Ufology Bad Astronomers Or That Dont Care
Okay ole Phil Merge of Bad Astronomy celebrity has been heard from once again. It seems he is displeased that we, in the UFO resident, haven't caved to his sympathetic awareness which tells him that UFOs are not extraterrestrial spaceships to the same degree place astronomers don't report them as such.

Call for somebody his revolutionary observations about this?

Amateur astronomers, of course. They are deep observers, out both night peering at the sky. If The Fittingness Is Out Hand over, then place astronomers would be reporting far and away the mammoth main part of UFOs. But they don't. Why not? Seeing that they understand the sky! [Emphasis in revolutionary] They value since a flash light is Venus, or a satellite, or a military glisten, or a hot air balloon, and so they don't report it.

That, to me, is the slaughterer state of affairs that aliens aren't visiting us. If they were, the place astronomers would spot them.


(Abounding Article: http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2008/12/bad-astronomy-part-iii.html)


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