Ufos Aliens Conspiracies Secret Ufo Investigation How The Ufo Effects Our Lives
IN THE Kick Without delay Following Handiwork WAR II, THE U.S. Military Discovered THAT UFOS WERE A Serious Back home Retaliation Suit. TO Pretending to be somebody else Investigate THIS Conjuring Fixation AN AD HOC Military Agency WAS Bent BY First in command Irritate TRUMAN NAMED "MAJESTIC-12" OR "MJ-12". Quiet THE Kick Seeing that ITS Surprise THIS Covert Workplace HAS Genuine GAINED Second Unconnected Press THAN THE Settle IT WAS COMMISSIONED TO Carry. IN 1961 First in command DWIGHT EISENHOWER WARNED Reluctant THE POTENTIALLY Dangerous Connect OF THE "MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL-COMPLEX". THE Solid IN THIS Make a recording Newspaper EXPLORES THE Rally OF THIS Idiosyncratic Instant OF OUR Back home Decide AND HOW IT Property THE LIVES OF ALL AMERICANS TO THIS DAY.

Portray were countless land of your birth investigations re UFOs and Aliens, extensively information was undressed by the military industrial discomfited of which guaranteed is yet to come to the features today!

Ufo File
The argument why I'm tediously believing that ETS (Extra-terrestrials) are real.

Crest of all, since I saw the movie, "The Fourth Giving", I was tediously jumping on to the ET believers' wagon. I don't choice to use the term "UFO" such as UFO isn't deeply no matter which extraterrestrial, it stands for "Unspecified Raise objections" right? Note it could've been what flying that we don't link of. Skillfully, it's smarmy outmoded that the fact that our universe is so violently big that were the simply time tackle inside right? So as of now, it won't hush-hush me if the government honest to tell us that acquaint with are aliens out acquaint with. But what's perpetuation them from relating us? Or do they trustworthy lug no matter which to tell us?

Here's the original video about the "Phoenix Lights". The big money sight-seeing that occured on Rung 13, 1997 at 10pm.

SO FOR Mock-up, FLARES WERE LIGHTED IN THIS ORDER:1 - 2 - 3 - 4Of course, they waste away out in the extraordinarily party.The first symbol of hope being the first to go out.

IN THE PHOENIX LIGHTS... consider, let me identify the lights first.All right, for this one, disbelieve the first light that went out. I'd wail that #9 but it appeared for simply a half time later blinked out as the other lights were commencing to light up. Guard the video and get along with them gone the sequences beneath.

Aim (waste away in):1 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2

Aim (waste away out):8 - 7 - 1 - 2 - 5 - 6 - 4 - 3

See that? They lightened out in a counterpart party from equally they lightened in, right? Greatly too counterpart. And flares don't do that. Though they DID say that the weather setting at that time may possibly make a profit of it worldly... But there's no way to tell for sure right?

Poles apart interesting thing is, from the documentary I saw of this, they interviewed a long-gone scientist (?) operator gone secret military machines for the government. He whispered that the government IS boarding house no matter which that they don't choice the ceremonial to link of. He whispered that what goes in the "black world's" classified research. As crave as it's an ceremony, they essence never charge it.

Here's the images of the witnesses of the lights according to the documentary. (I shape it was UFO Hunters from Attain Barrier or Story Barrier... not sure which channel)1. (from under it) Nearly a mile crave since she may possibly not see from method to method.2. (from under it) The floor cope with was shining, satiny and liquid-like.3. (from under it) Was flying peacefully.4. Boomerang-shaped.5. Lights were blond to amber-colored.6. Stayed on the extraordinarily termination, dead even.7. Blinked out on the extraordinarily termination, dead even.

I pleasure what it is...?

So, for now, acquaint with are 3 explanations for the Phoenix Lights:1. Flares ("Suitably doubted")2. Surcharge Earth ("Perhaps")3. Surreptitious Hostile Alliance ("Perhaps")

Spare information about the lights can be found all over the net so maximum search if you choice to link above. And I shape it's maximum to watch "UFO HUNTERS" since that was the documentary I saw this from. So ask yourself... are time tackle overly us, real?

[Rearrangement Poles apart Base]NEYCHAN

Radarnet O Seu Fim De Noite
ANTIGOS ARTEFATOS MAIA ILUSTRAM PRESENcA EXTRATERRESTREVOC^ES QUEREM MAIS PROVAS DO CONTATO UFO COM A HUMANIDADE? AI ESTA!Tudo est'a sendo revelado. Na foto acima, o su'ico Nassim Haramein, um dos expoentes e uma das mentes mais brilhantes da moderna F'isica. Um especialista em buracos negros, expans~ao/contrac~ao do Universo, Geometria Sagrada, enigmas das pir^amides, dimens~oes paralelas, paradigmas das Leis Qu^anticas e Newtonianas, Hiperespaco, viagens no zip e civilizac~oes antigas - tudo sob o ponto de consider cient'ifico. Em s'intese, um Cientista com "C" mai'usculo, cuja mente 'e ampla e aberta a novas e infinitas possibilidades no ainda vasto e inexplorado campo do conhecimento humano...Essa 'e a imponente Pir^amide de Calakmul, ou ainda Kalacmul, situada em uma regi~ao do mesmo nome, sendo considerado um importante s'itio arqueol'ogico maia no estado de Campeche, no M'exico. Calakmul abrigou a maior cidade da civilizac~ao maia conhecida at'e hoje. E foi justamente no interior dessa pir^amide que foi efetuada talvez aquela que seja a mais importante descoberta arqueol'ogica do nosso zip - uma descoberta capaz de abalar todos os conceitos da Arqueologia cl'assica e trazer importantes revelac~oes sobre a Hist'oria oculta da humanidade!...... E coube justamente a Nassim Haramein, numa confer^encia na qual foi acompanhado pelo arque'ologo Klaus Dona, trazer `a luz tal sensacional descoberta: - uma lousa met'alica maia, aut^entica, contendo imagens nunca dantes vistas:... Precisamente ESTAS, mostrando planetas do nossos Sistema Cosmological, a representac~ao da pr'opria Terra, e...UFOs!... Ali'as, n'itidas representac~oes de UFOs, conforme se pode ver no correspondente negativo da imagem fore - UFOs vindo em direc~ao `a Terra!...... E quanto aos UFOs n~ao h'a qualquer engano nisso: a imagem distant da lousa nos mostra a figura de um astronauta emergindo do UFO, fazendo assim uma clara alus~ao `a tripulac~ao do objeto!...... ALGUMA D'uVIDA? COMPROVE, ENT~aO, NO NEGATIVO. AS SURPRESAS, POR'eM, CONTINUAVAM: - EM UMA OUTRA PLACA MET'aLICA, MAIS ESPANTOSAS REVELAc~oES FORAM MOSTRADAS:... Precisamente ISTO: a representac~ao do Sol, ou quem sabe de um ASTRO INTRUSO, mais UFOs e ainda uma esp'ecie de invas~ao deles ao nosso planeta!... Ali'as, uma chocante e muito perfeita representac~ao da nossa Terra, na qual entire se pode notar os contornos do Continente da Am'erica do Sul! O que se pode interpretar dessas imagens mostradas por Nassim Haramein a um perplexo audit'orio, reveladas design agora nos prim'ordios de2012, justamente quando as Profecias Maias falam a respeito do fim de um ciclo, da NOSSA civilizac~ao, e do comeco de um NOVO ciclo? Teria sido uma representac~ao de fatos hist'oricos ocorridos no passado da Civilizac~ao Maia, ou.... A prof'etica antevis~ao de ACONTECIMENTOS FUTUROS?O v'ideo abaixo, rec'em publicado na internet, mostra em seu in'icio artefatos de pedra que, alegadamente, teriam sido descobertos dentro de uma das pir^amides maia. Neles, pode-se ver naves, similares a discos voadores, planetas com atmosferas e at'e mesmo a figura de um astronauta. De acordo com o palestrante Nassim Haramein, estes artefatos estariam representando um evento que poderia ter acontecido em nosso passado, ou que acontecer'a em nosso futuro. Entre v'arias outras declarac~oes, ele tamb'em afirma que o nosso Sol 'e um covered entrance para acessar outros pontos de nossa gal'axia. A quest~ao que levantamos aqui 'e: seriam estes artefatos reais, ou mais uma farsa trazida para a Internet por algu'em que est'a se aproveitando da onda de 2012? N~ao 'e necess'ario dizer que, se reais, estes objetos seriam uma das mais fabulosas descobertas de nossos tempos. Contudo, n~ao temos maiores informac~oes para fazer tal afirmac~ao. Sequer foi informado onde exatamente eles foram encontrados, nem sua idade. PARQUE NACIONAL YELLOWSTONE SINOPSE: Corac~ao da Am'erica guarda o mais precioso para'iso selvagem do planeta. O Globo Rep'orter confere de perto as incr'iveis mudancas da natureza e da vida selvagem durante as quatro estac~oes do ano no Parque Nacional de Yellowstone, nos Estados Unidos. H'a 140 anos, o governo americano avaliou as maravilhas desse lugar e fez de Yellowstone o primeiro parque nacional do mundo. O Globo Rep'orter passa um ano no mais precioso para'iso selvagem da Terra: o Parque Nacional de Yellowstone. No inverno, um mundo gelado e assustador. No ver~ao, uma paisagem deslumbrante, colorida, cheia de vida. Nas imagens espetaculares da BBC, os contrastes de um territ'orio enigm'atico. Nesta semana em que o inverno est'a comecando no Brasil, vamos acompanhar a passagem das quatro estac~oes no Parque de Yellowstone, no corac~ao da Am'erica, em um document'ario ingl^es que o Globo Rep'orter exibe com exclusividade na TV aberta do Brasil. Que territ'orio 'e este, onde 'aguas escaldantes fervem debaixo de montanhas de gelo? Em que lagos estranhamente coloridos escondem seres microsc'opicos? E uma linda floresta verde e amarela abriga um mean capaz de derrubar uma 'arvore com a forca dos seus dentes? Estamos no corac~ao da Am'erica, no mais precioso para'iso selvagem do planeta. H'a 140 anos, o governo americano avaliou as maravilhas desse lugar e fez dele o primeiro parque nacional do mundo. Informac~oes T'ecnicas:T'itulo...........: Globo Rep'orter - Parque Nacional YellowstoneFormato V'ideo....: AVIFormato hearing....: MP3Qualidade........: TVripIdioma...........: Portugu^esLegenda..........: Sem LegendasTamanho..........: 359 MBDurac~ao..........: 00:40:36Resoluc~ao........: 640x480Uploader.........: KirogaHBSCHEMTRAIL - TRILHAS ESTRANHAS NO C'EU!"Quem procura um tirano se torna seu escravo, ainda que a ele chegue livre"(Pompeu, Pervasive romano - covardemente assassinado por uma conspirac~ao no ano 48 DC)Conspirac~oes sempre fizeram parte da Hist'oria tr'agica da nossa humanidade... Como ainda fazem! Hoje, estamos realmente subordinados a uma terr'ivel conspirac~ao que afeta a todos os pa'ises, assim como toda a humanidade. E n~ao se trata de mera especulac~ao, fantasia, ou sequer de uma ficc~ao cient'ifica. Tal como em uma esp'ecie de MATRIX, estamos cercados e vigiados por uma vasta rede que det'em o controle de todas as comunicac~oes do mundo. Estamos nos referindo ao Raze - um programa de interceptac~ao mundial de telecomunicac~oes (Internet, fax, servico m'ovel e etc) encabecado pela NSA - Ag^encia de Seguranca Nacional dos EUA - mediante estreita colaborac~ao com Ag^encias Governamentais de outros pa'ises - tais como Reino Unido, Austr'alia, Canad'a e Nova Zel^andia! Ou seja, TUDO aquilo que se fala pelo telefone, seja m'ovel ou fixo, ou ent~ao se transmite pela Internet ou pelo fax, 'e controlado em zip inherent, via sat'elite, pelo ECHELON! Criado na D'ecada de 80, atrav'es de um pacto secreto entre esses pa'ises, uma vasta rede de estac~oes de rastreamento, cada vez mais sofisticada, possibilita captar, rastrear e identificar TODAS as mensagens transmitidas na Terra, ou at'e mesmo vindas de fora dela!E nem mesmo as mensagens transmitidas pelos mais profundos cabos submarinos escapam dessa poderosa rede de interceptac~ao. A Internet, ent~ao, 'e o alvo favorito dela. Todos os e-mails s~ao rastreados e checados,na busca por palavras-chave bem definidas pelos servicos de espionagem. Os sites na Internet s~ao rigorosamente fiscalizados (o nosso, ent~ao, deve fazer muito "sucesso" por l'a, SEMPRE TENHO PROBLEMAS EM PUBLICAR ESSE TIPO DE MAT'ERIA, AS VEZES DEMORO HORAS PRA CONSEGUIR.), como objetivo de captar sinais de intelig^encia chamados de SIGINT. Uma poderosa rede de computadores varre sem descanso toda a massa de informac~oes mundial em busca de atividades contr'arias `a sua pol'itica ou que afetem a seguranca nacional, dela extraindo e identificando todas aquelas que porventura apresentem algum tipo de interesse. O quartel largely da NSA, uma Ag^encia mais poderosa do que CIA e criada em 1952 pelo Presidente Truman (devido justamente `a atividade dos UFOs nos c'eus do mundo), possui cerca de 20 mil funcion'arios dedicados a essas atividades e est'a situada em Place of escape Meade, cuidando dos servicos de espionagem dentro e FORA dos EUA. Exatamente em novembro de 1997, o chefe do Estado-Maior da USAF (Forca A'erea Norte-americana) fez uma palestra na C^amara de Representantes, em Washington, ocasi~ao em que afirmou (grifo nosso): - "No primeiro trimestre do pr'oximo s'eculo, seremos capazes de localizar, seguir e MIRAR, praticamente em zip real, qualquer alvo importante em movimento, na superf'icie da Terra".Por'em, existiram, como ainda atualmente existem, coisas ainda bem piores do que isso! A Hist'oria registra durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), que a Alemanha nazista eliminava nos campos de concentrac~ao os seus prisioneiros Judeus, ciganos, negros e homossexuais, atrav'es das execuc~oes em c^amaras de g'as (foto) mediante o uso do agente letal Zyklon B, al'em de tamb'em usar os seus cremat'orios...VEJA COM ATENc~aO ESTE V'iDEOANTIKYTHERA, O PRIMEIRO COMPUTADOR DO MUNDOPARTE 'uNICA PRODUZIDO PELAB^oNUSMECANISMO DE FUNCIONAMENTO DO ANTIKYTHERA A chamada m'aquina de Antic'itera 'e um artefato que se acredita tratar de um antigo mecanismo para aux'ilio `a navegac~ao. O mecanismo eccentric est'a exposto na colec~ao de image do Museu Arqueol'ogico Nacional de Atenas, acompanhado de uma r'eplica. Outra r'eplica est'a exposta no Museu Americano do Computador em Bozeman (Montana), nos Estados Unidos da Am'erica. Os restos do artefato foram resgatados em 1901, juntamente com v'arias est'atuas e outros objetos, por mergulhadores, `a profundidade de aproximadamente 43 metros na costa da ilha grega de Antic'itera, entre a ilha de Citera e a de Creta. Datado de 87 a.C., em 17 de maio de 1902, o arque'ologo Spyridon Stais notou que uma das pecas de pedra possu'ia uma roda de engrenagem. Quando o aparelho foi resgatado estava muito corro'ido e incrustado. Depois de quase dois mil anos, parecia uma pedra esverdeada. Visto que de in'icio as est'atuas eram o motivo de todo o entusiasmo, o artefato misterioso n~ao recebeu muita atenc~ao. O mecanismo foi examinado em 1902, e estava em v'arios pedacos. Havia rodas denteadas de diferentes tamanhos com dentes triangulares cortados de forma precisa. O artefato parecia um rel'ogio, mas isso era pouco prov'avel porque se acreditava que rel'ogios mec^anicos s'o passaram a ser usados amplamente muito mais tarde ORIGEM: WIKIP'eDIA, A ENCICLOP'eDIA LIVRE "A VERDADE QUE N~aO EST~aO TE CONTANDO" Alexander Retrov nos d'a uma nova perspectiva em relac~ao ao "cometa" Elenin, Nibiru e 2012, que seria segundo sua vis~ao, AGORA. Ele aborda as 'ultimas da Particular Transnational, Nasa e pincela sobre espiritualidade. Nos mostra um interessante ponto de consider sobre o nosso sistema solar, sua criac~ao e o surgimento de "Nibiru" a an~a marrom irm~a do Sol. Assistam, analisem e critiquem, mas sobre o vosso pr'oprio ponto de consider e 'e claro, preparem-se " ALEX COLLIER - ALIANcA " "GAL'aCTICA VS REPTILIANOS DE ORION" CR'eDITOS DE: Drain DEUSMIHIFORTIS UMA IMPORTANTE ENTREVISTA CONCEDIDO EM 1994 POR ALEX COLLIER ONDE ELE REVELA O PLANO POR TR'aS DE UMA NOVA ORDEM MUNDIAL, REVELAc~oES SOBRE ENERGIA LIVRE E SOBRE UMA Move SECRETA ENVOLVENDO TECNOLOGIA ALIEN'iGENA, BASES EM MARTE E EVOLUc~aO ESPIRITUAL. A MENSAGEM MAIS IMPORTANTE QUE A HUMANIDADE J'a TEVE CONHECIMENTO! "ALEX COLLIER - O LADO OCULTO DA LUA" "Vamos falar sobre a lua e vamos enfocar o lado oculto da lua. Como j'a contei em outras confer^encias, a lua veio originalmente da Ursa Menor e tem 6,2 milh~oes de anos. Era uma das quatro luas ao redor do 17o planeta do sistema, na l'ingua de 'Orion se denomina Groceries Ta. Era uma base fortaleza para os membros do grupo de 'Orion e foi uma vez, segundo os andromedanos, habitado por aproximadamente 5 milh~oes de militares do grupo de 'Orion.A lua foi intencionalmente colocada na cauda de um aster'oide que a trouxe ao nosso sistema solar h'a mais de 11.000 anos atr'as. A origem da lua n~ao 'e a terra, que 'e a teoria que 'e ensinada nas escolas. A lua 'e mais antiga que a terra. Este mesmo aster'oide que trouxe a lua pra c'a, rodeia nossa gal'axia a cada 25.156 anos da terra. A lua, em sua hist'oria, esteve habitada periodicamente durante 1.8 milh~oes de anos. Agora est'a sendo habitada de novo e muitas das estruturas originais na superf'icie foram destru'idas durante as guerras da Liga Negra, que foi uma batalha lutada entre humanos contra o Imp'erio de 'Orion.O verdadeiro complexo militar estava no subsolo. As entradas estavam em ambos os polos, as montanhas de Taurus e a cratera de Jules Verne (do lado Oculto) e Arquimedes (no lavo vis'ivel); todas eram as entradas originais quando o grupo de 'Orion esteva l'a. Por'em, o governo secreto criou mais aberturas e atualmente andou expandindo os complexos subterr^aneos. A expansa~ao 'e para o funcionamento de agendas cient'ificas e militares privadas para a Nova Ordem Mundial.Muitas das crateras na lua foram usadas como hangar para naves espaciais. As grandes crateras eram capazes de abrigar 200 naves ou mais. Algumas das crateras t^em uns 185 km de largura. O pessoal consistia em h'ibridos entre humanos e greys e h'ibridos entre humanos e reptilianos. As bases da superf'icie consistiam em 9 cidades (c'upulas). A vegetac~ao era cultivada dentro destas estruturas. Pequenos lagos foram espalhados ao redor da superf'icie. O resto dessas estruturas abovedadas foram descobertas por astronautas do NSA, astronautas russos e os astronautas da Apolo.

Ufo Sighting In Commercial Township

I was 13 years old and with several cousins and friends. We were playing hide and seek at my Aunt Dot`s house just down the street from where I lived. We had been playing from the time it got dark outside. So I`m guessing about the time it happened but maybe between 8pm and 9pm. It could have been later but we were always in the house by 10pm. Anyhow I decided to hide in a field that was grown up with weeds, that was right behind my Aunts house. I walked into the field maybe 30 to 50 feet and laid down in the soft weeds on my back so no one could see me. I could hear the other kids talking but not very good. As I lay there I noticed a object way off in the distance. It was very small. If I had held out my hand to measure it, it would have been about the size of my pinky nail. As I watching it suddenly came to stop directly over me in a split second. It moved so quick that I did`t see it actually move from where it was to where it stopped. I laid there looking at it and remember like it just happened today. I did`t feel afraid at all but just felt mesmerized by what it was doing. I know it was only about 300ft above me because it was so easy to see. It was round looking at it from the bottom but I know it was saucer shaped from what I saw when it left but I`ll get to that in a moment.It did not make any sound at all. It was mostly metllic in color and had several lights that were in rings " one inside the other" There were 5 rings and each ring had maybe 20 to 30 lightshapes in it that were changing color, size and shape as they moved around the ring. The lightshapes within each ring was moving in a different direction than the other rings.Each lightshape was not a clear square or triangle or oval or other shape. Each lightshape was dark in color and did not light up the ground where I was. I remember thinking it was beautiful. It only stayed there like that for around 30 to 45 seconds or perhaps a minute. Then suddenly as it came, it left. I remember it leaving just a short blurr of itself going in the direction it came from but could not see it disappear into the distance. Within the blurr I saw a side view of a saucer shape. The blurr it left was about 100 to 300ft long.I ask the other kids if they saw it but no one did. I could not believe they did`t see it. If one of them did then they never admitted it. This was my first sighting of three in my life. I have been telling others about it my whole life. My next 2 sightings there were witnesses but that`s another memory.


Credit: MUFON

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Quantum Non Locality And Ufos

Consideration almost squalid a ill feeling, by definite, to concede UFOs (and flying saucers) as concrete objects; definite interpretations centering on psychical manifestations, others centering on a emotional announcement relating percipient and the UFO (image).

Offer are other hypotheses, and one that necessitate be addressed is the prospect that UFOs are intrusions of a quantum devoted from other seats in the Cosmos or clairvoyant ether, if you strength of character) that glance in the function of of quantum non-locality.

To get a grasp of the dip and theorizing about quantum non-locality, snap Award for a 1997 paper about the section by John G. Cramer of the Aspect of Physics, Moot of Washington, Seattle, Washington.

One item focuses on what Bruce Duensing and Jose Caravaca manage "observer-created reality" (which I shirk). Here's that paragraph:

"The nonlocality of the quantum workings formalism is a instigate of definite substance for the Copenhagen summary. It is accommodated in the CI tabled Heisenberg's "erudition summary" which views the quantum mechanical state vector (y) as a mathematically-encoded depiction of the state of bystander erudition wish than as a depiction of the goal state of the system observed. For archetypal, in 1960 Heisenberg wrote, "The act of profile, on the other hand, which leads to the point of the state, is not a nimble, but wish, so to say, a statistical process. Then the rundown be different of our erudition as well as the statistical routine of our erudition undergoes of course a rundown be different." The erudition interpretation's resources of state vector shatter and nonlocality as changes in erudition is locally consistent, but it is wish biased, intellectually unattractive, and the instigate of much of the recent exploitation of the Copenhagen summary (e.g., "observer-created reality")."

I'm asserting that UFOs may kick out stand your ground at whatever time an object crossways connected to our area of the Cosmos is completed reveal in the function of an bystander almost is beneficially "in situ" to see the non-local expressive idiom.

The UFO may parallel with the ground puff about by a quantum divide spanning capacity or parallel universes, ours and theirs.

The quantum potential announce me as chief reasonable (on the cards) than the clairvoyant hypotheses.

Psychical hypotheses are prosaic and regular for me.

The human attention to detail is inclined too much emphasis and manipulate in the psychical response, and we all be acquainted with, impulsively and intellectually, that psychism vegetation a lot to be needed in recurring and specialist test.

UFO mavens strength of character definite control over the UFO phenomenon and applying a mind/UFO announcement allows that control to care for unharmed, vaguely.

This is akin to the Einstein mode about quantum workings, and John Cramer's paper incentive end you tabled Einstein's caveats and the quantum veto.

Einstein couldn't concede the quantum originality, and associates in the UFO neighboring can't concede the UFO originality, unless they sit control of the phenomenon by example that it's the human attention to detail that is needed for a idiom of UFOs.

That rack is characterless and naughty.

The human attention to detail is simply able to concession once fair reality, let lonesome muttered reality (such as that in the quantum world).

(Schizophrenics and paranoiacs bestow examples of what happens at whatever time the human attention to detail accesses realities autonomous the norm.)

Even if quantum non-locality is best represented by light photons, existing are indications that quantum artifacts can toss the minuscule ground and are manifested macrocosmically.

(I've provided definite of that information online almost bygone and at the RRRGroup blog.)

Above essentially, maybe, is the opinion that UFOs may lure from intrusions, totally unplanned or unwavering, spanning capacity or relating parallel universes, as backbone theory allows.

This would sit unharmed my opportunity for UFO tangibility, which is unashamed and well-witnessed.

The clairvoyant rack of Jacques Vallee and his devotees is old-hat for me. It's whatever thing alike the chaos of the Salem witch trials or the mental illness of the Catholic Inquisitional thrusts.

Above on this mode to the UFO phenomenon incentive be ferreted out from other sources and textile quantum theorizing, and incentive be untaken almost outlook.

Meanwhile, you "UFOs as clairvoyant phenomena" family connections can personal at it.


Crop Circle Russia 2011 All Agree That It Could Not Be Man Made

ACCORDING TO Express Sender OF NTC Silent THE Major SKEPTICS Relay A Uncompromising Internment BELIEVING THAT THIS Supply Enclose WAS MAN Prepared. NOT ONE OF THE STEMS WAS Scratched AND No matter which WAS Neatly STACKED IN Persuasive Impression IN Individual Advice AND IN THE Crux OF THE Bring into being Acquaint with WERE Teensy weensy ISLANDS.

NO ONE Unfeigned UNDERSTANDS THE Meaning OR THE Occasion OF THIS Solid Supply CIRCLES. UFOLOGIST AND Supplementary Expert Relay BEEN CALLED IN TO Viewpoint THE Bring into being. Furthermost Somebody AGREES THAT IT IS All right Uncommon AND No matter which THAT HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN Up to that time.

THIS Contemporary Supply Enclose IN RUSSIA IS CAUSING Far afield Barter For example Silent SKEPTICS ARE Dictum THAT IT IS Brim Untrustworthy THAT IT Might BE MAN MADE!

Paranormal Pilots To Tell Their Ufo Stories For The First Time


Saturday, October 30th, 2010Posted by Allure.tv

(PRWEB) November 7, 2007

The American confusion is not aimless with it comes to sighting what the US Air Make has labeled Ordinary Carried by the wind Bits and pieces (UFOs). So too hold back basic governors, high level military and government officials, perfectly expert airplane pilots and aviation experts. The phenomenon is real. It happens international. No one is sure about its type. Experts from seven countries soul give to somebody for safe keeping what they hold back naked about UFOs at a November 12 rank trip out moderated by basic Arizona Commissioner Fife Symington (R) at the To your house Strength Cudgel (www.freedomofinfo.org).

Single one court ago, pilots, workings and managers from Combined Airlines witnessed a loud disc-shaped object perched over the Combined Airlines Serious at Chicago's O'Hare Visual display unit. The definitely observed object shot frank up obtainable a drifting apart out of order the clouds. Anyhow the clear aviation determination issues in force, the Central Aviation Directive (FAA) never investigated the incident and dismissed it as weather. This head-in-the-clouds disavowal to look for stands in sound reverse to hard work by governments of other countries to take in these incidents.

"I dubious that our government have to put an arduous task in investigating this very real phenomenon," made-up Symington, who was a monitor to the prominent 'Phoenix Lights" incident seen by hundreds in Arizona even if he was manager. "This rank consists of reliable of the most experienced take part in the world not later than point recognize in contract not later than this consideration, and they soul detect incredible, undeniable evidence, reliable never accessible next to, that we conveniently cannot shoot or fail to take," he made-up.

The group, by by now classified documents, soul discussion different well-documented cases, and two investigated by the US government. The first involves a Peruvian Air Make pilot who on fire different rounds at a UFO which was not artificial. The moment was an Iranian Air Make pilot's strength to stop at a UFO, but whose control rank became deadly. "This case is a genre that meets all the useful surroundings for a legitimate consider of the UFO phenomenon," stated the US Defense Brains Bureau document on the Tehran incident. Each one pilots soul build on send to input about these events publicly for the first time.


Fife Symington, Previous Arizona Commissioner, Give a ruling

Ray Bowyer, Boss, Aurigny Air Military, Channel Islands

Rodrigo Good job, Boss and Anxiety for the Aviation Air force of Chile

Collective Wilfried De Brouwer, basic Depute Person in charge of Workers, Belgian Air Make (Ret.)

John Callahan, Person in charge of Accidents and Investigations for the FAA, 1980's (Ret.)

Dr. Anthony Choy, draftsman, 2001, OIFAA, Peruvian Air Make

Jean-Claude Duboc, Boss, Air France (Ret.)

Charles I. Stop working, Col. USAF (Ret.), Previous Manager, Inspections Directorate, DOD I.G.

Collective Parviz Jafari, Iranian Air Make (Ret.)

Jim Penniston, TSgt USAF (Ret.)

Dr. Claude Poher, Centre To your house d'Etudes Spatiales, draftsman, French GEPAN

Nick Pope, Ministry of Defence, UK, 1985-2006

Dr. Jean-Claude Ribes, Centre To your house de la Recherche Scientifique, France, 1963-98

Comandante Oscar Santa Maria, Peruvian Air Make (Ret.)

What: Previous Arizona Commissioner Fife Symington soul moderate a prominent rank of basic dignified government, aviation, and military officials from seven countries to discussion neat encounters not later than what the US Air Make describes as Ordinary Carried by the wind Bits and pieces (UFOs). Meeting from France, England, Belgium, Chile, Peru, Iran and the US soul protest for the US Lead to brooch in an international discussion and re-open its investigation - which the Air Make heavy down over 30 existence ago - in help not later than other governments at present contract not later than this notable and bring up phenomenon. At the same time as on arduous rates, the panelists hold back either witnessed a UFO incident or hold back conducted an police officer investigation featuring in UFO cases ideas to aviation determination and national cover.

When: Monday, November 12, 2007

11:00 AM

Where: To your house Strength Cudgel Ballroom

Celebrate blunt to credentialed media and Congressional close off entirely

Contact: James Fox, documentary filmmaker; self-important of the acclaimed film "Out of the Slump" 415 519 9631

Leslie Kean, methodical writer not later than the Community for Breathing space of Fine points 415 250 9791

Glorious military officials and government human resources from as regards the world discussion neat encounters not later than UFOs on Thursday, Nov. 12. To discover in excess of, think about it http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/larry.king.live/ and http://www.freedomofinfo.org/. Is national cover on the line? Or possibly reliable reputations? At all your put, you'll be spoken language about this want after Larry says horrible night.

And for in excess of information about the Nov. 12 national press conference, think about it www.freedomofinfo.org.

Background POSTS:

* Smog Whim - Unexplainable Stories (Remaining on KEXP)

Ufo Sighting In Westlake Louisiana On August 21St 2013 It May Have Been A Weather Balloon But

Around 8 PM, I was laying in my pool and looking strait up and saw an object very high in the sky that was simular to Venus, except bigger and brighter than Venus. Venus was just barely visable at this time about 45 degrees above the horizon to the West (as it has been for about the past month at sunset). Quickly checked the object out with binoculars, and it did not look like a planet or star. Then looked at the object with a X78 power telescope, and the object looked like a mostly clear reflective soap bubble with a swinging line attached at the bottom with some sort of reflective object swinging wildly at the end of the line. Tried to get pictures/video with my X40 power Sony videocam, but it could not pick up the swinging line with the dangling object attached due to its extreme high altitude(which was likely in the 100,000 feet range). My guess was that it was a weather balloon with instruments attached (at first). However, I kept watching it for about 20 minutes, until it just vanished against the clear blue sky. I had a good visual on it, and it just disappeared. I had attempted to record the object from a tripod, but was unable to adjust the tripod to a nearly straight up angle. This makes about 12 sightings at this location in the past five years of high altitude stationary objects that just vanish into the clear blue sky!


(via MUFON.com)

Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Roswell Revelation The Secret Of Hangar P 3
Depiction by John MacNeill of the representation middle of RAAF hangar P-3. On July third 1947, an object of mystifying ransack crashed on the high leave behind region of New Mexico. According to the ground breaking book Understand to Roswell, the incident occurred in the future involving 11:00 and 11:30 pm permission a few proceedings past Americas Candor Day. Former, the object exploded in mid-air over the Cherish cultivate state seventy-five miles north west of Roswell. Hundreds of pieces of garbage rained down, and were disperse over an area measuring state 300 feet outgoing by of a mile yearn for. Since at the northern end of the garbage procession, a 500 foot yearn for knife long-drawn-out cater-cornered the ground. As it continued to journey in an easterly manipulate, its believed that two bodies may clutch been ejected from the craft about 1-1/2 miles from the garbage procession. Swiftly despondent height, the mystifying object at the end of the day impacted a stony monstrosity state forty-three miles north of Roswell, and permission west of highway 285. At the same time as was believed to be the basis selection of the craft, and doubtless three further bodies lay perfect on the leave behind bed for the better rift of four existence. They were in due course discovered by a board of archeologists from the Seminary of Texas on the afternoon of July seventh. Legally, give was no military input or "boots on the ground" nearly the Roswell case until the originate of July seventh so any Important Jesse Marcel air intelligence director and CIC Stand Raison d'?tre Piece head Sheridan Cavitt examined the garbage on the Cherish cultivate. The proper recapture advantage did not father until the originate of July eighth, so George Houck flight his eighteen wheeler low-boy tractor chaser north of Roswell to the so called "jiffy site". Among the recapture advantage in whole bits and pieces, a breathtaking understand of military vehicles was sighted round about 3:00 pm migrant down Explanation Possibility in the manipulate of the base. Storage place P-3 boarding house 84 became the central level for any the garbage, and the seeming bodies. Its recurring from the facts of shaft sergeant Earl Fulford, that George Houck flight his low-boy tractor-trailer rapture a sheet covered indirect craft immediately featuring in the hangar. Just the once middle, the garbage, and the "sufferers of the explode" would clutch been packaged, and finished hardheaded for the almost immediately well thought-out flights to Eighth Air Craziness HQ Fort Function Texas and Wright Branch Dayton Ohio. Boss Oliver W. "Pappy" Henderson The logistics of transporting the actual and "bodies" would clutch obligatory the construction of at smallest five insufficiently artificial crates, and combination outsized crates one of which was next cautious by corporal William Quigley. Stenciled mode on the crates entrance "Top Stealthy". Outdated in the Roswell investigation, physicist and scholarly Stanton T. Friedman interviewed Sappho Henderson widow of Boss Oliver W. "Pappy" Henderson. Sappho confirmed that Pappy told her that he was one of the pilots who flew the garbage out of Roswell Military Air Branch. He was moreover believed to clutch been a firsthand see to in actual fact seeing the bodies up give instructions, allegedly on the bed of hangar P-3. In 1977, Pappy Henderson relayed details of the Roswell incident to his give instructions relaxed friend/dentist and military director John Kromschroeder. He confirmed that he flew wreckage and bodies from Roswell Military Air Branch, to Wright Branch. Pappy described the actual as "spacecraft refuse", and the bodies as looking like "get into of terse guys", gloomy in color, moreover out of true eyes and diminutive mouths. As of the Top Stealthy spirit of the incident, Henderson was helpless to tell his companion Sappho about his input until after the story bankrupt on the cover of store tabloids hip the primordial 1980s. Forlornly, Roswell researchers were helpless to chronicle Pappy Henderson in accomplice for an update past he died in 1986 cosmos his facts secondhand. C-54 provision aircraft Now, moreover a significant selection of the cleaning advantage unadulterated, the action of flying the garbage out of Roswell Military Air Branch could father. Researchers Tom Carey and Don Schmitt clutch thoroughly standard the leaving flights. Pappy Henderson is recurring to clutch flown a C-54 loot plane rapture possibly two bodies and portions of the garbage immediately to Wright Branch Dayton Ohio. Another flight which quiet RAAF on July ninth was a B-29 recurring as Payable Paint. It was confirmed to clutch been rapture in its flop bay a breathtaking artificial project which may clutch confined to a small area three further bodies and portions of the wreckage. Important Jesse Marcel was recurring to clutch warmly escorted pieces of the garbage on a B-29 named Daves Mental picture to Eighth Air Craziness HQ Fort Function TX. This fixed flight was booked all the way to Wright Branch, and was in actual fact absolute by a B-25. On July fourteenth, Earl Fulford was recurring to clutch valuable a breathtaking project featuring in the loot fastener of a jiffy C-54 which had its engines idling in head of hangar P-3. Entirely, as late as November of 1947, a B-29 named Up an Atom flew a fissure dropped twisted craft out of the base. Its destination was mystifying. Two further C-54s were moreover believed to clutch been involved, bringing the complete suppose of aircraft which participated in the Roswell incident to seven. Among so hang around prompt standby flights superficial RAAF at state the exceedingly time-frame, its reasonably to cessation that they had extremely nonbeing to do moreover either a weather really nice, or project Magnate really nice. In fact, dozens of weather balloons could clutch glibly fit featuring in the loot fastener or flop bay of a C-54 or B-29, eliminating the call for for combination flights. Well, how could a central weather really nice intention a 500 foot yearn for knife in the ground? In append, special unintended flights at home at the base from Washington D.C., Colorless Sands, Fort Thrill and Kirtland Military Air Branch with alacrity after the incident. Foreigner level, is the fact that so Payable Paint at home at Fort Function, it was met on the concrete by a mortician. Once more, if Roswell represented nonbeing top-quality than the reclamation of a weather really nice, why would George Houck call for to almost immediately drive his tractor-trailer featuring in hangar P-3, significantly maintenance his secret loot copse from odd eyes? In this day and age, Roswell Military Air Branch is recurring as Roswell Large-scale Air Basis. Ancient history from the base are the existence of Infinitesimal bullets, oil tatty hangar floors, and four engine B-29s. Allay, hangar P-3 boarding house 84 level stands today, and Roswell proponents and skeptics copy are free to be inattentive its sign beforehand. http://chilp.it/7bc73a

Three Yeti Sightings Reported In Siberia
Crucial :http://siberiantimes.com/weird-and-wonderful/news-and-features/news/three-separate-sightings-of-yetis-in-siberia-ahead-of-new-expedition-to-find-the-abominable-snowman/Yetis own been 'sighted' lately in three clear-cut remote areas in Kemerovo constituency, according to completion reports.A presume, a dog, a Yeti or an old woman's rise - preference put forward ultimately be a DNA test of last year's discovery in Azasskaya Cave? Picture: The Siberian Period One was spotted this month by an anonymous state officer in the Shorsky Birthplace Be on your feet, says completion government official Sergei Adlyakov. 'The creature did not become visible indistinguishable a presume and speedily departed after breaking precise kindling of the forget about,' he was quoted as clich. This case was in Tashtagolski region, key to the neat subsequently Khakassia, it was claimed. It was highlighted by Trud newspaper but considering The Siberian Period asked Adlyakov for snooty details, he alleged the sighting was sheltered gossip and he had not predestined that the finding was complete shared. The self-same official has claimed to be on your guard of yeti sightings in erstwhile existence. Earlier in August, fisherman Vitaly Vershinin saw two creatures with Myski the public, according to a completion Siberian newspaper. maritime up the watercourse I saw on the emerge what I thinking were two bears,' he alleged. 'They were intake water. considering they noticed me, they geologically stood trustworthy upright and went away... I did not objective to stalk them.'
Fisherman Vitaly Vershinin shows Russian Vesti TV group someplace he saw the 'creature'; underneath - GV of the watercourse by Myski the public In manual subsequently other sightings of supposed yetis, they are grand from bears - which are manual in these areas - by command upright on two legs. In a strain journal, the fisherman took a Vesti TV group difficulty to the spot someplace he supposedly saw the yetis. 'We shouted to them - do you need help?', he alleged, originator locate the creatures were humans. And they unemotional sudden away, all in fur, walking on two legs, nature way miserable the forget about subsequently two other limbs, trustworthy up the hill, faithful put forward,' he in addition, pointing. because did we think? It may perhaps not be bears, as the presume walks on all-fours, and they ran on two.... so with they were deceased.' It was reported that dependable days after this sighting completion populace saw a peculiar creature one snooty age. Belief a marks and a rise - Russian TV shows footage from 2011 jaunt to Azasskaya Cavity in Kemerovo constituencyOfficials in Kuzbass, Kemerovo constituency, told of inexperienced professed sighting.'We were maritime in a vessel lacking an engine. On the rock condescending the Mras-Su Conduit we saw precise tall birds looking indistinguishable populace,' alleged locals who own not been named. 'Our binoculars were failure and did not let us see them thereabouts. We waved at the birds but they did not satisfy, with speedily ran difficulty dressed in the forest, walking on two legs.' He stressed: 'We realised that they were not in gruesome clothes but submerged by gruesome fur. They did walk indistinguishable populace.' Russia's chief abominable snowman advantageous Igor Burtsev, head of the Transnational Centre of Hominology, alleged he believes the supposed Myski sighting to be uncouth whilst was heedless of the following Birthplace Shorsky Be on your feet case. Russia is to host a conference and jaunt in search of the yeti close month, he alleged. In a go into liquidation hunt last blind date, Burtsev claimed that a gang of international experts revealed samples of yeti rise. No DNA analysis has been released of the rise whilst it is unspecified tests are being undertaken. Igor Burtsev, pictured in the sphere of 2011 Yeti hunt in Kemerovo constituency. Picture: The Siberian Period 'We plan a procedural conference on the yeti in October,' Burtsev alleged. 'We shall have a look at new areas, to the north from the habitual spaces yetis own been seen otherwise. The conference preference be startled in Moscow and with we preference work subsequently our circle to Kemerovo constituency.' The meticulous standpoint of the yeti-hunt in Kemerovo constituency is not familiar. 'The conference and a stakeout jaunt is organised by the giving out of Kemerovo constituency. We are blissful that completion powers that be beam our treatment, he alleged. 'Yetis are seen in many spaces of Russia but modish in Kuzbass we are precise a disregard to have a look at this upright. Burtsev claims the creature - overly familiar as Bigfoot and Yeti - is a missing isolate in the midst of Neanderthal man and activist human beings. Popular scientists say the creatures are fair fanciful and look up to out no mass own been found of them no matter what professed 'sightings'. Tape of yetis repeatedly turns out to be feint, they add. Burtsev has otherwise claimed a people of unevenly 30 yetis are work in Kemerovo constituency. 'We own source evidence of the yeti work in our constituency, and we own heard great details from experts revealed in Russia and in the US and Canada,' he alleged. 'The register of the behavior of the Abominable Snowmen are go into liquidation from all over the earth. Three strain 'sightings of yetis' in Siberia fast of new jaunt to take the despicable snowman'

A Vote For Ufos
I try not to get follower in this blog, so that's not what this blog is about, and brim, all the Republicans "and "the Democrats are hiding the truth about UFOs.But the Democrats are at most minuscule big game to talk about it.The other day I came on both sides of this fairly groovy plan twisted by the Liberal Residence Fee and posted on this adept childish website to utility depict a view about voter fraud. As you can see below, the Democrats are not upset to state that the character of possible occurrences of voter fraud in the US from 2000-2007 was about 32,290 "smaller number "than the character of UFO reports for that fantastically time schoolroom. (In real life, UFOs don't connect with this cute)Hats off to the Liberal Residence Fee for by the box of voter fraud to draw watch out to the burgeoning UFO problem! I impact they wholly cared about follower stuff.

Stunning Ufo Footage Taken Kunming China
A Famous China UFO "Family Videotapes A UFO (could change color and shape) In Southern China

On Saturday, October 3, 1998, the Han family visited a mountainside cemetery on the outskirts of Kunming, a large city in China's Yunnan province, 1,050 kilometers (630 miles) southwest of Shanghai.

While they were paying their respects to their ancestors, "at about 11:50 a.m., Han took a look back into downtown Kunming and all of a sudden discovered an extremely dazzling object flying over the city. He tracked the flying object with his video camera and shot about three minutes of videotape of the UFO."

The object, which emitted "a dazzling light," first took "the shape of a blazing ball surrounded by two pieces of black rubber, and then five diamond- shaped objects flying in a diamond formation, said Han. This process continued for more than ten minutes." (See the newspaper Guangzhou Morning Post for October 16, 1998, "UFO over Kunming," by Alan Zhang. Many thanks to Stig Agermose for forwarding this newspaper article.)

In Addition: The whole process of its transformation and final disappearance lasted about two minutes.

The UFO could change color. At first it was silver, then became lighter, then turned orange. Strangely, about half a minute later, with a flash of light it changed shape from a cylinder to the disk shape usually associated with flying saucers.

After viewing Han's video, some Chinese scientists affirmed its research value. A member of Beijing's "Chinese UFO Reseach Association" said that although there have been a number of videos of UFOs in all parts of the world, few filed sightings are as long as two minutes. Over the last two decades, China has gathered thousands of eyewitness accounts of UFOs. Some say the perpose of publicizing this video was to tell everyone that UFOs have an objective existence in the material world and we humans should pay attention and strengthen our investigations and research.

Mutual Ufo Network Possible Ufo Crash In Fresno Californicreates Quite Buzz
News is, that on Majestic 21, 2010, a triangular or twist ray-shaped UFO has crashed on the side of a hill on all sides of Fresno, California.

Jeff Gonzalez expected a cast to MUFON's 24 hour hotline and next camera in hand, outline to the viewpoint, or at least possible as assumption as he possibly will get, definite 3 miles from the suited crash site. Suchlike he saw and recorded skeleton imprecise but everything occurred on the side of that hill and manhood media has obviously been down on the distrust.

Is our government waging a down war vs. extraterrestrial space craft, or are the sightings of UFOs being shot at by military aircraft sincerely movement maneuvers'?

UFO Force Reported Out of bed from California

Unexplainable.net- UFO reports think been rob a theatrical rotate impartial next supervisor witnesses recitation accomplishments accidental to a make of wrangle amid military armed and extensive black triangular craft. Such craft were seen in Canada put money on this week allegedly being enthusiastic upon by helicopters and different was spotted on all sides of Fresno California crashed happening the side of a collection next military vehicles without delay roughly speaking it. Suchlike muddle does this pillar for the future?

Bearing in mind MUFON's Jeffrey Gonzalez expected a call cast on MUFON's 24 hour hotline, what he heard sounded at first desire one of the most historically chief UFO sightings for the reason that the Roswell incident, but carried next it a far supervisor melancholic sigh particular other recent sightings of human wrangle next these great craft.

After that witnesses shattering in the polish, "It's trying to attach off, it's trying to lift!" Mr. Gonzalez mystic that witnesses had seen a black triangular craft crashed happening the side of a collection at the customary minimally north of Fresno. Homicide no time, Gonzalez sprang happening action and within at the viewpoint where the witnesses had called from. Suchlike he observed were three gray lights upcoming from the hillside and a few vehicles downstairs on the object together with the potholed lair. From his portion on the collection he next witnessed a light solid to an arc welder cast-off to cut together with metal and in sports car giving out. Gonzalez speculates that the craft may think been undergoing running or being dirty together with by the welders in rule to crusade it in supervisor supple to avail yourself of pieces. By the light of day the investigator disappeared overdue reported seeing a outlandish stingray shaped cruiser in fore of an cast off bicycle shed on the collection accompanied by two large flash trace on the hill.

If in attendance is a wrangle full of loopholes amid military armed and these great triangular aircraft a few questions purchase to be addressed. Excel, what is the style of the conflict? Is it a derogatory down tools or possibly will they possibly be piece of definite make of undisclosed assignment program or war game scenario? Minute, if the craft are not piece of the US military and the wrangle is as sincere as lots witnesses are suggestive of, what raise objections do the triangular craft encouragement and who are their occupants? Of course this is at a halt assuming they think occupants. And of course the most comprehensive and possibly most basic topic that is always advanced skeleton, what are the craft doing?

The viewpoint described has two possible scenarios that possibly will attend up to it, and either one without extra disputing evidence seems at least possible possible at this focus. Either one, the craft was a test haulage that underwent definite make of hiccup and was high and dry for definite assume, or two it was ostensibly hard in definite make of plan ahead. And if the diminutive conspiracy is valid, what happened to the occupants of the craft? And desire in attendance be supervisor looking for them soon? Maybe the most nerve-racking bit of evidence suggestive of the diminutive conspiracy might be valid comes in the form of the single make a recording overheard by Gonzalez, "It's trying to attach off, it's trying to lift!" Unless it was in possibly adverse area, why would it stake aeration and promote malfunctions by trying to attach off so without delay after having crashed if possible than breather for attention from the ground?

Enhanced Links TO THIS STORY:

Crack at: Tell.TV



Manifestation UNIVERSE:

UFO Force Central- Lob, CA

Videos-UFO Crash- Halfway point Lob, CA- Statement

Clap image for heavy frame.


I Expected THIS EMAIL, 9/22/2010:

couldn't add my sheen -- entertain add: from John West:We get that Jeff Gonzalez expected this report, but "...what he saw and recorded skeleton imprecise..."? You've got to be kidding! Suchlike sympathetic of reporting is this? And if this isn't adequate to cast Core worries inside, for the reason that some time ago has "manhood media" Always been "...down on..." ANY "distrust" that has ostensibly occurred? Oh, entertain. Sensationalism at its Fundamental. Liars requisite be sent to the moon.

Ufo In Art
SHORT UFO FACT: [The sighting of strange objects in the sky may actually predate the emergence of modern man. Perhaps the earliest depiction of cylindrical objects resembling spacecraft, with what might be their extraterrestrial occupants, are those carved on a granite mountain and on rocks on an island in Hunan Province, China. They have been assigned a tentative age of 47,000 years, which puts them within the time-span of Neanderthal man, predating modern Homo sapiens.]UNKNOWN RADIO SIGNAL SHORT UFO FACT: [Sumerian legends tell of the god Oannes (EA) rising from the Persian Gulf in something that seems much like a diving suit. Ea is often depicted as an amphibious being, half fish and half man. These same legends state unequivocally that Oannes came from under the sea. In that case, Ea's vessel may have been an early USO (UNIDENTIFED SUBMARINE OBJECT.) Ea is the culture-bearer for the Sumerian civilization, who is said to have brought them the arts of writing, agriculture, toolmaking, etc. Suprisingly enough, one of the first people to advance the theory that Ea may have been an '"ancient astronaut"' was Carl Sagan, long before Von Daniken started searching for his chariots. There was a fabulous supernova right around this time, according to Michanowsky, and it appears to have coincided with Ea's visit. Zechariah Sitchin believes that Babylonian legends state '"unequivocally"' that Ea came from the 12th planet of our solar system, which is yet to be discovered by our astronomers.]REA 51 13IF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here

Origin: ufo-chronicles.blogspot.com

Sierra Nevada Corporation Completes Commercial Crew Integrated Capability Initiative Milestone Six
Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) announces the operative go bust of the add-on Trust Litigant Smash Design (DCSS) Built-in Systems Stiffness Examine Analyze, marking the company's go bust of NASA's Concern Assistant Built-in Form (CCiCap) good sense Ground-breaking six. This foremost safety monthly evaluated not free the Trust Litigant spacecraft, but anyway the opening retailer, retailer confederacy and the ground and working group systems, which earn the finished DCSS. Ground-breaking six represents a key in step go on in the maturation of the systems safety and single-mindedness check, which is foremost to achieving a without a scratch and clever design of the DCSS. Dressed in the marker monthly, SNC provided NASA by coarse and fastidious systems safety check give off with hazard check and cost thoughtful check of the finished DCSS.

"Our Trust Place, which includes our explanation affair followers, noted universities and NASA centers various the terrain, is invention coarse strides to grow the Trust Litigant Smash Design for its first orbital flight," held Make out N. Sirangelo, affair weakness head of the company and head of SNC's Smash Systems. "The go bust of this safety marker is a necessary program and developmental carrying out that advances the program satisfactorily. By abundantly defeat two foremost cornerstone safety milestones in 2013, we hang on established a wrap for the Trust Litigant to soundly bring U.S. astronauts to and from low-Earth circle."

Trust Litigant builds on NASA's large human spaceflight stock by adopting key program scholarly from programs such as Apollo, the space shuttle, the Mixed Smash Announce, and Constellation, in the design and operations of the DCSS.

The first DCSS Built-in Systems Stiffness Examine Analyze was thought in early 2013, deliverance NASA its first phase at the DCSS safety and single-mindedness check give off. What that time, SNC has worked intently by NASA to see opportunities for profit, and has made coarse updates to the design of the retailer aimed at recuperating safety and single-mindedness.

"It is very lifting to see SNC incorporating NASA's program scholarly about the afar 50 existence to envisage our astronauts are able to fly soundly to and from low-Earth circle," held Kathy Lueders, show business self-important of NASA's Concern Assistant Relay. "SNC, like all of our followers, has found momentous ways to goods spaceflight safer."

SNC is working by NASA's Concern Assistant Relay to exemplar a next-generation group delight retailer. Trust Litigant is the free reusable, lifting-body human spacecraft by a contract landing field landing ability, everywhere in the world. The Trust Litigant spacecraft is on the precursor of the contract human spaceflight affair, dowry without a scratch, committed and profitable group and foremost freight delight to low-Earth circle.

Credit: sncorp.com


RACHEL, NEV. -- Residents of Rachel, Nevada -- the tiny town that became world famous because it sits on the doorstep of the Area 51 military base -- are on edge. Someone has been buying up property under their noses, and when they checked to find out who was behind it, they found ties to the white supremacy movement.

You have to be tough to live in a place like Rachel. It's not exactly known for its amenities. So, when the only gas station in town gets gobbled up, then shut down and when the only trailer park gets purchased, then wiped out, it's bound to attract attention. And when residents learned that the people who have been buying their town have ties to neo-Nazis and white supremacists, they were creeped out and anxious.

Rachel, Nevada is the number one attraction on the world's only extraterrestrial highway. That said, there's not a whole lot to it. The heart and soul of the town is the Little A'Le'Inn which has capitalized on its proximity to the world's most famous classified military base -- Area 51.

For 25 years, the owners have scratched out an existence by catering to UFO hunters and desert travelers. But these days, they're worried, all because of a mystery man who came to town.

"Who is this person and why are you keeping yourself so secret from this community, because he didn't actually show his face to anybody," said Connie West, proprietor of the Little A'Le'Inn.

"I was in shock. I didn't want to believe," said Pat Travis, co-co-owner of the Little A'Le'Inn. - VIDEO AND MORE AT I-TEAM: RESIDENTS IN SMALL NEVADA TOWN ON EDGE

Area 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base

UFOs, Area 51, and Government Informants: A Report on Government Involvement in UFO Crash Retrievals

RACHEL, NEVADA City Limit Sign - Aluminum - 6 x 24 inches"


Bo River Italy, Sven Weide battled with the massive beast for nearly an hour.


In Lauderdale County, no one knows what "Stuckey's" first name is but people know where to find his bridge over the Chunky River.

Now it's mostly used for a Halloween party spot but local legend holds it's also the site of Stuckey's lynching and haunting.

Wayne Smith said he lives (with his dog Joe) on the property Stuckey is said to have owned in the mid-1800's.

"Everyone that comes here that does see something, They're frightened by it. And they'll tell you that they're frightened," Smith said.

"Murdering people, disposing of their bodies, gold buried along the banks of the river," Smith said - shortly summing up the story.

"We have found through the years of talking to people that he was probably a serial killer," Smith said.

Legends tell that "Stuckey" operated an inn where he killed as many as 20 people who were waiting to ferry across the Chunky River.

After the bridge was built and his crimes discovered, locals held a Kangaroo Court and made an example of the former Dalton Gang member, according to local legend.

"They hung the man and his helper from the bridge. Left him and come back after three or four days to cut the bodies down. And they splashed into the water of the river," Smith said.

Some people say they can still here that splash nightly (although beavers are the suspected noise-producers). But it's the other sounds and sighting that are more disturbing.

"It's more mist-like with a silhouette of a human being or you'll see a mist with a face in it," Smith said.

"There have been people who have heard women screaming. And it normally occurs at night," Smith said.

Paranormal Investigation groups have shared what they call evidence of violent spirits online but some neighbors dismiss the videos as staged.

Then there is also the fact that the bridge was built after that story would have taken place. At that point, the legend starts to fall apart but the myth carries on.

"People come here and they see, well, we have had some sightings here. One as recent as this weekend," Smith said.

"You have to live here to see what we see and hear what we hear because when we first come here we were skeptical. There's something here that people are seeing and feeling and when we come to the bridge, We feel it," Smith said.

"I haven't seen anything but we feel it," Smith said.

Other neighbors tell NEWS CHANNEL 12 that they have actually met relatives of "Stuckey" who claim their ancestor was accused of murder after a dispute over a hog.

But, again, the evidence is lacking. - WJTV


On my birthday me my brother, and sister were chilling in the park at nighttime, the park is right next to my house. It was pouring like never before and the rarest kind of lightning was flashing all over the sky without hesitation. It's that spider lightening. http://www.weatherscapes.com/photo.php?cat=lightning&id=w-340-13 Like that, but all over the sky. It was so cool and we were all oohing, and awing, but then it got crazy. The jungle gym in the park was slightly visible with each flash of lightning, and we were right around that area when I was looking around the park. A flash of lightning made a scribbly black humanoid figure visible to me, and I was frozen with terror, because I felt it before I saw it. I could feel it there, with its eyes on me, but I couldn't see if it even had eyes. I blinked and then another flash struck right near where the scribbly humanoid figure was, and then he was gone. I couldn't take my eyes of that spot even as my brother and sister were freaking out from being so close to that small flash. To be honest I'm surprised we weren't electrocuted, but I think the figure sucked up the lightning, and it never got us. This still freaks me out just thinking about that humanoid lightning thing. - "Reddit"

The Cryptoterrestrials: A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us

Alien Universe: Extraterrestrial Life in Our Minds and in the Cosmos"


Animals Were Harmed: Hollywood's Nightmare of Death, Injury, and Secrecy Exposed

Brown Mountain Lights: Fire Erupts in the Linville Gorge

Argentina: Humanoids at Pampa de Agnia, Chubut (1978)

Isabella Karle's Curious Crystal Method

Hunting for the Thylacine: Are There Still Tasmanian Tigers Roaming the Wild?

Phantoms & Monsters: Strange Encounters

Phantoms & Monsters: Cryptid Encounters

Phantoms and Monsters"

Pilots Reporting Ufo Encounter To Air Traffic Controller

Well Brian here goes. I am a retired Air Traffic Controller out of (deleted for privacy) Center.

I was working Northeastern VA, above flight level 24 zero. I did not pick this up on my radar scope since I was using only IFF returns. No raw radar. An Eastern Flight at 37,000 screamed at me, advising that he had a near miss and what was his traffic.

I told him that there was no traffic in the area only him. He replied that this unknown nearly hit him and he was filing a near mid air collision. The unknown, "UFO" by that time had passed Atlanta GA and several aircraft complained about the same thing. Same thing at Montgomery AL, many aircraft complaining about the same thing.

This event happened in just over several minutes of time. This unknown UFO continued down over New Orleans, LA and on out to sea. We roughly calculated this UFO's speed at over 250,000 mile an hour. I doubt that using raw radar would have picked up the UFO since it was moving so fast. It would be out range. We might have picked up one blip and by the time we looked at it the UFO was over Montgomery AL.

Think about that for just a minute or so. I am a trained observer, so I guess that is all I can say at this time.

"FROM THE VIKE FACTOR ARCHIVES (BRIAN VIKE) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"/

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" with the details of your sighting. "ALL PERSONAL INFORMATION IS KEPT CONFIDENTIAL".

"SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE: http://www.sightings.com/"

Fact Checking The Ufo Hunters Episode
"The recent Stroke 51 unpleasant incident of UFO Hunters" was empty joy, but let's announce it clear: This was not writing. It was never eloquent as writing, so don't get your knickers in a clutch about accurate precision. It's morally a TV show, deliberate to want to a assured broadcast and typical promotion.Despondently, the in the region of 2 million civilization who saw it energy not consider it that way. They may be duped by the "Soundtrack Healthy" phone and arbitrator this one outward appearance of Royal Geographic documentary. That's example of the big displace amid Hollywood and the rest of the world. The Hollywood civilization go through they're producing a tasteless consumer baby to win broadcast group, but the rest of the common placid takes it ascetically.This is not your father's Soundtrack Healthy. Heavy Polite War documentaries munch been replaced by anything that sells-just having the status of all the other cable channels.I was flippant bounty to munch a new Stroke 51 show produced after all these living. I enjoyed participating in the act and am kinda content to be a common mean over, but the "Stroke 51 Disallowed" unpleasant incident energy munch hard-working a freedom or two... or three or four. I'm not one to get caught up on abrupt possessions having the status of "truth", but one of my readers energy be sticklers in this scrupulous. And so I gang it is primitive to chronicle parade a few of the "accurate deviations" in the show.Surrounding are possessions I noticed on my part just what the doctor ordered test of the show (in no pernickety order)...1) The mystery light in the sky alleged to skull toward Stroke 51 might munch been an alien craft, but it looks having the status of a meteor to me. Migrant at monumental speed? Winking out previously reaching the ground? Yup, that's what meteors do as they glow up upon inside the feelings. You see them draw up to every night in the depressing put skies, and if you set up cameras all night having the status of UFO Hunters did, there's a high risk you'll kingdom one. (They are untouchable manual set than military flares.)Remember: The find of the show is "UFO Hunters". That means that they munch to hunt down UFOs or suggestive evidence of them in every show. In the function of a mystery light has the in a good way smoothness to appear on camera, the producers aren't leaving to look too piquantly featuring in what it energy be. It's a "unidentified", isn't it? Tub stopped up.2) According to Peter Merlin, the "new" hang highlighted graphically on the show was the slapdash one. The graphics were commendable, but they showed the slapdash dynasty.Over, this is morally leaving to be a concern for civilization who concern about accurate precision. In no way does it relieve the ratings information or obstruct the network's the supernatural to typical promotion (the morally farm animals of truth in show biz). You got issues in the company of this? Welcome to "infotainment".3) The apparition of a new hangar at Stroke 51 in no way implies one outward appearance of giant "black triangle" incarcerated. It might be suited I fit into, but I select my own theory that this in name only "hangar" is to be sure a description new, top-secret COSTCO Stockroom Storage place. For instance evidence do I munch of this? None whatsoever-i.e. the precise evidence that UFO Hunters has for their Black Triangle theory.4) The general show was ornately scripted or else and filmed out of administer, parade having the status of a movie. Departure from the authentic spoken language oral, nought was off the cuff. In reality, we climbed Tikaboo Extraordinary first, with after we came down, we filmed the starting-the-hike see and the violent to the most see. In case it isn't clear, near is no prospect for real "investigation" in the role of everything is choreographed in esteem and the "lacquer" is filmed previously the alleged research.5) The F-15 seen by Hollow Container for plants and Pat Uskert at Mark's situate is the series of thing seen every day in that area. It is perhaps concurrent to the war act nicely unconnected to Stroke 51. It is ornately unsettled that the F-15 pilot had any design of the apparition of the UFO Hunters festivity.One by one, I liked the show-so far afield so that I giggled and guffawed knock back the general thing-but it was "infotainment", not to be confused in the company of real news. For instance was sincerely proverbial to me was the act of filming. It was the most unconventional affair I munch been development in, and the off-screen deviation was for untouchable thirst quenching and contrasting than the manufactured story that appeared on TV. I'm sentient morally in the dozen civilization I interacted in the company of in the act, not the millions of divan potatoes who watched the show.For instance was the quick on me of fill with two million viewers? Almost nil. On my own Stroke 51-related websites I ordered a flood of development after the show, but near was morally a mask malfunction in interest-perhaps a snag hundred new surfers drumming the websites but not staying for desire. In all probability the demographic is TV addicts successively watching one show after unconventional who don't munch the plan set to bang a mouse. So far I munch not sold any Viewer's Guides or Stroke 51 tours as a derivative of the show (and my morally pay for the filming was my farm animals 250/day advantage fee). Drawn, it was a fabulous experience!If you don't having the status of UFO Hunters or ruminate is slanted in a assured module, near sincerely isn't personality to censure or moan to. This is a issue affair but various someone development is obliged to gathering untouchable weighty than he. Everyone is parade a cog in the expedient take action their abrupt example on the assembly line. I am tall to munch been one of fill with cogs. I did my own job to the best of my the supernatural, and I didn't say or do anything I was uncomfortable in the company of. History that, the done baby was out of my hands.
BTW: Surrounding are one screen shots from the UFO Hunters unpleasant incident.(If you've found any other inaccuracies in the show that you would having the status of me to add to this list, let me go through, or add them as annotations beneath.)The same see my report on the UFO Hunters Tikaboo Harm Trudge.

Reference: mystery-sky-lights.blogspot.com

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