology globally. They have used the scalar camera which is much like google earth and have spied on everyone who is anybody in every government and every military. How nice that their service they call 'Senate by the Minute' is pure profit. If you steal the energy from SETI its like having free internet network service and access to all satellites which power the gps tracking and mapping systems world wide.Even though many government facilities are secure or at least they used to think they had a degree of security by scrambling the sound waves where their top secret meetings were held, there is no way to fire wall the human brain and MIT simply accessed the minds of the heads of state and heads of military in their sleep.If you listen to the satellite transmission you can hear the audible broadcast where they offer the sale of this information to the highest bidder.We are MIT and we know what you need to know.Anywhere, anyplace, anytime we can help influence the vote but we aren't free after all we are MIT.We are proud to be low grade, grant whores but we have bills to pay so you need government bills to go our way, uh uh...i mean your way.We have no loyalty to anyone except our selves so we have no list of governments we don't access.MIT can stick it to you best...they honestly think if they rhyme it the unconscious will not notice the syntel (synthetic telepathy) transmissions at a subliminal level. Like a self hypnosis tape to lose weight or not be depressed you hear the top layer of sound but not the other layers by the vibrations of bones in the ears, however your brain still acknowledges the other part even though is is not heard beneath music, a cell ring tone or any other layer of white noise.They have been having problems though since Patti Maes disappeared in March 2010 and they know they are under a federal investigation here in the USA. The United Nations has also been conducting an investigation into their crimes against humanity.Perhaps they could get legal funding by someone if they were not using unknowing humans as their guinea pigs!
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