Location of sighting: Mars
NASA link: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/spaceimages/details.php?id=pia15116
NASA claims to pass captured a photo of a stain sprite on the quality of mars. Its happened further on but this time its not a red/brown stain devel as others found pass been...its WHITE! I pass seen this further on in numerous Apollo photo (Panaramics-over 50!). This Mars UFO and the one in the Apollo 16 photos looks very amalgamated. Realize at the aloof photo and associate it to underside photo...engross see at the video I ended. SCW
These are unbiased a few of the many photos with this self-same UFO.Clap to develop.
Seeing that exploring NASA's image atlas for the Apollo 16 situation, I came across many images that pass a dramatic snowy cloud UFO on the far left of the panoramic image. At first I was uncertain and took a more readily see at the craft noting that the shape of the UFO changed shape nearly grow old. It is undisclosed if the cloud is a veil for the craft or the cloud is the craft, but one thing is for sure, it moves definite and in time the fleetness of the Apollo route. This UFO was immaculately resultant and monitoring the Apollo 16 route as it flew in orbit rotund the moon taking photos. Influence sign that the UFO moves from the top of the photo and matches its fleetness with the Apollo route then at about 450 photos it begins to fall behind, most probably realizing that the Apollo craft was no chance. Equally there were about 40-45 images that had a 100% resolute cloud in its position and both of these images are slightly numerous than the subsequently, not to commentary that the lunar quality underside the UFO changes in both photo the Apollo 16 route took. I took all 458 steady images and put them in movie format with both vetting gone per on top. The movie starts with a command up of the UFO and then half way sooner than shows the UFO in the accomplished NASA panoramic photos. So the similarities to the Mars UFO chime to show it is a ship. SCW
Source: NASA Archive: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/catalog/pan/revolution/?AS16R28Ca http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/catalog/pan/revolution/?AS16R39Ca http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/catalog/pan/revolution/?AS16R38Ca