title: "UFO files declassified support"
from: www.aimdigital.com.ar
published: 19-11-2010
"Experts of the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects (UFO) remorseless the declassification of files requested earlier this day, familiar the be foremost of AIM UFO Museum Victoria, Silvia P'erez Simondini, supplement that Meeting ended in disparate countries "to show recruits work and comprehend that is science and technology. "
In tongue taking into consideration the Task, the investigator called for declassification of the Resident History on UFO cases in history of Argentina. " Therefore, "enmesh in more or less conferences in several countries to show work to recruits and comprehend that is science and technology."
In these comings and goings, "you connect taking into consideration all agencies, truly military institutions," which "behest fjord the pact of the declassification in Argentina, for example in other countries" is ahead of perfect. "
Ufology "is taken incurably in the world." Brazil "was even more than 4000 cases" and Uruguay afterward provided citations of culminate experiences. " These countries "honest the doors to the known to prevail on evidence and fulfil technology fix," he anxious. Thus, "our country behest terrain up and let recruits discern that these happenings happen in our division," he whispered.
At this moment, "we await the aftermath of the confrontation to which were invited from the Ministry of Science and Equipment of the nation." 140 jobs are evaluated and "we are hurried by the announcement, for example if we are legendary, it behest lead to talk about it, for example reality exists and is in our country."
As anticipated round last June (see http://www.aimdigital.com.ar/ver noticias.php?id nota=104551), is to develop a project to ask legislators from what's more houses to declassify the files that folder these happenings in the country and for that, "it takes 100 thousand signatures in make equal."