Hi allINTRODUCTION:Unconventional spectacular report followed attentively on the heels of the 24 May 1965 Eton Ridge fasten encounter, which I reported on a few posts ago (snap fashionable.) My Australian vast catalogue provides the at the back summary:"28 May 1965 Off Bougainville Reef Print 0325hrsIn the before hours of the commencement a DC-6 radioed Townsville control tower that it was being 'buzzed' by a UFO. The object was described as around in shape; flat as a pancake on top and the couch. Evade gases were reported coming from the object. It is hypothetical to storage paced the aircraft for sure ten account concerning which the chief took photographs. The object as well as encouraged speedily of the plane and consumed. An turmoil deception is reported to storage occurred."Methodical ACCOUNT:The most miniature back which I storage now been able to cause of the celebration was that carried by the has-been NICAP's "The UFO Pollster", June-July 1965 adaptation, assistant 4 (snap fashionable) which reads:"UFO Photos by Airline Head reported.Bulletin: The at the back original report, forwarded to NICAP by an examiner of the Offender Evaluate Fasten, Townsville, North Queensland, Australia was traditional objective as a result of our deadline. We are arduous to get to the fore details for the past box.Five nights after the landing described on assistant 1, an Australian DC-6 plane was 'buzzed' by an unidentified flying object. According to the standardize bringer declared abovementioned, the airline chief photographed a round-shaped business because it paced the aircraft.This latest encounter, in the before hours of May 28,1965 multifarious a DC-6 operated by Ansett-ANA. It was on a repeated flight from Brisbane to Port Moresby, New Guinea.At about 3.25am, the airline chief by means of the flight stow sign of 'VH-INH' radioed a Queensland airport control tower that the DC-6 was being 'buzzed' by an complicate flying object. He described it as around in shape, flat as a pancake on the top and the couch. Evade gases possibly will be seen coming from it, he reported.For ten account, the UFO paced the plane, concerning which time the chief took various photographs of the mystery craft. He also had two other members of the stripe state the sighting as a result of the object raced speedily of the aircraft and consumed.Censorship reported:NICAP warning - Nevertheless we are sinking the assume of censorship stories, at the back the sweeping statement wants in the recent poll (see assistant 6) we consider this case choice storage special mesmerize the same as it shows UFO secrecy is not constrained to the Common States."He was instructed not to storage the film work in New Guinea" states the report "He was flown to Canberra (on his wonder about) where the film was engaged from him...The twelve hour tapes past the pilot's report to the control tower also were confiscated."It is not clear whether the film was confiscated by a government agency in Canberra, or by a administrator of the airline. The obvious uneasiness of airline officials, who mind UFO encounter stories intensity startle obtainable passengers, possibly will be a device. But one cite int the report indicative of the Outlet of Sociable Aviation was multifarious. In the May 24th landing case, the DCA prepared no exit to cover up. But the same as the Maintain Australian Air Influence is the turmoil UFO investigation agency, the Sociable Aviation agency may lone be at the back orders. In the as soon as, Australian business storage not tried to broadcast UFO sightings - unadulterated turmoil Squadron reports. We cartel this censorship is lone do-it-yourself and that the weighted down story choice in the future be uncomprehending."COMMENT:An search of well ahead issues of "The UFO Pollster" poor to dash any to the fore details of this celebration. One intensity, of course, say that this is due to the turmoil deception.'NICAP:The current NICAP websites "Typography 11 case Record sightings from aircraft" (snap fashionable) carries a transcript of the case, citing their bringer as "Largest part II, The UFO Top score, A Thirty-Year File, Richard Manor, 2001. assistant 128." This bringer states:"3.25am pub. The pilot and aircrew of an Ansett-ANA DC6-B, (callsign VH-INH) was en-route from Brisbane, Australia to Port Moresby, New Guinea. The pilot called Townsville control tower and beam to operator William Orr, informing him that his aircraft was being buzzed by a UFO. The pilot gave his believe as abovementioned, or abreast of Bougainville Reef. The object was a crushed realm past what looked be fond of consume gases coming from it. It paced the aircraft for 10-15 account, as well as accelerated and raced speedily and out of sight. Photographs were engaged concerning the sighting. The pilot was unfocused repeal to Brisbane and from introduce flown to Canberra where the film was engaged from him and we were told he was instructed to tell no nature of this incident. The audio tapes of air society control transmissions at Townsville also were confiscated. Several time after this air society journey was told to "be over his talker" about the incident, past the extend signal that if he didn't he intensity be dismissed by the Outlet of Sociable Aviation."COMMENT:The NICAP website back of the incident has a entwine to USAF Keep a record of Bluebook's reports of transnational UFO sightings. NARA-PBB1-333 (snap fashionable) is a list of reported transnational sightings linking 1-31 May 1965. Organize is no listing for the Bougainville Reef case.SEARCHES:I am keen of two searches undertaken by Australian UFO researchers looking to get to the fore information on this case.1. CAPIO - Peter Norris. Say Records of Australia file series A703 control symbol 554/1/30 Separation 1 assistant 103, is a communication antediluvian 19 Jul 1965, from Peter Norris to Mr B Roberts, Upper Campaign Scientist, Outlet of Air. In this communication Norris asks if Roberts possibly will state if a sighting reported in a US UFO magazine re an Australian aircraft 'buzzed' by a UFO, had occurred.On 18 Aug 1965, Navy forefront Wheeler, of the RAAF responded to the communication that they had no such report, and referred Norris to DCA.2. Perform Chalker.In volume 4 assume 6 of the Diary of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies, assistant 15, as limb of an article generous "Assessment of Strict Legislative body Connotation in the UFO Controversy- a Develop report" Chalker wrote:"It has been understood that evidence about the case, along with the film has been confiscated by DCA officials and with smooth up. The classified papers I examined consisted on the whole of native land communciations linking the Queensland Area Diary of DCA and the Director-General of DCA, which appears to state a lack of perceptive about the celebration, at lowest possible at the above-board of Directors of DCA."Perform CHALKER'S BOOK:"The Oz Annals," (1996, Duffy and Snellgrove. Potts Whitehead. ISBN 1-8759-8904-8) (snap fashionable) assistant 110 carries an back of the incident. Particulars provided introduce, progress inhabit in the NICAP imitation, but the at the back foster points are included:1. "Dr Allen Hynek quotes the pilot in his book. "The UFO Training. I had incessantly scoffed at these reports but I saw it. We all saw it. It was under quick control, and it was predictably no gossip aircraft."2/ "The pilot has been identified as Head John Barker and the tax examiner at Townsville control was William Orr. Orr voted for on the details of the incident to John Meskell, a bureaucrat past the Offender Evaluate Fasten."COMMENTS:The Hynek cite mentioned abovementioned, appears on assistant 28 of Hynek's book "The UFO Training." (Corgi, UK. 1974.) ( snap fashionable.) However, Hynek extend a document which reads:"Detection of May 24 1965. File is not included in P.S. 1 in the role of poet had no type contact past the relator or the investigator."This date of 24 May 1965 appears to show that the quote recognized by Chalker to Head John Barker's report of 28 May 1965 may be harm. It would instead, circle that the quote came from the important make sure to the 24 May 1965 Eton Ridge case, J Tilse, himself a pilot.RAAF UFO FILES:I hoped to cause a report on the Bougainville Reef case in the UFO files of the RAAF. However, a fasten search of their files prevented definitely no video on the celebration, withdrawn from the 1965 similarity to and from Peter Norris.COMMENT:The aircraft hypothetical to storage been multifarious in this case was known factor as aircraft callsign VH-INH. This seemingly referes instead to aircraft registration VH-INH. A search of the Internet turned up an aircraft site (snap fashionable) of a Douglas DC-6B, which appears to be the fit aircraft. It entered onto the Australian Deceit Strategic as VH-INH on 16 Dec 1954. It was registered to Australian Say Airways, as well as anxious charted to TAA on 26 Feb 1960 to 29 Aug 1966. It "Operated TAA's first Sydney to New Guinea operation - July 9 1960. Operated final TAA evenue operation - Respected 14 1966." Re-entered operation past Ansett-ANA - December 6 1966."Is this is confidently the extremely aircaft multifarious in the UFO case, as well as on 28 May 1965 it was not an Ansett-ANA aircraft but a TAA aircraft. Hence the Meskell report to NICAP where the aircraft is described as "Operated by Ansett ANA" circle harm. Genuinely, the cited aircraft wesbite has a photograph of VH-INH at Sydney airport in May 1965 presently trade fair it painted out as a TAA aircraft.In limb two of this post I choice assign details of my search for the Head of the aircraft, and the Townsville DCA examiner.
Posted in :
national investigations committee on aerial phenomena,
unidentified flying object