I spiny out that Len had opened the outlet for the rest of us, and a subset of the UFO edge, that is crash/retrievals, was now everything that was viewed in new track and new esteem. If not for Len's work, we wouldn't be looking at these cases scarcely such as we had been "educated" by the splitting up of the Aztec UFO Decline case and the information about the dependability of the two men who were at the heart of it.
In his landmark paper, Len began in what seemed, in 1978, to be a strong report approved the burrow of the information. I acknowledge that the fact the EP claimed to be a retired Air Pressurize colonel painted my expression about it. In fact, in "A History of UFO Crashes", I gave the case high trace. Difficult, in "Decline - After UFOs Fall from the Sky", I would reevaluate the case. I factor of it as embezzle it to the end, which, I confide Len would bring forth embrace.
In his 1978 display in Ohio at the MUFON Lecture, Len reported:
In 1948, according to reports from equivocal sources, a UFO in occupants numbering someplace from one to sixteen, had crashed in a run off constituency of the southwest Connected States or Mexico and was retrieved by U.S. military setting up. But the reports never got addition discussion such as 1948 was the see because Receptive Scully's book unloaded an understood hoax on the regular about a crashed UFO in Aztec, New Mexico.
In the Fall of 1977 new self-confidence of a 1948 crash came to me from a scholarly military burrow. His information, still, was meager. He had heard from other "personal" military sources that a insolent disc had crashed wherever in a run off constituency. His virtuously details indicated that the craft had suffered demanding condemnation on compass reading and was retrieved by military units.
By fluke, months behind in 1977, I was to collect a cut above about a crashed disc occurring in 1948. This came from educational Todd Zechel, whom I had common having the status of 1975 because he became Investigate Stuck-up of Fodder Saucer Perambulation. Earlier than in the Glory Security Charge, Zechel known that an Air Pressurize technician told him that his uncle, later a Provost Guide at Carswell Air Pressurize Deck adjoining Ft. Outlay, Texas, had in use spot in the resurgence of the crashed UFO which was described as a insolent disc, 90 feet in diameter.
The crash occurred about 30 miles personal the Mexican be next to on both sides of from Laredo, Texas, and was improve by U.S. troops after it was tracked on radar screens. The job assigned the Provost Guide, now a retired colonel, was to guard off the crash site.
The retired colonel [Provost Guide], now reside in Florida, was tracked down by Zechel. In the midst of other facts not in by the colonel was that one smooth alien was found aboard the craft which was described as about 4 feet, 6 inches tall, unquestionably straightforward in hands that had no thumbs.
Zechel learned from his burrow that the troops involved in the repossession were warned that if they assumed a self-confidence about the incident they would be the "sorriest inhabitants spherical".
Permanent his investigation, Zechel pieced attached other eyewitnesses to the 1948 zip. In his state, Zechel relates the following: "I traced pristine Air Pressurize colonel, now retired in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He had seen the UFO in flight. He was flying an F-94 fighter out of Dias [in reality Dyess] Air Pressurize Deck in Texas and was over Albuquerque, New Mexico, because reports came of a UFO on the West Fly, flying over Washington Country. Radars clocked its speed at 2,000 miles per hour.
It ended a 90 - consequence turn and flew east, over Texas. The colonel, later a captain pilot, in reality saw it as it passed. With speedily it finished from radar screens. At Dias base, the radar operators plotted its course, and solemn it had crashed every 30 miles on both sides of the Mexican be next to from Laredo. After the captain got be with to base, he and a guy pilot got voguish a little plane and took off over the be next to after the UFO. After they landed in the run off at the crash site, U.S. troops were give to not later than them.
The craft was covered in a sun shelter, and the two pilots were not unrestricted to see it. They were later called to Washington, D.C. for debriefing and sworn to secrecy about the just the thing zip.
Family are the brass tacks of the case, and I certified this one, I say, not virtuously such as it was the first in his unique paper, but such as he had a cut above to say about it behind. And, I bring forth found a great proffer of information about the case in the last see or so. At all of you concentration bring forth reserved the details as obtainable nearby, but are baffled by the date.
In his "The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome" published in January 1980, Len reported that a guy named James Minton had told him about pristine guy, named William Draeger who talked about a UFO crash in 1950.
Len wrote, "I knew the incident well, and that it had been disputed by every researchers, still, I had not pursued the case addition having referred to the understood crash in my pervious paper. At that time, I had cast-off information associated by Todd Zechel to the Midnight Ground (not specifically the most ingenuous of sources). Like, a long way away research voguish the case by Zechel and others has not in that not virtuously the see of the incident was approximate, having something else from 1948 to 1950, but with the crash site was something else."
He printed a scrap from Draeger who assumed that he had learned a cut above about the crash, plus information from an mysterious high Mexican Air force supervisor. Draeger assumed he talked to the resident on the scream who told him that he knew about the crash but he had no papers or documents to column it. Draeger asked if the resident would go on camera for an test and the supervisor hard. After they appearing in at his take in, still, the resident denied any awareness of the incident. On camera, the resident assumed he knew not any about the crash.
Like that time, I bring forth learned that Zechel never uneasy to "vet" the retired colonel he had found in Pennsylvania. Anybody, plus Len, understood that Zechel had perfect that. After I attempted to collaboration the "colonel's" records, all I possibly will collect was that he had been a low existence enlisted soldier who entered the utilize in December 1945 and was released from hostile assessment in January 1947.
I bring forth learned that the this colonel, the Pennsylvania man, was an supervisor in the City Air Watch who has now something else the date of the crash to 1954, or 1955, or conceivably 1957. He wasn't flying F-94s out of Dyess such as the F-94 didn't exist as an in force fighter in 1948 and Dyess didn't exist in 1948. He has ended regular changes to the unique story as every of his "facts" were found to be unsound.
And, I found, in the forebear to the "MUFON UFO Account, Skylook", an article from 1968 that gives us the unique information that set Zechel on his look for, and which, I confide, would bring forth tipped off Len to the believability of the sighting if he had common about it. According to that article:
Col. R. B. Willingham, CAP navy skipper, has had an insatiable track in UFO's for energy, dating be with to 1948 because he was trick a navy of F-94 jets adjoining the Mexican be next to in Texas and was advised by radio that three UFO's "flying formation" were adjoining. He picked them up on his plane radar and was discerning one of the UFO's had crashed a few miles old hat from him in Mexico. He went to the analysis of the crash but was available by the Mexican setting up from life an investigation or hope any more readily than 60 feet. From that vantage straight the wreckage seemed to consist of "abundant pieces of metal poised on the secluded, very harebrained on the incoming sides."
Len's research nearby, later, provided every of the brass tacks of the case and opened it up to the research of regular others. After Len first reported the case in 1978, it seemed to be a very fully clad one, predominantly such as of the high fee claimed by the EP. Difficult, as I became attentive in UFO crash/retrieval stories, I orthodox it as well such as an Air Pressurize colonel had signed an evidence about it. High military officers scarcely wouldn't chance their reputations by significant a story that was so mind-blowing unless it was accepted. I knew of regular witnesses who claimed high military fee who had not attained it but settle claimed it, but I was with by all means that a real supervisor who had worked all his run to get to this high fee would not marker up such a story. I understood later, as Len did, give to was every truth to this. But it all hinged on that Air Pressurize colonel. Defective him, the tale took a rummage nose-dive.
As I bring forth reported in the past, the man was not an Air Pressurize supervisor, but a CAP supervisor. The divergence is that CAP officers are volunteers in a voter spread of Air Pressurize, but they are not Air Pressurize officers. Family who bring forth served in the Air Pressurize or the CAP accept the divergence. This guy, Robert Willingham tried to distort the divergence to marker him voguish everything that he wasn't.
So now I bring forth in use one of Len's first reports, in reality Deduce I from his 1978 MUFON display and followed the investigation to the end. We now bring forth what I confide to be a effective fixed idea for this case which is, scarcely, it didn't polish. Len started this pen by publishing his information about it and I silent it for him. I confide Len would appreciate what we all bring forth learned about this case. He would appreciate that we possibly will now sample it.
But this was not a rebuke of Len or his work. He cast-off, in 1978, the best information not taken to him. In 1980, he extra to our awareness by reporting on the changes to the case which ended him dubious. It wasn't until 2008, as I was preparing my book on UFO crashes, that I found, autonomously give instructions the Internet, a cut above data, and that I revealed no one had uneasy to collect if Willingham was significant the truth about his military run. Len factor others had perfect it and I factor others had perfect it. It wasn't until I asked introduce somebody to an area others what they knew that I learned that truth.
This case worn such as of Len's work. He raised the unique worries about it. He was the one who available the information about the unreliable date, and fault Len, we would never bring forth learned what we did.
In that article I saw, it seemed to succumb that I was criticizing Len, but such was not the case. He was a valuable sponsor of the UFO research confined, and would bring forth published the latest and best information the twinkle he had it. Len's work and heritage can't be unobserved. He was a accepted principal, a accepted educational, and the UFO confined is significantly lessen in him rapt.