Ufo Sighting In Washington Washington On September 1St 2004 Two Parallel Lights Moving Fast Just Above Ocean Surface
I was sitting in my car parked on a small car ferry crossing from mainland (Strawberry Point) across Hale Passage toward Lummi Island, Washington. The night sky was crystal clear, and I was marveling both at how incredibly calm and glassy the Sound was and that I could even see the stars reflections in the water. I'd never seen the water so calm there, especially to be able to see the stars reflecting in it, so i got out of my car and stood at the railing as the ferry slowly left Strawberry Point and chugged toward the island's landing dock (I'd guess it only goes 10mph or so). About one minute out, I saw what I assumed were two lights on a car (one white the other red) across the water rounding a bend on Haxton Way, the road that curves along the southern tip of the Lummi Indian Reservation (across Hale Passage from Lummi Island) approximately 3/4 mile from the ferry. I guessed I was seeing one headlight and one red running light on a car, close together, but they weren't following that curve in the road I was very familiar with. And because I could see those lights' star-like long reflections in the calm waters, I continued tracking them awhile. But when the lights moved beyond the end of that small peninsula, and carried on out into the strait between the mainland and small island just off it across Portage Bay--can't recall name of that island, its the Lummi tribe's sacred island off limits to non-tribe members--I knew they weren't from a car of course. As the ferry got about halfway out on the 6 minute crossing, I began to assume I was seeing the running lights on a Lummi fishing vessel. But even over the sound of the ferry's engine I normally would be able to hear a fishing boat's engine from that distance, approx. 3-500 feet by now. The two lights, a white one with a red one right next to it, continued on--perhaps just a few feet over the water--and so, still unsure of I exactly what I was tracking, I waited for this "boat" to cut across the many long, narrow reflections of house lights on the reservation's shoreline shining across the absolutely flat, still Sound water. I was waiting for those reflections to be interrupted and stirred about, which a boat's wake would do. But when these two lights--which appeared now to be moving faster than any fishing boat could, and I thought I might be seeing some fast harbor patrol boat or such speeding out toward open waters--crossed paths with those house light refections and DID NOT alter them in any way, the hair on my neck stood up. It was impossible. At this moment a man waiting in the car behind mine jumped out to the railing, he was seeing the same thing I was, and we exchanged silent shrugs, hands up in air etc as if to say 'what was that?' I then next saw the red and white lights pair moving so fast, just over the water and curving northwest beyond Strawberry Point and out toward sea and out of sight past the northern tip of Lummi Island, that I let out a loud gasp and 'what the f--k' exclamation. I expected the other guy to reply, but he just shook his head and quickly got back in his car without saying a word. Having seen another unexplained light phenomena on Lummi Island the year prior (I just posted that sighting to MUFON earlier)--and having zero explanation for ANY boat cutting across those house lights reflections without a single ripple in said reflections, its completely impossible--I was absolutely sure I'd just seen a UFO. When the ferry reached the Lummi Island dock, I asked a ferry worker directing traffic off the boat if he'd seen those lights. At first he just gave me a weird look, but then he said 'Lots of odd things happen over here' as he waved me to drive on up the landing's ramp. I was of course stunned by all this, driving my car up the road and pulling off at the first pullout I could find with a clear view of Hale Passage to look for more lights, etc. I must've sat there looking for an hour, trying to digest what had just happened. Will never forget it. It was 9 years ago--I just heard about MUFON on the radio so just now reporting--but, especially writing about it now, it feels all the more vivid in my mind. Thanks for running a place like MUFON...
(via MUFON.com)
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