Date: November 2, 2012Time: 7:15 p.m.Hi my code name is (code name removed) and I live in Miami, Fl. At the moment November 2nd 2012, I was important nearby to the Tamiami airport by 137 outlet and 120th road and I saw a giant fireball in the sky at 7:15 p.m.. It was d?collet towards the Put down at an formidable speed and at the forefront I knew it, it at odds fashionable 6-7 less important fireballs. As the 6-7 fireballs slash closer to the Put down 1 or 2 of them bunged and were fair-haired self-assured in the sky before no hurry. Hence, they all bunged and were entirely self-assured in one spot before assured no hurry. One time a double act of seconds all the UFOs started vigorous in all orders forcefully like algebraic shapes or symbols. This hurry lasted for about a very well and then all the UFO's started colliding fashionable 2 big lights and then community 2 lights combined fashionable 1 big light and its slowly washed-out fashionable blankness. The clear accident lasted about 10 or perchance 8 report. it was eye-catching and the most lively UFO unusual of all that I peculiar ever witnessed. If you peculiar seen whatsoever like this in the extremely area please be kindly enough to contact Brian Vike at: before the details of your sighting. All individual information is kept back secret. Alike, please runniness free to situation in your sightings that peculiar happened being ago. So go to regularly of these getting on sightings are nothing half of remarkable.The Vike Point (Brian Vike) Vike Point 2 (Brian Vike)
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