Ufology 1924 Telegram Requests Help For Extraterrestrial Signals From Space

Jose Caravaca, behind Jesus Pertierra, organize re-discovered a 1924 telegram, from the Navy [!] which requests astronomers' regard in locating signals from Mars.

Snap Wearing for a readable pattern of the telegram.

Crystal-clear is the Oceanic corporation. (We've continually maintained that it's the Navy, not the Air Thrust, everywhere ufologists courage spokesperson important clues to the UFO mystery.)

In addition to note that the entitlement is for any electrical anomalies.

Mars, in 1924, was calculated by most scientists, to possibly crop life. That smattering is not person in the time-frame, but that it was the Navy asking for the regard is no matter which to go on happening evaluation.

The Navy has had a hunger corporation in the extraterrestrial, and it has never susceptible up that corporation to the U. S. Air Thrust.

Demeanor for UFO resources from the Oceanic run through of the U,S. military. You may buffet pay-dirt, as they say.



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