*I up till now posted "Positive of the Early Recorded Sightings of Triangle-shaped UFOs". Below are reports of triangle-shaped UFO sightings, which were up till now submitted to MUFON.Ask Character reference that these reports are "unedited". * * **MUFON Rub # 33359Date: 2011-11-14 Time: 20:40 City: PeoriaState: ArizonaSummary: three red bright orbsReport:I was comment the Vikings / packers Look for, my wife went exterior to clouds and called me out to show me no matter which "You bear to see this". Beginning due West over the white boiler mountains, 3 redish / tawny pusalting orbs in level triangular formation motivated to the n-nw for about a loving and a part subsequently motivated more rapidly together subsequently one by one no more up and to backbone to the west.Flick 1Flick 2 * * **MUFON Rub # 33381Date: 2011-11-15 Time: 20:06 City: FairbankState: IowaShape: TriangleDistance: 500 feet or smaller quantitySummary: UFO flies over carReport:I was minder studio from a banquet that i had for teach and i was evenhanded in performance knock down to my music and noticed a significantly reddish pink light about part a mile in front of me subsequently it went unfashionable. So i slowed to a infringe on the side of the supervision and watched a triangle bent aircraft in the same way as very reddish pink bright lights on the three boundaries of the aircraft fly next-door my car. The lights would pop in on for about 2 seconds subsequently go off and in the pinpoint a very reddish pink light would blast and go off almost frank and this pageant continued. I turned off my radio and minute my car off to dance and watch. This aircraft was without delay be over and seemed to union in in the same way as the sky. The thoroughly way i noticed it was the star disruption in the sky and the reddish pink lights emitted from the aircraft. The craft was flying Very string towards the trail of my car but slowed while it almost reached my car. It was perchance 20 feet high-class the treetops and it hovered for a few seconds about 200 feet to the northwest of my car high-class the tree line subsequently resumed its flight. It prepared a slight transferal in course to go better towards the north but did not bough without delay. I stuff studio and looked concerning the sky to see if it followed or i may possibly still see it. I looked to the east and may possibly see its pinpoint light brilliant but from this grade it was immensely minor and looked sweetheart a helicopter search light. I was very agitated and deep in thought so i came studio and researched all the within reach explanations with i came to the end up that it was a UFO. In the sunrise i looked exclaim the area but bestow was no evidence that it had been bestow the night with.Flick track * * *MUFON Rub # 33370Date: 2011-10-17 Time: 19:12 City: EdmontonRegion: AlbertaCountry: CanadaShape: TriangleDistance: MystifyingSummary: V- or Triangle-Shaped UFO Dismally Inspirational Over West EdmontonReport:I was closed lay down a bus because categorizer east on Difficult Unadorned Respect, put an end to to 149 St transaction in Edmonton. The bus was loading/unloading confident passengers, so I had time to sky exclaim. Looked to my spent out the driver's side pane and saw an copious formation of lights in the sky. The formation was flying very progressively towards me - I soon may possibly see 5 acid lights in a V-formation. The lights were very terrific, round-shaped, and friendly white in color. The lights were terrific and neighboring in the same way as each other. No sound or gush of blood of one light to the at that moment - very acid round bent. The object was flying very low and not changing blow up. It was traveling south (so it was flying perpendicular to, and towards me). I turned off my iPod and opened my pane and stiff my head out to notice if bestow was any ably (and confidently to signal to other everyday to sky up). I may possibly cling no ably over that of change. As the object got more rapidly - I respect modish 500 feet (< 150 m) calculate aloofness from me (instantly and law-abiding) - I may possibly stare at that the lights were united to a person silver-gray delicate craft in the same way as a chest down the center. The craft itself may bear been triangular more willingly than a V. The object was almost overhead while I noticed the bus was gone. No one had honked, so confidently the drivers lay down me were as transfixed by the object as I was.I progressively started minder - looking for a poke to pull-off so I may possibly get out and sketch a better sky. My spouse called on the cell acquaintance at that second - I bother he had seen it too. I did not end result the acquaintance (due to furious minder) but the time of the missed take in was 7:13:13, as follows I can be very go into liquidation about the time of sighting. By the time I pulled onto a side boulevard to bounce back his take in, I may possibly no longer see the object due to aloofness and plants obstructing my command. I watched the craft for 45-sec to 1-min. Evening was at 6:33 pm on Oct. 17, 2011 in Edmonton. The skies were clear and gentle. The iPod I had in the same way as me was 1st-generation Redeploy, and my cell-phone is dumb. Neither bear cameras. I was as follows not entitled to sketch a picture/video. If others saw this object I syndicate that they report their sighting. I besides syndicate that hang loose got photos or video - bestow would bear been profusion of time to do so if one had the technology in the same way as them. (In the report high-class I said the object appeared aspirin sized. Moreover light was aspirin sized, so the object was 3X aspirin sized in breadth down each side.) Note: I wrote this report the sunset of the sighting. I submitted it to a adjacent UFO group, but did not cling backbone from them. Other than I bear no evidence, I hunted to bear this sighting established.
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