"Just saw a UFO - in the sense, no idea what it was. On the porch, watching the fireworks. Through the trees, from the east, we see a large and very bright orange light, got the sense the shape was cylinder like, like a plane would be, but instead of regular plane lights (in terms of color and shape, as well as configuration) the whole thing seemed to be one big orange light, or possibly, made up of several lights. The thing was pretty big, it kept moving towards us to the west, and upwards, keeping the lights and color the whole time. then it moved a little towards the north and higher, as it did so, all the lights went out except for a very dim grayish kind of light. I ran and got the binoculars, and through the binocs, the whole thing appeared as a round, white orb -- translucent, and very bright. By this time it was now flying very low, downwards to the north west. "
"It came from the east, low in the sky then rose, then veered to the north but went higher, then back down to the west. Very weird. "
Blogger Regan Lee starts new year with UFO sighting - Orlando Paranormal Examiner.com.