Anomalist Crypto
"THE ANOMALIST" has devoted a HUGE amount of space to Cryptozoology in the last few days, and here it is:

Mexico: State of Chihuahua Terrorized by Inexplicata. On the evening of March 6, 2009, a student claimed a "creature (that) has wings and its face is covered in fur" chased him for 15 minutes near La Junta in Mexico's Chihuahua State. With illustration. And there's more on the effects of the encounter in Mexico: Panic Over "Humanoid" in Chihuahua. Is there a "Silver Bridge" in Mexico's Chihuahua State? Meanwhile, there's analysis of a recent Bigfoot-related report at The Blogsquatcher: Link: Interview With a Choctaw Medicine Woman and a request for commentary about Audio: Union Pacific Crewman Reports Bigfoot, that could indicate a hairy hominoid or a large-tired truck. There's a programming note at The Blogsquatcher, too: Let Me Not Forget to Mention about tonight's (and every Monday night's) broadcast on Sasquatch Watch Radio. Elsewhere, Cryptomundo wants to make certain you don't forget [Today] SFB: World Broadcast Premiere with a cameo appearance by expert Loren Coleman.

Choctaw Medicine Woman Reveals Details of Bigfoot Encounters Alternate Perceptions. Brent Raynes interviews Choctaw Indian medicine woman Khat Hansen, who says she has been interacting with Bigfoot since she was five-years-old. She also says Bigfoot gave her a name to call him that means "to forget (me)," and that Bigfoot is "neither animal or human, and can do very incredible, if not downright supernatural sounding things." Meanwhile, there's a programming note at Cryptomundo, where Loren coleman reminds you of Monday night's television premiere of a documentary about a southern legend that many say is real: SFB: World Broadcast Premiere. With two video trailers.

The Feline Canine Beast of the Mystery Spot The Alien Seeker News. Paul Dale Roberts responds to a note from a reader who visited the Mystery Spot outside Santa Cruz, CA. The Mystery Spot is one of those widely-spread locations where the senses are challenged: balls rool up hill, GPS units don't function, etc. Here Roberts remarks on a strange creature his reader encountered at the Mystery Spot and wonders if it could be the "mitla," a cryptid described by famed explorer Colonel Percy Fawcett in Bolivia. With photo and illustration. Elsewhere, there's continued wonder at the proliferation of large felines in the United Kingdom, as seen in The Saturday Strangeness: African Big Cats in London?



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