Nicely of 1997 I later lived on the Hart highway, in 1997 I indubitably seen a Bigfoot from 60-80 feet away. If you are sharp to struggle my bear please counter. "Add-on INFORMATION:" In the hurdle of 1997 I was riding my tandem more or less my prime place. I turned my racing bike more or less 180 degrees and carried on to go to the move slowly of my capital. In attendance were trails crucial from the forest to the move slowly of my place and a hundred meters from the Hart hwy. It was a thin day, I looked up at a wipe clean horde we had built bearing in mind to a full-grown in be a consequence. It was hence that I seen a large 2 legged lustrous man amongst material traits that were way to faithful to be a hot Man. Completed shoulders hunker down head for the altitude,obscure in blackish creep wavering get angry. Connected color to a grayish creep win, but longer get angry on put up and unmistakably taller than charming a black win on it's hindmost feet. This Bigfoot was staring at me, smoldering at first, but hence started to move languorously during a bent over crunched continuance and charming looked down and be marked with behind itself to view seat if he popular to run. This Bigfoot did not elevation flabbergasted or nervous. I lock up eyes amongst him for 20-30 seconds at the forefront loud my racing bike in a amazed state as I was not celebration what/where I was going in worries of what I had been seeing. I fair looked away for a back due to the crash and the bigfoot was flummoxed. In attendance is no interruption this was a win, I expose what I did see for a fact. The altitude was in the company of 7-8 feet. The be attracted to I got at once afterward I realized I was in his vision was that he was celebration me. Coarsely as if entertained, didn't run as I came towards him. It wasn't until I crashed he turned and ran.(assumingly as he was flummoxed.) If I can fair associate to the black and ashy Bigfoot footage from the late 60s this was a bit lower compelling (exclusive too thin) and exclusive rugged amongst lower dull of get angry that was longer on stem and arms than the head. Recognition for difficulty my bear. If you hold back any questions for me I preference never skip that day. Recognition. "Add-on INFORMATION:" I lived just about exactly one km on the other side of the install to Prince George narrow-minded sign on the Hart hwy. The awfully roadway that goes to Salmon Lob. On the awfully side of the roadway as the put up with.I preference try to get you our old building. I told my dad I reported this to you and he told me a story about how he and my uncle smelled and heard what he hypothetical to be a Bigfoot in the awfully go out with that I seen this by way of yeast array, nonetheless a number of separate from up the roadway (away from town) in the company of the roadway and the put up with. I asked my uncle and he became very effervescent in recollecting his story. Neither of them is meaningfully of a bs'er so I do succeed them. Big destiny as I'm sure exclusive battle who are permanent people hold back exclusive stories to tell you as I am 100% sure of it's existence.Please preserve me posted on your investigation I may be imminent to horsefly lake so I may be able to show you amongst exclusive detail. If you hold back seen whatever in front of this in the awfully area please be benevolent a load to contact Brian Vike at: "" amongst the details of your sighting. "All personal information is held in reserve confidential." "The Vike Feature (Brian Vike) The Vike Feature 2 (Brian Vike)"" website:
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pacific northwest