The Bermuda Triangle is not the only zone of mystery on the Earth. The Great Lakes Triangle in the heartland of North America have an even higher concentration of unexplainable ship disappearances, invisible walls that have sheared wings off planes, ghost ship sightings, lake monsters than anywhere else in the world! It is from the heart of this zone of mystery on the shores of Lake Ontario, in the City of Hamilton, Ontario that Rob McConnell, the host and executive producer of the TalkStar Radio Network hit late night talk radio show, The 'X' Zone Show - - entertains, informs and enlightens listeners around the world. Monday through Friday from 10 PM until 2 AM local time, McConnell hosts and produces the show from a home studio in his Hamilton Mountain home. Using the latest technology, the program is sent to the TalkStar Radio Network master control and satellite up-link facility in White Springs, Florida and beamed to the Galaxy 4R and TelStar 7 satellites which are in a stationary orbit 22,000 miles in space and then distributed to the family of TalkStar Radio Network affiliates in Canada and the US. Any phenomena radio show you have heard up till now has just been a warm up for the real thing and with the "X" Zone we have it on TalkStar Radio Network, boasts Victor Ives, the founder of the US based TalkStar Radio Network. Rob McConnell is a consummate broadcaster and perfectly cast as the host / executive producer of what we are predicting will be a 'break out" show. We are getting a response World Wide! The 'X' Zone Radio Show has also gained the reputation of being the only Canadian Talk Show to be syndicated internationally. The 'X' Zone is repeated in its entirety from 2 AM - 6 AM to accommodate west coast affiliates. The 'X' Zone is also streamed live on the internet from the TalkStar Radio NetworkTM website -- as well as the UK based Pioneer Radio Internet Network. Whether discussing alien abductions, the dangers of aspartame or the JFK assassination, McConnell takes his listeners through a magical mystery tour nightly bringing new listeners from all over the world into The 'X' Zone. Throughout the show, McConnell proudly tells his listeners that, -- The 'X' Zone is being broadcast from our studio in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada -- right in the middle of the Great Lakes Triangle, -- playing bumpers by Canadian artists like Anne Murray, Gordon Lightfoot, Chilliwack, Glass Tiger, just to name a few. However, life is not just about UFOs, witches, ancient mysteries and such! Listeners to The 'X' Zone will also hear William Shatner's rendition of "I am a Canadian," or a telephone psychic being the target of a telephone prank by a radio station, as well as old time radio favorites including "War of the Worlds" and the "Adventure from Planet X." Rob guest list is truly the "Who's Who" from the international world of the paranormal, parapsychology and established sciences. From Dr. Seth Shostak the Senior Astronomer at SETI (the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence), Erik Von Daniken (author of "Chariots of the Gods?"), Dr. Brian O'Leary (NASA Astronaut, scientist, researcher and author), Dr. Claude Swanson (former physicist turned paranormal scientist), Dr. Albert Taylor (for engineer who worked on the ultra secret U2 project, US Space Station design and President Regan -- "Star Wars" system), Scott Adams (creator of "Dilbert" and author), Sam Reid (Canadian musician and keyboard player of Glass Tiger), to Dr. Louis Turi (internationally acclaimed astropsychologist), Dr. Evelyn Paglini (psychic used by law enforcement agencies) and Michael Cremo (author of Forbidden Archaeology and Human Devolution).Dare to believe and Dare to be heard on The 'X' Zone Radio Show.
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