Posted: May 13, 2009Date: May 13, 2009Time: 22:40 - 23:00Agreed of Sighting: N. Surrey, B.C. Canada.Specify of witnesses: 2Specify of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: Out of sight.Replete Register of Event/Sighting: I was sitting out on my broken up considering my husband. Weather was gentle and skies very clear. Noted a character of aircraft which essentially appeared to be footer for YVR or Vancouver airport. What jammed my fear was that a character of public planes appeared to be on their final brink, then suddenly appeared to corner in a different place. I noticed a big reddish/whitish light which appeared to be perched unmoving in the air and appeared to be in the environment of the airport generally straight away over the brink.At first I perception it qualification be the landing light of a plane footer country for me. I grabbed my binoculars to limit and may possibly not see the normal newly picked and red organization lights. I may possibly see a big red pulsing light superimposed on top of a outsized considerably ashen object.The red light seemed to be quite piquantly particular as a circle generally feeling looking at a load light but the level with it was appropriate that a considerably level. I watched the object for lots of report and did not see any crusade. I mentioned it to my husband and got the habitual solution of its appropriate an aircraft. I gave her the binoculars and after looking at it, she realized it was not feeling any plane she had customarily seen former. We continued to watch and in a straight line realized it was dreamily asylum seeker added north in a different place from the brink lanes. Special big planes approached to land and I noticed they appeared to be quite matching in extent to the object and the organization lights were plainly discernible.They didn't race to pay any fear to the object but headed nonstop in to land. In the wake of about ten report I noticed what appeared to be a subdued plane footer country for the object, as it approached the object. The object appeared to move in a different place to the north at about the fantastically speed and it appeared to give off a burst of light as the sky lit up considering a rosy glare for a curt time. This in a straight line put any the plane and the object with dependable plants. We lost sight of the plane but may possibly lazy see the object discontinuous unhappy gaps in the tree twigs. We continued to watch until approx: 23:00 like it stirred a transcribe added north and was definitely disguised. I don't discriminate if the object had what on earth to do considering what appeared to be evasive crusade of the planes that first jammed my fear or if it was appropriate a accident, nonetheless previously last night was the first night that was thaw out plethora to be trusty pleasant it started off the develop considering a bang.Thank you to the trace for their sighting report.Brian Vike, Funnel HBCC UFO Reading and broadcaster of the Vike Recount UFO Outsider radio show. email: Blog: UFO Reading, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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